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How I Would Rework Classes/weapons(gunner Class + Reworked Elemental Weapons.)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Chocobutter, Dec 18, 2017.


What do you think?

  1. Completely awful beyond a doubt

  2. Good through and through

  3. The class is unfitting, but the skills are good

  4. The class is fitting, but the skills are bad

  5. The class is fitting and the skills are good

  6. The weapon rework idea is good

  7. The weapon rework idea is bad(none of these options are to your liking? Write out your opinion below

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  1. Chocobutter

    Chocobutter Well-Known Adventurer

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    Most of the numbers are placeholders and therefore I'm not married to them, so feel please don't condemn ideas based on them.

    Now completed. Feel free to give feedback as always.

    Added poll to at least rouse something out of viewers who prefer not to post.


    While the game has been well refined in a number of areas, I’m still reluctant to get back into the it due to the archaic monotony that is the combat. Currently most of the combat outside of a few exceedingly rare situations mainly boils down to left clicking/holding right click for your standard attack or spamming your most accurate AoE ability in the general direction of your enemies. To provide ways to remedy this I’m going to provide potential solutions using a new class as an example.

    The example class: Gunner(and your donation rank equivalent Marksmen we’ll say.)

    Backstory:Corkian, blah, blah, blah. Joins the Ragni army, blah, blah, blash. Common fate for Corkians losing bets, blah, blah, blah(They actually have to be from Fruma, don't they? I'll keep it like this until I get something stating this can't be done.).


    “Melee” attack for non-elemental weapons(revolvers):

    Fire a bullet(fire charge as a possible placeholder.) in your general direction with right click. Goes straight until it collides with something or travels 40 blocks.

    Ricochet stance:

    Base: Temporarily become slower and deal 150% of your “melee” damage for 3 seconds. Successful shots ricochet towards nearby enemies up to 4 times. Costs 6 mana to perform.

    Level 2: Shots now deal an extra 20% damage for every time it has ricocheted.

    Level 3: Can now ricochet up to 7 times. Costs 5 mana to perform.


    Base: Take a parabola-shaped leap in the direction you’re facing. Increases your attack speed by +2 on landing for 3 seconds. Costs 4 mana to perform.

    Level 2: Gain jump boost 2 and speed 1 for 3 minutes upon casting. Now costs 3 mana to perform.

    Level 3: Each successful shot increases the attack speed buff by +1 for its duration. Only a maximum of +3 can be gained from a single enemy.


    Base: Toss out 3 explosives(same arc and speed as Smoke bomb.) that transform into friendly tnt mob-like entities that explode after 4 seconds or explode instantly upon being shot for 140% spell damage with a percentage of earth/fire damage in a 2 block AoE. All the effects of Ricochet stance are applied against them. Costs 5 mana to perform.

    Level 2: The explosives now fire projectiles at enemies for 25% spell damage(shots do not deal knockback.).

    Level 3: The explosives remain after exploding for the remainder of their duration. Their firing speed after exploding doubles.

    Loudamation(working name, open to suggestions as always.):

    Base: Summons an iron golem(drops in 3 blocks in front of you.) equipped with the latest in automated insult flinging technology. The golem simply stands around drawing all enemy attention for 5 seconds. Ricochet stance applies to it. Costs 12 mana to perform. Only one can be summoned at a time.

    Level 2: The golem now fires projectiles at nearby players that will heal them for 5% of their maximum hp.

    Level 3: The golem now absorbs damage from you and other players to a damage cap based off of the user’s level. The golem then explodes at the end of its duration in a radius dependent on damage taken(base of 3 blocks and + 2 blocks for every 25% of the maximum damage absorbed.).

    The class was designed around a) making the class skills more synergistic with melee attacks, so even in melee focused builds skills are still an integral part of your playstyle. b) Making skills have better synergy with one another encouraging and rewarding comboing your skills together for best results instead of the way classes like Archer Bomb arrow their way through 95% of fights. The following example of weapon reworks is also designed to enhance the experimentation, variety and encourage/reward weapon switching to further mix up the combat.

    Weapon type “melee” reworks and examples:

    Right now weapons just feel like different flavors of damage types with not a whole lot of particularly meaningful depth/character between them.This is aiming to make even basic attacks a bit more nuanced when it comes to getting the maximum potential out of their damage and a provide a bit more of an arcadey feel to make using them more satisfying.

    Blunderbusses(fire): Hit scan shots can be charged and fired on release to deal increased AoE piercing damage/range while consuming hp for each stage. Charge speed is based on att speed and charges to a maximum of 3. The damage/range/hp cost each stage provides is 100%/225%/400%, 3 blocks/7/blocks/12 blocks and costs 10%/20%/30% of your CURRENT hp respectively.

