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World The Nova Aeros Province - The Province Of The Heavens

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by _Iconic, Feb 8, 2018.


Should there be Provinces for each kind of Powder, Or at least a City for each kind w/ Quests

  1. Yes... There should be a Province for some or all of the Powders

    3 vote(s)
  2. Yes... There should be a City for some or all of the Powders

    2 vote(s)
  3. No... there Should not be A Province for some or all of the Powders

    8 vote(s)
  4. No... there should not be a city for some or all of the Powders

    10 vote(s)
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  1. _Iconic

    _Iconic Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    This is an Idea from Me and the help of LordOfTheFrog. The Nova Aeros Province. This is a Province in the Sky. (The Wynncraft Map Doesn't have to show it, or it can but just have it off to the side of the map or a map overlay toggle on it) In this Place, It will be located Somewhere In the Ocean Or Close to an Ocean... Or somehow in another Realm with a Portal to it.
    • There is nothing bad for a province name to be 2 words lol
    • The way to get there is by going to the Skye Captain (Cousin Or Brother of Seasail Captain). In this place, it will be like the seasail captain. You will be able to get passes to cities in the sky. The way Up is in an Air Balloon and you just sit and wait like on the Seasail Ship and talk to the Skye Captain.
    • This place can Range from any level in certain areas. And in some areas can range between levels like lvl 50-70+ or lvl 80-100+.
    • The good thing is that in certain areas you can just jump off into the water. Some areas could have Towers that you can climb up from. There can be a Dungeon in the sky and every mob in the province will be strong in Air and Water skills.
    • Mobs will also be a lot faster than normal... They can be equipped (Like from looking at their skin) with Goggles and/or Wings (Particles or a custom Texture)
    • The Questlines... each of them will reward an Air Powder (Tiers Go up the higher level the quest is)
    • Like the Tower Of Ascension, There will be a "Gateway To Heaven" Questline that does the same as the ToA but the mobs all are Air + Something (Air + Air Lol) and a feature only for this Tower... A Boss that is for level 80-100+ and gives A lot of Emeralds and XP and a lot of Air Powders.
    • This province, if this can be a thing, will be made after the Dern myth Province/ whatever is behind Rymek is done. Having A new province means ADVENTURE!!!
    • Having Provinces That are based on the 5 Powders could lead to good provinces like because they are certainly based on something in an area that it matches
    ~I know a lot of people will not like this idea because it is a straight up province in the sky... like there's nothing wrong with that... there's literally a province full of robos. Having one in the sky can further add more depth to the game by adding a new space that almost any level can go to and do certain quests. A bunch of grinding and Dungeons could be made here hence it is in the sky and can be taken to a sky realm. I'm Sure a lot of players will like this idea and some not like it.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2018
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    why in the world did you think making the text grey and impossible to read on dark theme was a good idea

    real shit coming soon
  3. _Iconic

    _Iconic Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Not so bad to see
    SUPER M likes this.
  4. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    ok and nobody said there was
    being apprehensively defensive about something is only going to make it seem like it is a problem
    Why is it "Skye" with an e?? It makes no sense. It would just be Sky Captain or something if they're meant to be similar to the Seaskipper captain (assuming that's who you mean and not some new person called Seasail Captain). Also, i actually have no clue what you're saying with "In this place, it will be like the seasail captain"
    So it's just a shitty ripoff of the sky islands and the seaskipper

    20-level gaps in a single area are an awful idea. Interspersing the location with different level ranges is also a bad idea by itself. All that does is make the area seem smaller, more boring, and cut up. You don't go to Gavel or Corkus at level 30-40, then leave and come back at level 60-70. Just plain bad design.
    how is this a good thing
    this is just a thing
    calling things good don't make them good

    is there civilization in "the heavens?" for that matter, what are the heavens? You've failed to explain the basic core of your suggestion...
    again, why

    from what we've seen of any "heaven-like" area, there are no mobs, which makes sense, considering heaven is supposed to be a place for good things. A dungeon makes even less sense, and the absurd lack of details doesn't help. This is like when a child "designs" a castle by naming random stuff they've seen in comics

    water doesn't make sense either
    have you ever heard of reasoning? You don't seem to have any, anywhere.

