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Pets & Horses Companions For Everyone! (suggestion Is At 71%c)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Partridge420x, Dec 26, 2017.


Would you like to see this implemented into WynnCraft?

  1. Yes- Thank you for your thoughts

    5 vote(s)
  2. Yes but Needs improvement (Please provide "CONSTRUCTIVE" Feedback or suggestions in the comments

    2 vote(s)
  3. Still Deciding

    2 vote(s)
  4. No (Please provide a reason why, and ill see if i can incorporate a balance to the overpowered beast

    19 vote(s)
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  1. Partridge420x

    Partridge420x Newbie Adventurer

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    ~~If you guys have any ideas that you'd like seen in this, leave it in a comment Below~~
    ~~Brainstorm with me!~~


    Companions are that lil' buddy we needed by our side during combat. yeah we got the cosmetic pets, but i mean the lil' buddy that'll jump in front of a sword and defend you, and fight along your side!

    Possible additions that i would like to see implemented with this:

    Game-play Mechanics:

    *Companion health holograph above your companion (actual health/Max health) and display the level and name with the same holograph
    (Not sure what the min/max health should be of the companion. ill let you guys decide on that if it comes down to it)

    *Ability to revive the companion if killed in any of the bigger towns/cities from an NPC (Price Negotiable) ("Like the hireling in diablo 2 if yall ever played that") ~*COMPANION CANNOT REVIVE YOU*~

    *Possible chest/travelpack upgrade
    A Maximum of 18 slots slots, The base purchase of the travel pack will be "5 slots", First upgrade 9 slots, Next upgrade 14 slots, next upgrade 18 slots ("Negotiable prices")

    *Companion is able to level by:

    Killing a mob, and taking that mobs experience entirely for itself (you do no damage to said mob), if you and your companion both damage a mob, and the mob dies, the xp gets split 50/50,
    If you kill the mob, and the companion does no damage to it, it will take 5-10% of the exp leaving the rest for the player

    Companion Gear

    *Possible new gui* Shift right click your companion to open its inventory/skills/stats/gear)

    (If its not possible to make new gui's) Shift left click to open your companions inventory, Shift right click for skills/stats
    Companion item possibilities:-|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

    Companion armor for defense (Leather - Diamond Material)
    Steel Reinforced jaw for damage (kind of like a helmet so it would sit over the head, but have sharpened steel teeth or something)

    -Possible companion skills - Automatically activates-
    ~~When you first put a stat into a skill, it will have the highest cooldown, and the lowest ability time~~

    -Rush - Activates when low health, (Maximum 10 skillpoints)
    companion rushes in and knocks back enemies "X" blocks from the player) *No damage*
    1 Skillpoint invested: Knockback of 1 block
    2 Skillpoints invested Knockback of 2 blocks - Cooldown 45 secconds
    3 Skillpoints invested Knockback of 3 blocks - Cooldown 43 seconds
    4 skillpoints invested Cooldown 41 seconds
    5 skillpoints invested Knocked back enemies now gain slowness 1, for 1 second Cooldown 39 Seconds
    6 Skillpoints invested Cooldown 37 Seconds
    7 Skillpoints invested Knockback of 4 blocks - Cooldown 35 seconds
    8 Skillpoints invested Cooldown 33 seconds
    9 Skillpoints invested Knockback of 5 blocks - Cooldown 32 seconds
    10 skillpoints invested Knocked back enimes now gain slowness 1 for 2 seconds

    -Ravage (attacks one or more enemies "2" times per second for(1-3 seconds depending on level)
    (cooldown 35-20 seconds dependent on level) (activates when near a group of enemies)

    -Desecrate Increase the loot drop chance of enemies You and your companion kills for 25-45 seconds (Steady 15% loot drop chance increase)
    (With a cooldown of 12-6 minutes (Activates when companion has killed an enemy) (Cooldown/active ability time decreases/increases with level)

    *possible healing skill, but i cant think of a name or a description that would fit*
    (Cooldown 350-150 seconds depending on level) (Activates when below 10% health) ('first level' Restores 10% of total health -- 20% of total health 'max level')

    *Passive*Scavenge (Your companion will seek out chests that arent lootable, and will try to sniff and pry for a chance of a successful unlocking of the crate generating a loot crate

    (Success rate depends on level of skill. No activation, if you walk by a crate that is unable to be looted, it will try to pry it open if failed, it will break the lock, rendering the chest un-Scavavangeable' for the next 10 minutes
    (Per person?) (no cooldown)

    Please feel free to elaborate on more skills that could be/ would be useful for the player


    *be able to pet your doggo

    *be able to get different companions from either level, or loot boxes

    *Frequently Asked Questions~

    Afk Farming?
    Not possible, Mobs will still target you unless your companions skill "Rush" Activates, which has a cooldown of 45-30 seconds, And the healing ability has a cooldown of 350-150 seconds depending on level) ('first level' Restores 10% of total health -- 20% of total health 'max level')

    ~Isnt the inventory upgrade like an extra bank?

