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World More Classes?

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Th0mas1, Jan 16, 2017.


What do you think of this idea


  2. 9/10 Gooooooood idea, super goooood idea, not the best but, gooooood idea for sure.

  3. 8/10 Nice, nice this could be very nice should be pretty nice to see this nice thing in the game.

  4. 7/10 Eyy thats pretty good

  5. 6/10 Decent but could get bitter, i mean better.

  6. 5/10 Not too good not too bad.

  7. 4/10 Not the best, but ok

  8. 3/10 Kinda bad

  9. 2/10 This not good, this shoulden't be in the game

  10. 1/10 NO! just don't put this in the game, it is very bad. please don't.

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  1. ProjectForceV2

    ProjectForceV2 That "hey anyone need any help?" guy. VIP

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    Ironically I had an idea like unto this just yesterday.... strange.....
    Anyways my idea was that each class would get 3 sub classes, each composed of a class, and then paired with a subclass. For example it would be a mage paired with warrior. I don't have many names yet, but the gist is that each subclass has the same 'stats', as in defense damage etc., as the classes we have now. Like warrior has the most defense just because it is a warrior. Then each sub class changes 2 of their spells, based off of the pairing you get. If you do the mage paired with warrior, then you become a Battle Mage. You keep meteor and Ice snake, but your teleport and heal spells get changed. Instead of Heal, you have Buff, which will, instead of healing instantaneously, give you and nearby players a Regeneration boost. Essentially you get a boost to how fast you regenerate, unless your health goes down when you regenerate, so instead you just stop losing health for a bit. Then the teleport spell is changed to Smash. Instead of just passing through enemies with the teleport, and maybe dealing damage, you get a charge-ish effect that works just like teleport, except you drag any non-boss mobs and other heavy mobs with you and then throw them once you arrive at the destination.
    In summary: each class gets 4 options. Classic, or pair with one of the other 3 classic classes as a subclass, which will change 2 of your spells.
    Or it just uses health to cast spells. And just like mana the more spells you cast the more health it takes.... At least Shaman will use potions like the rest of us!
  2. Rivaling

    Rivaling Level 86 mage

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    An MMORPG is supposed to be complicated. You are meant to pick from multiple classes which do different things and have different roles (tank, healer and dps). Then you have to choose your kind of build depending on your class and role.
  3. Deckard

    Deckard The Veteran VIP+

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    That's your idea but they will never add this and I'm happy about that.
  4. Th0mas1

    Th0mas1 Gamer CHAMPION

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    I just read that, it is very interesting. Though I think it would be more interresting if you chose which of your two spell you would extchange, with the other class' spells.

    so that if you were a mage, you could choose to change teleport, and icesnake. So you would then (if you choose warrior to pair with) charge and warscream.

    Though balancing the spells like this would be extreemly difficult. But it is a very interresting idea, i dont think it will make it into the game because of the huge balancing issiues. If you want me to explain the trouble with balancing such a system, then i will try. If you choose to have as a mage the last two spells exchanged with the warrior's spells, you would have to balance warriors spells to make sure, they werent overpowered in combination with some of the mage spells, and likewise with having an archer who can do meteors, or smokebombs. Or even an assasin who can teleport to anywhere on the map.

    As i understand your idea, it would impliment new spells, so if you paired a class that was originally mage, with a warrior. Two of the spells would be more similar to warriors spells, i think this would be better when you think of balancing, but it would also make for alot more work, since this would implement 4x3x2 (24) new spells, and the work to make sure those spells is similar to both classes wich are combined would be difficult.

    Though if you make an original warrior and combine it with a mage, would it be the same additional/exchanged spells, you would get, if you were to have an original mage, who then was combined with a warrior?

    Again sorry for the wall of text, i have a habbit of making those. Probably because I have so many thoughts i want to share with people.
    I agree with you, but too many classes and too many items, can completely ruin a game. But having to few, can make the game boring and repetetive.

    This is why i made this post to simplify multiple or many amounts of classes, since i very often see games witch dosent show the classes in easy to see categories. Or games with only have 3 or 4 classes witch can only be played in one way.

    If you look at dirtybomb, there is diffrent types of classes, but when you go to see them they arent organised very well. Where as overwatch have put there classes into four categories Offensive, Defensive, Tank and Support, this is a good way of understanding which classes can do what, and what classes should be used to have a balanced team, ofcours wynncraft is not a team based game, but it is nice to see a system in place where there is many classes, that is why i came up with this suggestion, incase wynncraft adds more classes in the future.

