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World Housing In Wynncraft

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by CraterHater, Mar 7, 2017.


Should this be added?

  1. Yes, definitely.

    38 vote(s)
  2. If things are changed.

    5 vote(s)
  3. No, absolutely not.

    38 vote(s)
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  1. TempleOfLegends

    TempleOfLegends Emma CHAMPION

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    so instead of sit around in the middle of detlas....

    sit around in a random house you payed LE for,

    in detlas....
    SizzlingBacon likes this.
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Oh look a housing suggestion that's still not good.

    And I'm going to break it down, like so many times before.
    Every house is the same, then? If not, how would you explain the differentiation between the outside and the inside? This ain't Doctor Who. Small size differences are okay, but all of them having the same layout is boring, and noticeable when changed.
    The for sale sign that goes where? What house would it go on? There's not much empty space in most cities, nor would having a permanently For Sale house make sense. It's not like there's a lack of citizens in the cities.
    32 LE really isn't that expensive, especially not for endgame players. I understand that the endgame has little to offer right now, but adding housing is not a great way to solve that, or even decent. Especially considering that all this does for the endgame is let you sit around in a house that you can't even customize.
    Again, these prices are too low. At the very least the storage is.
    How is the chance calculated? What're the stats of the rats and zombies? Why would you buy a basement if it's got the same quality as a sewer? Why is there randomly treasure under your house?
    This is not the way to go about adding more storage. Housing may help diminish the issues with storage, but there are better solutions.
    How many racks can you buy? Are they 12 LE each? How many weapons can you have on each rack? This is also not the right way to go about solving item storage, but the idea is somewhat interesting.
    No customization whatsoever in how your interior looks will make it incredibly dull, with no chance of redecorating or re-organizing. However, too much customization will lead to accidents, abuse and other nonsense.
    See above. Adding on to that, what would sleeping do? If it's useless, then it's a useless part of suggestion. Calling it cosmetic isn't really an excuse, since it's not exactly exhilarating to stare at your bed.
    Is this even possible? If it's all the same house too, then wouldn't it be required that all houses are the same? How would zombies or rats be spawned? Oh, and if all attacks are cancelled while in the house, how would you fight off the zombies?
    This is nigh on irrelevant. The Elder Scrolls is a massive series with enormous amounts of content made by a professional team. Furthermore, the housing only exists in an optional DLC. Even beyond that, it's a real, fleshed out system, with materials and proper customization and creation. It didn't even fit in the base singleplayer game; it was made for those who sought such features, and is much less popular than the actual game. Wynn is a multi-player game, and the kind of housing in Hearthfire would never fly here; even this toned-down simple version doesn't.
    Done and done.

    Overall; it's a housing suggestion. It's impossible for one to exist that has no flaws; though this one did a pretty good job, it still had issues, both logical and gameplay-wise. Logical issues may seem like a stretch, but in a server like Wynn, they're important as well.

    Housing but a bit better/10
  3. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    I wasn't saying that made it good ._.
  4. Hyprosis

    Hyprosis YouTube creator, 12K subs, Double Veteran HERO

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    I'm not saying this is a bad idea, but people won't pay 88le for 9 slots of storage, some weapon storage and a loot chest.

    I think you should add some more upgrades to make the house worth the price, because as it is nobody would buy it. I'd suggest to make prices different depending on the area, and have different perks for each house. Maybe you have to complete a quest to buy a house in some place like the ice castle, which would be very expensive but would have some good rewards.

    Needs some work
    Dexmio likes this.
  5. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    It was a joke, man

    i know i'm not very good at them, but it's what i do
    coolname2034 likes this.
  6. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Maybe you need to use /s
  7. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Answers in bold.
    AetherArising likes this.
  8. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    From what I gather, the houses can house unlimited people... So roughly one hosue in detlas can house 500 players?
  9. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    I stopped doing these because it's really a pain to answer, among other reasons. I suggest you do too, if you plan to continue posting on suggestions.

    If all the houses are different, how can they all look the same from the outside? Granted, they could have different houses in different cities, but that's about it.
    1 - True though there's typically only a few of those per city at most.

    2 - "The for sale sign that goes where?" was in relation to the issue of space for houses. Don't criticize my points when you can't even properly recognize them.
    I don't recall every point I've ever made; if I said it, it wasn't it the same context. Points vary from thread to thread. In any case, most forms of customization would probably cause a lot of lag. If it's simple furniture though, and the "All-in-one" idea for the houses works, merely deciding where and the furniture goes and what the furniture is wouldn't create any more lag than it would otherwise. If you can't customize it, it's boring; if you can, it causes issues. Suggestions with this kind of double-edged sword as a feature will never work.

