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Why Level 90-100 Is Tedious, And How We Can Fix It.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by HollowKill, Nov 6, 2017.


Do you agree?

Poll closed Dec 7, 2017.
  1. Yes!

  2. Yes, but i don't think they could've adjusted this.

  3. No, the quests are good as they are.

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  1. Pepo

    Pepo Snt best cult! QA GM CHAMPION

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    I don't know, but I think that having someone new mid/end-update creation would be more work.
  2. BuffAirSpear

    BuffAirSpear Avos Air Assassin HERO

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    Personally i dont think the time it takes from 90 to 100 is too long. Infact i think that up until 80 or 90 (not sure) you level up wayyyyyyyyy too fast. Literally all you need to do is complete the quests .-. And i dont think thats how it should be. Most of the time i cant even think about using a certain item that i want to use because... by the time i found it i am already 10 levels higher lol (not true for 80 to 90 but you get what i mean) i dont think you should be able to beat the game in a couple of hours .-. Thats just too quick.
    However... i do agree that grinding is boring af (eventhough it doesnt even take that long to grind from 90 to 100 ._. ) and that it needs to be more rewarding in some ways. If you want this... sure you have my support but.. if you want it to be just faster and exactly the same way as
    1-90 then all you get from me is a lolno.

    Edit: also you do realise that your title isnt true since you dont give us a possible fix .-. All you do is state the way you see things currently x) thus the title should be "and how it could have been avoided/fixed"
    Pokextreme and OGK like this.
  3. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    No, it's not.
    Grinding is a cheap escape for underfunded games.
    RPG stands for role playing game.
    You CAN NOT role play while you're killing the same mob over and over and over for 20+ hours.

    It wouldn't be so bad if we could take higher level quests at a lower level, because that's the only point where grinding is even remotely acceptable.
    Grinding was a progression tool to allow you to complete quests.
    Not a progression tool for the ENTIRE GAME.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  4. BuffAirSpear

    BuffAirSpear Avos Air Assassin HERO

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    it really isnt currently though O.o you barely have to grind until level 90... and by barely i mean... its not even comparable to pre gavel... thats how little grinding there is currently ._. if you grind a lot rn/do a lot of csst then thats your own decision because you really dont have to until the final 10levels
    Pokextreme likes this.
  5. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    There's actually grinding in between every level since a single quest doesn't fill a whole level. (Not saying it should, just pointing out grinding).
    It doesn't get bad till the 40-60 range, where every step is a 180 degree upside down horizontal climb.
  6. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    What are you on about?
    Grinding is the fundamental aspect of an MMORPG.
    How do you propose an MMO to exist for a long time without grinding? Quests!?
    Go to WoW, Diablo 3 or PoE forum and repeat what you just said and you are going to get laughed at by the whole forum.
    RPG stands for a lot more than just role playing. Wynncraft isn't just "rpg", it's also hack and slash, and those kind of games rely on grinding. The complete fact that grinding has been neglected forever is the reason people are bored with the game and have nothing to do. Once the update is out, you will complete all the new stuff in under a weak, and guess what, you will be bored, once again, for months.
    There is a reason why online Elder Scrolls requires a lot more grinding than offline. Single player RPGs aren't the same as online ones. Don't take the name RPG so literal that you dismiss fundamental values of such games.

    "Grinding is a cheap escape for underfunded games"
    What an awful argument. As if the top RPGs in the world are unfounded.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
  7. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    Yo. WoW takes you from level 1 to max level only by quests and dungeons. Once you reach level cap then you start grinding for profession materials, reputation, gold, daily quests and all of that good stuff.

    Most of the grinding in WoW nowadays is for people to complete those daily quests (Quests like: Go kill 18 harpies in val'sharah, you'll recieve 200 gold), but you're right about your other examples.
  8. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    You can reach the level cap in WoW, Eso, Tera, and probably quite a few other MMORPGs without ever doing the same thing twice.
    Wanna know why?
    Questing isn't the only content.
    Try dungeons, exploration, special mobs, events.
    Wynncraft has these too, but they're all of poor quality as well.
    You can hack and slash all you like, doesn't change the fact that doing it to the same few mobs over and over is annoying, and should not be considered a proper method for advancing the game.
    Grinding isn't fundamental, it's just what early game designers created for the same problem Wynn is having, lack of content.

