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Quest Suggest

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by PCOffline, Jul 5, 2017.


What would you rate this quest?

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  2. Very Bad

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  1. PCOffline

    PCOffline Artifacts Explorer

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    Hello, while playing I thought about WynnExcavation Site D and how funny that its end is talking to Ragni's King, although he was the one who Wynncraft started with, so with this concept, I came up with a pretty ironic quest, however before I start there's a note, some descriptions are marked with '*', it means that I am not sure about this detail, and I'd like suggestions (whether I should replace it with another detail, or keep it), while details marked with '**' have a note that can be found at the end of the thread.

    Min. Level: 100
    Difficulty: Medium

    Quest concept: The quest starts near Ragni, an NPC called "Zein"* asks you to do him a favour:
    Zein: "Hey, you!"
    Zein: "Yes! I am talking to you! Can you do me a favour?"
    Zein:"You see? I was on my way to the king, I needed to tell him something very important, but when I tried to enter, the guards didn't let me in."
    Zein: "Then you come to the picture, I've heard a lot about you, you've defeated the scariest and strongest creatures, you are really honoured everywhere, so I thought, they would probably let you in!"
    Zein: "So, here's the letter, just give it to the king, he'll know what to do with it."
    [+1 Zein's Letter]
    Quest Book: Go to the king's hall and talk to the king.
    When the player reaches the Knight called "Roland"*, he (Roland) tells the player the next:
    Roland: "Halt! I cannot let you through!"
    Roland: "Oh, you have a letter to give to the king? I am sorry but it'll need to wait, even for such a soldier as you, I cannot let in. The king told me to deny everyone."
    Quest Book: Go back to Zein and tell him about what happened.
    Zein: "What? Don't they let even you in? The king is probably very busy!"
    Zein: "Hmm, well actually I know a way to get in!"
    Zein: "My grandfather was one of the builders of the king's hall, he told me a lot of stories about how it's designed." "Back then I was bored and didn't listen to him a lot, I regret it now that I can finally find use for it but I do remember some parts."
    Zein: "He said something about a secret entrance to the king's hall."
    Zein: "Try to find it!"
    Quest Book: Look around the king's hall and find the secret pathway to the king's hall.
    (Coordinates will be inserted soon)
    When the player walks across the pathway, he can "hear" what is happening in the king's hall (just as in WynnExcavation Site C)
    Ragni's King: "Yes, Jonard, I see you finally came to meet me."
    Jonard: "Yes, after all these years I finally found a time."
    Ragni's King: "So, what have brought you to me?"
    Jonard: "Well. my village is out of money, now usually we'd just rob some travellers, but in the last days the roads were empty, so we had the idea to ask you for some money."
    Ragni's King: "Well, unfortunately, the answer is no, Ragni is not the richest place, actually we have currency problems too."
    Jonard: "So how did you just order 300 beers from Nemract?"
    Ragni's King: "How did you? Ugh, nevermind, I will not give you an emerald, I still cannot believe you were dare enough to come here and ask for money after all you did!"
    Jonard: "You will pay fo-"
    The player accidentally presses a pressure plate that opens the door to the hall
    Jonard: "Hey! How did you get in here?!?"
    Quest Book: Escape from the guards
    (Escaping the guards means running back to Zein, which, when he'll see the player is running away will hide him):
    Zein: "Psst! Come over here!"
    Zein: "What happened?"
    Zein: "Oh my! Wait, did you say Jonard? A friend of mine which is a sailor once had him on his ship, go ask him about Jonard, he might know a thing or two."
    Zein: "Now, last time I've seen him he said that he heard of the new province Corkus, and wants to explore it, maybe you'll find him there."
    Quest Book: Search for Drystan in Corkus.
    Drystan: "Hello there! Where are you willing to sail?"
    Drystan: "Oh, Zein sent you?"
    Drystan: "Jonrad you say? Yes, I did sail him."
    Drystan: "He was on his way back from Gavel, he mumbled something about robbing and Ragni."
    Drystan: "But then I heard something weird, he asked me if I know where could he find the 'Potion of Corruption' I, of course, answered that I've never heard of that, and then both of us went quiet until the end of the sail."
    Drystan: "That's all I know, I hope it'll help you figure out about whatever Zein sent you to."
    Quest Book: Head back to Zein and tell him what you've heard.
    Zein: "Hmm, 'Potion of Corruption' you say? I heard a story about it, that this is how the Corruptor of Worlds came what he is today, hmmm... why would he want such a powerful item?"
    Zein: "Wait! Here he is! Follow him, maybe you'll find something, just don't get caught!"
    Quest Book: Follow Jonard without getting caught.
    The thing that I'd recommend to happen is the next:
    1. Jonard will go from Ragni to Nemract.
    2. From Nemract Jonard will sail to an island called "Bandit Island", where are the bandits are located, before sailing, Jonard will go to a boat which is not the CSS, but a bit western boat and the player will "hear" Jonard saying "To Tidnab." which is basically the word Bandit inverted - used as a code name. After the ship has sailed, the player will need to talk to a nearby ship (yet again not the CSS) owner, to follow the ship that has just left the port, for the rest of the sail, the player will see the ship.
    3. The player will need to hide from the bandit that guard the area (just as in WynnExcavation Site D).
    4. When the player arrives from a secret pathway yet again the player would be able to "hear" the talk:
    Jonard: "Just as we expected, the king denied our request although he had enough money to accept it."
    Bandit: "Does it mean we are following the original plan?"
    Jonard: "Yes."

