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Dungeons Semi-randomly Generating Dungeons

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Kuba, Feb 12, 2018.


Is this a decent idea and would you play it?

  1. 11/10 would want it in a future update.

  2. Yes.

  3. Wouldn't mind it if it's added, might play it occasionally.

  4. No, not interesting. Wouldn't play it

  5. No, doesn't fit with stuff (pls comment what would cause problems so I can think of workarounds)

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  1. Kuba

    Kuba Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    K so this post is gonna have a lot of info and explanation, if you're just stopping by and are concerned about a 12 page essay don't worry, I'll have a summary at the end.

    As you can probably tell from the title, I suggest that we add semi-randomly generating dungeons. I say they have a slightly similar style to The Tower Of Ascension and The Hive by having a central hub entrance to different areas, but rather than it being element based like in The Hive have it be solely based around level. This dungeon would take different parts such as parkour, combat, puzzles, and looting and throwing it all together at different parts of the run.

    *Big Explanation of how this works* Alright so, in an inaccessible part of the map we'd have different segments of the dungeon prebuilt. The more prebuilt segments we have the more possibilities there are, with the possibilities of even themed dungeons. To make the dungeon players will have selected from different options of level and length. Level won't make a large difference other than different leveled mobs spawning. For generating the dungeon and length it would work by using random number generation. Basically there would be a certain % chance of any type of prebuilt room to be selected, ranging from the before mentioned parkour, combat and puzzles, to hallways, corners and splits in the path, and of course an ending room. Rooms for loot, parkour and combat would have lower odds than stuff like splits in the road, by doing this the dungeon would have better odds of keeping the dungeon going instead of it being extremely linear and short. Depending on the chosen length by the player (or party leader if in a group) the dungeon will have a limit of how large it will generate, after a certain number of rooms have been generated an ending room will be placed. If the specific size hasn't been met before the dungeon is cut off it would go to an ending and insert a split instead, by doing this it could be consistent with size and not suddenly end. These dungeons would be different to normal dungeons as they'd have more than one path, giving players incentive to keep exploring even after they found the exit. The dungeons would have to be in a separate room than the main worlds as only one party would be allowed to go at a time. They'd also have to restart after each run to let it reset and generate a new one. The dungeons could also be expanded in later updates, giving new parts for new challenges even after it's been released, without having to fully rework it.

    For gameplay, the player(s) would be put in a waiting room with a large gate in front of them as the dungeon generates. After its generated it will open and players will be allowed to go down any path they like. Players would continue through hallways and large rooms with the different challenges. Once they've found the exit room all players would have to get there before they can exit. I suggest that a map system is given so people can see where they've gone and where they haven't, showing parts they've explored and having other places hidden. If dungeons end up being overrun by players and people end up being unable to join because of this, or it becomes an easy way to grind levels, we could put in place a system like the keys for the first dungeons, or a timer for when people can or can't join. A way I can see it coming is have the dungeon be connected to the Time Valley by lore, having the dungeon being generated by rifts in time and the negative magic from Wynn, with this system we could have it that after a dungeon's ready to be run, a random player could be invited to run it with their party (only party leaders would get the invite and changes to the party after it's been accepted wouldn't be allowed to keep players from exploiting the system). After they've accepted they'll have to all go to the entrance (not sure where but the map's big and I'm sure stuff's already being working on) and are allowed in.

    That's all I really have right now, though if anyone's interested on the generation of the dungeon feel free on asking me and I can give a more in depth explanation.

    *Summary* Randomly generating dungeons that parties can enter for loot, xp, and general dungeon running fun. Non-linear and multiple different ranges for level and size.Would be replayable thanks to it being randomly generated every time, making it different and not boring like grinding in one specific place against one specific set of mobs.
    dargonlrod and rainbowcraft2 like this.
  2. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    i dont think they can randomly generate entire dungeons with just command blocks and pluggins
  3. Kuba

    Kuba Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    If they have the prebuilt sections it's simple copy pasting of one section and the next. The reason why it's possible is that sections are prebuilt, so it's not fully random, rather than instantly generating the dungeon, it would work by copying and pasting one bit, and then checking what can be done next, this system of generation is used in most randomly generated dungeon crawlers like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and The Divisions Underground DLC. While I don't fully understand pluggins I know this can be done using command blocks.
    dargonlrod, Aya, Arkade and 2 others like this.
  4. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    oh thats wut you meant
    well that'd still be a lotta work lol
  5. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    That would just make for a bunch of shitty, bland dungeons that would get old really quick.

    Remember No Man's Sky? It was "semi-randomly" generated just like these dungeons would be, and look how that turned out.
    dargonlrod, Aya, H0Y and 1 other person like this.
  6. Kuba

    Kuba Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    The problems with No Man's Sky were that it showed content that wasn't even included in the final game, it didn't have any post game, and its random generation was the only thing left to attract players, with the system being left with randomly generating planets with nothing to do on them.

    This would be a system to get people into dungeons, with the same creativity as the current dungeons but not the same with every run. If people solely play this they'll of course get bored because they're missing out on majority of what Wynncraft has to offer, none the less with a large enough pool of segments, each with their own creative ideas, this could be an alternative to the main story based dungeons that people currently run over and over again without having to think twice about what's going on.
    dargonlrod, Aya, Jbip and 1 other person like this.
  7. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    While this idea is pretty neat and I would not be against it being implemented, I feel like it would not really be worth the time it would take to create all the parts, especially since this would probably cause a lot of lag with all the randomly generated dungeons that would have to constantly be generated, and would probably confuse many newer players.

