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World Tentibus (tents)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Kraetys, Feb 7, 2017.


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  1. I liked them all +1

  2. I liked two of them +2/3

  3. I only liked one +1/3

  4. I like them, but not the idea of tents. +1/2

  5. I liked them, but _____ +1/2

  6. I disliked them. 0

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  1. Shiazzu

    Shiazzu Well-Known Adventurer

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  2. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Most of my storage issues didn't begin until later.
  3. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Having separate bank fixes more issues than it causes, if using bank classes is supposedly such an abuse of a feature.
    I never said they weren't meant to be played. I said they were meant to be able to function as extra storage for items. There are plenty of ways to fix this, if the staff really thought it was abuse.

    You will spend less time in towns without the need to return as often. That's simple logic. Yes, you spend most of your time outside of cities, but that's no reason to encourage the ignorance of cities. I also never said that cities are supposed to be AFK pools or chat rooms. They're supposed to be large features in the game. Part of the issue is that cities themselves don't have enough reasons to go to them, which is the main subject of the suggestion I'm currently working on.

    The only issue with bigger portions over less time is that it detracts from the usefulness of cities.

    Well, I guess things have changed since the last time I grinded, since I hardly ever got powders.

    Stopping any mobs from following you is a simple matter of killing them. As for few safe spots, that's true, but they still exist. Even Molten Heights have some.

    As you so avidly claim, not everyone has the same storage issues.
  4. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Having a separate bank prevents transfer between classes, and me, with one class, doesn't have enough room in said bank.

    Except they weren't meant to be used as extra storage for items, because who actually designs an MMORPG that way?

    It won't detract from their usefulness, just how often they're visited.
    Cites, while being a major part of the game, aren't meant to be majorly visited at high levels anyways.
    We're meant to go and explore and find things.

    Flarelings in Molten Heights.

    Those safe spots in Molten Heights are nowhere near the Grinding Spots.

    Most of the Rodoroc fire plains are inhabited by canyon spiders and dragon bones and fire scarabs.
    There are a few hills you can climb, but then, you're moving from the grinding spots.
    Frozen Heights has one area above it with that chest, but that's intended as a safe spot.
    There's that area before the troglodytes but you still have the chance of something running by and despawning your tent.
    Most of the areas on the other side of the path are overrun with magma entities.
    No matter where you are, you're a decent away from any good grinding spots when you use your tent.
    And yet there are so many who do.

    As you so avidly claim, not everyone is prone to getting rid of everything except the bare minimum.
    Because once you do that you're taking away lore and experiences and fun you've had.
    and past that, what is the FUCKING point in playing the game.
    fuck off.
  5. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Kindly learn to read, if you would. Not being a salty jackass would be nice as well.

    How often they're visited is very closely related to how useful they are. Sure, you're supposed to go out and explore. But cities are not meant to become obsolete as you continue, nor should they. The issue is that "exploring" is already not much different from city life, and so cities aren't that useful.

    But... there's safe spots near most of the major grinding spots? Frozen heights, Azer cliff, etc.

    Moving from your grinding spot to the nearest safe zone and back takes less time than going all the way back to the nearest city.
    You can have enough space without throwing out everything. Not to mention that having six builds for each class isn't the bare minimum.

    Space management does not take away from the game's fun, or it's lore. You can enjoy it without even having a real build, or full accessories, or you can enjoy it through having the complete opposite. Neither one takes away from the gameplay unless you let it.

    If hoarding items is the only way you can enjoy the game, the only way you find a point in playing the game, and you can't do that in this game, perhaps it's just not right for you.

    The point of playing is to have fun. If you can't do that, then it's not necessarily an issue with the game, but you.
  6. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Then stop being an opinionated bastard.

    Or maybe an issue that, they can't give us content, proper item balancing, uses for the cities you hold so dearly, or really anything.
    27 extra inventory slots won't hurt anything, or anyone, or even be too op.
    It will simply offer extended grinding times, and another method of storage.
    It won't make cities 'obsolete.' It will just decrease the frequency they're used. They won't stop being used at all.

    Frozen Heights has one safe spot at the very top that you need mage or archer to reach.

    Azer Heights is really the only one but the mobs also have ranged attacks.

    Six builds?
    I have two and a half, one poison cactus, one spell spammer, and like 4 random pieces of a looting set.

    Neither one can take away from the gameplay because there is none.
    We ask for more content, but that takes time.
    We ask for bug fixes on the current content they have, but that takes time.
    We ask for them to make it easier to interact with players on a longer term through trade with a boost in storage space, but they can't do that because it's 'op.'

