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World Class Spell Modifiers

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Mythless, May 27, 2017.


What do you think about this idea?

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  4. I Really don't like this idea.

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  1. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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    Well, this is a stupid idea... is it?


    Er, anyways,
    you're probably wondering...

    "What the heck do you mean by Spell Modifiers? Wait... OH GOD. NO. PLEASE. THE SPELLS ARE GOOD AS THEY ARE, DON'T CHANGE THEM NO NONONON NO NO NO NO NONO NO NO NO NO-"
    Alright, uh, so, Spell Modifiers. What I picture them to be are different forms of effects on each individual class spell in the game. Why I thought of this is so that players can be a bit more diverse and customized with their class. This can also open up new avenues towards class building, as different modifiers will have different effects.

    I'd like to introduce these said spell modifiers. But before so, let me show you how you can actually modify your class spells.

    Say hello to Wallusen, the Soul Changer! \/ \/ \/


    He is an exclusive NPC that can only be found only in the cities of Cinfras, Corkus, and Ahmsord. You know what that means: Changing your spells requires you to be a certain level, a high one at that.

    Here is the GUI for when you click on this NPC: \/ \/ \/
    (I used the Chest GUI for every screenshot after this. The Black Glass Panes just means that this row will be cut off.)


    The middle icon is your class' icon. The icons to the left and right of it are your spells. You can hover over them to see the name of the spell, their damage, and effects. They go in order from your first unlocked spell to your last unlocked spell. Additionally, you can hover over your class icon to see a summary of your currently equipped spells and their damage outputs.

    You may only be able to change spells should you meet the level requirements as well as completing an exclusive Lv.70 quest that lets you gain access to this NPC.
    (I won't state a quest. That's up for you guys to make. Heheh.)
    Click HERE to view my quest concept on Google Docs! You can comment on it too!

    Your first spell will be unlocked at Level 70, your second at Level 76, your third at Level 82, and your fourth at Level 88.

    Another thing you may notice is that they appear to have different icons... why? Well, check out all of the Mage's spells on the class guide, and look specifically at the promo art.

    They correspond with the type of spell you have for your class.
    • The Fire Charge represents supportive spells (Heal, War Scream).
    • The Enderpearl represents defensive/movement spells (Vanish, Teleport, Charge, Escape, Arrow Shield).
    • The Eye of Ender represents offensive spells (Every spell that has not been mentioned).
    So, let's take a look at what it looks like when you switch spells, shall we? Let's use Heal as an example. \/ \/ \/


    As you can see, there are 3 variations of this spell, with each having a unique icon (which will be stated alongside its vanilla name in the spell modifier descriptions). You can hover over them to see what their effects are. There is also an option to revert a spell modifier by choosing the icon on the very left. You can only have one spell variation equipped at a time.

    After choosing the spell you want, you are brought to a confirmation GUI. Below are the various states of this GUI: \/ \/ \/


    Why confirm it? Because it will usually cost 1 LE and 3 Soul Points to modify a spell, including if you decide to revert the a modification. However, your first spell modification (for each of the 4 spells) will only cost 1 Soul Point, and no Emerald cost. To distinguish between the two cost conditions, a Ring indicator is placed next to the modifier icon: Silver means it is the Regular Cost, and Gold means it is the First-Time Cost. You can only insert 1 Soul Point into the confirmation GUI if it is the First-Time Cost, despite there being 3 extra slots.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: To put Soul Points into the slots, simply click on your available SP Count. Only a maximum count of 3 may be inserted at a time, and you cannot insert anymore if your remaining SP will be less than 1.

    After confirming, you will receive an in-game message, announcing your spell change. Here is an example:


    | Magical essence swirl around you...
    | You feel your soul resonating, manifesting a brand new power!
    | Your (Spell Name) spell has been modified...
    | +(Modifier name), (Modifier description)
    | -(Bonus that the modifier is replacing, if applicable)

    IMPORTANT NOTE: For all of the spell modifiers' descriptions, text that has been parenthesized and/or underlined will not show up in the in-game description.

    I've also put together a video, demonstrating how this message will be executed along with particle and sound effects. Here, take a look!

    Now then. I'm getting a bit giddy about showing you all what kinds of spell variations I've come up with. And also, I would've love to design custom spell promo-art, but I have no idea how to do media art so... I mean if you wanna make your own by all means go right ahead! :P

    But, alright, enough of my rambling. It's time for you to take a gander at all of these spell modifiers!





