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New Class: Engineer/mechanic

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Jussari, Nov 18, 2017.

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  1. Jussari

    Jussari Time Traveler VIP+

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    Defense: 2
    Damage: 3
    Range: 3

    Zap Mine/Elecricity Trap
    Unlocked at lvl 1. Upgrades at lvl 16 and 36. Places down a mine that does a 3 block radius explosion. Disappears after 15 seconds. Cooldown 5 seconds. (3 mines max.)

    Grade 1 (lvl 11)
    Mana: 7
    Damage: 125%
    Thunder Damage: 25%

    Grade 2 (lvl 16)
    Mana: 7
    Damage: 150%
    +Freezes mobs for 1 second. 3 block radius.
    Thunder Damage: 30%
    Earth Damage: 15%

    Grade 3 (lvl 36)
    Mana: 7
    Damage: 175%
    Thunder Damage: 35%
    Earth Damage: 25%

    {I used Earth Damage because I didn't want to make the whole class only Thunder Damage.}

    Electro Shower/Sparkle Burst
    Unlocked at lvl 11, upgrades at lvl 26 and 46. Attacks all mobs in a 3 block radius. 2 blocks of knockback. Shoots you 3 blocks in the direction you are looking.

    Grade 1 (lvl 11)
    Mana: 5
    Damage: 20%
    Thunder Damage: +20%

    Grade 2 (lvl 26)
    Mana: 5
    Damage: 20%
    +Now shoots 6 blocks the way you are looking. Also gives speed boost for 2 min.
    Thunder Damage: +25%

    Grade 3 (lvl 46)
    Mana: 4
    Damage: 30%
    +Electric Shock: 4 blocks of knockback, Radius now 6 blocks
    Thunder Damage: +30%

    {I wanted to make this a spell to use if you get overwhelmed, like all classes have. That's why I made it shooting, speed boost and such a knockback.}

    Energy Blast/Current Blaze

    Unlocked at lvl 21. Upgrades at lvl 36 and 56. An energy ball that does huge amount of damage. 12 blocks of range. Radius of 3 Blocks.

    Grade 1 (lvl 21)
    Mana: 8
    Damage: 200%
    Thunder Damage: +30%

    Grade 2 (lvl 36)
    Mana: 8
    Damage: 250%
    +Radius: 4 blocks. Also does 3 blocks of knockback.
    Thunder Damage: 30%
    Fire Damage: 25%

    Grade 3 (lvl 56)
    Mana: 8
    Damage: 275%
    +Beam, goes through a maximum of 3 mobs. (explosion only at the end)
    Thunder Damage: 35%
    Fire Damage: 30%

    {Every class has the super strength spell, so I made this spell. I had to nerf it because it was too strong, but I'll try to keep the damage pretty high}

    Iron Guard/Steel Protector
    Unlocks lvl 31, upgrades at lvl 46 and 66. Spawns in a tiny iron golem that does decent amount of damage, but little health. It will NOT attack bosses, except if there isn't any other mobs around.

    Grade 1 (lvl 31)

    Mana: 10
    Health: 35%
    Damage: 100%

    Grade 2 (lvl 46)
    Mana: 10
    Health: 35%
    Damage: 115%
    +Knockback about 3 blocks, walk speed 25% faster
    Earth Damage: 25%

    Grade 3 (lvl 66)
    Mana: 10
    Health: 45%
    Damage: 125%
    +Regenaration: 5% in 5 sec. Poison 15%/2sec. 2 golems max.
    Earth Damage: 35%

    {I couldn't really think of a better spell, also this is an engineer so shouldn't they be able to build a robot that helps them}

    I have not thought about what is the weapon and also please give me better names for the spells.

    EDIT: Mana raised and damage lowered for most of the spells, also more detailed.
    EDIT2: changed Electro Shower stats.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2017
  2. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    This moveset is just a mess.
    Pokextreme and Stag2001 like this.
  3. Exoltic

