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World Training Arenas Now Fully Completed! [175+supporters][4 Weapons, 12 Armours, 7 Bosses, 14 Mobs]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by captainarcani, Nov 24, 2016.


Is this a decent idea?

  1. Yesssss

  2. Noooo(Explain why)

  3. Yo mama

  4. Yessssss but needs changing(Plz Explain why)

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  1. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    When the first nomads came to wynn they built magical arenas that harnessed the power of the dead to build being in which they could train with. Out of respect for the dead they travelled to Qira to ask if in return for emeralds she would redirect the undead to unbreakable cages in the arenas so that the undead could still live on in the world of the living.

    Training Arenas:

    1. In Major cities (and some other places) would be a circular arena where players could battle mobs in waves to earn xp and emeralds. These would be located outside the city. You would have to pay an entrance fee to a man called the Arena Beast Keeper as soon as you pass a certain amount of waves you can get your emeralds back and maybe more. If you died you would not lose soul points but you would have to wait three minecraft days before you can go back in again. To prevent high level players destroying lower level arenas and getting lots of items. To also enforce this you cannot go into an arena 20 lvs below you.
    Every round the number of mobs increase by 1 Starting at 10 and each mob is buffed every round. The mobs in the arena come from the area around for example llevigar will have orcs in its arena.

    Special Arenas:

    Special arenas would only be accessible every 3 Minecraft days you are online (as to prevent people lagging out the server) and have interesting bonuses such as the jungle special arena (which I will add further info about) Would be an arena that swarms with slimes being buffed every round until round 250. This arena will contain special slimy armour with special abilities however the arena is hidden in the jungle. Also only two pieces of armour can be obtained every time you beat it when you defeat a boss a gui appears where you can select the pieces of armour you want. Special arenas can be entered by anyone from any level.

    There will also be an arena outside the door of time where you will be warped into a vortex as a arena (#TheEnd) where you will fight a random number of mobs until round 500 where you will gain your one LE back and recieve a skill point reset note and some ( Still undeiceded ) Treasures. Only the powerful can enter this arena so only people who have 100 levels can enter.(#NoWeaklings) There will also be a vortex armour to go with this arena.

    Creating a new paragraph just explain the special arena in CORKUS (#ItTurnedOutToBeTrue) which since the corkans are masters of industrial magic the arena will be in one a drone In the sky where you will teleport to after paying the Arena Beast Keeper. There armour for the corkus arena will be cog armour.

    Adding on to the special arenas there will be an arena in kandon-beta where you will battle time guardians forever and the rewards become available to you after certain rounds.
    Kandon-Beda Round Rewards:
    Kandon-Beda Round rewards:
    Round 50-1Le
    Round 100-2Le
    Round 150-3Le
    Round 200-4Le
    Round 300-Old Kindom Sword/Wand/Bow/Dagger

    Note: The Weapon you get at round 300 will be for your class.

    • Llevigar:
    Click HERE to see the positioning of the arena outside the door.

    • Kandon-Beda:
    Click HERE to see the positioning of the arena roughly where it is.

    • Aldorei:
    Click HERE to see the positioning of the arena meant to be right outside the town.