    +Condense, Replaces Triple Shot. Fire 45 arrows in a single lane. ICON: Sugar Canes (reeds)

    +Flank Shot, Replaces Triple Shot. Fire 20 Arrows in the front, back, left, and right of you. ICON: Bow (bow)

    +Penetrate, Arrows ignore 15% of Elemental Defenses. ICON: Arrow (arrow)


    +Trap, Immobilizes any enemy damaged by Surprising Strike for 1 second. ICON: Cobweb (web)

    +Double Jump, Grants the ability to perform the spell while airborne once. Casting while airborne (considered as at least 2.5 blocks off the ground) reduces vertical and horizontal distance by half. ICON: Feather (feather)

    +Disengage, Perform another Surprising Strike the instant this spell is cast. ICON: Armor (rabbit hide)


    +Sniper, Arrows travel straight forward instead of in an arc. (Arrows explode if it does not interact with a block after 3 seconds.) ICON: Eye of Ender (ender eye)

    +Triple Shot, Replaces Bounce. When cast, fire 3 Arrows simultaneously. (Damage will not multiply per arrow.) ICON: Brewing Stand (brewing stand)

    +Firework Charge, Cast the spell while crouching to store it for later; triggered by performing a normal attack while crouching. Maximum of 3 Arrow Bombs may be stored up at a time. (Multiple Arrow Bombs may be out at once.) ICON: Firework Star (firework charge)


    +Vengeance, Total damage reduced by 30%. If attacked by an enemy, the spell will activate and will hurt the attacker, regardless of distance (Enemies around the attacker may be inflicted as well). You enrage the attacker, granting them +50% more Melee/Spell Damage, instead of Blindness, for 2 seconds. ICON: Iron Sword (iron sword)

    +Fortify, Total damage reduced by 20%. Mitigate 80% of the next 2 sources of damage (assuming Agility stat does not proc) if the spell is passive. This will not refresh if the spell is not active. Passive is considered as when the spell does not detect any enemies; Active is when it does and inflicts damage. ICON: Chain Chestplate (chainmail chestplate)

    +Recover, Total damage reduced by 10%. Restore 10% of maximum health the instant this spell is cast, but receive 10% more damage from all sources for the next 7 seconds (indicated as a Weakness potion effect). ICON: Apple (apple)


    +Retry, Spin again automatically 1 second after your first Spin, without consuming any Mana, if 3 or less enemies have been inflicted (may only activate once). This only effects enemies with greater than or equal to 50% of their maximum health. ICON: Thunder Claw T1 (cobblestone stairs)

    +Weakness, Enemies inflicted with Disease will take an additional 10% damage from all sources of damage (indicated as a Weakness potion effect). ICON: Cross Necklace (white stained glass pane)

    +Cyclone, Decreases range of the spell by 75%. Enemies in the spell range will receive no knock-back and will be inflicted with 11% of damage every 0.1 seconds for the next 2 seconds, totaling as 242% damage. (Every time they are damaged, it registers as a hit. Casting on enemies that are currently inflicted will not stack/refresh their duration of damage.) ICON: String (string)


    +First Strike, If attacking an enemy for the first time while vanished, the enemy receives 15% more Melee Damage, and will be blinded for 2 seconds. ICON: Water Dagger T1 (jungle log)

    +Stealth Adept, Mana drains 25% of the normal speed while vanished. Smoke particles are no longer emitted when vanished. ICON: Ink Sac (black dye)

    +Shadow Master, Speed and Jump Boost effects last 5 seconds after un-vanishing. Able to receive damage twice before being forced out of vanish. ICON: Flint (flint)


    +Accumulate, Attempts to pull in nearby enemies into the hit stream once. For every enemy caught in the stream, damage is boosted by 2%. ICON: Nether Wart (nether wart)

    +Extreme Speed, Spell lasts twice as long with an additional 10 hits, -13% Normal Damage per hit, and +6% Thunder Damage per hit. No spells may be cast until 2 seconds after the Fatality effect. ICON: Thunder Necklace T2 (blue stained glass pane)

    +Static Aftermath, Grants +3 Attack Speed for 2 seconds after the Fatality effect. ICON: Sunflower (sunflower double plant)


