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World ◈◈ The Wynncraft Mastery System [82% Support This!] ◈◈

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by captainarcani, Apr 24, 2017.


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  1. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    The Mastery System
    By the Jammy Suggestions Mage

    This is a suggestion to add to the endgame content to have something else to work towards with your lv75+ class. Basically this is a skill point tree system for endgame players. The way I propose for this to happen is, when you reach lv75 you gain a mastery point which can be used to unlock a mastery skill on the mastery skill tree. To unlock a skill go to the compass then click on a rune with a gold star on it. When hovered over it will read:

    ◈◈Mastery Skills◈◈
    > View the Masteries GUI
    > You have
    {0} Mastery Skill Points.
    > Get to level 75 to get your first
    Mastery Skill Point.

    Main Explanation:

    Now that I've shown you that I'd like to say that there are Five mastery trees (one for each element) and you can only pick one elemental Mastery Skill Tree and you'll be stuck with that skill tree forever on that class. So chose wisely. This system also allows you to specialise in an element. Each tree has two types of spells passive and the element's Ultimate spell. Each tree at the third Mastery skill branches to two other trees of similar elemental properties. This gives you the option to pick an alternative element to specialise in, however if you branch into another tree you will no longer be able to unlock mastery skills for your old tree (e.g thunder to air now you can no longer purchase mastery skills for thunder). When selecting your tree the options would look like this:


    ✦Thunder Skill Tree✦
    > View the Thunder Skill Tree.
    > View the skills of the
    Thunder Element.

    > You have {0} Mastery Skill Points.
    > Get to level 75 to get your first
    Mastery Skill Point.

    ✤Earth Skill Tree✤
    > View the Earth Skill Tree .
    > View the skills of the
    Earth Element.
    > You have {0} Mastery Skill Points.
    > Get to level 75 to get your first
    Mastery Skill Point.

    Once you click one of these then the skill tree GUI pops Up. Each skill you don't have is represented by a red glass pane. Then if you want to unlock a skill you click the red glass pane closest to your last unlocked skill on the tree (otherwise one of the skills of the bottom of the tree if it is your first skill unlocking). Once you've clicked the skill you want to upgrade the GUI will disappear and text will appear saying:

    [Compass] Would you like to unlock the Discharge Mastery? [Y/N]

    Then you either click Y or N or type Y or N. Then it'll say:

    [Compass] Congratulations you have unlocked the Discharge Mastery!


    [Compass] Unlocking Cancelled.

    If you don't have enough mastery skill points in the first place it will say:

    [Compass] You do not have enough Mastery Skill Points to perform this action.

    When you select a skill tree to start on it will say:

    [Compass] Would you like to unlock the Water Mastery Skill Tree? Note: this can only be changed with a Mastery Reset Scroll. [Y/N]

    Then same process as before.

    [Compass] Congratulations you have unlocked the Water Mastery Skill Tree!

    If you don't have enough mastery skill points in the first place it will say the same thing as before.

    Note: All Mastery Skills Are Taken Off For PvP.

    Resetting Masteries:
    I quickly want to explain how these skills could be reset. Ideally I would suggest that there would be a secret merchant hidden somewhere 90+ish that would sell Mastery reset scrolls at the cost of 32 LE (I know this is expensive but it should be hard to reset). This merchant shouldn't be too hard to find be it should be not allowed to post its location on the forums.

    Mastery Trees:

    ✦Thunder Skill Tree✦

    Thunder skill tree:​
    1st Branch:
    1st Row:
    When an enemy hits you it is hit with lightning and stunned for 3 seconds. You also have 30+ dexterity for the next 14 seconds.
    Recharge: 35 seconds
    Type: Passive Active

    Maniac I:
    Your attack speed is increased by 15%. And your speed is increased by 10%
    Recharge: None
    Type: Passive

    2nd Row:
    Over Kill:
    In you are in combat you are teleported to the nearest mob within 10 blocks with less than 15% health left and kills them. Like mage's teleport it leaves a trail behind and stuns mobs/ damages them. The mob must be players lv +10lvs for this to activate.
    Recharge: 25 seconds
    Type: Passive Active

    Maniac II:
    Your attack speed is now increased by 35%. And your speed is now increased by 25%.
    Recharge: None
    Type: Passive
    2nd Branch:
    1st Row:
    At One with Thunder:
    When you use a weapon that does Thunder damage and has the ability chain lighting. Every time you kill 7 mobs in successive order the next mob you hit is struck by lighting and loses half its health. Does not work on bosses.
    Recharge: 15 seconds
    Type: Passive

    Mechanical Eye I:
    You will now able to see the attack speed of the mob and the walking speed.
    Recharge: None
    Type: Passive

    2nd Row:
    Electric Cage:
    If you have less than 20% health left each mob that is currently attacking you will be stuck in an electric cage.
    You cannot attack mobs inside the cage until they have finished being trapped for 6 seconds.
    Recharge: 40 seconds
    Type: Passive Active

    Mechanical Eye II:
    You can now also view the mob's damage per second in each element (including neutral).
    Recharge: None
    Type: Passive
    Main Branch:
    1st Row:
    Branch to the Air Mastery Tree 3rd Row:
    >Branch to the Air Mastery Tree to unlock Air mastery skills.

