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Vr Support Please!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by SayThink, Apr 21, 2017.


Would it make the game more immersive if you could see players with lifelike movement in game?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    go play factions zentrela ya skrub
    (directed towards person in quote, also a joke)
  2. Yilos

    Yilos Travelled Adventurer

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    Actually the 2 trackpads that are the same as the steam controller trackpads can have tons of bindings into them, its not like it only functions as 1 button.

    Because money, and a large portion of the vive users already got used to normal wasd/joystick movement. Us, vr enthusiasts, love to support developers that take a step off just a bit off their normal path to support such a new and amazing technology. Plus I personally think being able to play wynncraft in the vive would be awesome and I would spend countless hours on it.
  3. vendaar

    vendaar Travelled Adventurer

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    No one stops devs to do so. It was just an idea for consideration. nothing more. No one said there should be any focus on vr in the future. even if it's just experimental it's ok. It will add something to the experience for anyone of you use it, trust me, just because it's funny to interact.

    Good point. I'm not sure if forge plugin is suitable for our server enviroment. only devs can check, again.

    No dude, just no :(

    Low effort agument and it seems like you didnt even read my full post as I already mentioned how motion sickness can affect any player in some way.

    again besides the dev things it's very far fetched..
    EDIT: also again: I'm ok with you disagreeing. you don't need to struggle.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
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  4. Sezze

    Sezze Newbie Adventurer

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    Since all you have to do to add support for this is to drag a file into a folder, I'd love to see it added. Doesn't affect people without a Vive one bit. If it would break everything, then great remove it and you wasted 5 minutes, otherwise great now there's a new way to enjoy the server.

    Also the teleporting added is really not op at all, you can run much faster than you can teleport, it's just so you don't get sick in VR. Also you don't have to use it, I think it can even be disabled.
  5. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    The problem with the suggestion is the same problem that all big suggestions have: time. The devs literally just started work on a new Province, either Dern or Fruma. They don't have time to work on a project that will bring in less than like 100 players, and only 3% of the player base will actually use.

    You guys keep asking for a player's perspective, so here I go.

    With Wynncraft, you have to press more than WASD and click the mouse. You have to attack a certain way and use spells. Heck, archery wouldn't even work because archers in Wynn don't have arrows; you just right click to fire.
    No more archer class already.

    Think about the tower of ascension, a level 40-70 arena in Wynn. You have too battle tons of high level monsters and constantly swing your weapons. You're constantly turning and moving.

    The problem with this is that you could trip over the cords and cause an injury while fighting these guys. This could lead to someone suing Wynn as someone previously mentioned. This is bad for the game as a whole because we already aren't the biggest community out there.

    TLDR: If it were to work based on the circumstances, I'd be all for it. But the problem lies when it comes to implementation and players getting injured.
    PandaBuider103, SUPER M and Ezohn like this.
  6. Yilos

    Yilos Travelled Adventurer

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    You couldn't even be more wrong here mate, dont worry I'll explain how things work in vivecraft.

    Wasd movement for the vivecraft works perfectly with the left trackpad as a "joystick", click for attack and bow stuff is used with the triggers if you are lazy/tired and dont want to do the action yourself so its exacly the same as clicking with the mouse, there is no problem with archery since its just a button press, exacly the same as in mouse and keyboard (you just have to aim with your hands instead of the mouse)

    As for tripping over the cords, I've been a vive owner for more than a year already, I've played tons of games where you spin around and to super quick turns and cords are not a problem at all, actually one of my favourite games you are turning 180-360 degrees all the time, its called Holopoint. The only thing I've done is smacking a controller on the wall because I was too focused on the fight to realize the walls grid popping.

    Honestly I dont see a problem here, there is tons of people that already play regular minecraft with vivecraft, heck its even implemented for oculus from microsoft if I'm not mistaken.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  7. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    There's still the question of whether or not this needs to be implemented. Sure, it may give us many new players, but really, how many? Minecraft is already slowly losing players, and I don't know how it works in r/vive, but I wouldn't buy a 26 dollar game just to play this one MMO and quit about 2 hours later. It's based on if it's worth doing it. When Gavel came out, many old players came back as well as new ones. But how many people could we actually bring in with this plugin? Sure, maybe 100 players, but like I said, the game is very confusing and we already have about a 1:5 join leave ratio.

