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World Change Wynn's "no Refund Policy"

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Johnny Mcgeez, Nov 11, 2017.


Should this be Added

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Yes but (some reason)

  4. No but will say Yes if (some reason)

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  1. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    I WILL say that Untradables CAN be done with a weird bug. I won't give out on how I know, but it can be done. This is all I can say in respectable limits.
  2. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz CHAMPION

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    Ik how to do it, but I can’t test if someone else can pick up your untradables when you drop them from dying
  3. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    This was not their goal, the idea was1 hive piece per class
  4. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    yes, but with the new changes, hive pieces aren't going to fit some people's builds.
    this idea was suggested somewhere right
  5. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz CHAMPION

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    You should reply to me
  6. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    how about instead you fix your neglected and easily fixable system. don't blame recklessness when you've ignored your system and haven't even taken in any ideas that have been made before corkus released.
    SeaOfPoison likes this.
  7. Exoltic

    Exoltic Rip Jonghyun, 12/18 VIP

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    Ouch i'm not even part of the Wynncraft team and I felt that.
  8. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Man... that actually hurt a bit.
  9. TurtlePlaysGamez

    TurtlePlaysGamez Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I do agree that they should put a merchant for hive items because of the patch and it will ruin so many builds because of it. I know they wont refund anything or anyone because items glitching out of peoples inventories randomly/on login is a bug they will hopefully fix soon. But when they change something like the hive pieces after so long and so many people using them they should put a exchange merchant for that but can only be used once per class ( because you can only get 1 item per class.)
  10. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    I honestly don't understand. Are you telling us to keep track of every possible lost item that every single of our tens of thousands of players drop at every moment in the game? That's the only thing I'm perceiving from that kind of a statement.
  11. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz CHAMPION

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    I think we should focus on current bugs instead of releasing new content
  12. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    The content team doesn't fix these kinds of bugs my friend, if we could I would, trust me. The content team makes builds and quests, we don't do any of the coding. We work independently from the code team, so having us do nothing while we wait for code to be finished is pointless and a waste of time.
  13. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    I'm on Selvut's side. Death does happen, and it requires the player to be lower than 5 sp. Then, there is also an RNG that rolls as well (0 sp is 16% of dropping an identified item), and a three minute test might not prove as much as you hope.

    Just a curious question - How DID you lose your item? If it was due to a bug, and some people do sincerely lose items due to bugs, it would be kind of unfair and unfortunate. Personally I haven't met a bug like this before, the worst for me is just throwing a random low leveled legendary and gift it to the Seaskipper. A Hive Item is different however. There is a lot of reasons why Wynn has a no refund policy as well, reasons such as players would annoy the moderators and staff members a lot. They are here to help, but they are not our slaves either.
  14. BrickBuilder03

    BrickBuilder03 A penguin that likes turtles. VIP

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    I did afk in breminglar once for a while until only my untradables where left. All other items were gone. I think we have pretty conclusive evidence for hive items not dropping.
    Khaps and PikaLegend like this.
  15. funnysillyman

    funnysillyman lil uzi fan VIP+ GM

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    Because it would take longer for moderators. Why should they take longer to search your inventory for something that is your fault. If you were more alert, because you know that there is a bug, then you wouldn't have lost the item. Like @captainganon said,

    There are obvious ways to avoid this glitch. It's your fault that you lost the items. Yes it's annoying. Yes, it can be pretty ruining for a player. But can it be easily avoided? Yes, of course it can.
  16. BrickBuilder03

    BrickBuilder03 A penguin that likes turtles. VIP

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    Yes my bank should be able to put a button saying press here to make us not take all your money. This is totally reasonable because there is an easy way of preventing it.

    Please stop defending this shit.
  17. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Bremminglar is a pretty weird place to AFK as there are no guards to protect you. You would be out in the open, ripe for cats that lay around the city. Unless you were either on top of a building or inside a house, you could easily die to these mobs no matter what. Quantity over Quality is what smaller mobs are.
    This is a bit excessive... but yes this would be a lot of work for no reason just so the Community would be happy. Then after that they will then pester and bug you guys with an update, for once I will defend you here and say that this would be impossible or just too much time consumption. So yeah, don't do that.
    Sometimes, there are not obvious ways. When a bug happens and you don't know, where do people go? Straight to mods or the community for help. Then when they asked what happened, they felt cheaped out of their item(s) or they just are very annoyed. Depending on the item(s) that is. There are some items that are lost thanks to a little thing called, "Server crashing" this is an entire different subject but it still falls underneath the Bug category. This is no ones fault, just the crappyness of MC itself. Besides that, yes you are in the right to say that some of us have knowledge of this. But as well as many other people NOT knowing of this. A lot of the community rush to the Forums as soon as a bug happened that effected their gameplay and enjoyability.