    This would also just be unnecessarily annoying, on top of the fact that mobs shouldn't even exist if this province is anything like what it should be based on what it is
    in what world does Heaven = Goggles
    So the quests would be entirely worthless. Also... what quests?

    Great design.
    so we're literally just copying shit now

    we have 3 of these raid dungeons
    we don't need a 4th that's also terrible
    Having this new province means having an adventure as fun and engaging as watching paint dry. After Dern is Fruma. After that is far enough in to the future that deciding it now isn't necessary or useful, especially not when you aren't part of the CT and have no idea what direction they want the game to go in.
    That's terrible design. Basing an entire province off of one tiny feature is trying to write a thousand-page novel about a single coffee table. Besides, it makes no sense whatsoever in the lore.

    it also would make for horribly repetitive and uncreative gameplay and features

    no there isn't
    there's one area in a half-province that has robots contained within it. That doesn't make your bad idea good. If we're going off of stuff that's already in the game; there's already multiple heaven/sky-like areas.
    This doesn't add depth at all. It just makes the game bigger. "A mile wide but an inch deep" is perfect for this suggestion, except it probably isn't even that big either. Having somewhere "Any level can go to and do certain quests" is the opposite of good design in an RPG.
    Two things have never been so uncorrelated.
    Some people will like the idea of a province in the sky. Some people will enjoy the barest shell that you created. Very few should believe that this suggestion is good in it's entirety.
    No, a lot of people will not like this idea because it is a bad idea.
  5. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    that diss at the end doe

    also i want to criticize it too
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2018
  6. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    dunno how the map thing would work
    i don't really like the idea of an entire province off the map
    Take dimensions/realms
    notice a pattern with all of them?
    they are all 1 time places used for a single quest (or lit pvp)
    having a province outside the map just makes things much harder to located, as you have no general cords to go by

    Well where can we get to it

    well explain how this would work
    how do you get in (i.e. you die to Krolton, you walk into a portal)
    where is the portal
    Back on the dimensions/realm thing again
    You really need to go in depth on this one, your suggesting an entire province
    why is this your first bullet
    why do you have bullets
    this isn't a language arts project
    it's whatever you want it to
    your choice was poor

    but this time i don't think it should have 2 words
    unless it was Capsicum annuum then i would be cool with that
    but it's not the latin word for potato so no

    There's 5 (i count corkus and dern) provinces
    Wynn, Gavel, Fruma, Corkus, and Dern
    they are all 1 word
    something as major of this should follow the theme

    also Nova Aeros? really?
    that isn't heaven and sky
    that's space and nerd stuff i like
    but why

    and what happened to portals?

    If you haven't paid attention to the seaskipper captain, he says his brothers inherited everything his father owned besides the boat
    Mainly land and wealth
    He says he seaskips to make cash
    well if his brothers are wealthy, then why would they need to start a business
    and i dunno if they would have a sky and water travel system

    why does it have to be related to the seaskipper
    that's like making all the travel npcs 1 big family bloodline
    but that's not fun.
    "Well i did all the quests for my level time to forget about you until 10 more painful levels"
    i have never said that to myself
    ganon did a lot of stuff already so i mean i can go by what he made already
    having multiple separated leveling areas is stupid
    no one would stay there.
    and why would it be level min 50
    Endgame players who are waiting for content will have to wait even more because they can't focus on endgame content like corkus, but have to divide it up.
    Explain more
    guide the CT towards your suggestion
    imagine they don't understand anything
    guide them
    be their conducter

    So like
    where is it again?
    you got me confused
    is it a dimension? above a lake or ocean? Sky islands perhaps?
    you can't seem to remember what your suggesting here

    Towers, what do you mean
    are they your average pillars of solid blocks?
    spice some things up
    add jump boost
    low gravity
    add challenge
    add sniping mobs
    add reward
    make the player feel good for reaching the top
    perhaps a good weapon
    or some armor that is good against the mobs located there
    just a lookout place is bland and no one would use them if they just peeked at the map

