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Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Peter_Marius, Aug 9, 2017.


Do you like the ideas?

  1. I like (More reefs)

    18 vote(s)
  2. I like (Fruit Picking)

    18 vote(s)
  3. I like (Hunting)

    21 vote(s)
  4. I like (Side-quests)

    17 vote(s)
  5. I like (Void-exploring)

    18 vote(s)
  6. I dislike (Void exploring)

    7 vote(s)
  7. I dislike (Side-quests)

    5 vote(s)
  8. I dislike (Hunting)

    4 vote(s)
  9. I Dislike (Fruit picking)

    4 vote(s)
  10. I dislike (More reefs)

    4 vote(s)
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  1. Peter_Marius

    Peter_Marius mhm... CHAMPION Builder

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    -------Please list you're ideas in the comments below and please vote on the pool--------

    General idea

    I would like to see more types of "side-content" easy content to do instead of grinding and other ways to make money.
    The content would have specific areas, NPC's or buildings where you can start/do the "side-content" liek a zone for hunting and an npc to start several type of side quests.

    Collecting content would mainly consist of the player picking up items to sell, kinda like the reef at selchar.

    More reefs
    The title explains it all, since it would be nice to have some bigger reefs and more of them at islands out in the coean and they could have rare pickups that could only be picked up there, but the items can only still be sold at selchar, people would earn more out there , but it would be harder to get back and would therefore give people more of a reward to go out there.
    Possible reef locations:
    It would lie between the islands and would fill almost of the space between.
    It would be situated just between the pillars holding up the terrain and it would be split into 3 main parts each situated between it's own pillars.
    It would lie just under the island and would just be like the selchar reef, but it would have some pirate treasure there which would be gold and other rare items clumped together.
    The reef would be between the volcanos and would fill the entire "bay".
    The reef would sit just besides the Maro peeks.

    Fruit picking
    This would just have fruit in areas with alot of forest and the player would be able to right-click the heads and then get a grape if he hit the grape he would get a grape and the player would be able to sell that item to a fruit merchant and it would work alot like the reef with the player selling a variety of items.
    The fruit would be all over the provinces in bushes and trees and just generally in any vegetation.

    This would see players kill mobs or specific mini-bosses and would mainly just another way to grind mobs in a more fun way.

    Hunting would see the player hunting Green or Yellow mobs and the mobs would drop either their skin or some form of meat and in the areas hostile mobs wouldn't spawn so it would be safe to hunt and the player would be able to sell it at capital cities or trading cities like Cinfras, Detlas, Almuj and Llevigar.

    The light forest would have a very small hunting area close to the elven town, but it would have a special fairy that players could handle that would drop "Heavingly spirit" and the fairy would be pretty rare and spawn on the edges of the zone.

    The Cinfras county would also have a couple of mini zones which would just spawn normal enemies and wouldn't have any special drops.

    The sky island would have 3 hunting zones one of them would just be a wybel hunting zone which would just be the wybel island and nothing should change about that, the next one is a dragonling hunting zone which would only consist of yellow enemies and it would be the hardest hunting zone besides the last one on the sky islands, the last one would be a Ancient Wybel hunting zone and it would be spawning harder wybels, but they drop better rewards and the islands would also have a change to spawn a "Ancient Elder Wybel" which would drop an "Elder Scrool".

    Nivla forest would have a pretty big zone which would be filled with the normal hunting prey and it would just a be a introduction zone to make people learn of the hunting concept.


