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Suggestions For Backpacks, Potential New Classes And Upgrades/branches For Current Ones

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Connor Cavin, Jan 15, 2017.

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  1. Connor Cavin

    Connor Cavin Travelled Adventurer

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    1. improvements/branches to/for current classes
      1. mainly using the offhand slot to impliment, each current class will have 3 specialties
      2. needs the offhand slot to work, or an accesory slot thats class specific
      3. having the casting hand hold the modifier while casting is not a bad idea to ensure that effects are modified
      4. alternatively you could use the middle click to start abilities (which would actually be better overall so there are no more accidental double click issues).
        1. Magic users
          1. Crystal
            1. lore
              1. based on scrying orbs which in historical lore allow mages super accurate vision and enhancement of abilities
            2. specialty
              1. buffed
                1. massive power
                2. range
                3. crit
                4. homing
              2. nerfed
                1. costs more
                2. non damage effects/non instant
                3. speed
                4. less aoe
            3. item
              1. gems?
          2. Book
            1. lore
              1. based on grimoires, tomes that hold massive amounts of varied magical information, usually more theory than practice
            2. specialty
              1. buffed
                1. Utility type
                2. dot
                3. cheaper spell costs
                4. regen of both kinds
                5. quicker casting
              2. nerfed
                1. main power
                2. instant effects
            3. item
              1. books?
          3. Symbol
            1. lore
              1. based on holy symbols, ancient runes, and the like which hold immense power in their unique formation and shape
            2. specialty
              1. Buffed
                1. buffs
                2. aoe
                3. can be placed on the ground to effect the area for a short time
              2. nerfed
                1. range
                2. speed
            3. item
              1. saplings?
        1. Stealth
          1. Needle
            1. lore
              1. Based on pressure point attacking needles used by monks, assassins, and martial combatants
            2. specialty
              1. buffed
                1. deals stacking de-buffs (less damage, less defense, slowed...)
                2. added speed
                3. crits
              2. nerfed
                1. way less direct damage
            3. item
              1. end rods?
          2. Stiletto
            1. lore
              1. based on the assassination weapon which was a small narrow blade with hidden poison compartments in the shaft of the blade which would run down grooves into the victim
            2. specialty
              1. buffed
                1. insane DOT effects (base damage after nerf each second over time)
              2. nerfed
                1. less direct damage
            3. item
              1. blaze rods?
          3. Kurisigama
            1. lore
              1. based on the advanced weapon of certain martial/ninja groups the weighted spike on the end of the chain (or sometimes a small meteor hammer) would be whipped at the enemy, entangling them and drawing them in to be attacked by the scythe head
            2. specialty
              1. buffed
                1. flings enemies around
                2. binds them together
                3. deals extra damage to bound enemies AND to those being moved (these stack)
              2. nerfed
                1. slower
                2. take more damage while in a combo
            3. item
              1. iron bars?
        2. melee
          1. shield
            1. lore
              1. based on defensive fighting with a shield
            2. specialty
              1. buffed
                1. block friend's damage close by
                2. allow deflection
                3. big defensive buff
              2. nerfed
                1. slower swings
                2. slightly less damage
            3. item
              1. shield?
          2. dual wield
            1. lore
              1. ased on dervish style two weapon fighting
            2. specialty
              1. buffed
                1. gain huge speed
                2. chain attacks
                3. and parries
                4. combo breaker moves
              2. nerfed
                1. each weapon is nerfed
                2. less defence
            3. item
              1. swords?
          3. two handed pommel
            1. lore
              1. based on real great weapon fighting and the extended pommel
            2. specialty
              1. buffed
                1. massive damage increase
                2. gain small aoe to swings
                3. chargeable swing attack for medium aoe that hits multiple times
                4. slight defence increase
              2. nerfed
                1. much slower
                2. being hit can stop/stagger an attack/break a charge
            3. use wooden fence?
        3. ranged
          1. seige bow
            1. lore
              1. based on the over body tall bows used to attack castles through the wall