    A dungeon
    no explanation

    Your going on bit of a run-on sentence
    Well why tho
    just bring a thunder weapon
    that will make it so much easier and remove any challenge

    that isn't very creative

    so they will just be Air-Water Mobs that are fast
    all of them
    that's boring and no fun

    like come on
    look at both wynn and gavel
    they are full of creative mobs and different experiences
    why would anyone come here if they are just being thrown the same experience
    almost no biome in 2 provinces is identical
    perhaps some plains, but they have different land content and mobs to spice things up

    Maro peaks is a great example for spice
    You have to go on bridges avoiding the melee mobs and taking down ranged mob pillars
    a single air powder
    "let's just give them a useless white bag of DUST"

    i do like powders, i really do
    but you can get them so easily
    maybe t6 might take a bit, but the rest are like incredibly easy
    mobs and chests give 1-4

    t1 powders are useless by the way

    oh yeah
    you don't have a SINGLE piece of lore
    like what are you gonna say?
    "We're just a boring cloud place. Walk around, but don't come back until your *insert level*!"

    this is stupid
    ripoff of toa and hive and legendary island
    you get emeralds and xp from toa and xp from hive
    Air powders don't matter
    level up
    theres The Qira Hive
    very similar to ToA but guess what
    level 80-100

    there is nothing exclusive to the... tower?
    aren't we already in heaven? and why is it a tower now
    Fruma is planned next after Dern
    a single province about clouds isn't adventurous

    like this but in a different perspective
    Making a province in water vapor isn't adventurous
    it's just walking in clouds...
    looking around...
    occasional slip and tedious get back up...
    You see what i mean?
    Wynn has a dessert, a mesa, forest, plains, corrupted battle field, jungle, bigger jungle...
    it's all different!
    You can't fit any other things in a cloud place other than

    like wynn and gavel have so many different places to explore
    it's clouds
    it's one thing
    1 ENTIRE province based on a single thing
    they have Uth alter things based on the elements
    we don't need an entire province.

    that will take forever to build

    what do u mean good
    are any current province based off a single powder?
    and you know why?
    because it would so boring

    oh some thunder
    and more thunder

    oh some earth
    and more earth

    oh some water
    and more water

    oh some fire
    and more fire

    oh some air
    just some air

    also bringing up pool
    you won't let us judge the province, just a small idea in it

    you are a terrible person to think that's ok
    No people won't like it because it's a bad idea
    stop ignoring the actual reason and make up an excuse
    the thing about corkus is that THERES A VARIETY OF THINGS
    sure theres robots
    but then theres avos and other things
    it isn't based on 1 thing
    which is why it works

    Depth doesn't exist here
    it's clouds
    water vapor
    like how could that have anything to do with lore or anything in game

    grinding and dungeons are boring
    and more than 1 dungeon?
    what would it be about

    The Heaven Dungeon
    The Heaven Dungeon II: Aeromatic Boogaloo
    The Heaven Dungeon III: Revenge of the Sith
    The Heaven Dungeon IV: Whyareyoustillherefightingclouds.png

    like come on

    this is awful
    quick007 likes this.
  7. Moss

    Moss shoutbox meme supplier

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    i want this to be added +1
  8. FinnDestren

    FinnDestren Lonely lore enthusiast

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    Some lore would be nice.
  9. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    An entire province based on one element isn't gonna work.
  10. Woraxe

    Woraxe Wynnic Dad HERO

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    you ask for a new province while we have 2 more provinces already in the works and major areas of the map like molten heights remain contentless for what looks to be the indefinite future...
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2018
  11. Bramblesthatcat

    Bramblesthatcat Just a cat trying to be bing chilling CHAMPION

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    But for real OP, prepare to get some hate for making it grey.
    Also, this province is not needed, we already have Dern coming, and Fruma right after (I think). There's no need.
  12. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    It is for some
    What’s wrong with just using the “none” color?
    Woraxe and Bramblesthatcat like this.
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