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Quest My Thoughts On The 1.17 Quests

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by sdkgjnio, Dec 21, 2017.


Which version of Theorick do you prefer?

  1. The new one

  2. The old one

  3. Not sure

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  1. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    Right, here they are:

    Poisoning the Pest

    I love this rework. A lot of the lower-level quests have been lacking in the sort of quality and variety of mechanics and cutscenes that have become available to GMs more recently, and this will certainly help newer players appreciate the sort of thing Wynncraft is capable of. It's also good that the Corruption is introduced at this point, it makes sense for lower-level players to begin to understand it (and a nice little link to Corkus), and it gets rid of the horribly cliche RPG trope of new players always first fighting rats. We will miss the meme that was the Giant Rat, but I do think its removal was for the better. (I will just say that that was a very extreme reaction to rat poison, though, especially when it was diluted with sprinkler water. It does seem that all the province would need to do is find a way to administer it to more corrupteds and they'd have a war-ending weapon)

    Sewers of Ragni

    A great introduction to the dungeon, and its significance in lore (and replaces Wynncraft's other use of the rat trope). All around a perfectly good quest, nothing much to say about it really.

    Tunnel Trouble

    Certainly a lot better than the original. The passage is a lot more useful now- it comes at a level where fast-travel to Ragni is actually useful, and it no longer requires the annoying cow pass. I always found the whole cow rebellion a bit nonsensical, not really in keeping with the tone of the province, and new Drale definitely makes far more sense and is just as entertaining. The quest itself is less boring (the old one was mostly running back and forth talking to NPCs), and though the 'defend the miner' bits did get a bit repetitive, the stealth bit was great. I also liked the more clear link back to Cowfusion with the boat to Gavel, it really ties the quests together more. The real issue is it makes the rebel cows in Stable Story come out of the blue more. I would suggest reworking that quest to give Ensker a problem that makes a little more sense.

    Arachnid's Ascent
    A bit fetch-y in my opinion but still pretty solid. New Mt. Wynn is beautiful and the stuff inside is more interesting than another 'run to the bottom past a lot of mobs' thing. It gives slightly less of the actual lore of Arakadius and the dungeon than I'd like, but that's not a big problem. The only major problem is with the bucket of lava being inconsistent with Frost Bitten. In that quest, a big thing is made of normal buckets not being able to hold lava (in a bit of a jab at Minecraft itself), and you need a specialist bucket enchanter to help. In Arachnid's Ascent you're given a normal looking bucket and just assume it holds lava. I would add in a line saying it's magically reinforced with water powders (or something), and that this is how it can hold lava.

    The Corrupted Village

    Another great rework. The old quest was certainly not great. It was "Go to Ternaves, walk all the way to the village, then go all the way to both Bremminglar and Nemract and back", so a lot of boring travel. I also like that it goes into more of the lore of what's actually going on there, and what the spikes are. In the old one there's a spike in town and the corruption is mentioned as the cause, but that's about it. No implications elsewhere here, just a very good rework.

    Studying the Corrupt
    I'm a bit conflicted about the change to Garoth. It does give him more of a tangible character, but it doesn't seem within the corruption's character. Garoth in the dungeon is sort of a scheming villain who's bunkered himself up, constructed defenses and is conducting experiments. Compare this to Ba'kal who just goes around killing and burning down everything in sight. The corruption seems elsewhere to be a simple force that craves chaos and destruction, as contrasted to darkness which has more complex and malicious intentions (hence why it's considered more mysterious and all around worse than the corruption). There are also a few plot holes in the quest. How do those mages know where Garoth is when they don't know he was corrupted? How is the mage near the portal able to use Ice Snake to destroy terrain so easily when it never does that for mage players? Who even are the mages and why do they want to find Garoth instead of leaving him safely sealed off? In general the quest itself isn't bad, it's just the lore implications.

    The Dark Descent

    I don't know what's really happening in this quest, but I'm certainly curious, and that means it seems to have succeeded in what it's doing. It's possibly trying to reconcile the corruption's effect on the dead with Death's Realm? How the people who died in Ancient Nemract can't come back like the player did because they're trapped in that sort of state that looks like Death's Realm but is actually a copy of the Overworld, in which you can visit while staying in the real world? So Charon's the keeper of the Underworld (Death's Realm) and is trying to keep the living out? The tree has a connection to Death's realm, possibly because it was grown from dead bodies? It really adds more meaning to the 'Between Life and Death' thing line in the dungeon and will be interesting to theorise about (@SPYROHAWK)

    A Sandy Scandal

    Certainly a lot better than Drought Sand. The bank access part makes a lot more sense, and the sewage water thing from the original didn't make sense at all. The cutscenes are very well done and I like the detective element of it. It's basically just an entertaining side quest, which is great. The only issue is it makes me a bit confused about Jungle Fever. There we get to see the vault and the labyrinth, and access to the part the bandits broke into is nowhere to be found. Were they trying to break into the Emerald Labyrinth?

