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World New Quest: Core Of Producivity (+60 Supporters!!!)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by drybones967, Jan 1, 2017.


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  1. drybones967

    drybones967 P R A I S E P I G M O N VIP+

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    Core of Productivity
    Lv. Min: 84

    Talk to Farmsworth at -1652 40 -2089

    Pre-Quest Dialogue
    [1/2] Farmsworth: Nibbles? Now where did that piggy go?
    [2/2] Farmsworth: Oh! Hello there. Can you come back when you are level 84? My dear pig has gone missing, and I don't want a weakling like you to find her!

    Starting Dialogue
    [1/6] Farmsworth: Hello adventurer! I remember that a very long time ago I used to make stuff for adventurers like you, but they weren’t as scrawny as you are.
    [2/6] Farmsworth: I used to work at the Factory, the main source of the machines around these parts. I don’t know if you are too scared or not to go there, but it doesn't matter now.
    [3/6] Farmsworth: I became a great electromagnetic inventor, but now i live alone with my books and my dear pet pig, Nibbles. It’s more than you have ever had.
    [4/6] Farmsworth: Speaking of Nibbles, have you seen him? Of course not. You only care about yourself, and not about this dear old man and his missing pig.
    [5/6] Farmsworth: Maybe my dear assistant Fly knows where she is. Can you go find her? She Should be outside.
    [6/6] Farmsworth: And only come back when you have my precious Nibbles! Take this crate to capture her and bring it to me. (+1 Luxurious Crate)

    [1/2] Farmsworth: Wait. Now where did I put my glasses? I cant see without my glasses!
    [2/2] Farmsworth: Hold on. Did you steal my glasses? Oh fish sticks, I knew I should never let people into my house. I don't even know half of you!

    Follow cranky’s Farmsworth demands and meet Fly at -1709 37 -2076

    Pre-Quest Dialogue
    [1/1] Fly: I wonder when Farmsworth realizes he technically isn’t a scientist anymore and that he no longer needs an assistant. I mean, he is 150 years old, so when can he grow up?.

    [1/5] Fly: Hello! Are you here to take in the beauty of my shack?
    [2/5] Fly: Oh, you’re here to find Nibbles. Darnit.
    [3/5] Fly: I saw her enter the cave up the hill. This isn’t a normal cave, however. It leads deep into Corkus and it can’t be descended into by foot.
    [4/5] Fly: You’ll need a pair of [Mechanical Wings] to traverse its slopes. Unfortunately, I don’t have a pair on me. I gave the last one away a long time ago, and the man hasn’t returned.
    [5/5] Fly: Can you retrieve 2 [Iron Wing], 10 [Bent Bolts], and 6 [Slurmy Syrup] so I can make a new one?

    [1/1] Fly: Well what are you waiting for? Go get me those parts!

    Collect the parts needed to create a new pair of wings for Fly

    //Wing-bots and Rusted Twisters will be located on the shore of corkus to the west of Fly while the Slurmy mini-boss is located at the mechanical graveyard nearby (-1776 47 -2225)

    Lvl. 84
    Health: 4200
    Damage: 125
    AI: Stay away from target
    Attack Type: Ranged
    Movement Speed: Normal
    Spawn Rate: Normal

    Drop: 1 [Iron Wing] (25%)

    Rusted Twister
    Lvl. 83
    Health: 3800
    Damage: 200
    AI: Move straight towards target
    Attack Type: Melee
    Movement Speed: Slow
    Spawn Rate: High

    Drop: 1 [Bent Bolt] (75%)

    Lvl. 85
    Health: 8000
    Damage: 250
    AI: Move straight towards target
    Spell: Leap towards target
    Attack Type: Melee
    Movement Speed: Slow
    Spawn Rate: Slow

    Drop: 1 [2 Slurmy] (100%)

    //Once you are finished gathering items, return to Fly.

    [1/5] Fly: You have all of the required items? Let me have them.
    She quickly takes the slurmy syrup and gobbles it down.
    [2/5] Fly: What? It’s delicious!
    She tinkers with the bolts and the wings and makes a shady pair of wings. (+Mechanical Wings)
    [3/5] Fly: There you go. You can enter the cave now. But be warned!
    [4/5] Fly: The cave goes on forever, and if you touch the ground you’ll wake up by where you started!
    [5/5] Fly: Now go save Farmsworth’s pig before I get fired.


    [1/1] Fly: Be careful. That cave is very mysterious. How does it work? What does it lead to? I hope there aren't any spiders in it!

