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World Item Infusing

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by DrX2345, Dec 14, 2017.


Is Infusion a good idea?

  1. Yes

  2. Yes, but add/change...(insert change here)

  3. No, but add/change...(insert change here)

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  4. No

  5. Don't vote here, nut if you voted 'no', could you say why please?

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  1. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    So, I've seen this concept in a few other threads, and that a weapon upgrade system is something that a few people want, so I've come up with Infusion, a system similar to powders which allows the player to, instead of elemental damage and defence, alter the identifications of an item, and use powders on the item, effectively allowing players to build their own items with the desired ids.

    Basically, once you complete a quest (which I will make a suggestion for as well), you get access to a 'blank item' merchant and an Infuser trade npc. The blank items are different levels, from level 70 going up in 5s (the quest is level 70 or so). They are quite expensive, maybe 10le for a level 70 blank item, going up in intervals of 1 or 1.5 le per 5 levels. This is because they have the potential to be very powerful. Blank items are the only items that can be Infused.

    What is Infusion?
    Infusion is the art of putting an essence of a material into another object. There are several things you can infuse your items with. These are: Gemstone, Wood, Iron, Quicksilver, Sulfur, Stardust, (probably more to come)
    Weapon Infusion:
    When you infuse weapons and armour with different materials, they have different effects, depending on whether the item is an armour piece or a weapon. Here are the effects on weapons:
    • Gemstone: increases the weapon's Spell Damage by 15% each time it is infused. Reduces the weapon's Melee Damage by 20.
    • Wood: increases Life Steal on the weapon by 10% each time it is infused. Reduces the weapon's Health Regen by 5%.
    • Iron: increases the Melee Damage of the weapon by 75 each time it is infused. Reduces the weapon's Spell Damage by 5% and the Attack Speed by 1 Tier.
    • Quicksilver: increases the Attack Speed of the weapon by one tier each time it is infused. Reduces the weapon's Melee Damage by 50.
    • Sulfur: increases the Exploding of the weapon by 5% each time it is infused. Reduces the weapon's Life Steal by 2%.
    • Stardust: increases the Mana Steal of the weapon by 1/4s each time it is infused. Reduces the Mana Regen of the weapon by 3%.
    Armour Infusion:
    The materials you can infuse armour with are the same as those you can infuse weapons with. However, they have different effects. Here are the effects on armour:
    • Gemstone: increases the armour's Mana Regen by 7% each time it is infused. Reduces the armour's Melee Damage by 10.
    • Wood: increases the armour's Health Regen by 10% each time it is infused. Reduces the armour's Mana Regen by 75.
    • Iron: increases the armour's Health by 100 each time it is infused. Reduces the armour's Walk Speed by 7%.
    • Quicksilver: increases the armour's Walk Speed by 7% each time it is infused. Reduces the armour's Health by 100
    • Sulfur: increase the armour's Thorns by 10% each time it is infused. Reduces the armour's Mana Regen by 7%.
    • Stardust: increases the armour's Reflection by 7% each time it is infused. Reduces the armour's Melee Damage by 5%.
    How does Infusion work?
    So, once you've competed the quest, you get access to a room in the wizard's tower (will be explained in the quest suggestion) which contains an Infuser and a Blank Item Merchant. To start Infusing items, you're going to need a Blank Item. These are the only items that can be Infused, because other items have existing enchantments which cannot be altered (that's the lore reason. The real reason is that it would be too unbalanced). To get the materials needed for Infusing an item, you must hunt special mobs of similar strength to the Key Guardians which spawn around the Cinfras area. These mobs, named something which relates to the material they drop, have the characteristics of that material when it is applied to weapons and armour (e.g. The Gemstone Golem drops Gemstone and often uses spells), drop 1-2 of the material when killed. They all have a fairly low spawn rate, as they are supposed to be rare and a challenge to find, as well as posing a challenge to fight. The materials are Untradable with players, but can be traded in at the Resource Trader near the Infusion Tower for a Resource Token, which can be used to buy another material type.
    Blank Items
    I mentioned Blank Items, but not in much detail. Here's a more detailed look at what they are when you buy the from the Merchant.
    • Blank Weapons: Normal Attack Speed, Untradable, Quest Req.: The Infuser.
    • Damage: 250 (level 70), increase by 50 every 5 levels (so at level 75 damage is 300, at level 80 damage is 350, etc.). 10 Material slots at level 70, increases by 1 every 5 levels. 4 powder slots.
    • Blank Armour: Untradable, Quest Req.: The Infuser.
    • Health:
    • Helmet: 500 (level 70), increases by 50 every 5 levels. 10 Material slots at level 70, increases by 1 each 5 levels. 3 powder slots.
    • Chestplate: 1000 (level 70), increases by 100 every 5 levels. 10 Material slots at level 70, increases by 1 every 5 levels. 3 powder slots.
    • Leggings: 750 (level 70), increases by 100 every 5 levels. 10 Material slots at level 70, increases by 1 every 5 levels. 3 powder slots.
    • Boots: 750 (level 70), increases by 75 every 5 levels. 10 Material slots at level 70, increases by 1 every 5 levels. 3 powder slots.

