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World Wynnic Vaults! 40+ Supporters

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by llllllllllllll, Apr 12, 2017.


Wynnic Vaults?

  1. Yes (+1)

  2. This has great potential, but it needs a change (What change?)

  3. No I would not like this in Wynn (Why not?)

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  1. RubyOnRails

    RubyOnRails Pro 360 WynnCraft no scoper VIP

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    I don't know if anyone has suggested this but instead of having it were you put an item in and you pay a fee; why not have it so for instance every 48 hours the item is in the bank you have to pay 32 Emeralds to get the item.
    llllllllllllll likes this.
  2. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    That would kinda suck. Imagine quitting wynncraft, and you have most of your items in your vault. Come back a year later and you need stacks upon stacks of le to regain all your items.
  3. Anárion

    Anárion Screw Maex #Dogovi4Ever CHAMPION

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    Why i would even say no to a plus storage suggestion? also i really like the concept of it +1
    llllllllllllll likes this.
  4. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Dammit @Thunder , what change do I need?
  5. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Pretty impressed with this suggestion on first read, though I do think there are superior alternatives.

    Having it be 100 items max is definitely an improvement to the previous infinite storage, so good on you for fixing that issue before I can even call it out. The only thing here I think needs changing is access from other classes. Without making it shared, it'd be an improvement to have separate "pages" for each Class. This way, you still get 100 slots for each class, but you can also access vaults for one class with another, in the case of an emergency or whatever other occasion. Perhaps it would cost a small percentage more to access a different class's vault, as to balance it.
    This definitely needs tweaking. Using lower-leveled classes, you could easily abuse the current system to pretty much negate the prices. Instead, base the prices off of the level of the item, not the class. This way, the item has the same price no matter what class puts it in vault. If you wanted to even further, it could be based off of item rarity too, but that's far less necessary. Prices would remain the same other than that, except if you wish to include the inter-class fee I mentioned previously.
    As I said before, it would probably be best to have a multi-page GUI, with one row at the bottom being dedicated as a sort of control panel (see @Lotem's better quest book for an example).
    For the visual entity, making a simple bank vault using item stands and models wouldn't be too difficult. Alternatively, it could be a full-size vault door that you right click to access.
    While the idea is interesting, it seems strange that either Ragon or Rynend would be able to talk to Ragni's king. Even the cook is a stretch, though it's possible he cooks for the king. Perhaps limit to only one quest, change the quests, or create a new one? The best option may be to just limit it to Cook Assistant. Apart from that, the dialogue could use a bit of fine-tuning.
    Almuj and Detlas make sense, but Nemract bank is a bit strange. Perhaps a new building? As for not being shared; this again seems rather unnecessary. It also means that instead of 100 new slots per class, there's 300. That's up to 3000 new slots, which is a bit overkill, really. They should probably be shared, which would help with ease of use. Alternatively, you could have an inter-bank fee, similar to the inter-class fee from before.
    This seems to go against the idea of more storage. People will start using their other class vaults, as they do now with class inventories. Perhaps if it's a very small amount, but otherwise it doesn't reall
    Another good reason for having to pay is just that the economy desperately needs new ways to lower the emerald count. Again, though, 300 per class is rather much.

    To be completely honest, this suggestion is better than I expected. It needs some work, but it definitely has potential. Nice job.
    Thunder likes this.
  6. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    So, instead of having 100 items maximum, you want certain pages for certain classes/character slots? Confirm please.
    The thing is, it's character slot based. That's what keeps it simple and functional. A level ten archer won't pick up items from another class on the same account, say a level 67 warrior. The archer can only pick up items from their own storage, and so they can't negate the prices for other character slots.
    Alright. Rynend is grateful that the king would recruit someone like you, to help them in their darkest days. He wishes to thank the king and you. Ragon couldn't believe that you were so brave, and applauses you and asks the king for access. I'll fine tune it if you didn't understand.
    The gui I am working on, but I'll give you a small outline. The bottom two rows will have your usual left page, right page. Second row from the bottom is the glass pane line. The visual entity could be worked on but I'm not sure.

    TL;DR, the classes don't share slots for a reason.
  7. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    Um, what?
    *Has a lot of high level gear on Level 101 class*
    *Puts it in bank*
    *Gets low level class to take gear out of bank*
    *Puts it in vault for the cheapest price possible.
    This would be time consuming and inconvenient though.
  8. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    What I'm trying to say, is that if the classes don't share vault storage, then you can't abuse the low price.
  9. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    I'm suggesting that each class has 100 slots in their personal vault, but you can switch between the different vaults for each class, for a small fee.
    I understand the idea, the issue is that it's flawed. You say you can't negate the prices, but you could easily send items from your high level class to a lower level class for cheap storage via your bank. Essentially, it would just be extended bank classes, but you don't even need to use the class's inventory. The things I've suggested expand the idea at the same time as fixing this problem.
    Oh, yes, I understand the premise. The issue to me was that it seemed illogical that these random people can just walk up to the king and request vault access. It's really not a big deal, just a small thing I noticed. For fine-tuning the dialogue, I just meant that the grammar and sentence structure seemed a bit off.
    Yes, that's something like what I imagined myself. Sounds good.
    The thing is that classes not sharing vault slots doesn't solve the reasoning. Simply embracing shared slots while fixing it in another way both increases the effectiveness of the money sink and increases the ease of use.