    Pistols(water): Shots gradually curve and home in on enemies after 0.5 seconds upon being fired. Shots do 50% increased damage for every second they’ve been active and last 5 seconds before disappearing. Shots consume mana 0.5(pistols will generally have high damage to compensate.) and scale off of spell damage instead. This also changes Ricochet stance’s damage to spell damage.

    Rifles(lightning): Shots are hit scans and can be charged up to 5 stages. Charge speed is based on att speed and deals 100%/210%/320%/430%/540% and costs 1/2/3/4/5 mana per stage. Damage on these weapons is usually low, but gains a flat 20% bonus per 5 blocks traveled. Travels to a maximum of 70 blocks.

    Shotguns(air): Holding right click will let out a constant stream of damage in 2 blocks in front of you for 100% of weapon damage. The stream pulls in enemies 5 blocks in front of the cone of damage and deals 40% of the main stream’s damage. Ricocheted shots cause the main stream to extend out of nearby enemies towards any other nearby enemies.

    Hand cannons(earth): Fires slow arcing boulders(cobblestone blocks.). Can be charged and fired on release up to 5 times in quick succession. Charge time is based on attack speed. Boulders deal 50% of their direct damage in a 2 block AoE when they collide with an entity/surface. Ricocheted boulders deal their AoE effect while continuing to fly to other targets.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2018
    BethJerry and Goden like this.
  2. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    high explosive > flash bang pls i want mc cree
    level 1 just damages them
    level 2 slowness 3 for 2 seconds
    level 3 slowness 8 and blindness for 2 seconds
    coolname2034 likes this.
  3. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    While I agree that the combat does get boring, especially for those who have many classes at high levels and thusly have mastered the combat for every class, I don't think this would be too fitting.
    though I do like the nod to corkus here

    I mainly think this because, as you directly stated, the combat (and pretty much the whole lore n shit itself) is all very archaic, and although Corkus is modern, I don't think guns and the link would fit the lore as well as say, a Paladin class (not saying I support or don't support the specific Paladin class suggestion, but eh).

    The spells sound pretty sick though.

    But hey, if you can figure it out and it works out nicely, then good on you I suppose, a new character would spice things up a fair bit in Wynn.
    And Gavel. And Corkus. And Dern..
  4. Exoltic

    Exoltic Rip Jonghyun, 12/18 VIP

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    Archer; Warrior; Mage; Gunner
    Epicness937, Turtlebomb, e! and 2 others like this.
  5. Chocobutter

    Chocobutter Well-Known Adventurer

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    When I say "archaic" I mean the combat is too simple/boring and not that it's literally taking place in an earlier era of mankind. With the addition of a steam punk society I don't think you could seriously throw guns off the table at this point(or much of anything at all considering the plots of some of these new quests.). Wynncraft is in a position now where it can pretty much canonize anything it wants without making it jarringly out of place. The game has only benefited from its careful steps into wackier and more liberated imaginings of its setting as far as I'm concerned.
  6. BethJerry

    BethJerry BFG 9000 CHAMPION

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    Yeah, but that doesn't mean they should do that. All the classes so far have been using medieval fantasy weapons, I.E. spears, daggers, bows, and wands. A straight up gun, despite making sense with corkus existing, would take away from the overall feel of the game. Sure, it would be neat, and sure it would add another class (which wynncraft desperately needs), but a class that uses guns just simply wouldn't fit.

    Other than not fitting into the game, the actual class itself seems well made. The spells have lots of depth to them (more than the current spells in game), and could definitely be used in different combinations combined with the different auto attack weapons. High explosives reminds me of Gangplank from League of Legends a little bit, which I think is pretty funny (idk if you've played LoL).

    Quick question, how fast do the bullets travel (for basic attack, spells, and the different weapon varients).
  7. Chocobutter

    Chocobutter Well-Known Adventurer

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    I had only rough ideas for different speeds, arcs, etc between them in my head. I think I'll flesh out that part next.
  8. DOUBLE07

    DOUBLE07 Nothin special VIP+

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    This feels like a sort of mish mash of some classes and while combat can get repetitive I don't think that this could really be done based on how it brings some things that are unique but that it only one class and they would have to make several and this would have to replace the old ones to really change all combat and they would have to change how the mobs worked to adjust
  9. Chocobutter

    Chocobutter Well-Known Adventurer

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    It's a long shot for sure. I've come to terms with the possibility that the whole thing could be tossed aside simply because of the potentially strenuous coding demands. Figured I may as well try anyway, this stuff is pretty fun after all.
  10. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Warrior; all the other classes have a ranged melee attack
    Epicness937 likes this.
  11. Exoltic

    Exoltic Rip Jonghyun, 12/18 VIP

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    Lmao good job
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