    This isn't a bad idea, I'm going to be honest, but the biggest problem lies in how much we wanna spend on this and if you speak truthfully with thousands of players being brought in.
  8. Prie

    Prie gaming HERO

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    You don't know what you're talking about. Seriously, do some research ffs
  9. madfox

    madfox Newbie Adventurer

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    Hi, also a guy coming from /r/Vive/

    Same as Yilos, got the Vive since the first batch played many games "in room-scale" over a year and never had any injuries while "playing" with it... And also never heard about someone suing a dev because of an injury... There are so many securities on the headset: (front camera, wall grid to prevent collision, wake up button for people to notify the player in VR, the motion controller are designed to hit a wall first before your hand,...).

    Vivecraft is a crazy addon you should be dumb not to try it out! I would probably try out your server (that looks awesome by the way) if it was available!
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
    Yilos likes this.
  10. vendaar

    vendaar Travelled Adventurer

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    I guess one of the biggest reasons for Vivecraft not being implemented is that it has to apply to the general gameplay just like Oryx stated. You can enjoy the game for some parts but not all of Wynncrafts own game mechanics are VR-friendly, like it seem. I can't say anything better because I didn't played Wynncraft to it's full extend myself.

    Also, devs would requiring a VR-Headset themselves for proper playtesting.
    So it won't happen any time soon, if even implemented at all..
    Or you just ask us?

    @Seeze: No, it's not just drag and drop. The Vivecraft plugin is based on spigot/forge and like stated before Wynncraft is said to be completely custom. So it will take some effort to bring it up. If that's even possible.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
    SUPER M likes this.
  11. darklord413

    darklord413 Fan of Games

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    Came here to weigh in. I definitely understand the concerns with development and compatibility, but simply don't see why the community is concerned with VR-specific issues, like getting tangled in cords or "spinning too much." Odds are most of us are used to games where we spin, probably a lot more than in Wynncraft. It's okay if our two groups have to be split because of development times, but there's no reason to divide just because you feel like we can't handle it, or whatever your reasoning is. If you say that the Vive controllers don't have enough mappings, shouldn't that be up to us to alter the bindings? Of course someone with a KB+M will have an advantage over a gamepad player in an FPS, but that hasn't stopped tons of people from wanting cross-play between PC and consoles.
    Yilos likes this.
  12. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    So there I am, casually browsing the /r/vive subreddit as I do daily, checking for updates on upcoming hardware, new VR games and interesting user experiences..
    Lo and behold, I see Wynncraft mentioned. In a negative light.

    I had no intention to ever return here, but reading the topic on reddit, I had to see this one for myself.
    I wish I could say I'm surprised the anti-outsider mentality of some of the more verbal community members of the Wynncraft community is still going on so strong after all this time, but I'm really not.
    I'm slightly disappointed, I had hoped things would be different by now, but all I'm seeing is that I made the right decision by not sticking around anymore.
    That being said, I really shouldn't judge the entire community for the comments just a small part of the community made in this topic.

    The same goes for the /r/Vive community. I'm rather disappointed with the topic made.
    You can't ask people to at least be open to the idea and try to see your point of view, but then laugh at how "stupid" the "haters" are.
    The same thing happened with Oculus at first. You laughed at their posts and opinions, all the while preaching how open and accepting we were.
    While we should have celebrated VR as a whole and worked together, even if Oculus as a company made it seemingly impossible for us sometimes.
    I understand the frustration that must've gone into making the topic on /r/vive after I've read all of the posts in this topic,
    but happymeal79 went in with a negative attitude instead of calling to show our support for the implementation of this add-on.

    We're all supposed to be better than this.
    Whether you agree with each other or not, this seems to be a 'first contact' for most members of both communities, and neither community is making a good impression.
    So please, let's try to be open and understanding to each other's opinions and try to handle this discussion more maturely.


    The Vive, and VR in general, is a new medium. An innovative new form of gaming.
    Still being in the early stages in addition to being expensive, I understand that it's really still a niche market of sorts.
    I realise that a lot of people don't yet understand how things work and probably won't until they try it for themselves.
    The bad articles about nausea in earlier models and for badly made games certainly didn't help in forming negative opinions.

    For those people who haven't yet been able to try a HMD themselves, though,
    you are currently in a topic with a few people who do own one.
    Rather than making your own judgements such as:

    You could perhaps consider asking the people that have had and spend a lot of time with their headsets for their perspective on things:

    "Watching that video, the sudden and sporadic movements, has given me a bit of a headache.
    How do you experience that while you're wearing the HMD yourself?"
    "Moving around in VR seems very tiring to me.
    Can you handle very active games in VR for a long time without getting extremely nauseous or feeling like you're going to pass out?"
    "How likely are you to get sick or hurt yourself in a game that has you spinning and moving around a lot?"
    "The Vive seems to have quite a long cord, has any of you ever got stuck in it or tripped over it?
    How do you keep it out of the way while you're playing and can't really see it?"