    Please tell me what you think is good about the idea, if there's something I should change/add, and generally if it should be added. I also couldn't think of any other materials to use in Infusion, so please post a material in the naming style I've used and the ids it would relate to on weapons/armour. Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestion!

    • Added debuffs for weapons.
    • Added debuffs for armour and changed the effect of Stardust on armour.
    • Added Blank Items section, a few small changes to id values.
    • Added Material slot values and powder slot values in Blank Weapons.
    Follow this link to see the quest and the context of Infusion: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/the-infuser.211043/
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2017
  2. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Hm... I like the idea, but how about so we don't have ridiculously OP weapons, there can be negatives for boosting a stat? As well as a limit?
    JingerPi likes this.
  3. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I'm going to add that Soontm, but first I'm going to make the quest (with coloured text!) to add a little context.
  4. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Cool, I'll grade after so, tomorrow...
  5. HalfCat_

    HalfCat_ Supporter of Catania HERO GM Builder

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    Is there a maximum amount of infusions? Maybe you could make it so if you infuse something it gets a big boost in something but also a minor minus in some other category. For example:

    +10 Melee Damage
    -2 Spell damage

    This would probably help with balancing and also maybe a cap of infusions depending on how OP one infusion is, could also be different for each weapon/armor. Like the level 70 weapon/armor can hold 7 infusions while the level 100 one can hold 11, very similar to powder slots. By the way do infusions cost emeralds as that would be a great money sink as well as make it harder to make overpowered weapons/armor.
    JingerPi likes this.
  6. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Yeah, I'm going to add some stuff like that in a bit, but atm I'm doing the quest.
    JingerPi likes this.
  7. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    Thorns or reflection? (or maybe something to do with water (or defence in general) due to sulfurs inability to dissolve in water) On weapons you have exploding and i reckon Thorns or reflection would be the closest thing to it.

    Also how many times can you infuse an item with one particular modification and how many different modifications can you use on one item? or can you have a pair of booties with 1000Ws and shit ton of health and health regen aswell as a spear with 10k life steal.

    Will these 'Blank items' have no base ids and are literally blank slates (plus dmg and health depending on armour or weapon) if they are simply blank slats then % upgrades would do nothing as 1.1x 0 is still 0.

    Also the armour modifications should have negative some sides just like the weapons or atleast start with negative ids in some aspects.

    Atm the idea is rather op but with some fine tuning could become reasonably balanced with enough negative ids (money cost doesn't make something less op as people have shit tons of that stuff to spare.)
  8. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I was going to add the armour debuffs yesterday, but ran out of time. When I say about increasing a stat by a percentage, it adds that as an id. You were right about the items being essentially blank slates, but if you say applied Sulfur, the Exploding chance would now be +5% so there is a 5% chance of the enemy exploding when it dies. It's sort of hard to explain. Maybe someone else can explain, as I know what I mean but I can't really express it in words.
    I was going to add the armour debuffs yesterday, but ran out of time. When I say about increasing a stat by a percentage, it adds that as an id. You were right about the items being essentially blank slates, but if you say applied Sulfur, the Exploding chance would now be +5% so there is a 5% chance of the enemy exploding when it dies. It's sort of hard to explain. Maybe someone else can explain, as I know what I mean but I can't really express it in words.
    SaltyKing likes this.
  9. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    Oh yeah i get you with the +10% instead of x1.1% that makes sense.
    No need to double post :P
  10. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads HERO

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    Maybe so to not super OP there's a chance it maybe could not work or even downgrade like horses do
    JingerPi likes this.

    3XTWISTEDTITAN The Traveler

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    You literally copied my idea that I copied from a mod that was copied from you mom. But somehow yours is better
    JingerPi and DrX2345 like this.
  12. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I didn't mean to. My iPad lagged so I pressed the post button twice, and it went weird.
    Thanks! I will admit that I copied some of the idea from you.
  13. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    I never said your idea was bad. But the idea has some differences. It is not the same thing.
  14. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    550 damage normal attack speed at level 100
    Plus 150% spell damage if you can find 10 gemstones
    So does that mean constant 11k neutral meteors for mages?
    Probably need to balance the damage and amount of "infusions" for each of the class weapons
  15. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    so op powders? aight
  16. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Not really. You can only use Infusions on Blank Weapons, and they also have powder slots.
  17. JingerPi

    JingerPi Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    this is a good idea, pretty much the only problems have already been stated.
    drx2345 listen to the suggestions and it will be awesome. +1
  18. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Tag me so I see it. Btw I have tried to add most of the suggestions from other people. I'm going to have a look at the post now and see what else I can add.
    I just added Material and Powder slot numbers to the Blank Items. Let me know if you think they should be changed, and what the values should be - these are just random numbers atm.
    Should I make it more challenging to get higher levelled items, so you can only buy level 70 Blank Items and you have to upgrade them by fighting some elemental bosses? Tell me!
  19. Infernis264

    Infernis264 asdfghjkl

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    A good idea would be to only allow 1 infusion slot for a weapon, that way, it cant become ridiculously overpowered, and it just gives a small boost somewhere, and a small debuff somewhere else
  20. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Please don’t necropost (posting on a thread that hasn’t been posted on for more than a month)
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