    Mechanical Wings
    Untradeable Item
    Lv. Min: 84

    +200 Health
    +10% Movement Speed

    - 5% Health Regen

    Rare Item
    Although shady, these wings work like a charm.
    (Definite stats are shown)

    Enter the mysterious cave at -1711 47 -2107

    //The cave is short and leads to a teleport spot (w/ coal blocks) that brings you outside of the map to the course. What would happen is when you enter the cave it will detect the chest piece and switch it out with the elytra for the course.

    //Like an elytra obstacle course, if you touch the ground of the cave you must restart (it will teleport you to the beginning of the level). There are three levels of the cave (w/ checkpoints) and all of the levels descend gradually until the bottom, like a slope.

    //This is important as it is the design of the levels! One level is much like any other wynncraft cave, however a giant robotic statue blocks your path, and you must go through and around his parts to move on. The next level has giant lizard beasts (in block form), and it becomes a tropical forest in which the skies are hard to traverse. Finally it becomes much too hot, and turns into a boiling nether like tunnel with demonic statues and fortresses staring down on you as you evade a fortress of fire.

    //After these levels, you reach the core of corkus. It is a huge cave with a giant chained iron heart with lava blocks pouring out of and running through it like veins. It is chained with 4 chains in a X-pattern. Your quest book is updated.

    // "About the elytra, many functions in Wynncraft need to be recoded to work in 1.9, so it won't be for a while. However, instead of using an elytra for the wings, they could just be a normal chestplate that you need to wear to get into the cave, and instead of an elytra obstacle course, just make it vertical, almost like a dropper obstacle course." Thank you for making this suggestion Jedi_Ad!

    Talk to Hermit Hermes at (Put in coords for Hermit Hermes)

    [1/7] Hermit Hermes: A human! It’s been so long!
    [2/7] Hermit Hermes: I came down here along time ago to figure out what was at the bottom of the cave. I used to be an important man, but time has well forgotten me.
    [3/7] Hermit Hermes: This is what I found. Welcome to the heart of Corkus, or known by the Avos as The Core.
    [4/7] Hermit Hermes: The Core is the source of the technological power here on Corkus. If it wasn’t for its electromagnetic power, many of the machines on the island wouldn’t work.
    [5/7] Hermit Hermes: The Corkians are lucky to have moved here, as many of us believe that our power isn’t special, but in fact it is. This place is secret and sacred.
    [6/7] Hermit Hermes: Heck, the villagers don’t even know how to run power properly! Look what Corkus has to offer.
    [7/7] Hermit Hermes: Oh? You're here for a pig? I think I see some movement on top of the heart. It’s going to take a while to get up there. Good luck!

    [1/1] Hermit Hermes: I don’t know how you are going to get out. What?! The exit’s right over there? WHAT!? 50 YEARS IN THIS SMELLY CAVE AND THE EXIT IS RIGHT THERE?!

    Collect Nibbles from the top of the heart.

    //Go through parkour to get to Nibbles. Insert the crate Farmsworth gave you into the hopper and you receive a crated Nibbles. (Nibbles is a invincible mob near by)

    +1 [Crated Nibbles] (This will be put in the chat as soon as you get the item in your inventory.)

    Exit the cave and return to Farmsworth at -1652 40 -2089.

    // The cave exit will teleport you to a small hole in the cave at -1795 34 -2167

    [1/3] Farmsworth: Oh! You’re back! I thought you got lost and were eaten by the birds. Too bad.
    [2/3] Farmsworth: Is this Nibbles! Oh my dear Nibbles! You’ve returned!
    [3/3] Farmsworth: I suppose I should pay you. Have this bracelet, too. It’s one of my finest inventions.

    Quest Complete
    + 1500000 XP
    + Factory Trinket
    + 2 LE
    + 32 EB

    [1/1] Farmsworth: Now get out of my house so I can be sure you’re not stealing anything.

    Factory Trinket
    Untradeable Item
    Lv. Min: 84
    Quest Req: Core of Productivity

    + 150 Health
    + 15% Reflection
    + 5% Melee Damage

    - 10% Soul Point Regen
    - 3 Agility

    Legendary Item
    A bracelet with a shiny bubble of electricity in the middle of it. It is warm to the touch, as If the bracelet was brand new.
    (Average stats are shown)

    That's it for my quest! What do you guys think about it? (BTW the content team this should be added)


    20 Supporters! - Achieved!
    30 Supporters! - Achieved!
    40 Supporters! - Achieved!
    50 Supporters! - Achieved!

    75 Supporters!
    100 Supporters!

    An owner likes it!
    The quest is added to the game!
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2017
  2. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    You can't have elytra, wynn is basically 1.8 still. Other than that, very good detail, but I'm not sure it would be a good idea to add a corkus quest when it hasn't been finished, especially one like this with important lore. Maybe wait until the corkus release, and tweak this. Also, maybe nerf the rings reflection; 50 is too much, maybe 15?
    AetherArising and drybones967 like this.
  3. CookedPelvis

    CookedPelvis Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Try changing the dialogue to fit how it looks in-game; it's a lot easier on the eyes.