    You get more than that just by doing all the quests. By the time you're endgame, it's likely you'll have more than enough saved up. If it takes you 5 days to grind 32 LE, then you should have a lot more than that gained by grinding.
    Being a CMD is not an excuse for excluding details. We can't just let him do whatever he wants for stats or chances; he's not even a GM, the ones that typically do such things.

    What do ranks have to with anything? Even so, the kind of decoration you get from donating is the same kind that you see constantly; it's something you'll be able to appreciate whenever you're playing Wynn. Past that, you also get concrete perks, like Totems, more bank classes, crates, the jukebox and even Beta Access.
    Though I don't get why you included eulogies, you make a fair point.
    WoW isn't a better solution to Wynncraft because Wynncraft isn't an issue that needs solving. It's an alternative.
    A better banks suggestion eliminates other forms because it is superior. We don't need that and more storage because, while we need more storage, having too much removes the small challenge of item management.
    Every single thing I type is done in the goal of improving the suggestion. Features that have downsides on either end of the spectrum should be removed entirely.
    In what situation would you need to heal when you're already in a city? Buying the house and bed costs a hell of a lot more than potions do.
    1 - Command blocks can't do everything. He needs to show that it can be done.

    2 - While that's a possibility, people would probably end up only ever buying houses in well-situated cities.

    3 - He needs to show that having multiple people in the same house, if even possible, wouldn't cause spawning issues.

    4 - He said himself that Angry Zombies spawn. That insinuates that you fight them. Granted, the possibility of an exception is likely, but he still needs to confirm that in the thread himself.

    5 - Stop using him being a CMD as an excuse. It isn't one. He deserves no special treatment in his suggestions for being such. Knowing how to use command blocks doesn't mean you know good game design.
    He literally linked a wiki page about Hearthfire.
    Until the issues are resolved, this thread deserves at best a 4/10.
  10. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Irrelevant. The suggestion here is nothing like Hearthfire.
  11. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    It is relevant. As you said yourself, and so did the OP, the suggestion is at least partially based off of Hearthfire's housing, even though that kind of housing wouldn't work in Wynn.

    It's pretty different yes, but the way OP uses it to say "oh well skyrim did it so wynn can do it" is not a valid point, because the two games are different.
    AetherArising and XavierEXE like this.
  12. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Actually it's not.
    Hearthfire is a lot different.
    This sounds exactly like the pre-Hearthfire Skyrim housing.
    I played it.
    AetherArising likes this.
  13. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    My question:

    All of these additions are client sided, so everyone can be in and live in the same house while seeing different stuff inside of them. When entering your house you will be invisible to everyone (Not with the potion effect but truly gone) spells and all attacks are cancelled while in your house.

    Is this even possible?
  14. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Those "other reasons" I mentioned is because it can get your posts deleted.
    Overlooking where the houses will be is not a tiny flaw in the slightest. You need to actually read my posts and make sure you understand them.
    They have to do exactly that for a suggestion like this to be even close to good. Not down to the smallest level, but to a significant one.
    There's no reason not to save for most your playthrough; the game is incredibly easy and there's not much you need a real build to deal with.
    You don't have to grind 5 days a week to save up money from grinding. You'll spend far more than that over the course of the game.
    It's necessary for balancing. Thanks for bringing something up, though; he also didn't mention any details about what would be different in different locations, if at all. You can't just bring in random details and facts if he hasn't said them; it's his suggestion, not yours.
    If you balance your stats right, Salted won't nerf them.
    I never once mentioned Mojang or anything that had to do with them. Please avoid starting other topics. All shop items are balanced for the EULA.
    Wynncraft is a game. It has features that sometimes have issues. It in itself is not an issue.
    If you feel that way, so be it.
    In Wynncraft, yes, it is.
    Context. If we have more storage, item management will hardly be a challenge. Right now, it's a moderately large challenge. I never said otherwise. This suggestion, while not being about storage itself, includes storage features that are unnecessary.
    No, I'm trying to be realistic. You want to know why no suggestions are ever added? Because most of them are shit. I don't want to kill threads, unless the very idea is flawed to the core. Housing could be balanced; it's just extremely hard to. It doesn't matter what I "seem" to be doing, what I'm really doing is trying to fix things.
    And you kinda missed the rest of my point being true.
    What the hell do you mean by "status effect"? Fire? When would you be on fire while in a city, other than if you somehow fall into the lava pond in Rodoroc?
    That's possible, but everything else he suggested may not be. Such as differentiating furniture and other add-ons.
    That's true. Yet, the OP has also not mentioned if treasures vary from location to location.
    He should've done that before posting this, since if it's not, he wasted all his time.
    It's Zombies. In Wynncraft. A game in which zombies are just about the most common enemy.
    Yes, an exception can be made for the basement. OP still needs to specify.
    That's exactly what makes me a good judge of a suggestion. If I can find flaws, especially bigger ones, that means the suggestion is, well, flawed. A flawed suggestion is not a good suggestion. Trust me, I'm hardly nitpicking when it comes to pointing out flaws.
    Nice of you to have lowered your misguided score by a bit, though still douchy to just pretend like I said it.