    In essence you could say that, but in the way i was trying to implement it was having extra (*Buyable*) inventory space, like you see with the backpack plugins you see on other servers


    ~Changed the name of the Thread (Sorry if this upsets any players, or staff)
    ~Added access for all classes to be able to have a companion
    ~Added Suggestion request at top, as'well as "Companions!"
    ~Edited "Game-Play" section
    ~Added "Frequently Asked Questions"

    ~Boldened the skill parameters in the "Game-Play Mechanics" Section Under Subsection- "Companion skills"
    ~Edited the "Travelpack" line
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    ok but actually AFK farming is still possible, even more so if mobs target you over your pet, and seeing as how we literally just got a huge storage expansion, more is overkill. The game doesn't need to be easier than it already is.
  3. Partridge420x

    Partridge420x Newbie Adventurer

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    you say that as you are vip+. not everyone has the ability to put money into the game and become oh so powerful, and explain to me why having extra inventory space is so "Over Powered" a line out of a chest- upgradable to 2 lines of a chest, hence the travelpack, (Gonna edit that in)
  4. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    because my rank is relevant to your suggestion being bad?????????????????? you're acting as if being VIP+ actually means something
    i didn't say it was overpowered, just overkill. Extra space isn't going to break the game or the meta, the problem with it is that it's just going to make the game 1. more of a boring grindfest as your grinding sessions become longer than ever before and 2. easier than it needs to be

    The game needs some sort of "challenge" to grinding, otherwise it's literally just left and right-button clicking simulator 2017. Even if that challenge is having to spend a whole 2 minutes emptying your inventory every so often.

    Alternatively, it could possibly affect the economy negatively by making longer more effective loot runs easier, but the main point here is that there's no point in having more storage. 0 obstacles in an RPG is about as boring as you can get for a game.
    satbyccdoerfe likes this.
  5. Partridge420x

    Partridge420x Newbie Adventurer

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    I just find that walking back and forth is more boring than looting and fighting, i actually find that part fun about wynncraft, i came from hack/mine, a mod way ago. which was literally just killing, looting, leveling, and selling off gear. and i loved it. but it just lost support and stuck back waaaaaay in time, back in 1.2.3
  6. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Will grade tomorrow/today
  7. Partridge420x

    Partridge420x Newbie Adventurer

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    woah woah guy, this idea/suggestion is no where near completion i dont think its ready to be graded yet, im looking for more feedback from the community so i can add more ideas, constructed from the communities feedback
    and for you my friend, if you dont like the inventory dont buy it, you shit all over my idea with absolutely nothing constructive. if you put money into the server you get perks in game, an advantage over other players, so dont give me your high talk about that. and your comparing apples to oranges, your saying it would be easier, but how? by staying out exploring the map? without being tied to a town every 10 minutes with an inventory full of potions, and maybe a row and a half left for loot i find
    wynncraft should be a game of choice, if you want to go out and quest, go ahead and do just that. if you want to grind for gear, (Without afk grinding) Why not? why do we have to be confined to your narrow way of thinking toward the server, and dont kid yourself, people play wynncraft because its diablo-esk and its improved in its own way its an r-p-g hack and slash, please tell me why people wouldnt enjoy being out longer without going back to a town every 10 minutes, and not progress in any quests, or venture out to new lands
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  8. ?!

    ?! Famous Adventurer

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    tl;dr if it is a backpack or a pet that gives any kind of buffs: no
    efilim elf likes this.
  9. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    There is a thing called updating... I can always re-grade... plus this will be constructed feedback...
    Ranks only give cosmetic upgrades that are still available to most people. It doesn't give you a mechanical advantage. Where does any Rank give you more space and such? If you haven't read the EULA, please do so, as Wynn follows this. So don't assume yet, read the ranks... also, there is a thing called; Importance to non-importance... Especially in grinding. Mob drops (junk items) throw them out, you wont need them along with Normal items. These can easily be thrown out, and the most potions you should have is around 5. If you need more than that, go somewhere where it is a lower level so you can grind those items easier...