    +Evasion, When crossing through the smoke, gain +50% Walk Speed for 2 seconds. ICON: Nether Quartz (quartz)

    +Lethal Gas, After the smoke dissipates, all enemies who has at least been inflicted once are poisoned by 10% of Melee Damage per second for the next 3 seconds. ICON: T4+ Earth Powder (green dye)

    +Death Cloud, Replaces Wall of Smoke. Attach a Smoke Bomb on yourself, creating an Area of Effect damage source that follows your movement. You receive 10% more damage from all sources for the duration of the spell. (The smoke still shows even if you are vanished.) ICON: Egg (egg)


    +Desperation, For every Mana point depleted before casting, amount healed will increase by 3%. ICON: T4+ Water Powder (cyan dye)

    +Pain Inducing, Replaces Pulse. Heal acts as a Life-Steal effect. Enemies in proximity of casting will receive 150% of Melee Damage, while you heal 70% of your current health over the next 4 seconds. (Casting the spell while still healing will refresh its duration and used your current health as the new base.) ICON: Magma Cream (magma cream)

    +Resistance, Grants +50 to all Elemental Defenses for the next 10 seconds. ICON: Multi-Ring T1 (mossy cobblestone)


    +Kinetic, If any enemy is damaged by Slash, the spell may be cast again while only consuming half of the required Mana cost within the next second. (Consecutive hits do not stack the effect) ICON: Blaze Rod (blaze rod)

    +Linger, Your Slash trail will stay for the next 3 seconds, damaging any enemy who crosses it for 10% of Melee Damage per second. ICON: Blaze Powder (blaze powder)

    +Gust Shield, Knock back all surrounding enemies (5 Block Radius) in your new location after casting the spell. (Enemies are knocked back randomly from a value of 4 Blocks ~ 6 Blocks. Pure Knock-back; no damage is inflicted.) ICON: Bone Meal (white dye)


    +Shower, Replaces Burning Ground. Over the span of 3 seconds, 10 small meteorites fall randomly in a wide area (10x10 Block Area) in quick succession. Each meteorite inflicts 25% Normal Damage, 4% Earth Damage, and 4% Fire Damage. (If the spell is cast while it is still in progress, it will reset entirely.) ICON: Melon Seeds (melon seeds)

    +Amass, Replaces Mesosphere Fall. Summon an asteroid with an explosion radius 100% larger and 50% more damage. It takes 5 seconds to crash into the ground. ICON: Fire Charge (fire charge)

    +Implosion, Targets are pulled towards the spot of direct impact. If they are aligned with the location of direct impact, they cannot escape and panic, granting +2 Attack Speed until inflicted. ICON: Ghast Tear (ghast tear)


    +Ripple, Replaces Mind Control. Range is decreased by half of the original spell and damage is reduced by 20%. When cast, 8 snakes travel outwards (1 for each direction) from you. ICON: Water Bucket (water bucket)

    +Air Freeze, Converts 50% of spell's Water Damage into Air Damage. Control the altitude of the snake by moving your head up or down. ICON: Prismarine Crystals (prismarine crystals)

    +Seismic Ice, Replaces Mind Control. Adds 20% Earth Damage to spell at the cost of it traveling 50% slower. When cast, create 3 snakes that travel alongside each other. (Damage does not multiply per snake as it only increases the width range.) ICON: Blue Orchid (blue orchid)


    +Fear Inducing, Inflicts enemies with -10% Melee Damage for 5 seconds when coming into contact with the spell. (Casting on currently inflicted enemies will not stack/refresh the duration of the effect.) ICON: Jack o'Lantern (lit pumpkin)

    +Engage, If target is at 100% Health, total damage of this spell is increased by 100%. ICON: Golden Sword (golden sword)

    +Overwhelm, If at 100% Health, total damage of this spell is increased by 50%. ICON: Anvil (anvil)


    +Combo Strike: Bash, When grounded at the end of the spell, automatically perform a normal Bash spell that does not consume any Mana. Damage of this Bash spell is reduced by 50%. ICON: Iron Horse Armor (iron horse armor)

    +Combo Strike: Uppercut, When grounded at the end of the spell, automatically perform a normal Uppercut spell that does not consume any Mana. Damage of this Uppercut spell is reduced by 70%. ICON: Diamond Horse Armor (diamond horse armor)