    It's still a 4/10. If everything we've discussed is addressed, it could go up to your score.

    Y'all didn't even read the second half of what I said, did you.
    AetherArising and Cruuk like this.
  15. Anárion

    Anárion Screw Maex #Dogovi4Ever CHAMPION

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    I'd like if there where a way to purchase a house in some of the Wynn and Gavel citys, something like you go to a city and you can buy one of their houses and you can use it as storage or so, but still, housing in Wynn is like meh
  16. CraterHater

    CraterHater A very magical mage! HERO

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    1. Every house is the same, then? If not, how would you explain the differentiation between the outside and the inside? This ain't Doctor Who. Small size differences are okay, but all of them having the same layout is boring, and noticeable when changed.
    There could be somewhat bigger houses around the cities, or just be small. The layout would be different for each city.

    2. The for sale sign that goes where? What house would it go on? There's not much empty space in most cities, nor would having a permanently For Sale house make sense. It's not like there's a lack of citizens in the cities.
    The sale sign would disappear as you buy the house, client-sided.

    3. 32 LE really isn't that expensive, especially not for endgame players. I understand that the endgame has little to offer right now, but adding housing is not a great way to solve that, or even decent. Especially considering that all this does for the endgame is let you sit around in a house that you can't even customize. Again, these prices are too low. At the very least the storage is.
    Then change the price, I don't care about that.

    4. How many racks can you buy? Are they 12 LE each? How many weapons can you have on each rack? This is also not the right way to go about solving item storage, but the idea is somewhat interesting.
    No idea

    5. No customization whatsoever in how your interior looks will make it incredibly dull, with no chance of redecorating or re-organizing. However, too much customization will lead to accidents, abuse and other nonsense.
    There could be more things for sale.

    6. Adding on to that, what would sleeping do?
    I didn't explain that as it is not a part of the suggestion, I said it could be possible if someone thinks of a good concept.

    7. Calling it cosmetic isn't really an excuse, since it's not exactly exhilarating to stare at your bed.
    Is this even possible?
    If there are a lot of cosmetics for your house, you can turn your ugly empty house into something you want to be in, and it is totally possible.

    8. If it's all the same house too, then wouldn't it be required that all houses are the same? How would zombies or rats be spawned? Oh, and if all attacks are cancelled while in the house, how would you fight off the zombies?
    No, because every house of the same city is the same. The zombies would be spawned client-sided as well and perhaps the attacks can be made client-sided as well but if not just scrap that idea^

    9. Overall; it's a housing suggestion. It's impossible for one to exist that has no flaws; though this one did a pretty good job, it still had issues, both logical and gameplay-wise. Logical issues may seem like a stretch, but in a server like Wynn, they're important as well.
    What I like to do is to straight on attack what everyone takes for granted and try and turn them around. This is a beginning of a revolution ;)
    Dexmio and AetherArising like this.
  17. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    peeps suggested invisible player housing before you joined the forums but k
  18. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    +36728737282 respect for making a housing suggestion. (On a side note, I remember during one of Grian's streams he spoke of being open to player housing if they had time, I don't have the stream for evidence though so don't persecute me please)
    Dexmio, AetherArising and CraterHater like this.
  19. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Oi while the housing has no real issues, there is the issue of client sided, in real MMO's there's no issue with that because there's no majorly guiding force.
    But will Mojang be okay with that?
    AetherArising likes this.
  20. CraterHater

    CraterHater A very magical mage! HERO

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    Client sided is done using packets, this is totally allowed by Mojang and is already seen in various quests around Wynncraft.
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