    [1/2] Fly: Don't talk about spiders please.
    drybones967 and NinjaPro8000 like this.
  4. NinjaPro8000

    NinjaPro8000 Famous Adventurer

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    not bad, I thinking about doing something similar myself...
    O WELL
  5. drybones967

    drybones967 P R A I S E P I G M O N VIP+

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    Thanks for the support guys. I've fixed the dialogue so I wont hurt your eyes. I'm hoping for Wynn to continue to later versions by the time Corkus is out, and I made sure that the quest hopefully doesn't use any important spots or buildings, as the cave is currently nonexistent and the house i placed Farmsworth in is decorative. Maybe that will change, but other than that, I nerfed the ring as well. Thanks again for the support.


    NinjaPro8000 and coolname2034 like this.
  6. Shamos200

    Shamos200 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    this better not be in my house

    if it isn't, then support
    drybones967 likes this.
  7. MasterJPixel

    MasterJPixel Sharpshooter

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    Aside from how the cave part kind of reminds me of Terra Swoop Force, I really like this quest. Support.
    Greeni, NinjaPro8000 and drybones967 like this.
  8. Imaxelius

    Imaxelius Content Team Manager CT Manager QA Modeler HERO GM Builder

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    Seems pretty cool tbh. The pig part is just a bit random, like, how in the world did the pig get down there.
    Also as someone said, the elytra isn't possible due to Wynn being 1.8.
    drybones967 and ThomAnn100 like this.
  9. xINothing

    xINothing Im searching for a meme. CHAMPION

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    typo ^^
    drybones967 likes this.
  10. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Btw is the elytra part inspired by terra force swoop?
    MasterJPixel and drybones967 like this.
  11. drybones967

    drybones967 P R A I S E P I G M O N VIP+

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    I actually kinda based the 2nd and third level design off of this, to be honest the map was very fun and memorable so if i think of anything else i'll put it instead.

    The pig was just to tie the quest together, it's not that important (only to Farmsworth). Hopefully by the time corkus is out wynn could be in 1.9 or later.

    EDIT: Imaxelius can u run this by the content team? :)))))))))

    thanks, it's fixed.

    Yes it is :) In general I find elytra courses fun and would love to see one in wynncraft.

  12. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    This is actually explained by a flavor text NPC in the tutorial area.

    Besides that good quest.
  13. Jedi_Ad

    Jedi_Ad Jedi VIP+

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    This is a very good quest. Though Corkus isn't out yet, this does seem like something that could work with it. About the elytra, many functions in Wynncraft need to be recoded to work in 1.9, so it won't be for a while. However, instead of using an elytra for the wings, they could just be a normal chestplate that you need to wear to get into the cave, and instead of an elytra obstacle course, just make it vertical, almost like a dropper obstacle course. Thank you for making this suggestion!
  14. drybones967

    drybones967 P R A I S E P I G M O N VIP+

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    Huh. I didn't know that. I'll change it up for ya.

    If this ever gets added to the game, I could definitely see this as a thing if the elytra doesn't work out as intended, although i thought the was a dropper in another quest? IDK, but good idea.

  15. chaostitan

    chaostitan Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Not bad, would be cool to see. Unfortunately they don't add quest suggestions. However I can see you making the CT with something like this
    orange0404 likes this.
  16. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    Lord of the Clock was a quest suggestion.
  17. chaostitan

    chaostitan Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I should rewrite my original post as I ment they rarely implement quest suggestions, (I'm getting this from a grian quote btw)
  18. drybones967

    drybones967 P R A I S E P I G M O N VIP+

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    I hope they implement this, it's something different from 'fight this boss' quests. Unfortunately I don't have time for CT, but would love to be a member.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
  19. chaostitan

    chaostitan Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    You should try for CT, I think you would make it atleast trial gm.
  20. drybones967

    drybones967 P R A I S E P I G M O N VIP+

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    Maybe one day I will, but thanks for the support anyway. I'll look into it, but for now, enjoy my quest :)
    chaostitan likes this.
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