    +Combo Strike: War Scream, When grounded at the end of the spell, automatically perform a normal War Scream spell that does not consume any Mana. Damage of this War Scream spell is reduced by 10%, and potency of bonuses are reduced by half (The original spell may override these bonuses). ICON: Gold Horse Armor (golden horse armor)


    +Juggle, After the enemy lands from the Comet effect, the Fireworks effect initiates again for another time. Damage of this Fireworks effect is reduced by half. ICON: Earth Ring T2 (pink stained glass)

    +Disable, breaks the limbs of enemies, therefore decreasing their attack speed by 2 tiers and preventing them from jumping for the next 3 seconds after the Comet effect. ICON: Prismarine Shard (prismarine shard)

    +Devastate, Targets gain Blindness and Slowness 2 for 5 seconds when coming into contact with the spell. ICON: Earth Hammer T3 (birch stairs)


    +Fury, Gain +2 Attack Speed for the next 3 seconds. Killing enemies during this time grants a bonus +75 Fire Damage to Melee Damage (stacks with multiple kills) until the effect runs out. ICON: Lava Bucket (lava bucket)

    +Sonic Scream, Air Shout travels 100% faster, with a wider area, range of attack, and 10% more Air Damage. ICON: Snowball (snowball)

    +Deflection, Grants Counter status; the next time you are attacked, 50% of that damage (before armor/status that mitigates damage) is sent back to the attacker. Lasts a maximum of 10 seconds. ICON: Iron Ingot (iron ingot)


    So uh, I guess that's really it. If you like the idea, maybe go to the poll and say that you support the idea! Well, it can also be for the opposite reason if you think this is not a very great idea...

    Either way, I hope you at least find the idea and concept interesting! If you have any suggestions on balancing/improving these spells (because trust me, I suck at balancing) then please state so!

    Thank you, and have a pleasant day! :)

    • Fixed issue with text color not working with Dark Theme.
    • Changed modifier name Whirlwind to Cyclone.
    • Accumulate modifier damage: 25% -> 7%.
    • Expand revamped to Weakness.
    • Reinforce revamped to Penetrate.
    • Recover modifier healing: 10 seconds -> 5 seconds.
    • Shadow Master modifier: Speed and Jump Boost now lasts 5 seconds after un-vanishing.
    • First Strike modifier damage: Guaranteed Critical Hit -> +50% Melee Damage.
    • Kinetic modifier duration: 3 seconds -> 1 second.
    • Static Aftermath modifier: +2 Attack Speed -> +3 Attack Speed, 3 seconds -> 2 seconds.
    • Preparation modifier damage: 100% per store -> 125% per 2nd / 3rd store.
    • Sonic Scream Modifier: Now has bonus Air Damage.
    • Weakness Modifier: 5% Bonus Damage -> 8% Bonus Damage, Melee Damage -> All Sources of Damage.
    • Engage Modifier: Melee Damage duration of 10 seconds -> 5 seconds. Now has Explosion bonus for 10 seconds.
    • Ignition revamped to Deflection.
    • Changed modifier name Redo to Retry.
    • Retry Modifier: Must now meet a requirement for it to take effect.
    • Changed modifier name Evade to Evasion.
    • Amass modifier trigger: 5.5 seconds -> 5 seconds.
    • Added in-game message display section.
    • Cyclone modifier duration: 5 seconds -> 2 seconds.
    • Desperation modifier healing: 3% -> 2%.
    • Added a lot of additional text to some modifier descriptions clarifying how they work (don't worry, you don't need to know the specifics).
    • Changed modifier name Conserve to Stealth Adept.
    • Stealth Adept modifier: No longer emits occasional smoke particles.
    • Changed modifier name Seismic to Seismic Ice.
    • Changed modifier name Elevation to Air Freeze.
    • Air Freeze modifier: Now has bonus Air Damage.
    • Engage modifier Explosion duration: 10 seconds -> 5 seconds.
    • Changed modifier name Arm Breaking to Disable.
    • Finished quest concept! "Inner Self"
    • Revamped Firework Charge modifier.
    • Weakness modifier damage: 8% -> 10%.
    • Penetrate modifier damage: 50% -> 20%.
    • Undid Firework Charge revamp.
    • Recover modifier redone.
    • Cyclone modifier: 13% Damage -> 11% Damage, Duration no longer refreshes on already-inflicted enemies.
    • First Strike modifier damage: 50% -> 15%.
    • Accumulate modifier: +7% Bonus Damage -> +5% Bonus Damage. Only attempts to pull in enemies once.
    • Lethal modifier duration: 5 seconds -> 3 seconds.
    • Resistance modifier defense: +100 -> +70.
    • Linger modifier damage: 50% per second -> 10% per second.
    • Amass modifier: +50% Explosion Radius -> +100% Explosion radius, +200% Damage -> +100% Damage.
    • Ripple modifier: Now has a 20% damage reduction.
    • Air Freeze modifier damage: 10% Air Damage -> 5% Air Damage.
    • Seismic Ice modifier: Snake now travels 50% slower.
    • Fortify modifier: Clarified a bit regarding this modifier and the Agility stat.
    • Revamped Engage modifier.
    • Changed modifier name Lethal to Lethal Gas.
    • Lethal Gas modifier: Enemies in the cloud -> All Enemies who has been inflicted by the cloud.
    • Engage modifier damage: 150% -> 200%.
    • Added a neat little introductory title thingie.