    I eagerly await more responses, this seems like a good suggestion that can definitely be made great.
    Thunder likes this.
  10. Mooplez

    Mooplez the most swiggityswooty HERO

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    Yes. If not something like this, at least incorporate shulker boxes to be backpacks or something. But bank space/inventory space is still a nightmare, and any way to alleviate it would be wonderful. Most of my classes are full which inhibits gameplay. Honestly, the best thing right now is to have an alt and store things on it. I don't think that should be a thing if it doesn't need to be, so I'm all for anything that creates more bank space.
    We are basically allotted one double chest for a game which has probably thousands of items. Doesn't really make sense.
  11. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    shulker boxes are 1.11, not 1.8-1.8.9
  12. Mooplez

    Mooplez the most swiggityswooty HERO

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    I was unaware that they still only used that as the main version since I play on a 1.11 client. My point still stands though. The GM's and devs work a bunch of wizardry, I imagine it wouldn't be too hard for them to have some item you right-click on that opens a chest gui and serves the same purpose.
  13. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    One question...
    Using the example already written of having 64 rotten flesh
    If I was to take out 8 rotten flesh what would I have to pay as there is still (hard maths) rotten flesh in the vault and I did not empty the slot
    I believe to avoid problems like this it would be better to pay for Putting the items In not for taking them Out.
    Also say I am trying to sell an item to someon but it is in my vault
    So I take it out then /trade them to let them See the ids and they decide they don't want it... Now I have to pay a fee to out he item back away?
    Only way to solve this would be if either you pay for the slot not the item you put in/take out or make it you get the amount of slots equal to the amount of quests you have finished on that account and if there was sharing the lower Lvl account would only be able to access the first amount of slots (10 if they had finished 10 quests (assuming the quest to slot unlocking ratio is 1:1))

    Just realised that wasn't one question...

    Edit I do leik the idea of a vault system but somethings need to be redesigned in your idea to make is a possible update to wynncraft

    Edit 2 if you really like the idea of ppl paying make it so they have to finish quests to unlock slots but also pay for them (kinda like the bank with lvls and paying for extra rows. the price for slot purchase would increase with lvls as I doubt many first timer Lvl 10 are up for paying the same amount as someone who has just finished ???
  14. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Any transaction for one slot counts as the full price. Even if it wasn't the whole slot.
    That's kinda your problem. You should've shown it to them via forum, or placed it in a bank.
  15. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    Kk thanks for clearing that up it was bugging me :P
  16. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Wait I see, am tired.
    1 - Yes, but this is still abusable, I could take my level 1 trash class to store all my items via class -> bank -> class -> Vault.
    You'd be paying cheap prices to store items, while it is a bit of a hassle, it saves money, and people will do it.
    I'd suggest the same prices for item level, and other items are the minimum value.

    2 - Yes, but how in the world would a peasant be able to talk to the king, he isn't questioning why, he's questioning how.
    This is why he said the cook is the only one that makes sense, since he cooks for the king.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
  17. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Actually, the level 1 wouldn't be a ble to, but I still see how it is abusable. Maybe we should do level of the item? I want to see how people react to that.

    Isn't Ragon a scientist for the king? It might not be mentioned anywhere but I don't think he is experimenting with his own intentions. I see why Rynend wouldn't make sense, I always thought of him as a mayor or leader of Maltic
  18. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Updated faq and added another explorable idea
  19. Andrew Lukkuz

    Andrew Lukkuz Adventurer/ Ubbywub/ Creator of Cooking!

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    I already did, no worries
  20. Josh_Sturgeon

    Josh_Sturgeon Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    On the topic of pricing, perhaps it would be beneficial to have a very simple price plan i.e a flat amount of emeralds for X amount of vault space? The other pricing plans could potentially work, however, my concern is that a complicated pricing system would make the concept needlessly hard to understand. This makes the concept much easier to understand, especially for new players or the casual players that do not read the wiki/forums regularly. It also means that the system isn't abusable, as is the problem with charging people based on level as highlighted above.

    On the same note, one shared vault (that can be accessed from the suggested locations for no fee) seems like the most sensible idea, again for simplicities sake.

    Also, I feel like a new quest would need to be developed in order to integrate it into the lore, the above suggestions of tweaking previous quests seem clunky as the quests don't really involve vaults of any kind.

    Overall, I really like the concept and believe it's something that has been needed for a long time.
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