    • Ahmsord:
    Click HERE to see the positioning of the arena that is meant to be placed on the big island nearby.
    • Almuj:
    Click HERE to see the Arena positioned on the nearby plains that are empty.
    Extra Info:
    Xp Explanation:
    So for xp you would reiceve the same amount from mobs and the mobs start to give 10% more xp every 25 rounds. Also you would receive 5% of xp of your lv every 25 rounds. Also people above Lv 90+ would not be able to claim the 5% xp. No xp bonuses on special arenas and xp depends on lv of mob faced.
    Old Kingdom Weapons:
    Quest Req: Fantasic Voyage
    Slow attack speed
    -7 Health Regen
    -500 Health
    +7 Mana Regen
    +3 Int Skill Points
    +3 Dex Skill Points
    +3 Str Skill Points
    +3 Def Skill Points
    +3 Agi Skill Points
    +75-90 Earth Damage
    +75-90 Air Damage
    +75-90 Thunder Damage
    +75-90 Water Damage
    +75-90 Fire Damage
    Legendary Item
    Quest Req: Fantasic Voyage
    Slow attack speed
    -7 Health Regen
    -500 Health
    +7 Mana Regen
    +3 Int Skill Points
    +3 Dex Skill Points
    +3 Str Skill Points
    +3 Def Skill Points
    +3 Agi Skill Points
    +75-90 Earth Damage
    +75-90 Air Damage
    +75-90 Thunder Damage
    +75-90 Water Damage
    +75-90 Fire Damage
    Legendary Item
    Quest Req: Fantasic Voyage
    Slow attack speed
    -7 Health Regen
    -500 Health
    +7 Mana Regen
    +3 Int Skill Points
    +3 Dex Skill Points
    +3 Str Skill Points
    +3 Def Skill Points
    +3 Agi Skill Points
    +75-90 Earth Damage
    +75-90 Air Damage
    +75-90 Thunder Damage
    +75-90 Water Damage
    +75-90 Fire Damage
    Legendary Item
    Quest Req: Fantasic Voyage
    Slow attack speed
    -7 Health Regen
    -500 Health
    +7 Mana Regen
    +3 Int Skill Points
    +3 Dex Skill Points
    +3 Str Skill Points
    +3 Def Skill Points
    +3 Agi Skill Points
    +75-90 Earth Damage
    +75-90 Air Damage
    +75-90 Thunder Damage
    +75-90 Water Damage
    +75-90 Fire Damage
    Legendary Item
    Lore: Before the calming of the waves the ancients of wynn created powerful weapons which could help bring peace to the land in a time of terror. These weapons were nearly stolen so the ancients used a powerful spell to teleportation to send these weapons somewhere in a land beyond the boundaries of the ocean.
    Cog Armour:
    Cogged Helmet:
    +30% Basic Attack damage
    +10% Attack speed
    -30 Health
    -2 Mana
    +2000 Hp
    -300 Earth Defense
    -300 Air Defense
    +400 Thunder Defense
    +400 Water Defense
    +500 Fire Defense
    Effects: Every time you hit a mob you have a one in 75 chance of your basic attack being sped up *10(Times Ten) for 6 Seconds.
    Cogged Skin:
    +50% Basic Attack damage
    +30% Attack speed
    -50 Health
    -2 Mana
    +2400 Hp
    -250 Earth Defense
    -250 Air Defense
    +500 Thunder Defense
    +500 Water Defense
    +750 Fire Defense
    Effects: Every time you hit a mob you have a one in 75 chance of your basic attack being sped up *10(Times Ten) for 6 Seconds.
    Cogged Shins:
    +40% Basic Attack damage
    +20% Attack speed
    -40 Health
    -2 Mana
    +2200 Hp
    -275 Earth Defense
    -275 Air Defense
    +450 Thunder Defense
    +450 Water Defense
    +550 Fire Defense
    Effects: Every time you hit a mob you have a one in 75 chance of your basic attack being sped up *10(Times Ten) for 6 Seconds.
    Cogged Boots:
    +30% Basic Attack damage
    +10% Attack speed
    -30 Health
    -2 Mana
    +2000 Hp
    -300 Earth Defense
    -300 Air Defense
    +400 Thunder Defense
    +400 Water Defense
    +500 Fire Defense
    Effects: Every time you hit a mob you have a one in 75 chance of your basic attack being sped up *10(Times Ten) for 6 Seconds.
    Lore: The First Corkians forged living mechanical armour using industrial magic. Very few of these special armours are left.
    Set Bonus [4/4] Mobs have 1 in 100 chance of being mechanised and fighting for you like a mercenary.
    Vortex Armour:
    Vortex Cap:
    +30% Spell Damage
    +30% Speed
    -10 Mana Regen
    -10 Health Regen
    +3600 Hp
    +200 Earth Defense
    +200 Air Defense
    +200 Thunder Defense
    +200 Water Defense
    -400 Fire Defense
    Effects: Mobs have a 1 in a 100 chance to be warped into the void for 3 seconds and have 90% of their Health taken away.
    Vortex Skin:
    +50% Spell Damage
    +50% Speed
    -10 Mana Regen
    -10 Health Regen
    +3800 Hp
    +400 Earth Defense
    +400 Air Defense
    +400 Thunder Defense
    +400 Water Defense
    -400 Fire Defense
    Effects: Mobs have a 1 in a 100 chance to be warped into the void for 3 seconds and have 90% of their Health taken away.
    Vottex Leggings:
    +40% Spell Damage
    +40% Speed
    -10 Mana Regen
    -10 Health Regen
    +3700 Hp
    +300 Earth Defense
    +300 Air Defense
    +300 Thunder Defense
    +300 Water Defense
    -400 Fire Defense
    Effects: Mobs have a 1 in a 100 chance to be warped into the void for 3 seconds and have 90% of their Health taken away.
    Vortex Boots:
    +30% Spell Damage
    +30% Speed
    -10 Mana Regen
    -10 Health Regen
    +3600 Hp
    +200 Earth Defense
    +200 Air Defense
    +200 Thunder Defense
    +200 Water Defense
    -400 Fire Defense
    Effects: Mobs have a 1 in a 100 chance to be warped into the void for 3 seconds and have 90% of their Health taken away.
    Lore: This armour is made of the same material as Bob's weapons. No one knows what the material is or how to forge it as that info can only be found at the beggining of time.
    Set Bonus [4/4] Every time a mob hits you they have a one in 125 chance of being trapped in the void forever.
    Slimy Armour:
    Slimy Hat:
    +17 Health regen
    +1o Absorption
    -Speed by 5%
    +1200 Hp
    +325 Earth defense
    -1150 Air defense
    +230 Thunder defense
    -175 Water defense
    +275 Fire defense
    Effects: One in ten chance of arrow bouncing of the armour.
    Slimy Chainmail:
    +23 Health regen
    +15 Absorption
    -Speed by 13%
    +1400 Hp
    +350 Earth defense
    -130 Air defense
    +270 Thunder defense
    -140 Water defense
    +300 Fire defense
    Effects: One in ten chance of arrow bouncing of the armour.
    Slimy Leggings:
    +17 Health regen
    +10 Absorption
    -Speed by 8%
    +1100 Hp
    +200 Earth defense
    -150 Air defense
    +225 Thunder defense
    -150 Water defense
    +250 Fire defense
    Effects: One in ten chance of arrow bouncing of the armour.
    Slimy Socks:
    +Jump boost 3 (Note Boost does not stack, so assassin is not too op)
    +15 Health regen
    -Speed by 10%
    +1000 Hp
    +180 Earth defense
    -130 Air defence
    +200 Thunder defense
    -130 Water defense
    +240 Fire defense
    Effects: One in ten chance of arrow bouncing of the armour.
    Lore: When bob travelled to Troms he discovered a massive slime species that was enveloping travelers in the jungle. He killed the entire species reluctantly however there are still rumours of a Slime to rule all others in the jungle. This slime is the biggest and the largest of its species.
    Set Bonus [4/4] One in Three chance of arrows being deflected.