    Wild pig [Level]
    Wild [Tier] Boar [Levle]
    Wild [Color] Bunny [Level]
    Wild [Tier] [Color] Rabbit [Level]
    Wild Chicken [level]
    Wild [Tier] Fowl [level]
    Wild Cow [Level]
    Wild [Tier] bull [Level]

    Wild Wybel [Level]

    Wild [Tier] Fairy [Level]
    Wild [Tier] Ancient Wybel [Level]
    Wild [Tier] Ancient Elder Wybel [Level]

    Ragni Butcher
    Detlas Butcher
    Almuj Butcher
    Troms butcher

    llevigar butcher
    Cinfras butcher
    Ahmsord butcher

    Ragni Leather Shop (Only able to sell leather)
    Detlas Leather- and Fur Shop (Only able to sell Leather or Fur at the specific shop)
    Troms Fur shop (Only able to sell fur)

    Llevigar Leather- and Fur Shop (Only able to sell Leather or Fur at the specific shop)
    Cinfras Leather- and Fur Shop (Only able to sell Leather or Fur at the specific shop)
    Ahmsord Speciality shop (Only able to sell special items)

    This would be less effort quests with small stories and would mainly consist of kill and collect and would just be another way to grind.
    Most of the Side-quests would be started from a couple of NPC's in cities and they owuld be started in cains meaning a NPC could have up to 20 side-quest in him and they would follow a small story-line.

    Low quality side-quests
    This would mostly just consist of kill and collect quests and they would eb every easy to produce and there could be alot of them scattered around citites and they could perhaps just be randomly generated with one NPC just randomly choosing a mob that is nreaby the city and gives a number and the player has to kill that amount.

    Medium quality side-quests
    Low medium side-quests would mainly just be side-quests which either have a small spin on the kill and collect or they incorporate a small puzzle or a small arena to fight the mobs in and they would also offer a bit of history of the person giving them.

    High quality side-quests
    High level side-quests would only be side-quests which have a puzzle or a spin on kill and collect and an arena and sometimes combining them all and making a puzzle to enter an arena to fight waves of monster until you fight the final boss.

    This would be more experimental and would be more fun/outlandish ideas with some cool or weird concepts.

    Void exploring
    This would see the player entering his own submarine/ship like the one in 1000 meters under and exploring a couple of islands fighting some mobs and then finding the treasure or crystal to then take it up to the surface and getting a reward.
    The player would arrive at a couple of void-islands and they have trasures hidden all over the islands, but the player can take the crystal and make a fixed amount for it or take the treasure for a bigger gamble.
    The farther down the player goes the more islands there are and harder enemies, but i also has more treasure and crystals and the rewards for bringing up crystals become bigger while the chance for getting better loot from the treasures becomes bigger.

    Possible ship tiers:

    Starting Tier (Dosen't allow the player to upgrade anything)
    [8 EB]
    Tier I (allows the player to upgrade the parts to Tier I and makes the ship a bit bigger on the outside)
    [16 EB]
    Tier II (allows the player to upgrade the parts to Tier II and makes the ship even bigger on the outside)
    [32 EB]
    Tier III (allows the player to upgrade the parts to Tier III and makes the ship even bigger in the outside)
    [1 LE]
    Tier IV (allows the player to upgrade the parts to Tier IV and makes the ship even bigger on the outside)
    [5 LE]

    Tier V (allows the player to upgrade the parts to Tier V and makes the ship the biggest it can be on the outside and it reinforces the outside a little bit)

    Possible ship storage size:

    Starting Tier (Allows the player to store 1 crystal or 3 chests)
    [8 EB]
    Tier I (allows the player to store 2 crystals or 6 chests)
    [16 EB]
    Tier II (allows the player to store 3 crystals or 9 chests)
    [32 EB]
    Tier III (allows the player to store 4 crystals or 12 chests)
    [1 LE]
    Tier IV (allows the player to store 5 crystals or 15 chests)
    [5 LE]
    Tier V (allows the player store 10 crystals or 30 chests)

    Possible ship tank size:

    Starting Tier (allows the player to travel down just 50 meters into the void)
    [8 EB]
    Tier I (allows the player to travel down to 250 meters into the void)
    [16 EB]
    Tier II (allows the player to travel down 500 meters into the void)
    [32 EB]
    Tier III (allows the player to travel 750 meters into the void)
    [1 LE]
    Tier IV (allows the player to travel 1000 meter into the void)
    [5 LE]
    Tier V (allows the player to travel 1500 meters into the void)