    Now for the grading...
    Why is this needed? Can you give us more detail on how this can help out, or why it is needed?
    Does this mean your companion can die? What happens if they die/faint?
    Is this for the companion or you? A little more specification will be fine... But if this can be for you, this would be a bit OP, and if it is for the companion, how much will they heal for?
    This... seems a bit unneeded... but it will propose some longer grinding.
    Where can you do this and how will you know?
    So your pet has armor and such? How can we tell how much HP it has and such? Or the natural damage and that?
    So... this does no damage? It will be a bit broken with Archer as their Arrow Shield is already broken, adding this will just give archers zero worry for any mobs around them. However it doing no damage does balance it out a bit.
    -What are the levels for the seconds? It's almost like Multi-Hit, combining this with Assassin is just gonna be devastating.
    -Does it go off your Loot Bonus too?
    -How much does the percentage increase with the level?
    -How much will this heal for?
    -Isn't this broken with Rush?
    This sounds interesting. But how much will the success rate be per level? Also where would these generally be? (An example would be nice.)
    Does your pet do this on their own? If so, does it become immobilized? At that point if the lootchests are where you need them most would the pet be useless? Also, where would they store the items?
    You can get more companions from the loot they look at, or the crates?
    Actually, this still sounds possible as the Heal Skill seems to revolve around Rush as well. Causing the potential AFKer to become healed for X amount. If both Rush and Heal are used together, the player can still AFK farm.

    Suggestion Idea: 71% C
    General Suggestion: 53% F

    In general, all you need to do is balance it out, read all the classes and think about the skills being used together. Plus some more detail is always appreciated as some parts were a bit confusing. The idea overall is interesting, however the presentation and balancing of it aren't as appealing. In truth, just balance it out and add some more detail.

    Have a Good Day!
  10. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    ""if you don't like guns don't buy them."" having the option to not use them doesn't negate and downsides they might bring.
    if you're too blind to take anything useful out of what i've said, that's your problem, not mine
    cool cool but you're still completely wrong
    Only one of these perks does anything that could possibly affect in-game performance, and that's if i even played the game. Whether I was a Hero or had no rank, your suggestion would still be bad. I really don't think you understand how ranks work.
    but i didn't even compare anything at all??
    The only real limitation on grinding right now is your inventory space. Remove that, or lessen it, and the game is easier. Getting rid of player limitations is exactly how you make a game easier.
    If you're really just exploring the map, then you would be unaffected by inventory space
    If you need that many potions to survive, again, that's your problem. Although, that does rise another point in my favour: more potions means bosses (and especially boss/mob rushes) are even easier.
    yes, you can already do that just fine. Adding this suggestion will only make this more monotonous and less fun, though. Monotony is a huge factor in boredom, having something, anything to break it up will make it more enjoyable to the average person.
    What so it's narrow to not want bad suggestions implemented?
    ok now you're just going completely off-topic. This isn't even close to part of the suggestion. Wynncraft and Diablo are still very different games.
    because what you call "Being out longer" means sitting in one spot clicking away for longer, not actually doing something interesting. Chances are if you're exploring or doing something that's actually fun, like exploring, your inventory won't even get filled up entirely, certainly not before you reach another city.
    One last time, neither of these things require more inventory space. I could probably complete the vast majority of quests with only 1-3 open inventory slots, if any at all, and exploring (unless you get horribly lost, in which case you probably won't be picking up anything valuable anyway) won't take you long enough that your inventory is completely filled with precious items before you reach somewhere with a bank.

    Nice try, but these parts of the suggestion still aren't going anywhere as is.
    Tisaun, RemRin, Hyprosis and 2 others like this.
  11. Hyprosis

    Hyprosis YouTube creator, 12K subs, Double Veteran HERO

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    p2w hero here

    Your idea is just pets from years ago before the EULA changes with levels and addons.
    Needs something more unique to make this suggestion any different, and you should be more specific about obtaining a "companion", and what they will actually be, look like and act, and why they would be worth feeding, reviving, ect.