    The only reason you should have to grind is if you aren't powerful enough to complete a quest, or if you need materials/items.
    Forcing players to grind for content is bad game design.
  9. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    I apologize if I misunderstood you, and I obviously did, since 2 consecutive posts consider grinding as leveling your character.
    I assure you, grinding is much more than just that, and if Wynncraft realized that, we wouldn't have bored people.
    Trading on market, doing CSST, leveling up several characters to high levels, that's all part of a grind, and that's what grinding represents. Not just mindlessly killing mobs to gain a few levels in order to finish 2 more quests. If that was the case, I wouldn't stand behind grinding so firmly.
  10. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    That's what I was talking about.
    Except for CSST because Wynn dungeons are really grindy.
    I'm not talking about replaying.
    T-Flex likes this.
  11. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Damn when did the staff team get so edgy

    1. Yes, grinding is an essential part, the thing is...
    Some games do it better than others
    Grinding isn't always fun
    Games like Destiny / borderlands which are mainly just for grinding, are fun towards certain people who enjoy grinding

    However some games do grinding well
    Where grinding would feel fresh, unique, and fun each time, where it is still difficult to play the game

    Take a totally different shit example of a game that I don't even know why I did this

    It's a random shooter game that you probs don't know called Sky force reloaded

    Playing the game, you are REQUIRED to replay older levels to beat the game, it's technically possible, but totally implausible

    The thing is in this game, even after playing the level multiple times, it's still fun, dodging swarms of enemy bullets, fighting engaging bosses, etc

    This really can't compare to a RPG, but since I'm not much of a rpg player I can't really make a good example,
    Basically my main point is,
    Grinding is needed,
    However, it has to be fun.
    Is wynn grinding fun?
    Not really, your simply either
    A. Safespotting in an area destroying swarms of mods with multiple AOE spells
    B. Grinding the same dungeon over and over and over, not for the fun, but simply just to get it done quick, just to get that xp, so you can grind more at higher areas
    C. Grinding bosses, but not in a fun way, either killing their minions, or illegal exploiting

    The thing is, when mob grinding, mobs are repeatable swarms of mindless AI's that just get crushed over and over by AOE spells,

    I remember when I first got to Saint's row

    I was TERRIFIED of the swarms of skeletons, and I safe spotted in a tree, and it was a mission impossible style thing to get to the tree and safespot,
    It was fun for a day or two

    Then, after I got strong enough by grinding in the area,
    I just jumped onto the floor and killed everything.
    The grinding was fun at first, but afterward, it got boring

    Now this is at low levels, when grinding is FAST
    At high levels, your spending HOURS stuck in a tiny cave killing enemies over and over

    Tl;dr games need grinding, just make it a bit fun

    2. You have no idea why this exact level range was chosen, yet decide to complain. Mind using common sense for once?

    Why u gotta be so rude,

    I don't see a problem with his argument,
    It's pretty sound

    Your putting a large chunk of content, into an area which doesn't exactly need more content, other areas such as 90-100
    [the whole thread point]
    have little content
    [until molten heights soon-tm]

    If there is an exact reason, thats sound and makes sense, why not share it instead of bashing him over something without answering the question
    Mind using common sense for once?

    3. The content team is a group of individuals consisting of volunteers. Do you really expect we can push out updates whenever we feel like doing so? Creating content is a heavily time consuming job, and it gets done fastest by focusing on a singular task, instead of everyone doing whatever they want wherever they want.

    Wha..... wha?
    He's simply suggesting that you guys spread quests out

    This doesn't require pushing a bunch of updates whenever you feel like doing so...
    He's simply suggesting, that with the existing quests, spreading them out into better level ranges would be better,
    He's just calling for better planning,
    not anything else,
    I feel like your just bashing him at this point instead of reading his points?

    4. Then why'd you create this thread in the first place? The molten heights storyline has been planned for a long time, but has been delayed by the community demanding other types of content first. If there's anyone to blame for this, it's people such as yourself. See, even by requesting this, you're asking for other more important features to be delayed just to get your "idea" done.

    Are you serious.

    Your bashing this dude, over giving ideas, which I think are sound arguments, and saying that it's the players fault for giving feedback?

    Everyone knows that any idea in this section never gets added

    There have only been like, 3 suggestions out of over a 5000
    Thats a 0.0006% rate of suggestions being added

    The number is probably a bit higher,
    even at like 3x it it's still a tiny number.

    May I ask what community demanding other types of content has delayed the update?


    Sure, Blizzard is full of talented people who are proffesionals.
    But you can't really say that it's only them who can make good balanced games

    I think everyone would agree Wynn promotes grinding more than quests,
    You perhaps do 1 hour of questing, and then 15 of grinding
    Sure, balancing it PERFECTLY would be impossible,
    but perhaps making wynn not destiny would be nice?

    gud point

    3.Don't forget the fact, that becoming a meme caused hundreds, if not thousands of people to request for Corkus to become reality.