    • Condense modifier arrows: 60 -> 45.
    • Penetrate modifier defense ignore: 20% -> 15%.
    • Sniper modifier duration: 5 seconds -> 3 seconds.
    • Vengeance modifier: Clarified use regarding damage output. 30% Damage reduction. If attacked, buffs are given to the attacker for 2 seconds.
    • Fortify modifier: Clarified use regarding damage output. 20% Damage reduction. 90% Mitigation -> 80% Mitigation.
    • Recover modifier: Clarified use regarding damage output. 10% Damage reduction.
    • Retry modifier: Current enemy health must be greater than or equal to 70%.
    • Cyclone modifier range: -50% -> -75%.
    • First Strike: Clarified description regarding its activation.
    • Extreme Speed modifier: Spell disability added.
    • Evasion modifier duration: 5 seconds -> 2 seconds.
    • Death Cloud: Clarified description regarding usage with Vanish spell. Now will receive 10% more damage from all sources for as long as the spell is active.
    • Pain Inducing modifier: 70% of Maximum Health -> 70% of Current Health (thanks for telling me this Electro.)
    • Implosion modifier: Enemies now panic when aligned with direct spot of impact.
    • Air Freeze modifier: +5% Air Damage -> Converts 50% of Water Damage into Air Damage.
    • Preparation modifier: Clarified use regarding damage output. +25% -> +50%.
    • Engage modifier: Clarified use regarding damage output. +200% Damage -> +100% Damage.
    • Overwhelm modifier: Clarified use regarding damage output. +150% Damage -> +50% Damage.
    • Juggle modifier damage: 50% -> 20%.
    • Disable modifier duration: 5 seconds -> 3 seconds.
    • Deflection modifier revamped.
    • Fury modifier: Now has bonus Fire Damage boost.
    • Updated quest document (Boss Enemy).
    • Double Jump modifier: Airborne potency is decreased.
    • Vengeance modifier: No longer inflicts Speed 3 on enemies.
    • Fortify modifier: Clarified use regarding Passivity and Activity.
    • Recover modifier: Clarified use regarding Activity. 1% Heal -> 10% Heal. Added Weakness effect (10% more damage from all sources).
    • Retry modifier Health: >=70% -> >=50%.
    • Cyclone modifier: Clarified use regarding damage output, knock-back output, and duration of the spell on currently inflicted enemies.
    • Accumulate modifier damage: 5% -> 2%.
    • Extreme Speed modifier damage: -7% Normal per hit -> -13% Normal per hit, +5% Thunder per hit -> +6% Thunder per hit. Spell disability of 5 seconds -> 2 seconds.
    • Desperation modifier healing: +2% -> 3%.
    • Resistance modifier defense: +70 -> +50.
    • Kinetic modifier Mana: No Cost -> Half of Cost.
    • Gust Shield modifier: Clarified use regarding potency of knock-back and range of modifier.
    • Shower modifier: Clarified use regarding range of the spell and Earth/Fire Damage. 10% Normal Damage per Meteorite -> 25% Damage per Meteorite.
    • Amass modifier damage: +100% -> +50%.
    • Ripple modifier: Now replaces Mind Control.
    • Seismic Ice modifier: Clarified use regarding the snake itself.
    • Charge spell modifiers: Clarified use regarding when secondary spells activate.
    • Juggle modifier: Clarified use regarding when the modifier activates and damage output.
    • Disable modifier: Added Leg-Breaking effect.
    • Devastate modifier Slowness: Tier 1 -> Tier 2.
    • Deflection modifier duration: 5 seconds -> 10 seconds.
    • Revamped Preparation modifier to Fear Inducing.
    • Revamped Store modifier to Flank Shot.
    • Pain Inducing modifier: Now replaces Pulse.
    • Updated images: Spell modification format, Spell modifier confirmation.
    • Improved spell modifier confirmation GUI.
    • Created in-game effect demonstration video!
    • Added associated Modifier Icons! (Well, in text anyway.)
    • Clarified use regarding casting mid-spell for the following modifiers: Fear Inducing, Shower, Pain Inducing.
    • Removed clarification regarding Activity for Recover modifier (it really didn't make sense).
    • Minor changes to introduction sections (inconsistent wording).
    • Kinetic modifier: Clarified use regarding consecutive hits.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
    e!, pantsTM, LarzLapiz and 22 others like this.
  2. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    you put a lot of work and thoughts in this, it looks very good.
    some look overpowered (recover, accumulate, etc.) and some look kinda underwhelming though
  3. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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    I'll try to look over the spells again then, and I'll change what seems to be overpowered/underpowered. Thanks for your feedback!
  4. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    thats the name of the ninja varient of spin attck