    Your points about ranks giving an advantage are mostly invalid, the only advantage ranks get are mob totems, which provide buffs to everyone in the area, and comply with the EULA perfectly. If you want to rant about pay to win in minecraft servers, go somewhere else.
  12. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    This suggestion is just a mess.
    First of all, we don't need any AI helping us in Wynncraft. Wynncraft's combat isn't very interactive as it is. Leading into my next point...
    It is very much possible, you deliberately gave the companions a heal ability (which, by the way, you didn't add statistics for, how much will be healed?) and expect it not to be abused? There are builds that could easily AFK grind with the abilities you have just mentioned (also, STA-FLOOPIN'-TISTICS, we need to know the range of activation and amount of knockback to know if this is balanced or not). Let's just take a look at these abilities when trying to AFK grind mobs for the 100-101 grind (this build, not the best build, but serves its purpose) in the Tower of Ascension floor 6 level ~*5/*6/7 (using this because it used to be a popular AFK grind spot). The number behind every line represents the skills' cooldowns AFTER each action in the line has occured.

    Disclaimer: these maths are super rough since 1. you didn't provide any statistics and 2. this is just to get my points across.

    1. Mobs are near the player: Rush activates [15s]
    2. After 5 seconds the mobs are nearby again: Ravage activates, lasts 5 seconds [5s/3s]
    3. The mobs get some jabs in, but all are dead after 3 seconds (deals about 700 damage, hell, even this might be too generous, I don't know exactly though) [2s/0s]
    4. After another 5 seconds the mobs have respawned and are near the player: Rush activates [15s/0s]
    5. Rince and repeat until at ~1700 health: Heal activates [2s?/0s?/45s]
    It's around 700 damage per 13 seconds so a little more than 2400 per 45 seconds. This means that the heal would need to be a measly 2400 (with 17000 max health) to not be abusable when grinding at floor 6 level 5/6/7 of ToA. Even then, lower levels are still viable, such as level 2, which has mobs that deal fire damage. This is just to give you a super rough estimate on how this could easily break the game.

    And of course all the storage stuff which has been mentioned by the people before me, which you seem to be completely oblivious to.

    Don't lie to yourself.

    Have a good day and try not to be stupid.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  13. Partridge420x

    Partridge420x Newbie Adventurer

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    okay, im gonna go back and structure this so much better, cause yall misreading what im putting, and or im still thinking of the balancing of things, and dont lie to myself? half of this was constructed on user feedback, this is my second post, and to my second point. i didnt realise how cancerous people are to new ideas. from new people. the only really good feedback i got was from OGK and Stormarend, and storm was a bit of a dink at that. which leads me to my third point. im constantly editing this to add more things and/or balance current ones. i really wish yall could see an edit history of my posts before you come in and diss me and my idea the way you guys do
  14. Exoltic

    Exoltic Rip Jonghyun, 12/18 VIP

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    My thoughts are the same as everyone else's eh
    Lmao you want criticism and you get it, don't try and act like some sort of victim. While I saw your first post, and the feedback presented, you didn't use it in a good way. You basically just kept the same suggestion and made it so every class gets a pet, and it can't revive you.
    The community isn't "cancerous" to new ideas, there have been plenty that have received lots of support. The only thing you're doing here is getting mad at people for giving you the feedback you asked for. No one that replied was actually being mean to you in anyway.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  15. Partridge420x

    Partridge420x Newbie Adventurer

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    Really your gonna play the dont act a victim card?

    Have a good day and try not to be stupid.[/QUOTE]
    yeah people dropped their criticism, but they dropped some un-needed words, and things after. and yeah i made a mistake about the monthly crates, i didnt realise it was strictly cosmetic. and people found a way to keep reminding me bout that. i didnt ask for anything else but what would you like seen in here, and brainstorm with me, not become the cancer king. not everything starts out perfect, hell no idea starts off perfect i asked for your constructive feedback, but apart from few ive gotten tinkled on
  16. Exoltic

    Exoltic Rip Jonghyun, 12/18 VIP

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    Yes, because you're acting like one. You have sprinkled in a few unneeded words too, low key calling us cancerous smh
  17. CaptainKetchup

    CaptainKetchup Burner of Toast

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    Although the idea itself is interesting and cool to me, I do think it could enable afk farming. The pet could just kill nearby enemies and heal you when you get damaged meaning that you could just sit there and get experience and loot. I'm just saying, the idea is cool but it needs tweaking
  18. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    ignoring the enormous formatting mess that this post is, are you really just going to brush off literally everything i said as if it never happened

    good luck with that
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  19. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    ignoring the enormous formatting mess that this post is, are you really just going to brush off literally everything i said as if it never happened

    good luck with that[/QUOTE]
    Yeah I [/QUOTE] agree
    [cough delete the [/QUOTE]
  20. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    wow the formatting was bad enough to carry over into my post

    im impressed
    SUPER M and (Meric) like this.
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