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Guilds My Wynncraft Quest Line Idea

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Edward Ender, Jun 3, 2017.


Who would win P.S this is a joke

  1. Bob The Zombie

  2. Superman

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  1. Edward Ender

    Edward Ender Travelled Adventurer

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    Dear, Anyone Who Is Reading This.

    Thanks for reading my post it means a lot to me. Now lets get to the point. Wynncraft is already awesome lets be honest, and I think that all the quest and features are fun and unique. Now I have an idea for a new quest line. I know that the developers have already added guilds, but I have an idea.

    What if you added special guilds run by NPC'S that you can join and do quests for and move up in the ranks. like for example in Deltas you could join the Mage, Warrior, Assassin, or Archer guild. Then by doing quest that are themed for each guild. The Mage's guild quests would be more about magical artifacts or discovering lost temples and tombs. ( Players in the guild might also be able to make their own custom spells)

    The Warrior's guilds quest could be about helping people or going after bounties on mobs for emeralds. (It would also be cool if other players could hire people in the guild to help them grind or help with a tough monster or boss.)

    The Assassin guilds quests could be about sneaking into houses or important buildings and robbing them or possible being hired to assonate someone.

    Finally the Archers guilds quest could be more about restoring pieces of lost history, or helping out the guards with a hoard of mobs. I also think that any class should be able to join any guild so the player could find one he/she likes the most. I also think this would add a lot more depth to the world of Wynncraft.

    Whether this gets added or not I will always love Wynncraft and support any changes that may or may not happen. I know that the developers are busy and have a life so even if does not get added I still thank you for reading this I am only 13 after all. These ideas could be a little more fleshed out, but I think I got the basic idea out though. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day/night.

    You can reach me personally at these sources

    My Wynncraft account

    My youtube Edward Ender and yes I do wynncraft videos (:
    My Twitter @Edward_Ender and yes I follow @Wynncraft

    Thanks for reading, Sincerely
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
  2. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    Many people already do this for free, myself included - not grinding though since that's just time consuming, not really hard for the most part
    As for the rest, sounds cool, but you should make a couple of the quests for each of the guilds so we know what would be added, the content team needs a foundation like that to work off of
    coolname2034 likes this.
  3. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    Um, why did you Type Like This? It's hard to read.

    As for your suggestion, it seems pretty good. It could use some more detail, such as:
    • Is there a level you must reach to join guilds?
    • Where could you join them? Will they have their own separate buildings?
    • Is there a reputation system?
    • Why is archer geared towards finding lost artifacts? That seems more like a mage thing to me.
    • Can you describe some of the quests you will have to do?
    • Are there more guilds than just Archer, Assassin, Mage, and Warrior?
    These are a few examples. I hope you will continue to expand this concept, as it is interesting.
    Also, Bob would win. That's a no-brainer. ;)
    coolname2034 and Edward Ender like this.
  4. The_Other

    The_Other Ahmsord at Level 58

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    The name should probably be renamed from guilds to prevent confusion. What you're saying seems more like mini-quests to me.
  5. Edward Ender

    Edward Ender Travelled Adventurer

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    Thanks for reading I will be sure to add more ideas in the future!
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