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The Infuser

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by DrX2345, Dec 14, 2017.


Do you think The Infuser should be added as a quest?

  1. Yes

    8 vote(s)
  2. Yes, if...(say what changes should be made)

    3 vote(s)
  3. No (please say why)

    5 vote(s)
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  1. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    The Infuser
    Minimum level: 70
    Difficulty: Medium
    Start location: Infuser's Tower, near the Lexdale/Dark Forest/Cinfras County border, on the Cinfras Plain.
    Start NPC: Tulves, at the top of the Infuser's Tower.
    The tower is a large, fairly ornate tower, suitably grand for a powerful wizard but in slight disrepair. It is about 2/3 of the way from Cinfras to the river which separates Cinfras and Lexdale.

    Before level 70:
    Tulves: Hmm? No, no, you can't come in here now, dangerous magic and all that. I could do with some help though. Come back when you're level 70.

    At level 70+:
    Stage 1
    Tulves: Hello, adventurer. You shouldn't really be here - I'm working on a secret new magic process.
    Tulves: Oh, I suppose now you're here, you can help me.
    Tulves: I've invented a way of transferring certain characteristics of materials into your items.
    Tulves: However, it won't work on the items you're using at the moment - they've already get existing enchantments cast by someone else.
    Tulves: I'm going to need to make some new items, which have no enchantments on them.
    Tulves: In order to do this, I'm going to need a connection to the 5 elemental shrines around the area.
    Tulves: The thing is, there's something blocking the auras. Can you go and investigate them?
    Tulves: I have a bad feeling that some sort of creatures have taken up residence in the shrines. They might be the old magic guards which got taken over by the Decay.
    Tulves: I've written the coordinates of the Air cave in your book.

    Before you've gone to the Air cave:
    Tulves: Have you found the shrine yet? I wrote the coordinates down for you...

    Stage 2:
    At the Air cave:
    If you haven't started the quest yet:
    A strong wind pushes you away from the entrance. Maybe you should stay away...
    This is a medium length, medium difficulty parkour challenge, but with checkpoints every 10-15 jumps to make it slightly easier. Afterwards there is an Air themed boss which is fast but has fairly low health and damage. At the end the quest book is updated, and there is a coal block teleporter with a red 'EXIT' npc.

    Stage 3:
    Tulves: Hello again! I see you activated the shrine. I felt a gust of wind blow through me, and guessed it was you. Now, you still need to activate the other four.
    Tulves: Here let me write down the location of the next one.
    Tulves: There. That's the coordinates of the Water shrine.

    Stage 4:
    At the Water cave:
    If you haven't got to this stage of the quest:
    You hear the sound of rushing water. Maybe you should stay away...
    This is a series of three puzzles increasing in difficulty. When the player finishes the final puzzle they enter a room with a Water themed boss which has reasonable health, is fairly slow but uses spells often, including heal. The quest book is updated, and there is a coal block teleporter with a red 'EXIT' npc.

    Stage 5:
    Tulves: Congratulations on activating the Water shrine. I felt the pull of the sea deep inside me, and knew it had to be the water magic.
    Tulves: Here, let me write the next coordinates in your book.
    Tulves: You've got the location of the Thunder cave there. Good luck...

    Stage 6:
    If you haven't got to this stage of the quest:
    The air around the entrance crackles with electricity. Maybe you should stay away...
    This is a series of challenges where the player must run to press buttons, three in the first challenge, four in the second, and five in the third. These buttons knock down towers, which they are at the base of, killing some fast firing but low damage per shot ranged enemies on top of the towers. The mobs cannot move, and have very high health and regen and take no knock back. They deal large knock back, but there are areas of cover around the cave. When the player finishes the final challenge they must fight a Thunder themed boss. It would be quite fast moving, uses projectiles (but slow rate of fire), and occasionally arrow storm. It has medium health. The quest book is updated and there is an exit teleporter.

    Stage 7:
    Tulves: Nice work! I felt a tingle of electricity go down my spine, and all my hair stood on end.
    Tulves: Only two shrines left to activate now. Here...
    Tulves: There. I've written the location of the Earth shrine for you.

    Stage 8:
    If you haven't got to this stage of the quest:
    The ground in front of the entrance starts to shudder. Maybe you should stay away...
    This is basically a battle challenge where the player must defeat mobs to get 32 tokens and interact with an npc which tells them to get 32 tokens (like the ones in ToA). If they do not have the required token amount it tells them they need more. If they have the right amount or more, 32 are taken from their inventory and the player is teleported to an Earth themed boss battle. The boss would have medium health, high damage and uses the Exploding Leap (or whatever it's called) spell. It is quite slow. The quest book is updated, and there is an exit teleporter.

    Stage 9:
    Tulves: Well done. I know you activated the Earth shrine. I felt the ground shudder and some of the animals outside fell over.
    Tulves: Let me write the location of the final shrine down.
    Tulves: It's the Fire shrine now. Hop you can handle the heat...