    The next text will be in brackets '{}', it's what will happen if the italic text will not be approved.

    Jonard will go through the Nivla forest, till at some point he'll turn to the east and go inside a cave, which is not a real cave, but a disguised entrance to the bandits' place, the player will keep following Jornad and then 3 and 4 from the Italic text will happen. Yet again, if the quest will be approved I will be happy to describe how each place will look like.

    Jonard and the Bandit keep talking:
    Bandit: "Are you sure we want to do it, boss? I mean, stealing from Ragni's bank is one thing, but making the king drink the Potion of Corruption? Wouldn't it go out of control?"
    Jonard: "Don't worry, everything is planned, I have the perfect weapon against the king, then I will take control of Ragni and finally we won't need to hide!"
    Jonard: "Our name will be heard all over Wynn, Gavel and even Corkus!"

    Quest Book: Go back to Zein and tell about Jonard's plans

    Zein: "So, what did you discover?"
    Zein: "THEY WHAT?!? How did they-But... You must warn the king!"

    Quest Book: Warn the king about Jonard's plans.

    Ragni's King: "Hello-Oh, it's you! Didn't my guards catch you?"
    Ragni's King: "Gua-What? Jonard? What's about him?"
    Ragni's King: "WHAT!??! Hahaha is it a joke you are playing on me? Everyone knows the Potion of Corruption is not more than a legend! Now, get out before I call the guards again!"

    Quest Book: Tell Zein about the king's reaction

    Zein: "Oh no! It's bad! It's bad! Wait, I know! You can try and stop Jonard!"
    Zein: "How? Steal the Potion of Corruption!"

    Quest Book: Sneak back to the Bandit's Hideout and steal the Potion of Corruption

    To get to the potion of corruption you will need to go through some puzzles and guards.
    After getting the potion, the quest book will update:
    Quest Book: Bring back the potion to Zein

    Zein: "You did it! We saved Ragni!"
    Zein: "Wait a second! That's weird, it looks exactly as a..."
    Zein: "Oh no! That's not the Potion of Corruption!"
    Zein: "But how did he know..."
    Zein: "Wait! Nevermind! Go save the king!"

    Quest Book: Go to the king and save him from Jonard

    Jonard: "Hahaha! It's too late! It was a nice attempt to stop me, but you have been fooled! Now nothing can stop me!"
    Ragni's King: "Blbbb... mpppppp... Wha-Aghhhhhhh!!!"
    Jonard: "You might be able to fight the king by himself, or me, but not an army! And guess what! All the guards are under the control of the king, the king is under my control, you get it, do you?"
    Jonard: "So, you are surrounded by my bandits, me, the king and his guards, what will you do now?"
    Jonard: "You can of course run, and be haunted, or just let it quick and give up, a soldier like you will be a really handy addition to my army, together we will be undefeatable!"

    Quest Book: Defeat Jonard and his army

    After defeating Jonard, the player will need to cure the king, but as the king is offensive and hostile, the player will need to trap him by simply leading him to a trap.

    Quest Book: Go back to Zein and tell what happened

    Zein: "Oh my! And you defeated him and his army?!? You are stronger than the legends! Well, we need to find a cure, do we? However, this potion... I sent it to a friend of mine, he knows everything about potions, now he said that it is a really powerful curing potion."
    Zein: "It must be the potion that can cure the king, it probably was a backup potion."

    Quest Book: Try the potion on the corrupted king

    Ragni's King: "Ahh-Wha... what happened?"
    Ragni's King: "What did he?!?!? I should've listened to your warning, but fortunately, you saved us!"
    Ragni's King: "As a reward for saving me, take this."

    [+5,000,000 XP
    +20480 Emeralds]
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017
    Happy New Year likes this.
  2. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    colour please
    also please
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  3. PCOffline

    PCOffline Artifacts Explorer

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    Done! :)
    Is this a fair amount of XP and Emeralds?
  4. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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  5. Stag2004

    Stag2004 I lost my faith in humanity long time ago

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    I realy like that quest mostly cuz fighting the nub army of ragni sounds fun +1 from me also ad pull
  6. alcoholic femboy

    alcoholic femboy i will kill again HERO

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    There is no point in making players return to Ragni. In general, there's no reason to have a level 100 quest, since 101 is merely an easter egg, and a reward for hard work.