    It't not exactly 'hoarding.'
    You can barely even fit all your powders and helmets from one class into the current bank.
    And no, you shouldn't have to use spare classes because that's not how RPGs were designed.
    I wonder if medieval soldiers decided to put their armor on their 'mage class' because it was too heavy.
  7. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    ... Freedom of speech ring a bell to you? Or did you forget that this entire thread is based upon your opinion, that you refuse to let go of or that it could be flawed in any way?

    If you so assuredly claim that they can't give us content, why do you keep playing this game? If there's "no gameplay," why are you still here?

    27 extra inventory slots might not be op, but having 27 portables ones is.

    I never said cities would be rendered obsolete; thankfully, that won't happen, because there are several features unique to cities, for example, banks. I did say that they would be used less, which is still true, and is an issue.

    Six builds was an exaggeration, because people these days have builds for every single occasion.

    There are 5 kinds of powders and 6 different quest helmets (according to the wiki, though this seems like less than I remember). There are 54 different slots. At the (very) high maximum you'll have 30 slots for powders, and 6 for helmets. That leaves 18 slots. I doubt this is correct, due to helmet numbers, but it will still be around the same.

    You don't have to use classes unless you have a shitload of items. RPGs also weren't designed to hoard every item in the game; it's a role-play game, and real soldiers wouldn't have that.

    Which leads me to your last, useless point. Medieval soldiers had a set or two of armour, at most, and had plenty of space to put it, since they took up the same amount of space as a coat-holder.

    Don't forget that this is a block game made for fun, not real life.
  8. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    I haven't been online for a while actually.

    HOW SO.
    No, sorry, it't not OP.

    How is it an issue?
    You'll still have to use the bank eventually?


    There are a heck of a lot more helmets than 6. I have a single class just for helmets.

    You do have to if you want to spend any more than 15 minutes grinding, and never make any money.
  9. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Well, that's good. If you can move on and find fun in other things without needing to change them, that's always nice.

    27 extra inventory slots you can access on the go is essentially doubling your inventory space. It makes you harder to die. It makes you able to go anywhere at any point, wherever you are, thanks to scrolls. It makes you able to switch out items to perfectly fit the situation and remove any forethought of your situation. You can literally access anything from any of your classes almost anywhere. Most of all, it removes challenge. Wynn is already easy. It doesn't need to be a walk in the park, with a basket that contains everything you'll need. I'll be honest, your limitations to portable bank access makes it a lot better than it could be, but it's never going to be perfect.
    It's most definitely overpowered.

    "Eventually" is the issue. Cities becoming more and more obsolete as Wynn continues updating is the issue. We do not need suggestions to further this issue more than we already are.

    I figured, but I don't believe there are 18. Nor should you ever be using all 30 slots for powders, it'd typically be closer to below 15.

    You can make money without storing items on classes. You get the items, and you sell them; voila, they no longer take up your space. If you're somehow convinced that you need to sell them in bulk, then that's just something you'll have to change yourself, which is rather easy. If you plan on selling them, there's no point in waiting.

    This argument needs to either calm down or end, because it's getting out of hand. Let's try and finish the current subjects without starting any new ones.
  10. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Harder to die? No, as you have to go somewhere else, you have to run away, and most everyone carries potions on them anyways.
    If you're carrying scrolls you can't carry as many other things.
    If you're carrying builds you can't carry as many other things.
    That next one might be an actual problem, but I can fix that.
    Sure PvE is a walk in the park, but PvP is where MMO's are supposed to introduce challenge, but Wynn can't seem to do that.

    As Wynn continues updating it will be adding new cities, and quests.
    They won't be making them obsolote, they'll be adding progression.
    When was the last time you went to Ragni on a level 100 class?

    But what If you have all 30 powders.

    Except you'll spend a lot longer running between town and grinding spot because you don't have as much inventory space.
  11. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Harder to die as in once you run out of potions in your inventory, you're not suddenly twice as likely to die; you just need to leave for a minute and refill. Thus, harder to die.

    That's just like saying "If you're carrying things you can't carry many more things." It's not an issue relative to this suggestion only. If you avoid carrying things because you'll have less space, why even have more space?

    PvP in RPGs is not supposed to be the challenging part. PvP is supposed to be endgame and side-bar content that's done purely for fun and competition. RPGs aren't created with PvP being the only challenging part; not all RPGs are even multi-player in the first place. Wynn isn't introducing PvP because they're working on features that are actually important; namely, the main storyline.

    As Wynn progresses, sure they'll be more cities. That's not what's making them obsolete. Ragni isn't just obsolete because it's for lower-levels, it's because it's got terrible placement and used to lack a bank, among other things. Detlas is the second city you're supposed to visit, and it's the most popular city on the server. Your point of Ragni can be applied to any city that's no longer in your main region.

    The only case in which you would use all 30 slots is if you have less than 4 of every powder (other than t6), yet still somehow have every powder.

    A lot of people just scroll back to the closest city and then run back, so it's not really that long. Either way, the player finds cities more useful.

