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Quest Idea:corrupted Land Part 1

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Carbonate, Nov 22, 2016.

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  1. Carbonate

    Carbonate Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    This is my quest idea, and ideally being a series of quests revolving around corruption in
    Wynn and a bit in Gavel, it resembles WynnExcavation as well.
    This series is mostly about actual government and political Corruption, instead of the Corruption
    you would expect.But there is a bit of the good ol' spooky Corruption. :wink:

    Corrupted Land Part 1 is an Easy level 6 quest starting in Elkurn. I find that Elkurn is just underused and
    a quest there would really spice it up.

    The player must speak to Indon in Elkurn to begin the quest.

    Too low level:
    Indon:Hello there good sir, our small village could use some help.
    Indian:However, I need somebody with a little grit.Come back when you're level 6.

    Starting Quest:
    Indon:Hello there good sir, our small town could use some help.
    Indon:Our wheat farmer, Grofet, hasn't been doing his farming lately.
    Indon:If he doesn't harvest the wheat soon, our village will go hungry.
    Indon:Could you maybe speak to him about it?We would really appreciate it.He lives in the house with the
    green roof.

    [Quest Started:Corrupted Land Part 1]

    Talking to him again before updating Quest Book:
    Indon:Could you please check on Grofet?He lives in the house with the green roof.

    In Quest Book:
    Speak to Grofet about his neglectfulness to the farm.

    Before starting quest:
    Grofet:Where..am I?

    After Starting Quest:
    Grofet:Where..am I?
    Grofet:I've been neglecting the farm?I'm a farmer?
    Grofet:I don't know who or where I am...what has happened?!?
    Grofet:I think I have amnesia..but what could have caused this??
    [Quest Book Updated]

    In Quest Book:
    Talk to Indon about your discovery.

    Indon:He sais he has amnesia?
    Indon:Hm..there is a tower to the east of here that has always had a strange aura.
    Indon:If you would be so kind as to investigate, we might come closer to find out what happened to Grofet.
    [Quest Book Updated]

    Talking to Indon again:
    Indon:If you would be so kind as to investigate that tower to the east, we might come closer to find out what happened to Grofet.

    In Quest Book:
    Investigate the tower of amnesia to the east of Elkurn.

    Around the back of the tower of amnesia there will be an NPC named "G-Corp Enforcer."

    Before starting quest:

    G-Corp Enforcer:Nothing suspicious happening here, move along.

    After starting quest:
    G-Corp Enforcer:Nothing suspicious happening here, move along.
    G-Corp Enforcer:You want to know what we did to that farmer?Oh no..
    G-Corp Enforcer:Okay fine, I'll tell you.
    G-Corp Enforcer:The other day we brought him here and we used the powers of this tower to brainwash him.
    G-Corp Enforcer:We put his memories in a ruin to the North-West of here.
    G-Corp Enforcer:Now I'm not telling you anything more!
    [Quest Book Updated]

    You will not be able to talk to him again.

    In quest book:
    Go to the ruins at -128 -1921 and recover Grofet's memories.

    Trying to go to the ruins before talking to the G-Corp Enforcer will teleport you out with
    the message:"
    As you go to enter the ruins, a shiver runs down your spine and you turn back".

    After speaking to the G-Corp Enforcer, you can enter the small ruins.In the ruins there will be
    a tunnel leading down underground.
    After going down the tunnel a bit you will encounter an NPC named "G-Corp Corporal".
    Walking near him will trigger his dialogue.

    G-Corp Corporal:So you've come for the memories of that peasant?
    G-Corp Corporal:Ha!Good luck with that!
    G-Corp Corporal:If you manage to defeat his corrupted memories, I'll even tell you why we took them.
    [Quest Book Updated]

    Talking to G-Corp Corporal again:
    G Corp Corporal:If you're too scared to face the corrupted memories, I suggest you leave!

    In Quest Book:
    Slay the corrupted memories.

    Once you proceed in the tunnel, you will find a mob named "Grofet's Corrupted Memories".
    The mob is a cloud of smoke that has the sound effects of a blaze,has 275 HP and does 1-3 neutral
    damage and 1-2 air damage.Slaying it will drop a piece of sugar named "Grofet's Memories".
    It is an untradeable item.

    G-Corp Corporal:What?!You killed it?Fine...I'll tell you why we took the memories.
    G-Corp Corporal:We at G-Corp specialize in industrial material production, and Elkurn has an amazing spot of soil.We at G-Corp could turn it into an emerald fountain with all the farming we would do!
    G-Corp Corporal:Unfortunately, that Indon fellow is refusing to sell the town to us.
    G-Corp Corporal:They're already poor enough, so if they lose their wheat farmer, they won't be making enough emeralds to continue running their excuse for a town and then they'll have no choice but to sell it!
    G-Corp Corporal:You have foiled our plans, but this will not be the last you see of us!
    [Quest Book Updated]

    Talking to G-Corp Corporal again:
    G-Corp Corporal:You have foiled our plans, but this will not be the last you see of us!

    In Quest Book:
    Return the memories to Grofet.

    The player must now return to Elkurn and speak to Grofet.

    Grofet:I'm so frustrated!I can't stand not knowing who I am!
    As you hand Grofet his memories, the memories dissolve in his hands and memories flood into him.
    Grofet:Son of Bob!I remember now!
    Grofet:I need to get back to farming, we'd have to sell the farm if I couldn't get the wheat in!
    Grofet:I can't thank you enough, soldier.
    Grofet:If you speak to Indon, I'm sure he'll have a reward for you.
    [Quest Book Updated]

    Speaking to Grofet from any point forward:
    Grofet:I couldn't have imagined what it would have been like living without memories, thank you once again!

    In Quest Book:
    Tell Indon you have restored Grofet.

    Speaking to Indon:

    Indon:Hello soldier, have you investigated the tower?
    Indon:This is amazing news!Our village will forever be grateful.
    Indon:We can't really spare many emeralds, but my father left me a combat chestplate in his will, and I think you deserve it now.
    [Quest Complete:Corrupted Land Part 1]
    +200 EXP
    +15 Emeralds
    +Chestplate of Elkurn

    Vest of Elkurn
    Quest Req:Corrupted Land Part 1
    Lv. Min:6
    Dexterity Min:3
    Strength Min:1

    +4%-6% Walk Speed
    +1-2 Dexterity
    -3-5% Defence
    +1 Strength
    -2-4% Loot Bonus
    +2-5% Soul Point Regen
    +3-4% Health Regen
    [0/1 Powder Slots]
    Rare Item
    Quest Item
    Passed down for generations by the leaders of Elkurn, this is only given to the hero that will
    save Elkurn. Those who wear this vest are said to gain the qualities of Elkurn, even if some
    are not good.

    Well, I hope you enjoyed.
    I'll likely be following up soon with a "Corrupted Land Part 2" suggestion.
    If you have comments or suggestions(Even for the upcoming Corrupted Land Part 2 post)
    feel free to say them!

    NinjaWizard likes this.
  2. ThomasThePencil

    ThomasThePencil Deranged Combat Warp User CHAMPION

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    i'd start by blackening the white text that says literally anything.
  3. NinjaWizard

    NinjaWizard Wynn Protector, Master of Shadows & YouTuber CHAMPION

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    Make a poll! I'm all for this quest and really hope that it makes it in game! :D
  4. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    The lore doesn't really fit.
  5. DrakeM1

    DrakeM1 101 Archer / Made RPRT / Mayor of Tree Island HERO

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    Light theme RIP.
  6. _Sephyr_

    _Sephyr_ Obvious satire HERO

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    No we don't need any more low level quests.
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