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The Woes Of An Original Vip.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by InsaniT, Nov 6, 2016.


Should VIP get upgraded?

  1. VIP needs something more

  2. Maybe, I'm on the fence. :/

  3. Stop crying about it.

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  1. InsaniT

    InsaniT Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    This conversation has been become simply between you and I, and is fast becoming pointless. There wasn't warning in-game, and the forums weren't something that people really used. It was a surprise to many, and a really foul tasting one at that.
    Rusty Buckitt likes this.
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    It's between you and I, yes, pointless, no. It's deciding why or why not the suggestion is good.

    There was a warning in-game. The staff team isn't evil: they wouldn't just not tell people when things were changing. Prime example, the recent EULA reform.

    The forums were only less popular in relation to Wynn being less popular. People have been using the forums actively since before they were even Xenforo-based. Not to mention EULA was in the news for Minecraft players in general, and if people bought VIP during the period between EULA and 1.12, expecting full perks to stay past the EULA, then it's their own fault.

    The staff did what they could to warn people; they don't owe people who disregarded or didn't know anything.
    Uriah likes this.
  3. LotKnockMC

    LotKnockMC S̵͚̉i̸̥͔̞̒̕͜n̷̦̹̱͒̈́̚g̶͈̳̙͇͗̾̋̾ͅë̶͔́̌͋ṙ̶̢̧̭͕ VIP+

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    Agreed. *claps*
  4. Cybersoap707

    Cybersoap707 That one guy VIP+

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    All I have to say is, you paid $25 back then, so you get the perks a person who pays $25 gets now
  5. InsaniT

    InsaniT Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    These warnings unbeknownst to me, but that is neither here nor there. The fact of the matter is, we got screwed. There is almost nothing left for us at all, and it just feels so wrong.

    I paid for something else, however. I paid my $25 on a sportscar that cost $25. These people spend $25 on a Kia cube.
  6. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    VIPs got screwed over, that's undeniable. But that's not Wynn's fault, it's the EULA's. Wynncraft did what it could to fix the lost perks, but until now there wasn't much they could.

    With the addition of Command Blockers and Armour Stands, Wynn's able to add more cosmetic features.

    As a final word, just wait for the Wynnter update. I'm positive that more cosmetic perks will be added in the next update, and since Jumla's no longer under a time constraint, VIP will probably get more bonuses, as opposed to being ignored in favour of actual content for the new store.
  7. InsaniT

    InsaniT Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    At least we are on the same page there. I hope what you say is true, I really do.
  8. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    As a VIP viewing this i feel as tho i have some form of opinion here, and even better, a new VIP (as in only a week or two). And I will say, VIP is more of a "gateway drug" of ranks. You buy VIP, feel you should rankup, and move to VIP+/Hero (or win a giveaway).

    I got mine before the store updated, so i got the somewhat older benefits of them with the creeper pet, and whatever else. And I do belive of some differences to compensate the changes, like monthly shouts and party bombs or something like that. But time will tell, and time will take for changes to occur.

    Also, going to have @Pretzule tagged to keep an eye here for when a flame war begins or has already been set.

    EDIT: I like how because i didn't quote @InsaniT my post was completly glosed over. oh well, tagging mite work (no hate to you though, just want your thoughts on what i wanted to contribute like everyone else got to here).
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  9. Loannnnn

    Loannnnn A Dungeon Fanatic HERO

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    I'm with you on this one.

    We should at least get Daily Crates like the others.
    Rusty Buckitt and 7Red_Dragon7 like this.
  10. Vanward

    Vanward All Around Creepy Guy; Cringy Comedian

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    Meanwhile a non-rank here. :)
    Jbip, 13threemc and Retathrah like this.
  11. Willi

    Willi ayyy HERO

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    Wow you bought VIP and a new friend? What a deal.
    bloww, Tyralion, chaostitan and 3 others like this.
  12. InsaniT

    InsaniT Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    I'm not in the mood, mate
  13. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    Im a Vet same as you are, for you it might be a short period of time due to your unfortunate events but for the world it has already been 2 years, it is now known that servers can only make profit out of cosmetics, this is why all the features are cosmetic based.
    Majong does this so that paid and non paid players can enjoy the same FEATURES, such as previously vip exclusive double xp (now xp bombs so non paid players can experience as well), and assassin class. Wynncraft knew that this will affect previously paid players thats why they introduced vet rank to credit those who supported the server previously. You must also understand this is a change that will greatly affect wynncraft's revenue and so is the recent change - removal of paid currency (gc).
    This is why wynn has to introduce two new ranks, for those players that wants to enjoy the COSMETICS to buy the ranks and also various other bombs. The lost of value of vip to an extend is to prompt players to buy other ranks so that they can earn more revenue. Ofc it is widely agreed that vip is not credited enough but its a way for wynn to lure players to buy more of their products. its not about they are greedy and stuff its just because they have to have the money to run the server.