    It would promote a more welcoming attitude instead of being harsh and uninformed, and criticising something you don't understand.
    Plus, you might actually learn something new about VR.
    It just might be the future of gaming, not as a replacement of 2D games, but a very welcome addition.
    So it'd be good to educate yourself about it in the early stages already, and perhaps even follow it's progress.

    I remember when I first played Wynncraft a few years ago, I was amazed.
    It was such an innovative and exciting way to play Minecraft.
    I had never experienced anything like that before!
    It was nothing like the Vanilla game at all.
    I still am in awe of all that has been achieved, by such a small team no less! Very impressive.

    Just imagine the amount of trouble Wynncraft would have had to go through if people had been so closed-minded and hateful towards this new idea as people seem to have towards VR.
    I'm not just talking about the people in this topic.
    There have been some unbelievably hostile comments made about VR by people who have never tried it.
    Something that's happened with probably every medium in the past.
    Colour television. Who needs that? If you want to see colours, just turn off your TV and go outside. Bah!

    My first impression of Virtual Reality was similar to playing Wynncraft for the first time.
    A much stronger reaction, of course, but that's really to be expected.

    The first time I played the tutorial alone I was just absolutely in awe.
    I felt like a little kid again, full of energy, smiling from ear to ear.
    This was so new to me. So exciting.
    It's nothing like 2D gaming, not even like the Wii was.
    The accuracy and immersion is just so, so, so much better.
    And every time I put that headset on, for a brief moment,
    I am just amazed at the fact that I'm able to experience this in my lifetime.
    Virtual Reality was always a thing of sci-fi, the distant future.
    And while it's still far from perfect, it's already so fucking amazing.

    The manner, the 'when' and the priority of the Vivecraft implementation aside.
    I wish people would at the very least be open to the idea.
    We've got two sorts of innovative mediums here, and we should try to support each other instead of what's going on now.

    While there are plenty of VR games on the market already, what we lack are full experiences.
    Games that just feel like they can't be exhausted.
    Minecraft on its' own is already very cool, and honestly, the Vivecraft version is really the only thing that can still bring me back to Minecraft.
    I've been playing the game for so long and it just got old to me.
    But in the Vive, it just feels so immersive and exciting again.

    The new provinces and large update couldn't bring me back to Wynncraft.
    Not because of any attitude or opinion I might have against the community, but because like I said, minecraft just lost its' appeal to me in the 2D format.
    But I would definitely come back if full (optional) Vivecraft support was implemented.
    I've been very curious about the new updates, but I just can't bring myself to play them in 2D.

    I'm definitely in support of this idea!
    ( I would like to thank @SayThink for making this topic. )

    And I think all of the other VR gamers would be extremely grateful if Wynncraft joined hands with us and be supportive of this new medium,
    and through that, be part of the foundation that will make gaming in the future be greater than ever before.

    I realise how busy the team already is and that it won't be implemented within a few weeks' time.
    But it would be great if they eventually did.
    All we ask is that it's considered. :)
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
    K™, Marco, SUPER M and 11 others like this.
  13. vendaar

    vendaar Travelled Adventurer

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    excellent posts. sums it all up pretty well.
    darklord413 likes this.
  14. Burrick

    Burrick Newbie Adventurer

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    'nother VR user, just joined up to show my support. I think it'd be really cool.
    I'd heard of Vivecraft fairly early on but I hadn't heard of wynncraft until this morning. Looks fun! I'll give the flat version a go asap, then see what the current VR is like

    Also supporting all of JJTH's post, let's get along and have a great time together, shall we?
  15. Vyzzle

    Vyzzle Runs Around in Underwear

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    I'm seeing a lot of complaints about having VR players in the community, someone even suggesting someone could trip and sue Wynncraft (which is ridiculous for one on the legal part, two lol I play far more high paced 360 games in VR and never had a problem with a cable when I used one - along with the majority of Vivers, and three I don't even have a cord since I play wirelessly thanks to TPCast ;)). The point of this post is to add something that would allow non-VR users to accurately see what a VR user is doing. With it or not VR users can still play Wynncraft. So any issues you may have with VR users playing is null, they can do it no matter the outcome of this post. This post is just suggesting a simple file implementation (something I've done on multiple servers I've run with friends taking the course of 12 seconds. I will admit, I'm definitely not as familiar with server development as the developers here but I know of large servers that have incorporated it in literal seconds if I'm missing something please enlighten me).

