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World Multiple Quest/mini Dungeon Routes

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by RaveTail, Aug 18, 2017.


Does this sound fun and/or interesting?

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  2. No, this is bad (Post why if you want)

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  3. Good, but this should be added/removed (What should be added/removed)

  4. This is already in game. DO MORE RESEARCH! (I'm sorry ;-; please post proof of this)

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  1. RaveTail

    RaveTail Spicy Tuna Roll

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    (TO BE SPECIFIC: I'm not talking about:
    1. Multiple quest OBJECTIVES Is not what I mean. Example: Do this for option 1, or this for option 2 (Best Example: The Underice quest choice portion or Stage 7 on the wiki)
    2. Main Dungeons are not what I mean when I say mini Dungeon. It's a term for me to distinguish small caves that are here and there that have an obstacle course in them (what I'm talking about), caves that have nothing in them, and main dungeons which are are meant to be confusing and challenging (though can apply if one wishes. Not what I had in mind though))

    So, what do I mean by "Multiple Routes"? Well, as an example, Imagine you're in a Mini Dungeon and meet a fork in the path. Looking down one path, there is a lot of enemies. Looking down path number 2, there is a small puzzle or some type of challenge. Go down path one, you fight the enemies and at the end you get a lot of good loot and emeralds, while going down path number two you avoid all enemies and solve the puzzle, but only find some decent items and a few emeralds. They both exit the same way, and end up at the same exit that closes behind them. Here's a visual example:

    #########____A_____Fight_Big Reward____ ###############
    ########\____B____Challenge_Small Reward_/#############

    A =Path A
    B =Path B
    A+B = Path A+B Through same area
    -_/{}# =Path halls, splits, and fill in blocks

    Add ons/Thoughts:
    When you think about it, it does not change many things with mini dungeons already in game. Mind you, this meant to be in terms of a 1-4 or so of the number of challenges, or even more, along with maybe even 3 or more paths. I also think you shouldn't be able to just pass the enemies in the fight using spells and such, so a few ranged enemies that respawn slow sounds like a decent difficulty supplement (1-5 or so of them). I know you can just go back through the mini dungeon to grab the other loot. The thing is, that's the way that regular mini dungeons with small dead ends are handled. To give you another look at this, imagine this is a stealth mini dungeon/quest room, and you can try and go guns blazing, probably facing a HARD fight, or sneaking under the floor boards to get to the other side with hard jumps and puzzles. Both end up at the same end, no real difference except tid bits of dialog (if you really wanted). The only example I've seen of this in quests (and even then you still had to go the bottom route on the image above) is in the quest, "The Mercenary" when you sneak in the rafters to kill Ba'al. Since this in the game already, I feel like there should be way more of this type of thing. (final thought, this could be applied to relic stones, though highly unlikely since there is a main gimmick that revolves around one of them)
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2017
  2. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    The elf valley quest has this iirc
  3. RaveTail

    RaveTail Spicy Tuna Roll

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    Ah, I see. Sorry, I thought I was far in the game, but I guess I have more to learn and do. Thank you for telling me, and sorry for not looking far into it.
    Though at the same time, I don't mean JUST quests, though it could be in quests, I mean in the small ruins and caves on the overworld, but I'm sure I missed a lot of those.
    Bloik likes this.
  4. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Nope. That's a matter of which NPC you talk to at the end of the first quest; it doesn't change the challenges you go through.
  5. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    while this is already in the game, i would enjoy to see more of it. in fact would like most every quest to have more than a few ways to go about it.
  6. RaveTail

    RaveTail Spicy Tuna Roll

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    Alright, guess I should've specified that as well since that's how I would have felt. Added it into the page. Thank you.
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