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A Shield Wielding Class

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by dat boi, Jun 14, 2017.

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  1. dat boi

    dat boi Skilled Adventurer

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    Swordsman class

    The swordsman would carry a sword (one handed sword can still be long for asthetics) and a shield the shield can be used to negate a certain % of enemy spells and dmg and while using the shield it will give you a slowness effect (its not that high) the swordsman class shield is also usualy very heavy causing the swordsman to be slower than other classes this is why having an archer accompany you is nice in combat shields would have a speed debuff of about -15 to -60 walk speed (depending on shield) the heavier the shields are the more dmg they would negate while the lighter shields allow for more movement and still decent dmg negation 30 to 50 % dmg blocked while heavier shields can block from 50 to 80% dmg (shield is dequipable if you need to travel) having the shield equipped also slows down your attack speed for your sword (depending on light or heavy shields it will slow down the attack speed more)

    The sword will have medium attack speed and high dmg to make up for the debuffs from the shield


    bunker Shift+triple right click
    tier 1 lvl 11 costs 5 mana to use

    when activated lasts 10 seconds where you gain a 100% dmg boost and 10% defence bonus and slowness to the point where you cant move

    bunker tier 2
    lvl 26 costs 5 mana to use

    when activated lasts for 12 seconds and gives you a 150% dmg boost and 15% defence boost and slowness to the point where you cant move

    bunker tier 3
    lvl 46 costs 5 mana to use

    will activate hunker down mode that lasts for 20 seconds where the swordsman will gain 200% dmg and 40% defence but will also gain slowness (to the point where you cant move)

    additional notes for the attack

    for this spell to be effective it requires good control over what your doing as you can very quickly be swarmed by multiple mobs while you are unable to move

    slash Shift+ right+left+right click

    tier 1
    lvl 1 costs 5 mana to use

    the attack has a cone of 45 degrees to each side and will deal 180% dmg range is the same as your melee weapon

    tier 2
    lvl 16 costs 5 mana to use

    the attack keeps its cone of 45 degrees to each side and now deals 210% dmg and will now give slowness to whatever it hits for 1 second

    tier 3
    lvl 36 costs 5 mana to use

    An attack that cuts a cone about 45 degrees to each side of where you activate the spell the spell will deal 250% the dmg of your main weapon the range of the cone outwards from where your standing is the same as your melee weapons hit range so its very short ranged the attack will also have slight knockback and give slowness for 1 second

    quake Shift+right+right+left click

    tier 1
    lvl 21 costs 6 mana to use

    will do 200% dmg in a 360 degree circle around your player for twice the range of your melee weapon

    tier 2
    lvl 36 costs 6 mana to use

    will do 220% dmg in a 360 degree circle around your player giving them slowness for 1 second

    tier 3
    lvl 56 costs 5 mana to use

    Quake once activated will make a 360 degree circle around your player for a radius twice that of your melee weapon dealing 300% dmg it will stun the enemy aka giving the enemy slowness and blindness for 2 seconds

    wind shield Shift+right+left+left click

    tier 1
    lvl 31 costs 9 mana to use

    will create a 360 degree circle around you player doing 100% dmg and throw back enemy mobs whitin its range 2 blocks back it will last for 15 seconds and has half the range of your melee weapon

    tier 2
    lvl 46 costs 9 mana to use

    will create a 360 degree circle around your player doing 120% dmg and throw back enemies whitin its range 3 blocks back and it will last for 20 seconds and has half the range of your melee weapon and giving +1 attack speed tier

    tier 3
    lvl 66 costs 8 mana to use

    This attack will create a 360 degree circle around your player and do 150% dmg and throw back all enemy mobs/players whitin its range 5 blocks back this shield will last for 35 seconds and has half the range of your melee weapon (aka very short range) and will give you +2 attack speed tier