    I hope you understand the argument here, if you want to continue to support the server you are free to buy other ranks and stuff, but the reasons behind the changes are reasonable. You have to look at this not only on your personal "lost" but also on the server's stand point.

    Again sorry for your lost of the 2 years, but time did past and you need to accept the changes
    BuffAirSpear and 7Red_Dragon7 like this.
  14. StarDraco123

    StarDraco123 (・8・) VIP+

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    lol I bought vip around 3 hours before the eula update launched on wynn
    Willi and SilverMirror like this.
  15. Willi

    Willi ayyy HERO

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    I mean I get it but I just really don't understand why you're so distraught over cosmetic features on a Minecraft server. Like at the end of the day nobody cares if you have fancy shmancy devil wings and a cool looking dagger with colorful fluffballs walking behind you. You may feel cheated and "abused" but it really doesn't matter all that much, they aren't real benefits like they used to be.

    That's my last words on the matter, I don't want start a flame war here.
  16. Blizzardgale

    Blizzardgale Famous Adventurer VIP

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    Before I begin, I want to say that I haven't had VIP before, so excuse me if I make any mistakes. Also, this is just presenting a view of situation, don't take this as a flame war.

    The biggest problem at hand is that the original functions of VIP have been terminated. Instead of creating additional perks for the HERO rank, Wynncraft has deleted the perks of VIP and simply moved them up a higher level. The only new addition are crates, which VIP+ and HERO are only able to receive.

    This makes VIP almost impractical. Besides the 2 mob totems, which only last for 10 minutes, there is nothing else useful! People may argue that the ranks are simply a way to show your dedication to the server, but there is a huge disparity between ranks.

    I want to touch on the topic of crates. VIP+ receives one T1 crate a day, about equivalent to $5 in a week. After 5 weeks of daily logins, they will have paid the same value of money as an ordinary VIP. HERO receives 1 T2 rank a day, which is an insanely good deal! On the Wynncraft store, the 10 crate pack for $10 offers 2 guaranteed tier 2 crates, and 1 guaranteed tier 1 crate, which leaves the 7 leftover crates to be mostly tier 1-2. In 10 days, HERO will earn back $10 easily, if not even more. After about 2-3 months of consistent playing, HERO will be worth the same as VIP.

    Now let's look at VIP. What does it receive? No crates. Only 2 mob totems, lobby flight, renaming, notifications, forums, a green tag, and two reskins. All the other ranks gain value over time, while VIP only stagnates in value. As previously stated by @SilverMirror , VIP has severely degraded in value and now acts as a prompt for players to buy VIP+ or HERO. As the months go by, VIP players will feel more discredited as higher ranks gather cosmetics.

    I understand that Wynncraft is a server that needs money to run. I can sympathize with the owners who face a growing player base and a reduction in sales along with the EULA. However, by creating the HERO rank, VIP players are left considerably behind. Although the only real issue is cosmetics, it's still an undeniable fact that VIP does not gain any actual value over time compared to other ranks.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2016
    Paradoxical and Gigavern like this.
  17. Macrohard

    Macrohard Kaguya Miyoko HERO

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    i know i bought vip+ a year ago but i always toggle music off. (since i login to wynn first time
    what is the difference?
    Just giving you more particle effects that some players like me never use it.
    although new class slots is important to abuse becasue it gives more storage room.
    at least you have the title of vet. and i am not because i bought it too late.
  18. chaostitan

    chaostitan Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I'm a VIP and I don't really care about our perks, only thing I want a daily crates other then that I'm cool.
    Loannnnn likes this.
  19. Exoine

    Exoine Ruler of the Underground VIP

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    I Disagree. If you want the increased benefits of the higher ranks then buy the higher ranks. You bought VIP when there was still a VIP town good for you. You showed the creators of Wynncraft you cared and believed that the server was worth your money. But here today you sit and complain about the fact that there are new ranks and that you haven't gotten anything knew? You say you feel abused and abandoned? For what? The fact that VIP, the lowest and cheapest rank, doesn't have amazing benefits? Where is your belief and trust in the server now? You want better privileges then buy VIP+ or Hero don't complain about what you don't have. VIP has 2 re-skins, VIP+ only two more and what a Tier 1 loot-chest? Heroes get Beta access because they supported the Wynncraft team who now has an even harder time paying for the servers maintenance with 100$. You bought VIP and earned a VET title and you complain because you want more? You weren't promised lies. You weren't owed anything more. If you want something more then get it. Don't complain about the fact that you can't get the new ranks or you don't want to. Ranks are there to show who supported the team, and reward them for their contribution.
    So all I'm saying. If you want more, then go get a new rank, we VIP's have what we paid for, don't go trying to trade Uniques for Mythics.
    bloww, Willi, BuffAirSpear and 4 others like this.
  20. chaostitan

    chaostitan Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Also from what I can understand this is like buying a mythic for 3 stack and then it gets nerf so you want it to get buffed again
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