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Class Expansion

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by ubershaften, Jun 2, 2017.


Your opinion?

  1. Make this happen (provide suggestions)

    14 vote(s)
  2. Not a chance (state why)

    13 vote(s)
  3. Needs major changes (please state)

    5 vote(s)
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  1. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Selvut, Salted and IDK who there is also, have better thing to do for the server than rebalanbe everything.
    I add some more details to his sentence :
    It will take too long compared to what they already planned to do.
    Read my previous answer for the 3.
    They are independent, they create their own stuff.
    That's a point of a suggestion (Why this is still not in General Suggestions btw ?), we speak about it and we say if we like it or not, and we say why.
    ubershaften likes this.
  2. Geodeath

    Geodeath Skilled Adventurer

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    Ok this is what i have to say to this,

    1. Are you saying he made the guild system? Did he help in making the guild system?Was it his idea to make the guild system? Words are your friend they help you make sentences to communicate, saying just guilds doesnt explain what he has to do with them.

    2. I didnt know i was speaking to some1 on the dev team, im sorry that you brought this up with them and they all agreed that they had better things to do. Im sure glad i have you to let me know this since its not like i can read the minds of the devs. Really your answer is that they have better things to do, its like you have never played any online multiplayer games outside of wynncraft/minecraft balancing and rebalancing is done when new content is introduced through expansions. class changes/new classes, item changes/new items. Take wow for Example they actively tweak what the classes/items in their game can and cannot do to make sure one isnt to strong and one isnt to weak. League of legends does the same with champions/items/new champions/new items. A WAY better answer would of been that they are a small team and thus cannot produce these kind of changes while also making new content for players to enjoy.

    3.And you know this how? Are you on the build team that made the new island in the corkus update, did u compile the new custom chat text for the npcs in it, design new custom skins for item drops, or test/design the dungeons to make sure they were player ready? If you were and did then thanks for the new content in the server, if not presuming that this is so is not something i can accept from you, saying it take to long compared what they had already planned tells me that they cannot be bothered to think of new ways to change the game play experience of the server besides adding new quests, questing areas, loot, and dungeons. If this is so the games only gonna have 4 classes/4 vip classes that are just re skinned abilities, not only will this get repetative quickly that when another successful mmo server comes around many will flock to that and not find a real incentive to comeback to wynncraft. Well unless that server suddenly dies for some random reason then that would be incentive for some.

    4.Its like you read it and didnt understand what i was saying, that was me explaining why i disagree with this person on them saying that "we have mini classes which are builds" using the class mechanics change as examples and not suggestions, thus has no relevance to your 3rd answer.

    "They are independant, they create their own stuff" usually something close to this kind of answer is used when some1 doesnt realy have any kind of real answer. If you are saying that they would rather have their own original stuff in the game then you are mistaken about how original wynncraft really is. This was me suggesting that there was code from Zentrela available to the devs (which is prolly limited to how long the Zentrela Forums remain up) if they needed an idea of updating the class system, not including that there could be quest,dungeons, and other things from their source code that could be integrated into wynncraft. Even if they didnt use any of it inspiration from it is always a good thing.

    Lastly if this seemed harsh/rude in anyway, well yah im gonna pretty much be that way when i see this "That's a point of a suggestion (Why this is still not in General Suggestions btw ?), we speak about it and we say if we like it or not, and we say why." And what you say is just the same as what the other person said but in a slightly different way. Your answers were you basically stating the devs dont have time or wont do it. Nothing was really from you. Which is normally seen in suggestion threads.
  3. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    The merchant/trader sounds like the most boring, and it is a cheap way to generate money for your warrior class that is basically homeless, so nah.
    A berserker or slayer fits humans more imo. A dwarf could be a crusher, but that sounds cringy.
    Corkians arent tacticans, if anything that would be a villager pulled out of bantisu.
    Elf's wouldn't fit the paladin concept of mind. When someone heres paladin the generally think of a bulky, holy knight, rather than an agile person who is more likely to be holding a bow.
    I dont know how to take a shit on avos but it doesnt sound right
  4. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    I will answer one simple thing to this big message that just turn out to be a very sarcastic message of someone who don't want to do his own research :

    I play on this server since 4 years, I know a lot of thing about what they are planning to do, like Dern, Fruma and a lot of others gameplay things, so yeah I know that they have better things to do.
    For Jumla, can't you just search it on the forum ? That's not that hard and you will find your answer about what does he do...
    Stop advertising a server, even if it's a dead server.
    Don't forgot about EULA, you forgot about it a lot in your 3.