    I am not opposed to this but I would much rather see work done elsewhere. Maybe if this was done for just 1 new dungeon in a brand new area for high-levels (Like a Galleons Graveyard or Fallen Factory level dungeon) it would be cool, but for every dungeon I dont believe the pros outweigh the cons.
  8. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    The problem with No Man's Sky is that it was an awful game. The first 2 hours are great, but then you leave the first planet and everything is the same with a slight variance. Maybe if you're lucky you'll get something cool, but chances are it'll suck.
    The same would apply to this system, except it would be even worse. You can't expect the CT to create hundreds or even just dozens of different parts for dungeons. For there to be enough variety in the dungeons to be worth having them be randomly generated would take more effort than actually designing entire new dungeons. That's without even mentioning how absurdly limited and boring each section would be for them to all fit in properly.

    Look, the point is, doing this over actually just making new dungeons is a waste. The pros don't outweigh the cons, not even close.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  9. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    wynns map isnt randomly generated
  10. Kuba

    Kuba Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I know it's not randomly generated, but a lot of the builds have themes, by using a specific theme and building lots of parts of a dungeon in that theme you could easily randomly generate dungeons.

    This idea isn't to redesign wynncraft as a whole but to add some element of surprise to dungeons, as currently once you've done them once you can easily speed through them, or just look up a walkthrough.
  11. CraterHater

    CraterHater A very magical mage! HERO

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    I like the idea a lot. Instead of having to copy paste all these areas into the dungeon we can simply randomly teleport the player to the next section to prevent lag. I really hope this gets implemented one day.
  12. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    They can I’ve seen it done before on other servers, if you want an example message me
  13. rainbowcraft2

    rainbowcraft2 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I've had similar ideas (though for different things; a D&D based minigame idea for a certain minigame server) that could work for this.

    My Method 1:
    One simple way that you could randomly generate a dungeon would be (Quite similar to what you have) to have a grid with X by X chunks or set room sizes (Ex: a grid of 5x5 chunks) that selects random rooms in a random order. Occasionally, walls will be generated between two rooms (Maximum one wall per two touching rooms, making it impossible to have a completely blocked path) to mix it up further.

    Now for the rooms themselves; all rooms will be whatever size (I will default to 16 blocks; 1 chunk for this) and will have 4 exits/entrances on each side. Walls will be placed to give the dungeon a more maze-like feel. The very outside will have a wall all around it, except for where the exit is, so they are truly forced to be in a dungeon.

    My Method 2:
    This one will likely be much easier than the previous one. They could have every single room prebuilt (Let's say 50 prebuilt rooms) and there would be 10-15 in the dungeon each time. Every single room has one of those black teleport areas at the end and entrance of them (The first room's entrance for going backwards will be disabled, or maybe the first and last room will always be the same) while the black teleport sections will teleport the player to the entrance of another dungeon room, the coordinates preset upon generating. Going backwards will take them to the previous room in much the same way (They will be preset in pairs) This way, there's no need to copy and paste entire sections, which will likely take a lot of server resources, because it will all be done cleverly through teleportation.
  14. Keeko100

    Keeko100 static VIP+

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    You can't compare NMS, a massive procedural generated universe (which is actually a pretty good game now after some updates), to one randomly generated dungeon. A better comparison would be Bloodborne's Chalice Dungeons, Spelunky, Dead Cells, Necropolis, hell even Minecraft mods like the Twilight Forest or Roguelike Dungeons. Also there have been randomly procedurally generated dungeons made inside of Minecraft without mods or plugins.

    I, for one, think this addition would be fantastic. Difficult to implement but worth it. The dungeons in Wynn are already pretty bland so I can't imagine procedural dungeons being even less bland. With enough work put into them, they could be really fun to do.
  15. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    I absolutely can. As I said, it's on a different scale, but that's irrelevant.

    They used a pool of assets and pre-created objects and features to try and make an interesting and engaging universe: it failed miserably. The same will only ever happen for this.

    Even comparing it to roguelikes such as Gungeon: these are entire games that are extremely linear and clear-cut, mainly in 2d, with almost all of the variety coming from enemies. The dungeons in Gungeon are also massive, and the entire game is dedicated to making simple rooms that will flow nicely together (and even then they don't always work).

    The interest and fun comes from the combat, not the dungeons. That's the difference here: the dungeons themselves are the draw in Wynn. Their puzzles, their themes. Not the combat within, which is nothing special at all. Roguelikes are a boring shell with an interesting interior. Wynn dungeons are the opposite.
  16. Keeko100

    Keeko100 static VIP+

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    True, Wynn's combat isn't engaging enough. Still would be fun to run with friends sometimes.
  17. Arkade

    Arkade Who am I? CHAMPION

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    How about TBOI: Rebirth or Enter the Gungeon?
  18. rainbowcraft2

    rainbowcraft2 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Like the thing I suggested. I suppose that's understandable.


    What if...

    The dungeon actively changed as you played it...

    And each room had a boss or puzzle of some sort?
  19. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    see my later post
    that's "Increase Lag" the suggestion
  20. Fred18295

    Fred18295 Me! (Not You) VIP+

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    Wow. This is a great suggestion, but it isn't particularly feasible
    I would love to play these, but I think it's just too complicated to be done, particularly if we want to see any other features in the next 5 to 10 years.
    Lag also would be a major issue, since this is some serious command blockage and plugin use.
    Overall, great idea, but hard to do.
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