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Plants And Custom Potions

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Feksa, Dec 27, 2017.


Plants and potions?

  1. Plants and potions! (yes to both)

    1 vote(s)
  2. No plants but yes custom potions!

    1 vote(s)
  3. More plants but no potions!

    2 vote(s)
  4. Neither

    4 vote(s)
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  1. Feksa

    Feksa Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    This is based around a big "IF" which is being able to make plants (and fake plants like heads which looks like berries and whatnot) right clickable like loot chests without creating much lag.

    Plants can be pickable, and crafted into potions (If you've played "Zelda Breath of the Wild" you may know what I'm getting at) to give temporary effects like a normal potion would. Creating them is unique however, using these plants at a new NPC in towns, the Alchemist. You also need to buy water bottles (made stackable hopefully?) and use 1 per potion. The mortar and pestle can also be bought, which I'll explain a little later.

    Different plants can create different potions, with custom effects. From regen to instant health, to increasing stats or even for really rare plants: even temporarily decreasing level requirements for weapons! Not increasing XP level because that would allow doing quests before reaching the required level. The plants could have the green sparkle effect (happyVillager) to indicate its ripeness. Plants regain 'ripeness' every 10 minutes or so but there cannot be more than 3 in a 30-block radius. These numbers are just to give an example of what could be implemented.
    Plants also have a lore saying the rarity of the plant, and if it's only obtainable in a certain region then it says that as well. Also in the quest book under the 'Discoveries', plants can be added. Under 'secret discoveries', well... That's really up to the Wynncraft team if they want to add some really special plants!

    The plants I can't give much feedback on, since I don't know the plants that were used in the making of Wynncraft but this could also perhaps add a nice touch to the landscape, unique plants in locations such as in Nesaak have plants that make a potion that slows enemies down when thrown at them.
    Here's a few ideas on effects, however:
    * Mortar and pestle (mentioned before) can use a number of plants to make powders, depending on rarity.
    Common plants
    - Stat increase
    - Health regeneration
    - Instant health regain
    - Mana regeneration
    - Misc. good potion effects like speed and resistance (Not jump boost)
    Uncommon plants
    - Temp. max mana increase
    - Level requirement for weapons decreased (Armor and potions too, with their own plants)
    Rare plants
    - Teleportation (Like dying but without losing soul points)
    - Temp. max health increase
    Super rare plants (cant think of many here)
    - Soul point regain

    Thanks for reading my absurdly long suggestion!
  2. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Not possible

    Might be possible, but would be absurdly hard.

    Not really.

    Idea Grade - 87%
    Great Idea, might not be worth the time, but great idea.

    Thread grade - 80%
    Better than most threads.

    Overall = B
  3. Hyprosis

    Hyprosis YouTube creator, 12K subs, Double Veteran HERO

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    Why would I spend time crafting a potion when I could just buy stat/health/mana potions for very few emeralds from merchants?

    You need to have some more creative/effective potion ideas for mid-late game. If the team were to add such an ambitious concept then it would need to be somewhat relevant throughout the world.

    You should also describe your idea for the crafting process, and maybe an example for the recipe of a certain potion
  4. Cybersoap707

    Cybersoap707 That one guy VIP+

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    Just wait for Bloomi
    RandomAdventurer likes this.
  5. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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    OK but more original non-gamebreaking potions would better like loot bonus, poison, life-steal, and health regent potions for example. Also you should have the plants not have a GUI but instead just have the items appear near the plant. Not bad, but still needs work. 8/10
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