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Vr Support Please!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by SayThink, Apr 21, 2017.


Would it make the game more immersive if you could see players with lifelike movement in game?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Vyzzle

    Vyzzle Runs Around in Underwear

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    I honestly don't think people are reading the posts by the VR users. After work today I'm going to be playing Wynn in VR with full functionality because I can.

    Just going to repeat for emphasis. The simple plugin would add support for you to see our movements, it increases immersion on all our parts. We do NOT need it to play. I can play all day in VR as it is. Just be aware that without implementation it could result in unfair gameplay. For example if I hit you in PvP even though you didn't see my arms move that way, or that it looked like I was looking one way while interacting with a different object.

    This is what is different without the plugin and thus what it would fix:

    • Arrows and Projectiles will spawn at your face, not controller. Aim accordingly.
    • The direction your player model looks will vary depending on activity and does not follow the HMD direction.
    • Endermen aggro will use the pointing direction and not the look direction
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
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  2. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    Wrong attitude, buddy.
    Try "I would just prefer to see this update implemented in the future so that my actions are more visible and fair to others players in, for example, a PVP situation" ;)
    Right now you're just being petty in return, probably because you're getting annoyed with people, but in doing so you just display the same behaviour as the one that annoys and we're going to get nowhere that way.
  3. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    Alright. In the few Vive videos I've seen you haven't seen too much moving around. (stuff like Job Simulator)
    I have wanted a Vive for a while but I can't afford one. I don't know how the cords work so I assumes most Vive games don't have you move much due to the cord.
  4. Vyzzle

    Vyzzle Runs Around in Underwear

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    Most Vive games have you move a lot actually. The cord is barely a hindrance and a wireless add-on was just released (only in China currently however, international release is next quarter).

    Job Simulator is one of the few games that have minimal movement. It's one of the "box" games which are personally my least favorite. Check out Holopoint or Pavlov if you get the chance and peruse /r/Vive.
    Scorpio5 and JJTH like this.
  5. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    The 2nd person, jrbudda , is the person that made the vivecraft mod, I believe.
    I'm sure he would be willing to help beyond that.
    It could make things easier to implement.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
    Yilos and Vyzzle like this.

    THEDUSTYFACTOR Newbie Adventurer

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    Poking my head in over from r/vive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    The first time I put the vive headset on was unlike anything I have ever experienced, and it's something you just can't describe to someone who hasn't had the chance to try it... There seems to be a lot of help from developers to implement this on the r/vive side- so it not much an issue resource and time wise.

    To completely dismiss the idea is to hinder the growth of your community, I know that myself as well as many other vive users would prolly only ever play this if it were in VR (and would play it a lot).. Why would you all be so against the idea of VR in the first place? It's very off putting from an outsiders point of view, and it seems like most of your arguments wouldn't even effect you in any way at all - like health concerns and controller issues (which I don't really find valid coming from a non-vive user).

    It would be nice to see some acceptance here.. Wouldn't you LOVE to play this game in VR? If your parents came home with a a vive, you would instantly change your mind, wouldn't you?
    JJTH likes this.
  7. Burrick

    Burrick Newbie Adventurer

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    That's my own post there above jrbudda. Reading it again, I may have sounded a bit flippant or sarcastic. Sorry if it came off that way, I was actually serious. I'm not great at server side stuff. More of a client side guy myself.
    And yeah, jrbudda is one of the Vivecraft devs

    EDIT: I haven't tried Wynn yet, with or without VR, but it was my understanding from the first post that some of the more fun functions don't work with Vivecraft here? Such as swinging weapons or using bows like actual bows.
  8. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    I haven't played for ages, so I don't know if it's changed, probably not.
    But no, there were 4 weapons and though some of them were melee, you didn't actually use them as such.
    You just had skills or abilities that you activated in its' stead. I might not remember it right.
  9. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Guys, drop the plugin thing. Wynn uses original plugins
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  10. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    Guy, drop the attitude.

    You, @SaltyPhox , have been nothing but closed-minded and silly in this topic, at some parts downright insulting.
    You have made it clear that you personally are not open to this idea, and you've now twice stated that Wynncraft uses original code.
    Since you are not open to mature discussion on the subject, I think you should leave further judgement over whether or not it will be dropped or might ever happen to someone who actually has a say-so in it.

    If WynnCraft does use only original plugins and is not open to implementing a, perhaps modified, version of outside code, then maybe it ends here.
    But there's been no word on it yet, and you're not the person who's able to give it.


    We're in the General Suggestions sub-forum and the suggestion is to add support for the Vivecraft NonVR Companion plugin.
    The manner in which it would get implemented really isn't the important part.
    The question is whether Wynncraft's team and community are at all open to the introduction of this plugin, improving cross-play between 2D and VR users,
    which in turn would promote both verbal and non-verbal social interactions between players.

    Because you often are able to see someone's body language in Virtual Reality, it by default is a much more social medium.
    (There are a lot of games like Rec Room and AltSpace VR, and even the new SteamVR Home update where the primary 'goal' is to just be social with other users.)
    And as such, it's easier to form connections with others compared to a static player model in most 2D games.
    While it will probably be rare to see a VR player at first, it would be an interesting sight to say the least.