            2. specialty
              1. buffed
                1. ignore blocks, Massive damage, insane range
              2. nerfed
                1. VERY slow
                2. can be staggared durring pull back
            3. item
              1. quivers?
          2. re-curve short bow
            1. lore
              1. based on bows meant for beginners and small game hunters alike
            2. specialty
              1. buffed
                1. can choose special arrows to deal effects to their target over time as well
                2. shoot multiple arrows at once
              2. nerfed
                1. a bit weaker
            3. item
              1. potion dipped arrows/enchanted arrows?
          3. clockwork crossbow
            1. lore
              1. based on early self-loading crossbows
            2. specialty
              1. buffed
                1. rapidly fires a volley of bolts (probably this can vary in amount)
                2. armor piercing
              2. nerfed
                1. then needs to have the cartridge swapped which is slow to do
                2. shorter range
            3. item
              1. hay bales?
    2. new classes
      1. alchemist
        1. lore
          1. the master of potions and reagents the alchemist uses concoctions to effect both enemies and terrain
        2. role
          1. use potions to effect what goes on in battle
        3. item
          1. potions (normal splash/drink type stuff that you normally dont get on here)
            1. item
              1. drinkable potions?
          2. and get alchemy slings which fire mainly DOT elemental damage at a mid range, medium low damage, medium aoe
            1. item
              1. splash potions?
          3. making them switch between tools or specialize in one tactic
        4. off hand specialties
          1. tincture
            1. lore
              1. by concentrating the liquid formed in their research and re-processing it into a more safe form the alchemist turns their potions on them self, strengthening them self monstrously or creating auras of hazard around them
            2. specialty
              1. potions all become based on self, self buffs last longer and are stronger, hazardous ones become auras that deal damage to anything that comes inside the range
            3. item
              1. brewing stand?
          2. crystallized
            1. lore
              1. stabilizing their mixtures by evaporating out the solvents alchemists create crystalline shards and dusts which can be laid upon the ground or thrown over a target to cause their enhanced effect over a much longer time
            2. specialty
              1. potions all become placeable/throwable dust (think redstone mixed with throwing sand in someone's face) if placed the block becomes effected by the potion effect and anything passing through it will be hit, this lasts a very long time, if thrown (short cone/super close aoe spin?) anything hit by it and all tiles where nothing is hit will be coated taking the effect for a long time
            3. item
              1. redstone dust? id say use dyes but...maybe carpets?
          3. explosive
            1. lore
              1. reacting the partially stabilized crystals with half separated solvents has shown to cause massive reactions in the formula, these potions have huge explosive ranges and keep the area filled for their short yet potent lives
            2. specialty
              1. when they hit the potions create a massive orb following light or water rules for spreading around things (unless just ignoring walls is easier on the server), the orb causes their effect to all inside it at a massively increased rate (seconds become ticks) and any effect that is a buff magnifies likewise since they are not over time, any instant effect is instead amplified massively
            3. item
              1. firework star?
      2. tinker
        1. .
        2. role
          1. this mad inventor uses their gadgets to attack enemies who could avoid most other class's methods while adding abilities to upgrade their tools
        3. .
        4. off hand specialties
          1. .
            1. .
            2. .
            3. use
          2. .
            1. .
            2. .
            3. use
          3. .
            1. .
            2. .
            3. use
      3. summoner
        1. .
        2. role
          1. calls in allies from other realms to aid in battle
        3. .
        4. off hand specialties
          1. .
            1. .
            2. .
            3. use
          2. .
            1. .
            2. .
            3. use
          3. .
            1. .
            2. .
            3. use
      4. druid
        1. .
        2. role
          1. changes their form to effect nature around them and attack as an animal
        3. .
        4. off hand specialties
          1. .
          2. .
          3. .
          4. use
        5. .
          1. .
          2. .
          3. use
        6. .
          1. .
          2. .
          3. use
      5. hemomancer
        1. lore
        2. role
          1. uses their own lifeforce and the blood of enemies to create magical destruction and healing
        3. item
        4. off hand specialties
      6. bastion
        1. lore
        2. role
          1. the master of armor and shields the bastion uses multiple sheilds and heavy armor to stop even the strongest attacks
        3. item
        4. off hand specialties