    Note: This is my first item design so plz don't hate straight away. And some of these IDs I don't know how to write so I tried to get the point across. Also the items have no skill point restrictions so everyone can use them.

    Mobs Wynn and Gavel Cities:
    Alumj-old mummies
    Nessak-The living snowmen
    Troms-Tunneling pigmen
    Rymek-Living molten cubes
    Ahsmord-Angels of Death
    Aldorei-Shadow warriors
    Jungle-Ancient Slimes
    Llevigar-Tribal orcs
    Kandon-Beda-Time Guardians
    Door of Time-???
    Round rewards:
    Round 10-Entrance fee is repaid
    Round 20-Double entrance fee
    Round 30-Triple entrance fee
    Round 50-A unique item within 10 lvs of your character.
    Round 60-Quadruple entrance fee and 1 in 5 chance for a free dungeon key.
    Round 75-A rare item within 10 lvs of your character.
    Round 100-A legendary item within 10 lvs of your character.
    Wave 100 Bosses (Normal Arenas):
    The Wave 100 Bosses (Normal Arenas):
    Almuj-The Sandstorm Mage:
    +300 Air damage
    +300 Thunder damge
    Weak to Water damage
    Weak to Fire damage
    Strong to Earth damage
    Looks like A purple mummified Mage.
    (The undead version of Meric)
    • Summons Old mummies
    • Holds the waves rider texture wand.
    • Hits you every 3Seconds that you are in range which is 25 blocks.
    SandStorm-The Mage Sends a wave of shulker missiles to the player which they have to dodge otherwise if they got hit they would be slowly dragged towards the Mage in which you cannot escape (even with mages teleport) and as soon as you touch the Mage you are throw back having 700 Earth Damge being done to you.

    Rymek-Ba'al's Aprenntice:
    +500 Earth Damage
    +800 Water damage
    Weak to Fire damage
    Weak to Thunder damage
    Strong to Water damage
    Description: Pink Sheep
    • Very slow attack speed
    • Attacks look like mage's ice snake
    • Summons 5 living molten cubes every 20 Seconds
    • Has indefinite range
    Sheep Sleep-The sheep goes into a deep sleep where it summons living molten cubes at the rate of 5 per second for 20 seconds the molten cubes will be slightly debuffed for the spell so that it is not too hard to kill them. Also if you try to hit the sheep it will not take damage and you will take the damage yourself.