    Yeah, the guy who said that before was me... ._. Man you are scary.

    And I said that for NOW they have better things to do than do another classes, if you like this server like you're saying in a previous message, you would have look every informations about it and you will know that they don't want to add new classes/races for now...

    So now, can you please stop bothering peoples with your sarcastic sense of humor that don't help anybody and try to do some research before trying to counter an argument. It don't make sense to participate to a debate when we don't know anything.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
  5. ubershaften

    ubershaften Well-Known Adventurer

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    I did not ask how shitty you think the classes are, I asked if a class expansion of this manner was viable. I did not elaborate at all on any class, are yet here you are making assumptions.

    This is not quite the feedback I wanted, but the internet has always been full of shit, so I'll take it.
  6. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    You wrote your thread like a suggestion, it's not our fault if nobody understand...
    Dohdo likes this.
  7. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    If you arent willing to take shit dont suggest at all then

    "Oh wait! But it isnt a suggestion! It's just a concept I am suggesting to wynncraft!"

    it is a suggestion and you're dumb to think that way
  8. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    Definitely an idea I've thought about. I'm not against adding "races", but for the sake of our lore and the story we want to tell, pretty much every player has to be from Fruma. However, that doesn't necessarely make races impossible to do.
  9. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    But then there's the problem of Fruma being a Human province that has been locked away for 1,000 years or so and the fact that our character doesn't know anything about Fruma via border-crossing wipe of the mind.
  10. Geodeath

    Geodeath Skilled Adventurer

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    Well i was gonna walk away from this anyway if the comments you left were not really worth my time. But let me reiterate somethings i dnt care about how long you have been playing the game and i dnt care about how you think being a veteran entitles you to speak for the devs instead of having some actual constructive criticism for this thread from yourself. And on that note which in turn i sarcastically wrote much of in my comment to you.

    Now for this "For Jumla, can't you just search it on the forum ? That's not that hard and you will find your answer about what does he do...", yah its prolly not that hard to do but let me retort that cant you just say who or what this person does instead of writing a vague answer like guilds with no explanation of how this person is involved with it? Is it so hard to provide somekind of information to explain/prove what you are typing.

    Saying for me to stop advertising a server even if its dead is like u trying to throw pebbles at me, cuz your trying to find something to say to me and thats what you pick. If i was advertising Zentrela, i would be suggesting that others flock to it which would decrees the player count of wynncraft. But thats not what my suggestion was now was it, it was about how that Zentrelas source code that is in their forums could be used to integrate new content into wynncraft.

    Now for me forgeting the EULA in 3. could you maybe go into more detail about that, cuz like you said i cannot be bothered to do any research. honestly from what i saw it was talks bout server monitzation, and giving advantages to plyers over others for hard currency that werent cosmetic. Now idk how you interpreted 3. but nowhere did i meantion offering players classes for money, now if your talking of the vip classes which are cosmetic changes to the og classes for those who bought Vip.

    "Selvut, Salted and IDK who there is also, have better thing to do for the server than rebalanbe everything.""I add some more details to his sentence :
    It will take too long compared to what they already planned to do." these are what you said nowhere do you say "NOW they have better things to do than do another classes"

    If you looked at the same message that i put i liked the server i also put (either in a different post or same cannot remember) that im still fairly new to the server (been on for about a week), so no im not gonna be looking up every information about the server except when it comes to things im looking for or would like to see possibly change as i did when i wanted to see if there would be any future classes added and found this thread.

    Now to your last comment you want to paint me out to be a bad guy by saying im bothering people when really im bothering with the sarcastic way i wsa writing to you or in your words "sarcastic sense of humor" (frankly i wasnt laughing when i typed that or this so idk where this person got humor from it), of but my sarcastic comment does help somebody it helps me cuz your comment was so disappointing and mirrored that i felt a need to be a little rude to you, also this was never an argument/debate, i merely commented my disagreement with another persons comment and replied to you who gave me a somewhat similar comment to theirs.