    (also it won't mess as much with bobs lore, since he learned 4 skills along his journey, and there would be 4 categories)

    My gawd i should stop making text walls
    The reason i made this thread, was for people like you (and me) who hates, when there is so many classes, that you can't really see which is the right one for you. So now if wynncraft in the futere does add more classes (which i don't think they will, but many have asked for it), they might have a better idea of how it could be implemented, in a better way than having a bunch of unorganised classes, and no idea which are alike and diffrent.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
  5. ProjectForceV2

    ProjectForceV2 That "hey anyone need any help?" guy. VIP

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    To reply to this I will use my favorite example. If a mage pairs with assassin, it becomes a dark wizard. It would keep Meteor and Ice Snake, but your heal becomes a life drain spell, similar to what you suggested for Shaman, and then instead of teleport you vanish without any trace of where you went. On the down side, life drain is short range, and your vanish thing also has no effect on your opponent other than maybe 2 seconds of confusion.
    On the other hand if you use assassin and pair with mage, then your spin attack and multi-hit spells get replaced. As a Bishop, you get the Convert spell which momentarily makes nearby non boss mobs attack non effected mobs. Then for multi hit, you get Justice which causes a bunch of mini meteors to sporadically fall and blow up. Down sides are that if Convert effect every mob, then you only get a spin attack effect with no damage, and Justice may deal no damage because it has little targeting abilities.
    Summary: If you choose to pair, then you get 2 spells replaced based on the pair. Some spells remain no matter what, like all mages have meteor, all archers have arrow storm, all warriors have uppercut, and all assassins have vanish. Each pair keeps your class essentially the same. It just changes the basis for your theme. One example is that Mage Hunter takes on more of the support role side of mage, while Mage Warrior specializes in the damage side of mage. I guess the sub classes are just ways to let people take one of the sides of a class to specialize in, or take a rounded out view.
  6. Interpunctie

    Interpunctie Ragni Ball Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    Meh. Isn't it just like the VIP Classes? I mean.. If you want to have other skins you could just buy VIP(+).
  7. DutchSpruceRun

    DutchSpruceRun Adventurer VIP+

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    We don't need more classes because it's just confusing. Don't let Wynncraft turn into Zentrela with so many classes.
  8. ProjectForceV2

    ProjectForceV2 That "hey anyone need any help?" guy. VIP

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    Not really. If they add a new class, then you get a new class.
  9. Th0mas1

    Th0mas1 Gamer CHAMPION

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    Yeah, its nice to see that you get it. I wont be able to respond for while though, or atleast not with long replies, so i cant really respond to the idea you said further up atm.
  10. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    I was looking for some class ideas to go looking through and I found this

    Yeah it might be cool if they (Wynncraft Staff/Devs/other people I'm forgetting) could make this a reality with fully unique specs and stuff.
    However, I don't think that there are enough resources and time to make (essentially) completely new classes.
    Also, there might be a little "creativity block" in which there might be difficulty coming up with unique spells.

    Good Idea, but will probably never be added in this current form.

    If you still want some critisism,
    Make only two different specs for each class (or you could just keep the regular)
    One offensive and one defensive
    Each spec will carry over 2 of the spells from the base class
    Each spec will get two completely new spells

    For example:
    Offensive mage (dps support) might keep teleport and meteor + 2 new spells
    And the defensive mage (control and support) might keep heal and ice snake + 2 new spells

    Offensive Warrior (mobile and high dps) would get bash and charge + 2 new spells
    Defensive warrior (control warrior) would get warscream and uppercut + 2 new spells

    Offensive Archer (highly mobile, long range dps) would get bomb arrow and leap + 2 new spells
    Deffensive Archer (more close combat) would get arrow storm and arrow sheild + 2 new spells

    Offensive Assassin (sneaky kind of character) would get vanish and multihit + 2 new spells
    Defensive Assassin (more like control assassin) would get multihit and smoke bomb + 2 new spells
    *note that not choosing a spec would be completely fine, regular classes can still play

    However, if this happens, balance would be thrown out the window for a couple of years, and Wynncraft might never fully recover.

    My opinion, dead horse
    Don't abuse animals, and respect all things, living or dead.
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