    Exoltic Rip Jonghyun, 12/18 VIP

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    No thanks
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2017
  4. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Please add a spell stat so that it doesn't seem to be a copy of Warrior with the stats.
    Interesting spell idea.
    You messed up at the level, not gonna hold ya there.
    -Mana cost seems pretty low for such a powerful move early game.
    -200% Is insane.
    -Wouldn't it do Thunder damage, not Earth?
    -Mana cost is still super low for such a powerful weapon.
    -Radius seems to be a bit big as well as the freezing.
    -This should deal more Thunder than Earth as the name ZAP MINE means it does thunder.
    -Mana cost still super low.
    -Damage is huge for such a level.
    -Super abusable as there is no cool down. Does it replace each mine with a new one? Is there a cooldown?
    -Define a few blocks of knockback.
    -Mana cost is again near nothing for such damage.
    -Thunder Damage is insnae.
    -Mana costs even less for a super insane damage.
    -Damage is huge.
    -Freeze needs a set time.
    -Why a speed boost?
    -Super low Mana again.
    -Damage is insane.
    -Define Huge Knockback
    -How much damage? What is the calculation over time?
    -Radius is a bit small for the level of Grade...
    -The class is already abusable in damage.
    -Damage is way too insane for the level and with the other spells.
    -Mana cost is fine, just take a nerf hammer to the damage.
    -Define Good amount of knockback
    -Damge is insane, way too much for such a little amount of Mana.
    -Super abusable.
    -Damage is insane.
    -Explosion triggers LS until next update so this is broken.
    -Sounds like a Sorcerer again but lets check it out.
    -Health 30%?
    -Damage 120% hits like a freaking truck already.
    -Health 40%?
    -Damage is huge already.
    -Speed 25% Faster? In which terms? Attack speed or walk speed?
    -65% Health?
    -Regeneration is fine?
    -Wither effect is broken.
    -Why 2 Golems?
    -This ups AFK grinding...

    Grade: 22% F

    You provided very little detail, as well as the damage in general is way too insane. Give this thing a Cataclysm (just an example) it will actually do the most damage in the game thanks to this. This class is abusable in every way. From the Mana to the damage. This idea has also been suggested before. Besides, this class makes Mage and Warrior look balanced. The weapons in this case will have to less than worthless if you have any hope of balancing. But even then the spells are insane, please lower the damage for a lot of them as well as the Mana in some cases have to be heightened. Please add more details.

    Don't give up, just look at the classes in the Help part of Wynncraft and you can use those as reference for how to balance your spells a bit. It should help a bit.
    Nihilego36, Exoltic and ThomAnn100 like this.
  5. Jussari

    Jussari Time Traveler VIP+

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    I looked at them for some reference, and I tried to make it balanced. But thanks for help.
  6. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Why is there no movement spell? Spell two should always be a movement spell, although it often does damage at higher levels too (surprise attack archer, slash Mage, etc)
  7. Jussari

    Jussari Time Traveler VIP+

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    Assassin doesn't have one either. And it does give speed boost a grade 2
  8. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Eh, it does. Vanish now gives a small dash.
  9. Jussari

    Jussari Time Traveler VIP+

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    vanish doesn't give speed except at grade 3, and then also little
  10. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    In truth, Vanish has a small charge. When stacked upon each other you can cross decently-sized gaps. It is a movement spell that is meant for cliffs and mountains. When you are in Vanish you are void to all damage that involves falling. Yes Assassin has a movement spell. It may not be as good as the other classes, but it is still there. It's just never really well known. Your class may have a Speed 3, but that does not count as a "True Movement" Spell. All this does is a Stat-Booster. I find this class to be more of a damage dump class as where you are very focused on damage rather than strategy when you can just spam these spells to deal dumb amount of damage.
    Stormarend likes this.
  11. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    Welp, i'm not a pro at classes, so i'm gonna ignore stats and else and let pros discuss it, however another class would require a whole change of the lore or the class being along with a new province for example

    So its prob not going to come, but don't give up on your dreams, i'm even crazier, I want nether to be great again!

    Also, add a poll to know what people think of it!
  12. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Technically it does. (Assassin that is). Vanish, although maybe not the most mobile of movement spells, is one. It makes sense as an assassins motion spell, because it allows them to sneak up on mobs. Yours has no initial movement, and only gives speed at higher levels. Thus, it is not a movement spell, as @OGK said, but merely boosts your speed once the spell is over. It should, at level 1, only give some sort of mobility boost, and not do any damage (correct me if I'm wrong warriors), then upgrade to do damage at higher levels.
  13. Jussari

    Jussari Time Traveler VIP+

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    It does now make a movement, I edited it yesterday. Also, warriors do damage.
  14. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    by the way it takes jumla an average of 30 hours to code a class

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