    +750 Thunder damage
    +800 Water damage
    Weak to Fire damage
    Weak to Earth damage
    Strong to Water damage
    Description: Looks like a werewolf (duh)
    • Summons Savage wolves
    • Holds nothing
    • Has speed of a pigman
    • Hits you every o.5 seconds you are in its 4block range.
    Cutthroat-The Were wolf pounces on you no matter where you are in the arena in which the player has to quickly dodge. If they successful dodge the were wolf the wolf is stunned for 5 seconds after it has to wait 30 seconds for the spell to happen again. If you dodge unsuccessfully the wolf multi-hits you and you are thrown to the other side of the map having 1200 Water damage done to you.

    Llevigar-Chief Orc Urg:
    +775 Fire attack
    +900 Air attack
    +150 Earth damage
    Weak to Thunder damage
    Weak to Water damage
    Strong to Earth damage
    Description: Normal orc that has tribal paint.
    • Summons Tribal orcs
    • Decent speed
    • Holds spear
    • Hits you within 5 blocks every second
    Spear Throw-The Orc throws a spear
    like a missle that travels straight for 20 blocks with Fire particles emoting from it. At the end of its 20 block journey the boss travels to where it ends. If it hits you it drags you to the end of the 20 block area. It continually does damage if it hits you and by the end you will have 550 Fire damage done to you.
    Bosses for the Special Arenas:
    Bosses for the Special Arenas:
    Jungle Arena-King Slime:
    1200 Neutral Damage
    Weak to nothing
    Strong to Neutral Damage
    Description: Just a Really big slime with a crown if possible.
    • Summons 7 small ancient slimes every time it lands.
    • Can jump really far
    • Has two attacks (jump and throws slime balls)
    • Jump Damage = Slime ball damage *7
    • Shoots slime balls slowly
    • Has a 15 block range
    • Shoots every second
    Envelopment-The Boss teleports to you (there is no way to escape this spell from getting to you) and you are stuck inside. The boss does not move however every 2 seconds the boss does 500 Neutral Damage. You are given slowness two and you have to get out of the slime. You can use spells to do this. You can also do damage to the slime while you are inside it. This spell only ends once you are away from the boss.

    Door of Time-The Time Master:
    4750 Neutral Damage
    Weak to nothing
    Strong to Neutral Damage
    Description: Looks like normal wither boss.
    • Shoots wither skulls
    • Summons ??? Mobs
    • Has infinite range
    • Shoots either skulls every 2 Seconds and does splash damage that also hurts ??? Mobs as well
    Skull-Storm-The boss fires wither skulls much faster 5* faster in fact. They do no extra damage however they are faster in speed and the splash radius is larger. This spell lasts 15 Seconds and no ??? Mobs spawn during this time.

    Special Boss Text:
    Text Before Fight:
    [1/5]["I've been watching you from the start and now is the true test."]

    [2/5]["Are you worthy to go to the beginning of time, to gain the knowledge of the past?"]

    [3/5]["Let's see if you are strong enough, brave enough."]

    [4/5]["If you are I then I will show you the beggining, the end, and the time of now."]

    [5/5]["Fight me and we will see if you are worthy."]

    Text After Fight:
    [1/2]["Come with me, you are worthy and I shall show you the secrets of time, some of which are beyond your dreams!"]

    [2/2]["Bob would be proud."]
    Special Arenas:
    Jungle Arena-Lv75
    Corkus Arena-Lv85
    Temple of Legends-Lv85
    Door of Time-100+
    Arena Beast Keeper words:
    Arena Beast Keeper words:
    If right lv and entrance fee is payed:
    [1/2]["You seem a worthy Oponent of the beasts and my salary has been paid, You may enter!"]
    10 Seconds After Teleporting into the Arena:
    [2/2]["Release the Beasts!"]
    If lv is too high or low:
    [1/1]["You are not worthy to enter Weakling! Come back at lv(The right lv)!"]
    If money is wrong:
    [1/1]["How do you think I make a living, Fool! Bring back (The entrance fee) then you can Enter!"]
    If you don't have the right amount of emeralds or your not the right lv the game chooses between one of the two no answers.
    Entrance fees:
    Temple of Legends-5Eb
    Door of Time-1Le

    Also:Plz. Vote on poll above.