    Kingdom of Sand

    I guess this kind of had to miss out most of the lore, as the dungeon's so mysterious (being the only one with no dialogue). The lore on Rymek was very interesting though, and the quest itself was a fun, morally sketchy and fitting adventure. I loved the stealth/puzzle segment in the mansion, I feel Wynn could use more of that. Other than that, there isn't all that much to say.

    Fate of the Fallen

    Ah, old Theorick, I will miss you. I do believe this was an enormous missed opportunity, and I'm disappointed that they decided to abandon Theorick's pre-update character, as I feel it had a lot of potential. The idea of an antihero who abandons the heroes who trained him for his special powers and goes rogue is way more interesting than yet another hero who sacrifices himself for the good of everyone. I envisioned Theorick as being tired of the Twains bossing him around, and frustrated with his constant and difficult role in the Corruption War, and runs off on his own to show the Twains who's boss, freezes Nesaak, realises what he's done and hides himself away from everyone and dies alone. This seems like a complex, flawed character who could be far more interesting than the self-sacrificing hero story that's been told too many times. There are also a few more lore issues. How exactly is Rickeo's flame transported back from the past? Why is the Ice Canyon colder than Nesaak or the Twain area (where the ice has apparently thawed according to some NPCs) when the proximity would suggest the opposite? What are those huge ice spikes around the ToA if not from the freezing of the area? (I'd always assumed that Theorick froze the area from about where the ToA is and created the spikes in the process) There are some great things in the quest, however. The Temple of Time is very interesting and I hope it gets used in future quests, or possibly just easter eggs where you throw in a specific item and time travel to somewhere interesting. I do also like seeing Old Nesaak and the clarification on when exactly the Twains were around, and the spell Nick uses to send you to Santa being used elsewhere.

    Corrupted Betrayal

    I haven't really had many thoughts about this except how much it adds to the magical lore of Wynn. Slykaar's realm was... interesting. I don't know how much this is going to be addressed later, who the 'dark god' is or how a human managed to create a realm. I do like the character of Slykaar, though. He has genuine motivations and is an effective villain for the dungeon.

    Redbeard's Booty
    A good quest with an interesting story, that serves more as an adventure of its own than an introduction to the dungeon. We don't learn much about Redbeard from it, but it's certainly more interesting than nothing. Not much to say here.
  2. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    I told this to Grian but he didn't really care. It also throws the whole lore of the Ice Barrows into question, given that the entirety of the dungeon isn't corrupteds, but ghosts.
  3. TurtlePlaysGamez

    TurtlePlaysGamez Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Ive always been more of a twain lore fan than bob lore Because it isn't just the same old story every hero has when doing the quest it kinda made me really hate the person who made it because they made it just the same old story that's in EVERY heros legend

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Need to remember to read this later. Definitely something I need to look at, just not rn

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    First thought, Twilight (no, not the books. That item that mentions Twilight in it's lore). Second thought, I need to do this quest so I actually understand what you mean

    Another quest I need to do. I definitely liked the old character design better. Temple of Time?

    So far I've been going off of the "dark god" being The Eye, and the realm being the realm of darkness or something, and he thought he made the realm but really just made the portal. But I could be very wrong
  6. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I haven’t done Fate of the Fallen yet, but this is kinda disappointing to hear. People in the Beta said that it was one of the best quests this update. Hopefully Grian changes it back.
  7. Frosty746

    Frosty746 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Don't forget half of these new quests don't even work.
    Gogeta and Dr Zed like this.
  8. Imaxelius

    Imaxelius Content Team Manager CT Manager QA Modeler HERO GM Builder

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    All of them do
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  9. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    This update combined with the Gameplay update have been the two greatest things to happen to Wynncraft, they've given the community some fantastic additions that have been greatly needed for ages :) I can't believe I went 3 years of travelling the ocean by boat/spells before the magnificent SeaSkipper arrived xD
    Stag2001 and Dr Zed like this.
  10. Frosty746

    Frosty746 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    No, maybe for the lucky people. For me "studying the corrupt" glitched (pottur won't spawn) along with Fate of the Fallen when you were supposed to defend the Nether Portal, nothing happened for me.
    Gogeta likes this.
  11. Imaxelius

    Imaxelius Content Team Manager CT Manager QA Modeler HERO GM Builder

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    You are supposed to click the big green block on the ground, if its not there, switch server
  12. Frosty746

    Frosty746 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    what about studying the corrupt. Also, 5 minutes ago I was doing Kingdom of Sand and the bandit leader didn't spawn by the cart now I'm screwed. Someone fix these already.
    I went back to the cart and it worked but I still think it should work the first time.
  13. Imaxelius

    Imaxelius Content Team Manager CT Manager QA Modeler HERO GM Builder

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    Its impossible for us to "fix it already" when we have no idea how issues appear and what you did to cause it. The servers works in interesting ways that we can't prevent. So you will just have to accept that things might be buggy, /kill and retrying or switch world if that doesnt fix it
    Stormarend and That_Chudley like this.
  14. Frosty746