    And hey, if you want to see block people moving around unnaturally, that's up to you. For me MMOs are about immersion, if I didn't have VR I would love to see other characters moving around realistically. They're not asking for some sort of native motion controller support - we can bind our own keys, we are big boys. Ive already played Vivecraft on other servers that use similar mechanics such as Herocraft. That's not the issue. You guys are just making it the issue for some reason. The ONLY thing being asked for is a plugin that lets you see where our arms are and head are looking. Really this benefits YOU.

    Also VR isn't just for the "rich." Sure, it's definitely more in the enthusiast stage than the mainstream stage (wait until ~2020 though), but I made enough for the Vive in one week. Most people with the Vive are older and carry jobs.

    Of course it's fully up to the developers, and I'll certainly respect their decision as this is their server, but having this conversation go from "add support so people can accurately see VR users movements" to "anti-VR users" is useless. We're still going to play.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
    JJTH and Yilos like this.
  16. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    Are you saying I was harsh? I gave valid and rational reasons why and why not it should be added in a calm and nice manner. I've never used a Vive; I have no idea how much the cords get in the way; I just had the idea that since you move around a ton and it's possible you could trip. I'm sorry to the Vive people that or community can be so negative to newcomers at times; I tried to be as nice and rational as possible.
  17. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    Not harsh, but you were ever so slightly insulting, not on purpose and only indirectly.
    Your comment suggested we'd be too clumsy to play a game like Wynncraft on our vives, which wasn't your purpose, I realise.

    The HTC Vive comes with a cable and is designed for Roomscale VR, meaning you get to physically move around your room in reality.
    There are a shit ton of games making full use of that, and among them you can believe me when I say there are more than plenty where you end up facing different directions.
    You just step over the cable without really thinking about it, to be honest.

    I just picked out your comment as a good example.
    Asking about the cable to someone with experience would have been preferable to just assuming it was a problem.
    Black Sun and Vyzzle like this.
  18. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    Why can't VR people just use a keyboard and mouse? Many of the features in wynn wouldn't work with vr like walking and spells so I don't see why people have to make such a big problem about the fact wynn doesn't support VR.
    Btw we aren't ignoring VR, there's just not enough support and vr users to become supportive for it.
    SUPER M likes this.
  19. Vyzzle

    Vyzzle Runs Around in Underwear

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    We don't need to use a keyboard and mouse. We can play already without this plugim... the plugin would allow YOU to accurately see our arm and head movements. Else we may look like we are facing the wrong way while interacting with something else...

    Also walking would work along with everything else already lol? All the features work fine already in VR...

    I feel no one is understanding the post. Any one in VR can play on any Minecraft server. This plugin is to make it natural for others to perceive what we are doing. It adds to your immersion. It makes it easier to interact with people since when I look at you you can actually see me looking at you.

    And to why we want to play in VR it's obvious to tell when someone hasn't used a Vive or Rift before. The level of immersion and feel of the game is a whole different level. I can hardly go back to playing MC on a monitor.

    The only features from the plugin I think worth it are able to see movements. I completely understand not implementing teleportation - it can be perceived as unfair. I use the trackpad to move naturally.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  20. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    We could, but it'd be only a half experience.
    Motion controls are a lot more entertaining.

    But like others have said, we already could use those.
    That's not what this is about.

    "Trackpad locomotion" is pretty much joystick walking.
    Most people can handle it pretty well.
    Teleport locomotion has been getting less common I think.

    We're not making a big deal of it.
    The support would be entirely optional so that other users could actually see our movement, which is actually one of the great joys of VR,
    both in Vivecraft and in other games that have crossplay, like Tabletop Simulator .
    It makes it a lot more 'social', if that makes sense.
    And for an MMORPG, the social aspect is an important part.

    You know how in Minecraft most people kind of squat and hit the air to wave at people?
    Imagine someone actually being able to wave at you ;)

    There are a lot of VR users, actually. Plenty of units sold.
    Like I said, we need games that can't be exhausted, that are long lasting. We're all looking for different experiences to try and to play.
    Wynncraft has been getting featured a bit lately, I've noticed, and coming out with "official" VR support would bring in a lot more users still.
    And, again, a large and social userbase is an important aspect of an MMORPG.
    I'd have thought they'd be welcomed, not shunned.
    Black Sun and Vyzzle like this.
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