    Possible ship decoration:

    Starting Tier - Tier IV (normal decoration with nothing fancy)
    [16 EB]
    Tier V (reinforces the ship with iron and the interior has more decoration)
    [32 EB]
    Tier V (reinforces the ship even more with iron and the interior has a better sleeping quarter with more detail)
    [1 LE]
    Tier V (Makes the ship have a kitchen and a living room with even more detail)

    Temple exploration
    This sees the player exploring a giant temple and being able to pick their own route through it.
    The would be 6 different temples to explore, but they would all be giant and massive in scale with many different routes and they would all be inside the temple, but some of the endings in the temple would end outside.
    The player would be able to split into different paths and the more right people go the harder the temple would be so the player would find the right difficulty for them.
    The harder the path the player choose the better the loot at the end is gonna be and if the player chooses one of the hardest difficulties they will end up outside the temple and maybe will fight a boss.
    The player would be able to travel to the temple with an air ballon in Troms.

    Temple tiers:

    Tier I (lvl. 50 and 60 and it's the smallest temples without much)

    Tier II (lvl. 70 and 80 and it's the middle of the pack temples)

    Tier III (lvl. 90 and 100 and it's the biggest temples and they will have outside sections)

    Temple prices and rewards:

    Tier I (They cost [32 E] to travel to and the rewards go from [32 E] to [4 EB] and there is a small chance to get rares)

    Tier II (They cost [1 EB] to travel to and the rewards go from [2 EB] to [16EB] and there is a small chance to get legendaries)

    Tier III (They cost [2 EB] to travel to and the rewards go from [8 EB] to [1 LE] and there is a very, very, very small chance to get a mythic instead of money)
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2017
    The Fool, Marco and _TheRealJesus like this.
  2. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    change chicken to grook we have more grooks than chickens
    GaryIsAdopted likes this.
  3. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    Wow this isn't a shitpost

    Also you should add mining
  4. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    Why would a soldier be mining though?
  5. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    Just an idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Peter_Marius likes this.
  6. Maai

    Maai Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    The fruit picking part sounds like Pokemon.. and I like it.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Some of it is hard to understand and lacks a lot of detail...

    And some of them (fighting, questing) is literally just saying do things already in the game (grind, quest)...
  8. DrBracewell

    DrBracewell Famous Adventurer QA Modeler GM CMD CHAMPION

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    The what now?
    CookedPelvis and Peter_Marius like this.
  9. _TheRealJesus

    _TheRealJesus ._. HERO

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    With the hunting maybe there could be some form of butcher at a major city (preferably Cinfras) were u could sell the meat to the butcher behind the store or something :)
  10. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    Add moar detail to each subsection
    GaryIsAdopted likes this.
  11. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    This is very vague. Oh, and the "Fighting" part is literally grinding, so I have no idea what you are trying to achieve with
  12. Bloik

    Bloik Treasure Diver

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    There could possibly be some restrictions like maybe ice islands is not a reef at all just an empty pool. Maybe to go in the NPC makes you get a breathing helmet II and maybe under ice first where the other ones might just be underwater required.

    The side quest should be missions instead, because then there would be too many NPCs for quest that are one time only. Some old videos have missions in them and you can do it for emeralds.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2017
  13. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    This, while lacking some detail, is still a really good concept and a really good idea.
    I've been saying they should add something™ like this for a while™ now.

    Add Dernel Jungle onto the hunting list, and make a special mob for it.
  14. Bloik

    Bloik Treasure Diver

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    Bumpppp 10 chqracters
  15. Peter_Marius

    Peter_Marius mhm... CHAMPION Builder

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    bump 10char
  16. Peter_Marius

    Peter_Marius mhm... CHAMPION Builder

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    bump 10char
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