    20LE is several times way too much for such a quest. And as for the xp, that would be nearly enough to level you from lvl 97 to 100.

    Not a province

    Nesaak is an anagram of a person by the name of Kaasjen. You can't just turn it back and call that a name

    To sum this up, the quest seems really cheesy and feels like a mess. There's a whole bunch of stuff included which we can't do with our quest system, and some parts are directly ripped off from other quests. The quest is too complicated and confusing, it's not ironic, it's sad. Besides, I highly believe this would contradict with lore.
    ThomAnn100, Cruuk and cirogg like this.
  7. cirogg

    cirogg Detlas AFK Gang HERO

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    Add quest difficulty, and add a poll so we can vote.
    You also can't use the same NPC for the same quest, so after completing King's Recruit, you can't use him again. (Wynn D used a different Ragni's King) To get to level 101 you need to get 138655968 xp. 30000000 is not proportional at all. Not to mention that this quest is pretty annoying, time-consuming, and difficult enough to get a level ranking of medium-hard. If you proportionalize the xp, add some color, then you will be good to go. Good quest overall though... ;)
  8. PCOffline

    PCOffline Artifacts Explorer

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    Okay :P At least I tried
    What do you mean proportionate the xp? Add more XP, or less? Because
    Also, what do you mean by "add some colour"?
  9. cirogg

    cirogg Detlas AFK Gang HERO

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    Make your quest dialogue realistic, like it is inside Wynncraft. (Use the green text coloring) Also take xp off and lower the level requirement for the quest. 101 needs to be hard to get to. It needs to be the result of hard work and grinding. But yeah, lower the quest level requirement and the xp reward. Also, rework the quest a bit, high levels don't like going to Ragni.
    Tl;dr: Rework plot, rewards, and the quest itself.
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  10. PCOffline

    PCOffline Artifacts Explorer

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    Okay! Will do!
  11. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    i thought CoW was the mob that started the corruption, at least i remember some NPC saying that

    no wait it was in bob's story where that appears
  12. PCOffline

    PCOffline Artifacts Explorer

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    xD no CoW came back corrupted already, but the thing that caused him to be corrupted is this
  13. ?!

    ?! Famous Adventurer

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    good quest but pls,lvl 100 quests needs to be important and thats not a quest that plot twist the entire lore
    efilim elf, ThomAnn100 and Miles_ like this.
  14. Miles_

    Miles_ hi CHAMPION

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    Idk what you mean.
    Maybe I was wrong, although I thought I was right.
  15. PCOffline

    PCOffline Artifacts Explorer

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    Okay, I must say the plot is kinda ruined :3
  16. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    Okay, so a few things. First. It's a wall of text and i don't feel like reading all of that.

    Second, I agree with most of what Aarontti said. There's no reason to force level 100's to go to Ragni, especially since most level 100's either spend their time on corkus and legendary island, or on the other side of the map in gavel. Also, I don't think having a level 100 quest would be a terrible idea, but it just shouldn't happen right now because what the GM's should really focus on are level 90-94 quests.

    Thirdly, why do we have to go to corkus? We only have to go there just to talk to an NPC that has very little significance in the quest. We've never had a quest that takes place in 2 provinces. (I know that corkus isn't a province, I'm just going to call it one for the sake of critiquing this quest.)Well, there was pirate trove, which on the wiki says that it takes place in Wynn and Gavel, but the NPC for that quest is less than 100 blocks away from the Llevigar gate.

    Fourthly, this quest sounds like a mess from the parts that I read. It sounds like a "run there, do that, run here, do that" quest. It just sounds like something that wouldn't be fun to play. Also, the "run from the guards part" sounds way to similar to jungle fever and WynnEx Site C.
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  17. 7Red_Dragon7

    7Red_Dragon7 Try hard HERO

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    Ok time to throw in my 2 cents
    Why is the ragni King so mean towards you the player
    This quest has too much running back an forth
    I Like the idea of fighting off an army at the end
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  18. pantsTM

    pantsTM a

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    Here's the short way to say it.
  19. PCOffline

    PCOffline Artifacts Explorer

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    Okay, I will delete the thread, think about a new plot, a whole lot, and only when it finished and being feedbacked good I'll post it. Sounds good?
  20. pantsTM

    pantsTM a

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    Honestly, I hate people that think they can just fix everything by deleting the thread. Just rework it! I mean, when you're this far deep into the hate, I guess its fine, but otherwise... bleh.
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
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