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I've Designed A New Class Would Work Great In Wynncraft!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Junebug_exe, Jan 3, 2017.


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  1. Junebug_exe

    Junebug_exe J chillin CHAMPION

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    So me and a friend were thinking about ways Wynncraft could be a bit better, and one thing most people think of is classes. So i made one.

    Cowboy: Uses Whip (base item: Lead)

    Regular attack has range of 7 blocks

    Regular attack is throwing whip (acts similar to mages attack)


    Damage: XXXX0

    Defense: XXX00

    Range: XXX00

    Spell: XXX00

    Whip-Grab: Damages an enemy and pulls them toward the player.

    Grade 1(Unlock: level 1): Base

    (An enemy is grabbed with a whip and pulled toward the player)

    Range: 15 blocks - Damage: 150% - Distance pulled: 10

    Enemies pulled: 1

    Hunger: 5

    Grade 2(Unlock: level 16): Longer Whip

    (Whip is thrown longer, grabs more enemies and pulls them closer)

    Range: 25 blocks - Damage: 200% - Distance pulled: 17.5

    Enemies pulled: Unlimited (3x3 area)

    Hunger: 5

    Grade 3(Unlock: level 36): Steel Whip

    (Whip is pulled so strongly that enemies are flung behind player)

    Range: 25 blocks - Damage: 275% +25%❋ - Distance pulled: 15 behind you

    Enemies pulled: Unlimited (3x3 area)

    Hunger: 5

    Lassoing-Leap: Player throws out a projectile that, when hitting a block or enemy, will pull the player towards it.

    Grade 1 (Unlock: level 11): Base

    (Player grabs a block/enemy with their whip and is pulled to it)

    Range: 20 blocks - Hurts enemies: no

    Damage: n/a

    Distance pulled: 75% of distance to target

    Hunger: 3

    Grade 2 (Unlock: level 26): Sharpened Whip

    (Whip now wraps around enemy tightly enough to hurt it)

    Range: 30 blocks - Hurts enemies: yes

    Damage: 100% on grab, single target

    Distance pulled: 90% of distance to target

    Hunger: 3

    Grade 3(Unlock: level 46): Cow kick

    (Player kicks enemies in a 3x3 area centered on destination)

    Range: 35 blocks - Hurts enemies: yes

    Damage: 100% on grab (single target), +100% +50%✤ on landing, AoE (3x3)

    Distance pulled: 100% of distance to target

    Hunger: 3

    Sparking Whip-Lash: Whip is whipped so fast that it creates sparks which blind enemies.

    (sparks last for 4 seconds before disappearing)

    Grade 1(Unlock: level 21): Base

    (Attacks an enemy and summons 3 sparks which burn and blind enemies)

    Range: 7 blocks - Blindness Duration: 5 seconds

    Damage: 135% (whip), 5%✹+5%✦ (sparks, once every second) Sparks last 5 seconds

    Hunger: 6

    Grade 2(Unlock: level 36): Cat o’ nine tails

    (Player now hits enemies 9 times per attack)

    Range: 10 blocks - Blindness Duration:5 seconds

    Damage: 25% damage 9 times, 5%✹+5%✦(sparks, once every second)

    (the attacks do a minute amount of knockback, 2 sparks summoned per hit, for 18 in total) Sparks last 6 seconds

    Hunger: 7

    Grade 3(Unlock: level 56): Explosive Tails

    (Player does one last lash at the end that explodes, knocking all enemies nearby far back)

    Range: 15 blocks - Blindness duration: 5 seconds

    Damage: 20% damage 9 times, 75% damage +25%✤ (explosion),

    5%✹+5%✦(sparks, once every second) Sparks last 8 seconds

    Hunger: 8

    Ranchers-Battalion: Player summons sheep as decoys to draw enemy fire.

    Grade 1(Unlock: level 31):

    (Player summons two sheep with 33% of player full hp each, and they draw enemy fire.)

    Sheep: 33% of Players full hp, 2 of them. Enemies target them.

    (The player can hit and kill the sheep.)

    Hunger: 6

    Grade 2(Unlock: level 46):

    (Player now summons 3 Sheep, as well as 4 chickens who attack for 25% of the damage of the whip used to spawn them)

    Sheep: 33% of players full hp, 3 of them. Enemies target them.