    Additional notes on the attack

    this attack mainly deals wind elemental dmg so enemies whit high wind elemental defence can easely counter this shield

    since the shield and sword block both right click and left click for spell activation i have thought if it is possible to do a Shift + the spell combination you want to use so pressing shift plus left click or right click will bring up the spell activation bar where as pressing right or left click will not in itself and you have to hold down shift while starting a spell combination

    im not sure if this is possible whitout changing it for every class if a coder or moderater could tell me it would be nice

    all feedback is appreciated and if you have suggestions for making it more balanced or other stuff i will gladly look at it :>

    the reskinned version will be called the crusader and have reskinned attacks
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2017
  2. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    spell tiers and combat statistics
    you also need a vip reskin
    coolname2034 and CoolVictor2002 like this.
  3. dat boi

    dat boi Skilled Adventurer

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    true il work on that
    thanks for the advice :>

    when you mean combat statistics what do you mean ?
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2017
  4. Young Nut

    Young Nut 10 Year Certified HERO

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    a skill that would be cool, Rusher: (i dont care about what to click xd)
    this skill will remove your shield completly wich would be -100% defense but would give you an speed/attack buff 300%... this spell will be runing for about 1 minute. and avrage mana usage
  5. pantsTM

    pantsTM a

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    Wall of text, unappealing, add TL;DR please
    And poll please
  6. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    I don't really like it, I think the spells should be actual attacks not just buffs, and doesn't this spell just debuff you as all the mobs can swarm you while you can't move?

    Spell two has to be a movement spell.

    This is the earth powder spell right?

    A little overpowered, not very original either. It just seems like a combo of arrow shield and spin attack.

    @yornthegamer Am I doing it right?
    Yorn91 likes this.
  7. Yorn91

    Yorn91 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Yay something to roast again!

    1: Your intro:
    I see no punctuation at all, this is super annoying to read. I'll note things that could be improved:
    Why does it need a shield? If you need that then just +1 SaltyPhox's Shielder suggestion. How will it be slowed down? How will the shield work? There is no base attack speed or damage for weapons. Use the 13 point stats, better than that. How will shields negate different amounts of damage? Will you need to block with the shield to negate this said damage?

    2: Spell 1:
    I see you did not put your spells in order. I see your second is your first. Change this. Range same as melee weapon? Speaking of, what is this the range of this class? Add that at the very least. For the rest, balanced enough. If I could see what happens in the third tier? Unreadable. And how potent is the slowness?

    3: Spell 2:
    I see you did not put your spells in order. I see your first is your second. Change this. Also the second spell is a transport spell, not the case here. Remove and replace the spell A.S.A.P. Won't even give further critique than this until it has been fixed.

    4: Spell 3:
    Okay spell, or wait. It is litterally the earth weapon special. Remove and replace the spell A.S.A.P. Won't even give further critique than this until it has been fixed.

    5: Spell 4:
    Awful spell. Overpowered. +2 tiers is frankly super overpowered. Also having a constant shield for over half a minute is not overpowered at all. Just kidding. Remove and replace the spell A.S.A.P. Won't even give further critique than this until it has been fixed.
    No you are not doing it right. He just put his spells in the wrong order. The critique is good further.
  8. dat boi

    dat boi Skilled Adventurer

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    ok i i have taken the critism into account wich was very helpfull although one thing i probably cant improve on is the grammar (im not English or American or from a country that speaks much English) and i will be redoing all of the spells and going more in depth whit some of the other stuff and fixing the spell order

    i will also be going into more detail on the shield and weapons
  9. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    English isn't my native language either but using the knowledge I get from Dutch(my native language) I can already use basic punctuation. As far as I know the punctuation in English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Italian and many other languages is basically the same
  10. PurpleHeroZ

    PurpleHeroZ Destroyer of Dreams

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    I've seen many class idea threads. We don't need anymore classes, especially more melee.
    (It's a nice idea for a class though)
  11. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    Stop necroposting in threads.
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