    I remember Detlas used to be the social hot-spot in Wynn, players would connect there in front of the bank to just talk or fool around.
    I think it would be really cool if a player in Virtual Reality were to join people there and be able to just wave at them and fool around using their ability to move their body.
    Just something people who've never seen it before would probably be in awe of for a bit.

    Typing would be slower, but possible, by the way.
    The speed depends on how much someone's practiced with the in-vr keyboard anyway.

    The player base might also grow as a result of the introduction of an official 'crossplay' supportive plugin,
    the /r/vive subreddit often forms a 'vivemind' over newly released games, and you can be sure the news would be posted there.
    Players will surely come in to at the very least give Wynncraft a try.
    I've found that the VR community so far has been nothing but supportive (including with their wallets) of these usually small teams of developers that are taking a risk by creating a VR Exclusive game.
    These are the kind of players you would want in your server, not the kind you'd want to shun.

    Both the growth in the playerbase and the positive publicity this change could bring is good for the community and good for business.
    Abberdine, SUPER M, Black Sun and 3 others like this.
  11. Vyzzle

    Vyzzle Runs Around in Underwear

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    This means nothing though.

    1) The actual developers haven't said that it's impossible
    2) jrbudda is more than happy to help (I can tell you from experience the dude is extremely patient and helpful)

    If they say they can't and that it actually would be more problematic than simple changes, then like the above post sure it'd be the end of the conversation.
  12. BuffAirSpear

    BuffAirSpear Avos Air Assassin HERO

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    Oki well i cba to reread all comments again but just one thing i would like to point out... assuming you want to do spells by actually moving... for an assassin for example there is spin attack and against endgame bosses you end up doing several spins a second as a spell spam build at the same time as walking... how tf do you want to do this? Dont tell me you actually want to end up doing this in game lel that woulf just look super funny and i would love to see a video of that... and tbh if you use keys to do the spells... stuff like soin attack just wouldnt feel right .-. Its called spin attack for a reason and just having keys do the spin attack while you are walking seems completely half hearted to me and it would imo just ruin the complete feeling that you are suggesting.
  13. Vyzzle

    Vyzzle Runs Around in Underwear

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    I don't care how I look while I'm in VR - I'm in VR.

    And I'd have no problem doing that, I spin in plenty of games all the time. I personally don't care if it's not as efficient as keyboard turning or however you do it either. If it's a handicap I'm willing to take the handicap to do it in VR, I'm choosing to do it in VR for a reason.

    Of course this wouldn't be for everyone, but that's their choice to do it.
  14. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    It's a skill ability.
    You do a combo of mouse-presses and it launches a spinning attack around you.
    Unless they changed it in an update since I played, the actual player character does not actually spin.

    The motion controls would never be used for the in-game skills, that's not how those skills work.
    We could use the buttons on our controls to use them, but not through motions.
    The motions could, however, be used for social purposes or to simply move the item around for our own immersion.
    SUPER M, Black Sun and Vyzzle like this.
  15. Vyzzle

    Vyzzle Runs Around in Underwear

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    Ah I see, I wasn't sure if he made his character physically spin, because if that were the case then spinning in VR would spin the character and thus the move would work. But I get what you're saying, in that case it could just be keybound.

    But yeah, I'm sure would be some classes that would be difficult to do in VR but that's their choice to play that class in VR.

    I personally have a very shabby built, but workable, belt that attaches my keyboard. It's not the most convenient, but it works baha.
    JJTH likes this.
  16. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    What the shit.
    You're gonna need to take a picture of that sometime and put it in /r/vive or something, dude.
    I've never heard of that, haha. Sounds interesting!
    Vyzzle likes this.
  17. Scorpio5

    Scorpio5 Usually sleeping when I should be working VIP+

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    I haven't read too much in, but support for this is limited at best. However, as a Vive man myself, I support this fully. The Vive community will definitely love this and, because Vive owners generally have more disposable income, Wynncraft may find profit in this implementation. It's about time VR expands into the MMO realm. There should be an attempt at compatibility, at least. If it doesn't work out: fine, we'll try later when we have more time. If it does work out: hey, cool - we just opened Wynn to a new audience and improved player's quality of life.

    How functional would Wynncraft be if I started playing in VR right now?
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  18. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    Two very, very conflicting statements. ;)

    You have not been very reasonable at all, in my opinion.
    Your attitude towards VR supporters has been aggressive and demeaning.
    But I do not wish to argue over that.

    Let's focus on what is relevant

    According to other players, it works.
    It's slower to respond, obviously, unless you do a lot of remapping or using voice controls.
    But apparently it works.

    What this topic is suggesting is the NonVR Companion mod that would allow 2D players to see VR player's actual motions, and solve some minor complications for VR players.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
    Abberdine, SUPER M and Vyzzle like this.
  19. Yilos

    Yilos Travelled Adventurer

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    Why wouldn't you want more players in the game??
    I fail to understand your logic here, more players willing to spend money is good for any game.
    Specially since there is no mmo actually for the vive and it could give this mod quite a bit of exposure and allow the people that like mmos to play one in vr.
  20. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Which is not the plugin and is the aim of that comment. End of discussion
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