    Chickens: 25% of damage of whips used to summon them, they can take 2 hits and will die upon taking a third hit. Enemies target them.

    Hunger: 8

    Grade 3(Unlock: level 66):

    (Player now summons 4 Sheep, 6 Chickens, and one Holy Cow)

    Sheep: 33% player health, 4 of them. Enemies target them.

    Chickens: 25% of damage of whips used to summon them, they can take 2 hits and will die upon taking a third hit. Enemies target them.

    Holy Cow: Will charge enemies, attacking them for 50% of damage of whip used to summon it. When killed it will rise upwards 2 blocks, then explode, causing an explosion dealing damage equal to 1/2 the user’s full hp. (Nobody messes with Salted)(to balance the cow, it’s explosion will also damage the play, so back away)

    Hunger: 12
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    How not to get your suggestion added 101
    Thom_Com, Thunder, Malkavian and 19 others like this.
  3. Jedi_Ad

    Jedi_Ad Jedi VIP+

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    I haven't read the thread yet, I am about to, but remember to not tag the admins.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  4. Junebug_exe

    Junebug_exe J chillin CHAMPION

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    Ok, didn't really think that was a bad thing, I just wanted them to see it.
  5. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Listen, your suggestion is not bad, but the content team doesn't have any plans for any new classes for a long time, and even if they do, it would probably be something like this: https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...-600-supporters-updated-to-1-1-4-stats.89349/

    You can use this as a prime example of how to make a good class suggestion, but in short, I just don't see this one being added, sorry.

    Also, tagging admins on suggestion threads is not allowed.
    EDIT: Nvm he already deleted the tags, good.
  6. Junebug_exe

    Junebug_exe J chillin CHAMPION

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    Just removed the tags, again, wasn't aware.
  7. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    It's not really that bad, but it's still against the rules for some reason.

    Other than that, here are some issues:
    • 4/5, 3/5, 3/5 and 3/5 for stats is way too good
    • The range is way too high for a cowboy
    • The movement spell goes way too far
    • The fourth spell will most likely end up glitchy and broken in-game, if you have any other ideas you may want to rethink it
    • Regular attack has too much range

    To be honest, this is actually a pretty decent suggestion, it's just too strong.

    Not to mention new classes are unlikely for the time being.
    NITEHAWKX and Jedi_Ad like this.
  8. Jedi_Ad

    Jedi_Ad Jedi VIP+

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    Now that I have thoroughly read the thread, here's some constructive criticism:

    First, as @Cruuk-huud and @captainganon stated above, classes will not be added for a very long time, if ever.

    Second, when I think of a cowboy, I usually don't think of a medieval setting, like Wynncraft. The style of this class doesn't fit Wynncraft's theme very well, in my opinion.

    Third, most of the spells are good, however some of the names are long. Try to keep them short and concise like the spells that exist now (for the most part). Also, I noticed that the Cowboy's movement is quite limited, as its movement spell, Lassoing-Leap, requires a mob to work.

    Other than these points, I can tell that quite a bit of time was put into this thread. Thank you for reading this reply.
    I agree, however the stats are not too high, as the total of all of them is 13. Archer (the only class on the wiki with all four stats listed) has a total of 13 as well.
    Kaelan~ likes this.
  9. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    The total isn't what matters in this case; it's that this class has no weakness. The four others do; Mage is the most balanced but lacks defense (doesn't show on the wiki for some reason, but it does), Archer has hardly and defense, and Assassin and Warrior lack range.
    coolname2034 and Jedi_Ad like this.
  10. Jedi_Ad

    Jedi_Ad Jedi VIP+

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    Ah, I didn't think about weaknesses, thank you for bringing that up.
  11. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    so, like batman but instead of batarangs or guns its whips
    Jedi_Ad likes this.
  12. SeaOfPoison

    SeaOfPoison Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I agree with pretty much everything that captainganon says,

    The block range is on crack, the fourth spell seems like a clusterfuck of confusion and bugs but
    The second i heard "CowBoy" i didn't like this honestly,
    It is an ENTIRELY different era then knights and mages and dragons and whatever else, And i don't think anything like a cowboy would really fit into this AS A CLASS, Most mobs like cowboy mobs are just goofy but i often think of cowboys as being in like the 1800's ish wild west era then the time that wynn is set, Then again i have no idea what exact year it would be in wynn,