    Frosty746 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Well, for “Studying the Corrupt” I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard to make Pottur and the other mages spawn. And when you get stuck in that 2x2x2 box making a command block do /tp wouldn’t be that hard, would it?
  15. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    yeah, the stealth and sneaking around part of kingdom of sand was done PERFECTLY (it was actually super fun IMO). Wynncraft could use a lot more of that.
  16. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    All the same, the monster did explode extremely violently. Could you imagine the damage the undeads would do if they ALL exploded like that?
    Also, if you can't affect the past, why do people talk to you?
    personally, I've been going off of Slykaar's realm actually being Charon's realm, and Slykaar just hijacked a part of it
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2017
    sdkgjnio likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Charon's realm was more light grey and white, Slykaar's is much darker
  18. Chise

    Chise A loli dressing like a cheese >w< VIP+

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    This is a really interesting point to bring out about the current lore atm, personally I didnt really read about the lore of Twain as there are barely quests related to them
    But now you bring out the fun part, it encourage me to go back and read about all the lores related to Twains and such
    First of all, lemme answer this question
    According to the quest, the Temple of Time brings out this dialogue when you went in
    • This is the Temple of Time...
    • Here you can visit the memories of this land...
    • The altar requires an item from the time you desire to access...
    • You can not return until your goal is fulfilled...
    • You will access a memory as if you were present, but when you return it was as if you were never there.
    This explain the reason you can talk to them normally, and doesnt make any sort of weird interactions when you talk to the NPC in that timeline

    So before we go deep to this lore related topic, lets see the difference of what Theorick said when we, as the player enter the dungeon
    While, the key part of the difference show that he 'betray' the Twain family, is when he said this during stage 6
    [1/2] Ghostly Voice: I am not proud of what has happened here. I am responsible for using my cryomagical powers to shape this land, and in my death the corrupt took over my body, and my power.
    [2/2] Ghostly Voice: They are angered by the damage I caused, especially when my family saved so many. I am a disgrace.
    This might not clear for other people who didnt really dig down about the Twain lore, so let me put another keypoint mentioned about the House of Twain lore in wiki
    ....anger, Theorick couldn't stand to stay in the Twain manor any longer, and left to live in the nearest village, and formed it in his own image, frozen. Bitter in....
    ....needed. Unable to answer the calls of the undead, they began to converge and amass in the Twain manor, angry that Mael would not listen, they roam the house, aggressive to anyone they may encounter.
    So, combine with this two informations we have currently, we knew that in the old lore, Theorick leaves the Twain, and make his own image of frozen in the nearest village (AKA Nesaak). And after hes death, because of the corrupt, his body and power were controlled by the corrupt, and become this stage of him to be against the players.
    The part he said 'They are angered by the damage he caused', can be refer to him froze the entire village (Nesaak)
    About the part of why he know the undead are anger, are because of the death of Mael (I personally cant fully prove this part, so welcome for any supporting point of view)
    As the result, this is the current Theorick we know, before the update of turning Theorick as a hero image.

    So now we know the old Theorick, and we know about why hes become a dungeon boss that fight against the player, whats the different with the new update?

    First of all, lets go back to the quest itself, Hods have bring out a really important point

    Back to what does the Temple of Time said when we enter it, it said exactly that
    • You will access a memory as if you were present, but when you return it was as if you were never there.
    This can be a only one-sided point to prove you cant change the fact, but with the NPC himself also saying it, this is proved that you CANT get the fire from Theorick in the pass
    • Telvu: Well, kind of. You can witness the past, not change it. But there are rules. Important rules. First off, you need an item from the specific time we want to see.
    Its withness, not change,
    if my english isnt super awful, I can understand it as not able to get anything from the past right? As its withness, aka you only can see/watch what have happened in the old time
    Not to interrupt the past.
    So this can already see how big mistake the entire quest itself are already.

    So far the part about lores is here, about the spikes near Tower of Ascension and the temperature problems, I will try to do my best to prove what Hods said, as this is a really weird update and kinda not make any sense when you suddenly take the entire quest extremely seriously
    And even if I cant find the prove to support the other two point of view, only this little time traveling part of the quest can be a lethal mistake

    Special credit to youtube videos! As the old ice dungeon walktho video legit helps a lot
    Related video :
    The related dialogue is in 2:20
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
    sdkgjnio likes this.
  19. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    That's old lore; someone hasn't updated it. It was changed so that he froze the land to protect it. It is no longer accurate to use it. https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/lusuco-library-text-changed.211935/#post-2566800
    Which means you should not be able to interact with people; you can only witness the past, and having any interactions with you counts as a change to the past, so people should not be able to talk if you were there.
  20. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    The way I think it works, is the explanation that Telvu gives is incomplete. You get a more clearcut version of the rules when you enter the Temple of Time, in which it will appear as though you interact with the people there as though you had been transported, but there is no true interaction taking place. You do not change history, even though the events seem to change due to your presence. The contradiction here is bringing Rickeo's flame back to the present. That is what should be impossible here.
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