    1570 supporters - NOT ADDED
    1375 suppoters - NOT ADDED

    These quality suggestions, don't get added,
    and they have hundreds, if not thousands of people requesting for it to become a reality

    4. What do you think this subforum is for? Also, incase you haven't noticed, information of what's getting done in general is constantly released into the public.
    Again, suggestions here dont matter,
    they never get added

    Also, constant info released to the public?

    Gavel had like what, 5-8 things released the month before release,
    with like 2 years of no info?

    Gameplay update - 1 week or so of info before release?

    You guys just give info right before a major update,
    usually in a changelog form or so

    It's not that constant.
    If were lucky we get a update every 1-2 months

    By far, this is the most infuriating thing you've said. These features have been confirmed dozens upon dozens of times. Do you expect these can be created in a couple of days? Creating a high quality quests can take up to months due to the complex systems we have in use, and the lack of workpower. Let alone an entire storyline? That might take up to years!

    except... these are key updates
    Years? I think that would be fine,
    An actual main story ine, would be a huge update that I think everyone would care about,
    Sure delaying Fruma or Dern a bit might annoy some people,
    but adding a main storyline is also a good update that should be added,
    Plus by adding more provinces, it's just making it more difficult as time goes on.

    You're not taking the size of these suggestions into consideration. Kitten's seaskipper idea? Created single handedly as a project by Lotem, along with dialogue written by GMs with free time; Not wasting any time by any means. Nothing I've said so far devalues work, or mentions them being mistakes. Would you rather have updates with less features and content, just because people spent their excess time doing nothing?

    Look, the seaskipper was a hugely popular update.
    Sure it was done without gm time, but other community suggestions, would be EXTREMELY helpful to the game

    Item locks?
    Would it really take months and delay updates?

    Believe it or not, but I actually agree with something you pointed out. Sure, it does make the community aware of the fact there's a lack of 90-95 content, but what's the purpose exactly? This can be noticed by anyone just by looking at their quest book, and since it's been confirmed molten heights will take place in this section, the thread isn't making much more difference than "Fix Lag"-threads. I appreciate the effort put into making the thread, but it isn't of any actual use, really.

    So, I'd appreciate if you gave up on stubborness, and prevented the start of an unnecessary flame war

    The purpose of the thread is to bring up issues, that you guys dont adress or ever talk about...

    Also, I think your the one here who's a tad bit too angry at him

    note: no hate, not personally attacking anyone
    alcoholic femboy and Dr Zed like this.
  12. CookedPelvis

    CookedPelvis Famous Adventurer HERO

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    @(Meric) I'd like to respectfully touch up on some things you said in your response to Aaron.

    I agree with you here. Not sure what Aaron meant.

    Many of these 'quality suggestions' are new features. They are not content. As cool and useful as these suggestions are, they cannot be added until the refactor is complete.

    The Corkus Update happened because it was entirely content. Stuff that builders, GMs, and CMDs could work on and complete while the devs fixed up the code. The community wanted Corkus, and the CT could provide Corkus. That is why it became a reality.

    I agree. In my opinion progress-reports (if vague) should be given. Unfortunately, there are reasons these do not happen. I can't remember any off the top of my head.

    No. Just can't happen until refactor is finished.
  13. Hghuy

    Hghuy Well-Known Adventurer

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    How long approximately does the refractor have left?
  14. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    We don't know but if I had to take a guess it would take until Christmas or it would come out with the 1.18 update.
    But if somebody gets accepted now they can start their trail now and start doing actual work when the update comes out right?
  15. Hghuy

    Hghuy Well-Known Adventurer

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    Well if the refractor is in 1.18, then 1.17 should be out now to tide us over until then. But this wait for "a few quests and revamps" isnt right is it?
  16. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Christmas of 2163*
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  17. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    god this makes me depressed
    if something doesn't happen between the CT and the community
    sooner or later
    what's the point of CT, or even wynn, when they release an update and no one is there to play it
    because the community has left?
  18. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    You can’t expect a community to stick around a half-made game in minecraft that updates once every 7 months.
    SeaOfPoison, T-Flex and That_Chudley like this.
  19. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    They're not asking you to either. If you're not going to be patient and expect them to waste their whole life designing a game only for it to be disregarded because it's not perfect you should go play a game that's made by bigger companies than wynn.
    Cruuk and ThomAnn100 like this.
  20. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    Dr Zed likes this.
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