    You really need to look at what you've said. Which is it?

    If they're not shared between classes, that's just as bad, since it's 5-10 more classes worth of inventory space. If they are, then my point of accessing any of your items from anywhere remains valid. There's just no way to balance housing or portable banks.
  12. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    I changed it to 9 slots, and not shared between classes.
    It effectively nerfs all the issues you talked about, since, 9 more potions isn't that much, you can't carry scrolls to literally everywhere, you can only carry one spare build, and you can only do one of those things.
    And you can't access it between the other classes.

    I do have less that 4 of every powder though...
    I collect them and combine them as I get them up to t6.
    Bc relics suck and they don't stack so I have to combine them.
  13. Andrew Lukkuz

    Andrew Lukkuz Adventurer/ Ubbywub/ Creator of Cooking!

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    we don't eat YET

    That's the spirit!

    Good idea, maybe add some different functions as well? Like....
    I actually have no idea..
  14. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    9 potions is plenty. So is 9 extra scrolls. So is being able to switch builds at any given moment.
    I will say that you did a really good job on nerfing the suggestion, to the point where it's not completely overpowered, but it's still too much. Total storage space is now up to between 45 and 90 extra slots, plus 9 slots is still quite a bit.

    So when they get to T6, you what? Just leave them there? Having 30 slots of your bank used by powders could be solved with proper space management.
    The not combining glitch is annoying, but since it'll be fixed eventually, it shouldn't be a point towards any side in any argument.
  15. Inceptus

    Inceptus Silent forums lurker

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    Wow, look, a housing idea! Again!

    (*Reads the thread*)

    ...Dear God, this is a damn good idea.

    Though I have three suggestions:
    1: Maybe make different types of tents for different areas. For instance a "heavy tent" for cold places to negate the cold effect, and a "fire-resistant tent" for places like Molten Hights. Though with each buff in one area comes a weakness in another; For instance the Heavy Tent cannot be used in the desert/canyon areas, sending a message: "It's much to hot here for a heavy tent; This is best used in cold regions", or vice versa with Fire-resistant tents.

    2: About how you obtain tents: If there's multiple kinds of tents, I think there shouldn't be multiple quests for each tent. Instead, you'd go through a level 15-20-ish quest that guides you through the basics of using a tent. For example, a quest NPC in the Detlas Suburbs called... Um... "Nomad" or something. He would guide you through the basics of using tents, and send you out into the Nivla Forest to spend an ammount of time with the tent up. Now, nothing like "Spend an hour doing nothing here with your tent". Something like "Go over to ____ and do some time-consuming activaty like farming for a crap-ton of a certain item." This NPC would be right net to a Tent Merchant, which many of these will be scattered throughout Wynn and Gavel, each selling a tent respective to the area. These could be named "Molten Hights Tent Merchant", "Nivla Tent Merchant", "Almuj Tent Merchant", etc. Oh, just thought of one other thing: "Sound-cancelling tent", able to to put in or near cities, but has weaknesses in lots of other areas.

    3: Have the super-unique areas like Time Valley or Aldorei give either incredibly slow or fast regeneration, but gives you somewhere around +%50 or -%50 defense. For Time Valley, since time is supposedly slower there, you regen slower but have a defense boost (For whatever reason. Maybe those annoying forest sprite things will try to kill you.), and Aldorei give incredibly fast regen but you're much weaker.

    All-in-all, though, incredible idea. The first housing idea that's actually a good one... Wow!
  16. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    This is actually really good.
    Though, rather than a long drawn out quest, I was going to make a series starting at level 5, level 25, then level 50. I've got the guy down and everything.

    Besides that though, I'd like there to be a regional tent merchant for different regions stationed at different areas to give you different effects.

    I really liked the Time Valley and Aldorei Ideas, those would be cool, except you can't use tents in cities and Aldorei is a city. xD
    I have an idea for Time Valley though.

    I'll edit the thread up and show it to you.

    45 extra slots, but they're non transferable between classes, it's pretty much just almost an extended bank, -9 slots, that you can carry around on each of your classes.
    Tbh I like it better this way 9 slots works but you are right on the 90 slot thing I forgot to add that limitation.
  17. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    It is similar to an extended bank, which I have no problem against; the only issue is it being more like an extended inventory than bank.
    While personally, I think simply having a better bank (Better Banks suggestion or whatever it's called) is the superior solution, this is currently a pretty solid suggestion.

    As for limitations for 90 extra slots, perhaps only the first 5 classes you create get the slots in the tent? I'm not entirely sure this is possible in-game, or even if it's that good of a limitation, but this works as the final point we can discuss.
  18. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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  19. Inceptus

    Inceptus Silent forums lurker

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    Oh, dangit. Didn't see that. Woops.
    I feel stupid now.
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