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Guilds Guild War Remake

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by ferricles, Jun 14, 2017.

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  1. ferricles

    ferricles Rhyming is fun HERO

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    (Sorry for being a poem, I just felt like it) @hppeng @WheresMySoup @Bx51clLY7x45h
    "gay is ok" @PsyKoe

    Here's my suggestion on remaking guild wars, (almost completely remaking)
    I know it's not perfect, so please don't scold me.
    That's your disclaimer, yell at me no more.
    And this is how my idea came to be.

    We all know that guild wars are broken,
    not to mention guilds as a whole.
    But that is another remake to be spoken,
    so I will stay out of that hole.

    At this point in time the mobs aren't the problem,
    rather it's getting them spawning.
    Once that occurs knock them down like a column;
    congrats, that's it, we're all yawning.
    @John Smith

    "Now hold up ferricles, what are you saying?
    stop wasting time on this poem and keep on playing.
    To spice things up a little,
    always give us mobs.
    Then make the mobs so much less brittle,
    so they don't die like Steve Jobs." -most people

    The problem with that solution above:
    it becomes a race for spam "/guild attack".
    150 def warriors will show no love;
    they only keep on hitting back. (till they wynn)

    What I propose will be like king of the hill.
    In war, people will now capture five points of control. (maybe with beacons)
    In order to make warring more of a thrill,
    But from nobody's idea I stole. (seriously I just thought it up in like 5 minutes)

    Five points are too much for a territory,
    so I suggest making "regions" massive.
    Cities and places around them they'll be.
    And now nobody can just play passive. (thorns def warriors ahem)

    "But can't all-def warriors we can employ
    To just sit and capture the points?"
    No, if only the devs would comply
    and not just sit there and disappoint.

    For example, maybe mobs would use pull
    or push to get people off the beacons.
    Then wars would exist, much less dull
    than standing and killing the legions.

    "Fine, then we'll just sit and avoid
    the mobs while capping the point with vanish."
    To make sure that this strat is destroyed:
    you can't capture while an invisible starfish.

    A time limit should also be added
    so more slaying and hustle occur.
    And now instead of loading mobs drafted
    extra people are useful-er.

    Traps could prove useful in defending your places.
    Land mines and teleporters alike.
    They'll go unnoticed in open spaces
    so it'll be stepping on a spike.

    But what if you die and you just
    took over 1 or 2 points and not all?
    The defending guild should and must
    lay back down the rest of the points standing tall.

    Thank you all for reading this poem,
    although I doubt any of you did.
    Seeing from what my friends did when I showed 'em,
    here's a readable version for kids.

    READABLE VERSION FOR YOU POETRY HATERS (here's your wall of text)

    Since we all love 100% def warriors with thorns in guild wars, I think most of us realize that guild wars have now become not a matter of fighting mobs and using skill to kill them. Rather, it has become a race for who gets mobs to spawn first. Once mobs spawn, you're almost guaranteed to get the territory. Since guild wars are a sizable portion of guilds in general, I think it's time for a reboot of guild wars. Many people think that guaranteeing spawns and buffing the mobs will be a nice fix for the current situation, but this will just make it a frenzy of spamming /guild attack and would be a nice black hole for emeralds.

    When thinking about this idea, I wanted to create some sort of war that would incorporate a good build, skill, and tactical thinking on both sides (offense/defense). Eventually, I decided that an almost complete remake was necessary for this. This new idea changed from king of the hill to multiple control points in a territory. Since our current territories, like "Detlas" or "Dead Island South West" are simply too small to hold 5 control points (beacons), and in order to accommodate all 5, territories need to be expanded. In order to avoid confusion between old and new territories, we should call the new (bigger) ones "regions". Each region would be the size of a general group of territories, like the entire Nivla forest, Detlas and its surrounding territories, and all of Dead Island. It would take around 10-15 seconds to capture a control point, and you win the war if you successfully capture all 5 points in a time limit of say, 10 minutes. If you don't capture all five in the time limit, reinforcements arrive and force you to surrender. Time limits are necessary in this idea, otherwise someone can just take their time killing mobs and walking around to the control points. Also, it encourages teamwork because more people in this war means less time taken. In order to make sure that a 100% def warrior doesn't just sit on the points, mobs should be able to use spells like push, pull, switch positions, etc. to get players off the points. Although it would make sense to capture a point while unseen, vanished assassins should not be able to capture the point while still in vanish. By doing this, it is not necessary to kill the mobs, but it is a good idea to at least kill some so you aren't just being thrown off the control point(s) constantly. Heavy damaging and tank mobs are also a good idea to create more tactical thinking. In thinking about this, I thought, "If the devs would ever make new spells for mobs in guild wars, let alone remake it, they might as well make other features as well." To help the defense, traps such as damaging land mines, pitfalls, teleporters, and even freeze mines would have tactical uses, like running down the clock or killing players. But then the question arises, "What if we capture 2 points and die/run out of time?" Should that happen, the defending guild would only have 3 control points left (5-2=3) and would have to use /guild defend to lay down more control points (and traps). In order to make sure control points aren't placed in blocks or in the air, you must be standing on solid ground with at least a 3*3 area around you clear. The strategy needed on both sides to maintain or obtain territories should make guild wars much more fun, interesting, and (somewhat) difficult.

    Ultimately, revamping guild wars will give people a will to war other than gaining xp from the territory, make it much more fun, and encourage strategical thinking along with team cooperation.
    Ghalt, RedstoneLogic, RogP and 5 others like this.
  2. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    sounds cool, but would be edgy so I dont know....
    Ghalt and Pokextreme like this.
  3. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    I kinda like it but you need more detail
    Also the posts with the most views and support were posted 2 years ago and still haven't been added even though on one all the admins like it.
  4. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    I just realised your profile pic was a bowl of pasta
    now I get it

    Anyway so basically domination

    cough cough
    tank mage
    sits on point
    spams heal
    is invincible
    runs to next point
    sits down
    + 100% def warrior still works

    even if your pulled
    you can charge back up

    and also... if your being pulled off
    how do you cap it?
  5. NinjaPro8000

    NinjaPro8000 Famous Adventurer

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    *Yasuo AFK*
    Me: Remake?
    Team: Nah we can win this
    Loses Game

    what the title made me think of.
  6. ferricles

    ferricles Rhyming is fun HERO

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    You should be standing continuously on the point for 10 seconds WHILE VISIBLE (no escape, charge)
    I guess tank mage would be pretty OP for this, and you should kill the pulling/whatevering mobs before you cap the point.
  7. John Smith

    John Smith blueking2000 VIP+

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  8. CastielCraw

    CastielCraw Well-Known Adventurer

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    Your truely a significant poem maker.

    EDIT: Idea is good, but maybe needs a bit of rework
    RogP likes this.
  9. orange0402

    orange0402 I got exposed by pyro VIP

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    Did you actually just try to rhyme "beacon" with "legion"
    Pokextreme likes this.
  10. DragonBurst

    DragonBurst Travelled Adventurer

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    bump 10 char
  11. RedstoneLogic

    RedstoneLogic Has a neato shop haha please buy my stuff HERO

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    Add poll. I like it though.
  12. ferricles

    ferricles Rhyming is fun HERO

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  13. ferricles

    ferricles Rhyming is fun HERO

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    I did it for the rhyme
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