    Note:Also my post may be long but at least i try to be much more clear with what im saying then yours appear to be, and i look forward to a reply from you if any if it s worth my time ill shall reply back to you as well, if not then i would say gl with what ever you are doing and i hope when ever you make a suggestion thread, other do not comment saying "takes to long" "will be hard to code" "they have better things to do".
  11. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    I will be happy that peoples answer that to me because I will realize that it was a bad idea :)

    Why I don't make long post ?
    1. I'm not english so I'm not able to do long sentence.
    2. I prefer to say the important things first because saying useless words to make a sentence longer and so more "useful" don't make it useful.
    3. I don't only go on this forums, I'm also doing other things in my life, I don't take too much time to answer to someone who don't even dare trying to find informations about what he is speaking about.

    Now I'm going to read your entire post because I knew before reading that the only thing important in your comment is be the end :D

    You asked me how can I know why the devs are busy, you want me to give more details, I give you details, you declare that my post are worthless... I don't want to be rude, but I will be, your brain looks like worthless.

    Someone already said to you that it is the developer of the server, just search about what is the job of a developer and you will have your answer.

    11. Advertising.
    (Streams, and videos are fine. IPs of servers and referral links are not. If you are unsure ask a Moderator before posting.)

    You said that VIP classes only got an other visual and that we quicly go around it. EULA make them not able to do better than that.
    And I don't know why you spoke about this class reskin because it has nothing to do with the OP...

    I added some more details.

    So the first thing you need before entering a debate like that is asking questions about what will happen in the future if there is something planned about this specific debate.

    Sarcastic doesn't mean you laugh... Sarcastic mean that you say something to mock about something else. We don't need to laugh to mock of something.
    This a suggestion, on a suggestion you debate and give arguments about the OP, so if for you it's not what you are doing, what are you even doing here ?
    "You gave a similar comment to theirs."
    Congratulations ! You discovered the fact the we can share similar ideas ! (This is sarcastic if you want to learn.)

    This one sentence is suffisant to show that you are rude just to be rude.

    Nothing more to say ! :D Bye ! :D
  12. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    He didn't put an IP or a referral link to Zentrela or its forums. You, sir, just played yourself.
    Geodeath likes this.
  13. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    For me it's still doesn't right to put the name of a server into a comment because peoples can search for it on Google or something else and find that server and so they will go play on it ._.
  14. D Strider

    D Strider Prince of Heart || God of Wubs || \^3^/

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    To OP:
    I elaborated on the idea of races about a year ago, check the thread here if you want. It hasn't been updated in a while and is dead now, but I think it covers the idea of races and the possibilities we could have with them. It may not require a full rewrite of the lore as many people think it would. I covered that in the thread as well. (Honestly, I think it's well-written, but others may not.)
    As far as what you have here, many people are biting on you because the unspoken rule of suggestions is that the one who comes up with the idea is the one that needs to do work on creating the details instead of just saying "hey admins addt his so ur games beter plz." From what I've read, the best way to voice your objective is that you're looking for feedback on the concept and asking for ideas to use to put your concept into action.
    The best thing I suggest you do is to develop your concept on your own at first, then post in GS. If others think its a good idea, they will give feedback and ideas to make it better. If not, you need to make sure that you've executed the idea in a way that is healthy for the game as an entirety, and not just a cool gimmick that sounds good in your head. Maybe take a look at other RPG games that use multiple races to see how they've executed the idea. I'm not telling you to steal other games' ideas, but if you want ideas, go inspire yourself. Others will help you if they want to.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
    AlexisPlay likes this.
  15. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    You are stopping the kid from growing a pair with your kindness
  16. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    an elf or dwarf or avos from fruma will make no sense

    same goes with villagers
  17. D Strider

    D Strider Prince of Heart || God of Wubs || \^3^/

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    I think he means that there could be a race from Fruma that we do not yet know of. It's certainly possible that there is a race that assists the Fruman monarchy with their magic, whether they want to or not.
  18. ubershaften

    ubershaften Well-Known Adventurer

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    For the storyline, I was thinking of having a short backstory for each race, ultimately resulting in the player serving as a Ragni soldier for whatever reason. (Contributing to the war effort, getting a feel of Wynnic culture, etc)
    I'm not denying that this is a suggestion, but I would like to point out that I made this thread to see whether this kind of expansion is possible, not to suggest classes. The classes were only meant as an example, and I have no intention of actually using all of them.

    I don't mind shit, but this isn't the kind of shit I was looking for.

    TL;DR: shit on the concept not the classes plz
    I respect your opinion but you're giving the wrong kind of feedback
  19. Blackfall

    Blackfall One punch to rule them all VIP+

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    New classes would be pretty neat, dunno about races...
  20. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    @Khaps , your new class
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