    rip jumla if it is implemented
  5. cars3n

    cars3n Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Change the text colour to "None" and not black, because some people with best theme dark theme can't read it very well
    Aya and Emeraldruler like this.
  6. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    does nothing cause as soon as you attack your out of vanish
    time to specialist abuse with lightning edge
    i wish so much
  7. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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    Modifier name has been changed to Cyclone.

    Made adjustments based on your feedback. Thanks!

    I've tinkered with some of the spell modifiers, such as revamping, nerfing, and buffing. Check out the update log to see what has been changed!
  8. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    super cool idea, its like giving your spells an 4th upgrade which you can choose by yourself what it will be, I hope the admins will considder it
    Mythless likes this.
  9. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year Please bring the shoutbox back VIP+

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    holy fuck thats awesome
    good job
    orange0404 likes this.
  10. Hiradaei

    Hiradaei 1080 Pound Phoenix HERO

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    10/10 I hope this gets in.
    Gr8 idea
  11. Crimson Corsair

    Crimson Corsair Le funny Corkus Corsair

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    Love the idea, but make if Dern comes out and is level 100+, make it unlocked at level 90
  12. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Thunder369y and Mythless like this.
  13. ZenFrostz

    ZenFrostz Well-Known Adventurer

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    loved this idea , i think it was like making custom spells but after i read the thread completely your idea is to customize the spell by giving some effects
    Mythless likes this.
  14. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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    I've made some changes to some of the spell modifiers as of this post. Please, if you have any sort of suggestion, feel free to say so!

    Otherwise, feedback would be greatly appreciated!
  15. TNG

    TNG Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Wow, this is really good and very innovative! If they were to add this, I believe the combat part (in general) of wynncraft WILL be enhanced or enriched! Again, really good!
  16. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    The only suggestions I'd ever thought good are the ones obviously needed, (bank, quest book, etc), or the ones so simple that it would give a noticeably positive effect on gameplay for little work.
    A game-changing one? "It'll never be good", I thought.
    Then I saw this.
    I cannot see any flaws in it.
    So I'm gonna bring in the expert:
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
    Thunder369y and Mythless like this.
  17. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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    Just made a section on the thread post explaining that you will receive a special in-game message when changing spells!

    Also, I'm partially considering to attempt to create that exclusive quest... at least, the story.
  18. Mythless

    Mythless Void Candle VIP

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  19. kokonut_pi

    kokonut_pi ( ~ ' - ' ) ~ HERO

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    You seem to underestimate how long a second is in the middle of a fight xd
    Mythless likes this.
  20. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    I like this idea except for one thing, every ability always has 1 OP af ability imo.
    Kinda removes the 'choosing' aspect because everyone will just use the same ones
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