    This is still a WIP however i am working on it steadily. this is just the 3rd rendition, backpack suggestion was removed until the new update arrives
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
  2. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Okay, okay. I feel like english may not be your main language, but if it is, put some more thought into it and use grammar. I'm not saying you have a disorder, but keep in mind people are more willing to read if its appealing to the eyes.

    Okay, I also feel like the class branch section is based off of some other RPG game. Griomore is not a 'Wynn language' and wouldn't really fit in. Some of the items you have there (use books?) are not in 1.8 like end rods.
    The server is 1.8-1.11 compatible and they are probably going to stay that way until late 2017 to late 2018. Also, swords are not a traditional wynncraft weapon. (I think) if you look through all the items, there are no swords. Most of the items have textures for ingame items, such as dyes have a powder texture. These so called 'branches', what are they? I'm not quite sure yet, could you please explain it in more detail?

    As for new classes, you must use details for them all. I know you haven't finished it yet, but don't rush yourself, quality over quantity.

    Backpacks, backpacks, backpacks. Of course we want backpacks, the concept is awesome, but this suggestion, no. It lacks detail, plus shulker boxes are a 1.10 thing, not 1.8
    coolname2034 likes this.
  3. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    I don't think they ever plan to add a new class.

    Besides that change 'book' to tome.

    This is pretty good.
  4. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    My eyes…move the text over
  5. Connor Cavin

    Connor Cavin Travelled Adventurer

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    1: I am sorry, about 98% of this was written on my phone in a hurry so i figured i could give it a polish when i was done with the basic form, or at least once i had some time today. however it has been busy so far today. i also am used to communities where you get responses usually about 5 days later haha.
    2: I cant seem to get the text to move any further to the side using the text program here *sigh* limitations of free tech i suppose. I will make my own numbering when i polish this up soon.
    3: When i wrote in the "use" part (just temporary grammar until i fix it) its just a suggestion for the type of block/item they could use as a base for the weapons.
    4: My bad, most servers i know of kick you if your version is newer than theirs so i just thought maybe i had not seen the new stuff yet or it was in a late game area i had not yet died trying to run through. aside from the backpacks everything else was just base item suggestions. (basically just for looks)
    5: Actually i was merely trying to think of new ways to make people of the same class have a unique feel to them, it was a creation of my own.
    6: Unfortunately without the second hand slot the branch idea would fail, it basically used an offhand item to change the effects of the main weapon. After the update it may work however.
    7: I will work on refining this here directly, just have a couple chores to finish before i do.
    8: The term Grimoire means any book containing magical, mythical, forbidden, lost, complex, otherworldly, or other forms of knowlege. It can even technically count school text books. However traditionally it refers almost solely to magic originating books. There are exceptions but mainly only for named Grimoires, such as The Red Grimoire, Morgana's Grimoire, The Grimoire Of Darkest Death, and the "king of all books" which holds all knowlege which will ever be known: The Grand Grimoire (the d in Grand is usually almost silent).
    9: I merely referenced swords as a generic warrior weapon or an item stand in, however these ideas could easily work with the full set of warrior weapons and such.
    10: Is there a way to change the color of the background of the post? i prefer to use black backgrounds and lighter text when i can.
    11: Again, i will work on this soon, just need to vacuum real quick. I figured id have at least another day to make it look nice before people actually showed up haha.
    12: On the alchemist idea (since thats currently the only one done) would you think it sounds like a class that would be fun?
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
    coolname2034 likes this.
  6. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Big issue: the thread isn't even finished.

    Other issues:
    Wynn doesn't ever take Class suggestions, even massively supported ones like Selvut's Soldier.
    There's already a very well-done suggestion for backpacks in Wynn; I suggest you go support it if you want them in-game.
    The off-hand slot can't be used; right-click is for spells, and would otherwise conflict with the game's code.
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  7. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    As you are new here, another basic rule is to never use ultra dark colours :P.

    Most people can't read it because we have a dark theme and our backgrounds are black. Rookie Mistake, so welcome to the forums.
  8. Connor Cavin

    Connor Cavin Travelled Adventurer

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    found it, also changed the color on that
  9. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Also, you hafta counter the light themers. If you use light colours, the light themers can't see either xD
  10. Connor Cavin

    Connor Cavin Travelled Adventurer

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    The medium blue seems to work pretty well on both i thought, i just chose the wrong one on that last msg, lol, also update now up for a look, still rough, but at least not as spikey and a bit more organized now.
    i keep forgetting to quote you lol
  11. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    This is a nice tone, and looks well on both themes! But, you can always se4t it to none, which makes it black on light theme and white on dark theme.
  12. Fred18295

    Fred18295 Me! (Not You) VIP+

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    Wall of text, much?

    Make sure that none of this conflicts with existing lore, because nobody seems to like it when that happens. Some of these ideas could use a bit more in depth explanation, but overall, there are some good ideas here.
  13. Vernon

    Vernon Minecraft Youtuber!

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    Damn, lots of info TMI plz :P but its a great ideas some of the stiff does seem to slightly conflict but other than that its aswesom!
  14. Connor Cavin

    Connor Cavin Travelled Adventurer

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    sorry i couldn't get more written up / edited today, life got crazy, ill try and type it up and improve it as i can, maybe done by the end of the week?
    if you could point out the exact conflicting info that would be great everyone :-3 that way i know what to actually work on
    also sorry that there is so much info, i should probably not post the ability math/coding here then eh? i was thinking about writing out how the scripting would work hahaha
  15. 7Red_Dragon7

    7Red_Dragon7 Try hard HERO

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    how do i turn on dark theme
  16. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    left bottom corner
  17. Connor Cavin

    Connor Cavin Travelled Adventurer

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    its also under your settings page
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