    Anyway, I personally don't really like this suggestion
    Jedi_Ad likes this.
  13. BethJerry

    BethJerry BFG 9000 CHAMPION

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    I couldn't help but reply to these messages. Yes, Wynncraft starts out with a medieval theme, with castles and knights and such, but it isn't just a medieval theme/setting. A prime example would be Llevigar or the upcoming "province" Corkus, where there's robots and electricity of sorts, and all sorts of other things that don't belong in a medieval setting. Plus, the entire Rymek area has a distinct cowboy theme to it, with dead prospectors and gold mines, and a very wild west feel to it, so saying that a cowboy class wouldn't fit in with the Wynncraft theme doesn't make sense seeing they basically already have a cowboy area.

    Going on to the actual cowboy class, I think it would be an interesting class, but like captainganon said, it would be a bit glitchy and is a bit too strong compared to the other four classes. But don't get me wrong, I think it would be a pretty cool idea if they added a cowboy class, just not with glitchy spells and not as strong.
    SeaOfPoison likes this.
  14. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Yeah no. I feel like this would be a bit overpowered.
    -spell three literally ends up as a multihit that BLINDS PEOPLE. FOR LESS HUNGER. AND MORE RANGE. LIKE, A LOT MORE.
    -spell four gives you 11 mobs, which is both incredibly laggy, and, if my calcs are right, you essentially get what is basically a free 133% health decoy, with 150% damage chickens attacking, and a cow that explodes, doing half the player's health in damage. First off, this can be horribly abused as with a high health build you would A. Never die due to the sheep and natural high health, and B. Have a cow nuke that destroys everything nearby. Also you failed to give the radius of the bomb AS WELL AS the health of the cow. Also, the chickens could literally EAT A NUKE and be fine
    -spell two gives you the ability to travel farther than literally any other mobility spell besides archer, which is a mobility based CLASS, with it's weapons, speed three and escape spell. Also, unlike archer, this requires no timing to pull off large leaps. Also, 250% damage to a single target is way too much for a mobility spell.
    -spell one somehow manages to be underpowered, overpowered and gamebreaking at the same time. First off, the damage seems way too powerful for 5 mana. To put this into context, Multihit costs TWICE as much for only 133% more damage, and a effective range of two blocks. Meteor deals 400% damage for 160% the mana, and a slight delay. THIS spell deals that much damage, for an effective range of TWENTY FIVE blocks. Second off, pulling enemies behind you is stupid in every way. It allows fast enemies a sneak attack on you, and basically makes you a sitting duck for some random bob to backstab you. Third, the set range of the pull (15 blocks behind you) can be abused so, so badly.

    If you want to see more balanced classes suggestions, I recommend checking @Ethan_Washington and @Selvut283 .
  15. funnysillyman

    funnysillyman lil uzi fan VIP+ GM

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    so basically roadhog from overwatch
    Thom_Com likes this.
  16. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    I'm reading the thread, but right off the bat... I don't like it.

    First of all, some spells are in increasing mana cost, which kinda forces you to use water builds for spell cost reduction
    Also I generally have a problem with summoning, as what if a bunch of these cowboy classes got together and spawned a ton of mobs (So make a mob cap per person)
    The first and second skills seem pretty similar to each other, and I can't really understand the difference: One is pulling something to you, the other is pulling you to them. It also only seems to work if there is a mob around, meaning you cant move quickly in places with few mobs.

    The biggest fault I see is the theme of the class.
    I would suggest changing the theme, or creating a different class with the similar skills to fit the medieval/magic kind of world that exsists in Wynn.

    Need tweaking
    (I didn't look at the stats, since that is something that can be fixed easily)
  17. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    Does this really fit Wynn? I know, there is a Mesa but would you recruit a cowboy to your mighty army? Otherwise kinda good.
  18. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Spell 4 is not approved by the RSPCA,PETA or any non-animal cruelty organisation.
  19. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    I think this is overall pretty good,but the one thing that bothers me is the forth spell,as you're literally giving survivability to a class that…don't really need extra survivability as it already got great crowd control. Also,the range scares me as even archer don't have that much range on it's arrow storm. But overall,the concept sounds awesome,just some minor number tweaks and this thing would be nice and neat :)

    Holy cow
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