    Stage 10:
    If you haven't got to this stage of the quest:
    A wave of almost unbearable heat flows over you. Maybe you should stay away...
    This is a challenge where the player must survive for increasing amounts of time against very high health, virtually unkillable mobs. They are in small arenas, slightly larger than those in the similar stage in the Underworld Crypt. There are three stages, each mob having slightly different move sets and characteristics. After the final round, the player is teleported to a Fire themed boss. It has high health, fairly low damage, and is slow moving. It uses the Flamethrower spell. The quest book is updated, and there is an exit teleporter.

    Stage 11:
    Tulves: Amazing! You activated all five of the Element Shrines! I felt a deep warmth from within.
    Tulves: Let me just make sure this works...

    He turns away to a jewel which glows red, green, yellow, blue and white. Eventually he turns around to face you again.
    Tulves: Haha! It does!
    Tulves: If you want to infuse an item, you'll first have to go to the Blank Item Merchant over there. They will cost you a bit.
    Tulves: I know you made this possible, but I can't go handing out freebies to everyone. Anyway, the tower does need some repairs...
    Tulves: So, to infuse a Blank Item, you'll need to find some materials out in the wild. To get these, you need to kill certain creatures. You'll know them when you see them.
    Tulves: You then need to go to the Infuser over there and give him a Blank Item and your Materials. He'll move the essence of the material into the item, and it will give it the power of the material.
    Tulves: Here's a token. You can use it to buy a Material from the guy outside the tower. He's been collecting them for a while for me, and if you get a Material you don't want, you can trade it for one of his. He might want some money though.

    4096 Emeralds
    600,000 xp (open to changes. No idea if this is a good amount)
    Access to Blank Item Merchant
    Access to Infuser
    1 Material Token.

    Follow this link for a more in-depth explanation of how Infusion works: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/item-infusing.211022/

    If you have any suggestions for what I could add/change, please do leave it in the comments. Please quote/tag me so I see it.
    • Reduced the xp reward from 1 million to 600 000
    • Added boss battles to all the shrines, with a reason (see stage 1)
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
  2. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Good job. Now we all get lvl 101
    Pulty and ThomAnn100 like this.
  3. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    1M XP may be a bit too much. It takes 844k to level up to 71 from level 70.
    Perhaps somewhere around the 600k mark would be a more reasonable amount.
    The quest seems nice, but it sounds like there is quite a bit of travel. Instead of 5 elemental shrines, maybe only one with aspects of all of them would be nice.
    But yeah this seems nice.
    Stag2001 likes this.
  4. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Looks at ??? Quest
    Pulty likes this.
  5. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    That's entirely different.

    That's like comparing an average walk (normal quest) to climbing Mt. Everest (???). ??? isn't supposed to be a normal quest at all, it's even considered a community event. When looking at quests like this, you can't factor ??? into it.
  6. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Im a noob (Level 58) so I know nothing
  7. SUPER M


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    Then why did you even bring it up if you didn't even did it once?
    Pulty and field like this.
  8. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Changed the xp reward. As for the travelling, I intended the shrines to be fairly close to the tower, maybe about 100-200 blocks, in fairly element-themed areas (e.g. Water entrance on small island in a lake, Earth entrance in the side of a hill)
  9. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    You don’t need to make two different threads
  10. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    ... I kind of did, so that people can give feedback for either of my ideas, and to avoid a very long thread/ a thread with lots of spoiler-ception. Anyway, what do you think of my idea(s)?
  11. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    This concept has been suggested before, and it’s been a little meh in my opinion. This is basically more in depth powders, and I feel like build complexity is already high enough.
  12. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Fair enough. I guess it could get a little confusing if there are nearly unlimited possibilities of weapon/armour combinations as you can apply multiple materials to an item.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  13. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Bumpity bump
  14. HalfCat_

    HalfCat_ Supporter of Catania HERO GM Builder

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    The quest seems a little bit what should I say, not boring but just a little bit dull and tedious. I also agree with young_meme that it would be better with only one awesome "dungeon" as it would reduce time spent only walking to and from the tower.
  15. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Fair enough. I might do that, or maybe have him teleport you to each one. Idk.
    Tbh, the quest was more of a thing to add a little context to the whole Infusion thing, as well as making the player have to do something before they can start Infusing.
  16. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Bumping this
  17. Tornor

    Tornor Mayor of Kandon-Beda VIP+

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    I would be fine with this quest if it weren't for one problem...
    This is essentially a fetch quest.
    You go to a place, do a thing, go to another place, do another thing, and it is very repetitive.
    Other than the relay part of it, there is no other part of this quest that is very interesting.
    No unique puzzles, (all 5 puzzles are in the game already) no cool story (Sure, some quests are fetch quests, but they have a twist on it or lots of lore.) and no bosses.
    I have seen worse, but this is just bland.
  18. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Added bosses to all the shrines. As for the lore, there is a bit about Infusion and Blank Weapons, but I don't want to make anything which is too lore based, as the main purpose of the quest is to unlock Infusion.
  19. Zepic

    Zepic I Don’t Know What to Put HERO

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    You do know they will never implement quest or weapon ideas right?
  20. JingerPi

    JingerPi Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I think it might be cooler if all the caves were at the bottom of the tower underground and the tower was kind of the epicenter of the elements.
    The basement could branch off into different sections like 5 mini dungeons, possibly teleporting back to the basement when done to fix some of the fetchiness.
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