    Rain of Thunder:
    Lighting strikes every 5 Seconds on a random block within a 5 block radius around you during combat. If a mob is hit they are stunned for two seconds.
    Recharge: None
    Type: Passive

    Branch to the Fire Mastery Tree 3rd row:
    Branch to the Fire Mastery Tree to unlock new Fire mastery skills.

    2nd Row:
    Bomb Layer:
    Lay bomb every 15 seconds during combat doing AOE damage and extreme knockback.
    Recharge: None
    Type: Passive

    Thunder Mastery Tree Ultimate Spell
    Rise of the (Memes) Machines:

    Using Thunder from the Sky and Metal of the Earth you summon 5 Hounds of Metal who fight who what fight and fight what attacks you.
    Duration: 40 seconds
    Recharge: 3 minutes and 40 seconds.
    Decoration: You are given levitation for 5 seconds to cast this spell and you are stuck in position. Lighting is also constantly struck upon you doing no damage. You also take no fall damage.
    Stats: Coming soonTM (All in depth stats will be coming soon for everything.)
    Type: Ultimate
    Trigger: shift + R L L
    Skill Tree Picture:
    Screen Shot 2017-04-23 at 16.35.42.png
    More Coming SoonTM

    Further Explanation:

    The main question right now is how would we obtain these skill points and surely the other question is surely all these spells together will be too over powered to be used ingame. Let me explain the first question first. Like I said you would gain 1 skill point at lv 75 then you would get one every 5 lvs so you would have 5 skill points by lv 100 to complete the Mastery Tree. Now onto the second point. Yes having all of these on at once would be irrational and would break the game that's why I suggest that only two passive skills can be equipped at a time, one passive active skill can be equipped and also (of course) one Ultimate.
    This is the way I believe it should be equipped and so to the reason I created this suggestion. For people to have more variation in their builds.

    Prestige System:

    This is why I'm introducing a Prestige system into this as well. The way it would work is at lv 100 you would have the option to continue to lv 101 or prestige. Of course you could prestige at lv 101 but that's your choice. When you prestige you would start of in Ragni and you would be lv 1 however you keep all you items and skill points (you don't earn any more skill points). This way
    prestiging isn't too powerful and doesn't pose too much of a challenge. So therefore people can have a chance to redo quests and have more total levels on one class.
    So I propose three Prestiging Tiers:

    [The General]
    >Unlocked after prestiging Once
    >Get to lv
    100 to Prestige

    [The Guardian]
    >Unlocked after prestiging Twice
    >Get to lv
    100 to Prestige

    [The Master]
    >Unlocked after prestiging for your Third time
    >This is the last prestiging tier

    After you prestige you would have the chance regain the Mastery Skill points again allowing the player by the third mastery tier to have obtained three skill trees and used a variety of Mastery skills in their gameplay. Also each tag will be seen on the chat and can be toggled on and off in the compass.

    ◈◈Prestige Tags◈◈
    > View your Prestige Tags
    > You have {0} Prestige Tags.
    > Get to level 100 to prestige to get your first Prestige Rank.

    Final Note:
    Every thing on this thread is debatable and I am open to opinions I know some people won't like this but wanted to find a way to implement a prestige system into Wynncraft as I knew some people wanted this to be implemented. I also take note that the devastating don't have time for this and making this would be a waste of time. I'm not gonna bullshit people and say all it requires is a simple plugin be cause it doesn't. This would be hard to code and I'd rather the secs finish the map first then make this as I see this as the very last thing on wynn to be made. More details will be coming soon and some spells are probably overpowered so I need help from you guys.

    Anyway as usual thanks for reading,
    Jbip, SturerElch and CoolVictor2002 like this.
  2. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Finish all the skill trees, and tell us the passives for each ability.
  3. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    That's what I'm working on now btw
  4. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    I figured. xD
    This sounds like it'd be really interesting, but explain to me the branching, do you branch into some dual element chain, or do you branch directly into the other chain?
  5. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    So I'm assuming you've seen the photo
    basically you have 5 trees
    And each tree at the top has the ultimate
    then one passive and one passive active on the main branch then that one splits to two branches with four twigs each

    when you branch into another tree you unlock that trees 3rd Mastery and then you continue on that tree
  6. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Sounds nice
  7. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    i read it pretty much like "lets read 5 words of this, from this too..." but i have to say it seems good after all
  8. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    *mosnter inc slug voice* i'll be watching you
  9. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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  10. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    I made it already quite light theme friendly but alright I'll see what I can do
  11. moosea1

    moosea1 Well-Known Adventurer

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    I find this idea is great, but my only confusion about the idea is prestiges:
    If you restarted at lv. 1, wouldn't all of your items be useless? And then, of course,
    Clarify please? I'm pretty confused here.
  12. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    1 - Well, they could be 'useless' to you now, but you don't need to be able to instantly use something for it to be useful.
    Imagine having a weapon 10x more powerful than whatever you're using now, but you have to wait to use it.
    "OH this old this is useless since I can't use it I'll just throw it away then."

    2 - What's to clarify, you can prestige your character at level 100 and level 101?
  13. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Tag me when this suggestion is done
  14. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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  15. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    I like how you worked hard for this thread, buuuut....

    I dont like the concept so no.
    Miles_ likes this.
  16. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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  17. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    Sorry I haven't been able to add anything else so far. Am working on this tho and more should be coming soonTM
  18. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    Bump I'm back and more content will be uploaded soon
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