    Supporter Log:
    5 Supporters
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    800 Supporters
    1000 Supporters

    Salted's Support
    Julma's Support
    Grian's Support
    Tantibus' Support

    Poll Meanings:
    Poll meanings:
    • Yes-You Love the idea and have no problems (although if you voted Yes but needs changing you respond in the comments section).
    • No-You don't like the idea but it would be good if you could respond and explain why you don't like the idea.
    Special Thanks to @Zernoxi

    The items you gain will not necerceraly be for your class.
    Also this is not meant to be a copy of dungeons as they are not meant to have puzzles and whatnot.
    Going to update this soon.

    Change Log:
    Change Log:
    [*][1/9]Added The Special Arenas Concept[*][2/9]Added Slimy Armour[*][3/9]Added Vortex Armour[*][4/9]Added Cog Armour[*][5/9]Added Old kingdom Weapons[*][6/9]Added Some Normal Arenas bosses[*][7/9]Added Some Special Arena Bosses[*][8/9]Added Beast Keeper Concept[*][9/9]Added xp explanation
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
    SgtClips, NinjaWizard, China and 30 others like this.
  2. Moss

    Moss shoutbox meme supplier

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    I like this. It gives higher lvls to do something if they are bored.
    Aya, frogsandturtles, BusyEXE and 3 others like this.
  3. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    Thanks for your support will add more info such as mobs and loots tomorrow
  4. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    Isn't this just kinda swarms?

    I'd like this if it wasn't EVERY CITY, and if it wasn't as lackluster, I think only certain places should have them, and where they'd fit with lore also having boss mobs and stuff for the last few rounds would be nice

    For instance having one in Rodoroc where you basically fight a war to help the dwarves would be make a lot of sense
    Having one near the Hive where you fight all the mobs from the Hive, finishing with a fight similar to Death's where it is Qira + the bosses from each floor - this should probably be locked until you finish the quest though, and should be a level 100 arena
  5. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    I was thinking about swarms when I made this although this is ment to be for only one person
  6. DrBracewell

    DrBracewell Famous Adventurer QA Modeler GM CMD CHAMPION

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    umm... we already have that. its called hive.
    Aya and coolname2034 like this.
  7. Raz0rV1p3r

    Raz0rV1p3r Minecrafter

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    Besides Hive, isn't there something else already like that too, called Tower of Ascension?
  8. Hoshi no Kaabii

    Hoshi no Kaabii poyo HERO

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    Basically every town is ToL, but with a paying fee to grind?
  9. Rolland1001

    Rolland1001 Cheers~ VIP

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    But in hive, it only gives 1 voucher at a time (every floor) , ToA doesn't give anything (every floor) unless you clear all 7 floors, and the training arena can earned some prizes after every 10 rounds you completed :3

    +1 support
    captainarcani and LarzLapiz like this.
  10. MasterJPixel

    MasterJPixel Sharpshooter

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    This is a good idea but I don't think it should be in every city, instead just a select few. How about Ragni, Nemract, Detlas, Almuj, and Nessak? Also there shouldn't be any in the Gavel province, mostly because you call them "training arenas". I'd like to imagine anyone who is at the point where most of their newer quests are in Gavel shouldn't need to go back and train.
  11. NightcorePhantom

    NightcorePhantom Ruler of Elkia VIP+

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    Uhhhh so what do we high levels do... this is a good suggestion to break high lvls outta their boredom.... dun ruin it like dis
  12. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    I am going to include them in gavel cities soon
  13. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Lvl 43 Friend - Dude gimme help in Llevigar Arena pls

    Imagine I'm lvl 666 - Lol soz stupid system says I need to be at least lvl 60 to do it lol
  14. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    At first I thought it was gonna be a bad suggestion, but I actually kind of like it! Maybe it needs more details though.
    And it shouldn't be in every city.
    ShadowWarp likes this.
  15. Secretary

    Secretary Someone deleted the emails

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    I don't really see a point in this, since we already have dungeons.
  16. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    Added new special arenas
  17. Son_Omega_Dan

    Son_Omega_Dan Meow HERO

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    You should Nerf the wait time of the special arenas, since 50 Minecraft days is 16 hours and 40 minutes. As far as I know, no one plays that long. But otherwise, the suggestion is good if you want to do something when you're bored.

    Correct term is at most level 60.
  18. Trollex456

    Trollex456 Newbie Adventurer

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    This is a good idea. I would like to see this in wynn, but maybe there shouldn't be an arena in every city. But a good idea keep adding details :)
  19. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    this remembered me to the old pigball arena/pvp arena...
    good old days...

    *goes to cri from nostalgic*
    Toasted Asian likes this.
  20. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    Changed so that they're not in every city added new slimy armour and new areas
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