    Should you guys be blamed? No.
    Should you guys blame the community? No.
    Can some of these Bugs be avoided quickly? Yes.
    Can ALL of the Bugs be avoided? Hell no.

    In all honesty, everyone messes up. But when someone gets robbed as where I will quote Selvut here; "one hive item per class" is straight up wrong.
    Reference here: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/hive-vouchers-exchange-merchant.206482/#post-2503788
    Should it be replaced? Well considering on how it is supposed to be only found ONCE. I expect something should be done as if this were to be a problem and you do make it limited to one Hive Item per class. A LOT of classes will be ripped off. It doesn't even have to be a refund, it can simply be something to PREVENT this or work around it. If an item disappears and it was supposed to be a Once-In-A-Class-Item, that means. A LOT.

    But then again you are already probably working on this as it is a constant problem. But if you aren't, I strongly suggest that it should have a work around sooner or later. If it is implemented next update, cool, if not, it may be in the next one. Who knows?

    I am not completely saying it is your fault CT. It's just very annoying. It is sometimes the fault of players. Sometimes they AFK in the dumbest of spots, even I do at points. Hell most likely you have done it too.

    I am getting ahead of myself here. So I will just leave it off with this:

    I love both sides, if it seemed that I attacked one side more than the other, I attempted to not do so. This is all of my opinion and how I see things.

    Have a Good Day!
  18. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    has been around for 6 months
    so reducing your inventory by 8 slots constantly is an easy fix to the problem? seems legit
  19. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Whether the item being lost was OP's fault or not, unfortunately, even I can't justify a glitch as financially lethal as the SP glitch still existing after this amount of time. However, I want to believe that there are reasons behind the bug still existing i.e. bugs being potentially difficult to fix in general and that due to Wynn's current code not allowing the developers to push a hotfix without pushing everything else in the update.

    I have very mixed feelings on what Blank is proposing here, if a player has lost an item in a way they had absolutely no control over via something like a glitch, then I could see why Blank would propose something, but if it's something that was in the player's control, then to put it simply, no.

    I don't think the issue is the no refund policy necessarily, I think the issue is the SP glitch itself and how long it's been here and that nothing can truly be done about it until the update, unless you create some sort of workaround, which seems to be this suggestion. I may be completely wrong about this, I may not be, either way, I believe the point of this suggestion is to create a workaround around item-deleting glitches that the player has no control over, but failed to mention it in the first post of this thread, not even linking to this thread. And it seems that the lack of mentioning the SP glitch has caused a misunderstanding among some posts here, mainly the CT. Again, I could be completely wrong, but this is what has resulted from my deduction of the issue, correct me if I'm wrong.

    ... But, as some have pointed out, the idea of players gaining a lost item back seems easily abusable, and even if moderated, would be difficult to determine whether a player was being honest or not under various circumstances, considering that only so many mods could do this and the many players we have. In the end, I don't think it's going to work.

    Should this bug be fixed? Yes.
    Can you justify a bug as dangerous as this existing for this long? No. But I can see why: Wynn's code making constant hotfixes difficult and the process of bugfixing in general.
    Should players be able to regain lost items if it was their fault? No.
    Should players be able to regain lost items if none of it was their fault? Maybe, but due to the effort required to make something like this work well, I don't think it's going to happen.

    Couldn't a player just have 8 empty slots to avoid the bug? Ah yes, this. Is it an easy and efficient way to avoid the bug? Yes, but there lies the problem: Having 8 open slots 24/7 is a band-aid fix for a bug in the system that shouldn't exist in the first place. Imagine a broken vending machine that, instead of being fixed with resources available, has an "out of order" sign placed on it: Does it provide an easy way for people to avoid the issue? Yes. Does it fix the fundamental problem that created the issue in the first place? No.
  20. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    It's something deep seated within the code that the devs haven't been able to pinpoint yet. Salted has been trying to fix it pretty much this entire time, and he thought he'd gotten it multiple times before, but it kept happening(albeit significantly less than before he did his "fixes"). We're more than aware of how destructive this bug is, so it's #1, 2, and 3 on the to-do list of things to fix.
    Stag2001, Khaps, Poiu429 and 2 others like this.
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