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Guilds A Few Suggestions For Making Guild War More Enjoyable

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by facewing, Jun 27, 2017.

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  1. facewing

    facewing Green Heron

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    I've given Guild War a try a few times now and currently there are a few issues which make them more frustrating than fun. There could be improvements made to mob spawning as in it's current state mobs will spawn and begin attacking you before you've even been able to load in properly. There could also be improvements made to the War servers themselves with zone placement as well as something to restrict players to fighting only in the zone they are trying to take.

    I think if there were a grace period of maybe 30 seconds to give attackers time to prepare, fill their mana and properly load in before the mobs started spawning it would improve things a heap as with how things are at the moment it is possible for the mobs to kill you while you are still loading and have no chance to defend yourself.

    While experiencing the bug where no mobs spawn at all I went exploring and it would seem as though there is nothing at all to stop a player from leaving the attack area which I think would maybe be a bit exploitable if it weren't for the mobs being spawned directly on top of players. An invisible border could be placed around all of zones for the War servers to stop people fleeing outside of the combat zone, if the point of the war is to capture the area the battle should take place within the area.

    There seems to be an issue with zone placement in some specific areas, I've not checked a lot of zones but I've noticed that the zone over Rooster Island seems to be placed in the wrong spot, it doesn't cover even half of the island and seems to stretch quite a distance into the ocean. Shifting the position to cover the entire island and a minimum part of the ocean would make that particular war more enjoyable as you could better pick your start position rather than having to choose between either spawning somewhere in the water or on such the rather small strip of land within the zone.

    One last improvement I can think of would be to do with the mob spawning, I've not really been able to test the spawning properly as I usually end up dying underneath a pillar of mobs so I could be wrong but it seems as though there is something that specifically spawns some of the mobs onto the player, I understand this is probably to stop players camping an area mobs can't reach but it's a pretty bad way to go about it. It's very punishing to lower level players as well as classes that rely on keeping distance, having multiple mobs that spawn directly onto you that are able to attack you the instant they spawn is just not fair and not fun. I'm not certain what could be done to stop players camping specific areas without having spawns directly on them but placing spawn points on every roof and in every house may be a better way to go about it, this would hopefully prevent players from sticking to these areas without unfairly spawning mobs directly onto them.

    Also I'm sure this has already been brought up multiple times which is why this is just a footnote but currently Guild War are so broken, they work only a tiny fraction of the time, most time it won't transport players to the War server and will then stop them from trying to launch an attack again as their guild is already in a battle despite no players being in that current battle, other times it will take you to the War server but no mobs will spawn at all forcing you to quit to the lobby, it is so rare that it will actually start the war as intended which makes it even more frustrating when you are killed instantly by the bad spawning.

    All this said though I think that the core idea for Guild War is actually pretty great and I think it could be worked into something that would be really fun for players to challenge themselves with, it's because I like this idea I want to see it improved.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
    Dawn_Pigeon likes this.
  2. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    When the mobs load correctly there is an invisible wall
  3. facewing

    facewing Green Heron

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    Ah righto! Well then nevermind that particular suggestion, seems the devs already have that taken care of. Thanks for letting me know.
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  4. Dawn_Pigeon

    Dawn_Pigeon Pigeon

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    One way of doing it as well could be (if it isn't implemented already) adding ranged or area of effect enemies, making it harder to hide on buildings or behind walls.
  5. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Those exist too.
    Clerics and Archers.

    Best way to fix guilds?
    Remove and re make.
    Lexwomy likes this.
  6. Dawn_Pigeon

    Dawn_Pigeon Pigeon

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    That is as long as they refund the guild owner, or keep guild data so you don't lose it. Would be much more fair than the owner losing 5LE and the entirety of their guild.
  7. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Pretty much every guild except for Hax would accept the loss.
  8. Dawn_Pigeon

    Dawn_Pigeon Pigeon

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    Fair enough, and with how unfairly they're playing I think it would be right to remove them from the 'throne'. Just it was a pain in the rear to get those 5LE!

    One way which would make it fair and fun would be to have it as a sort of campaign, so the entire map is owned by some evil being, and then your guild has to take the map which would remove any sort of unfair PvP aspect. But then you could have like a 'guild base', 'castle' or something where players can try to raid it and get rewarded for doing it successfully, then you can also customise it to some degree. The guild owned land would also get periodically 'attacked' by NPCs, and get attacked more frequently the more land you own, which players can also defend against.
  9. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Wait until lategame, 5Le is nothing.
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