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Add More Ratings

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Jaggi_King, Nov 2, 2016.


Would you like to see this added?

  1. Yes

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  2. No

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  3. Yes, but with some changes.

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  1. Jaggi_King

    Jaggi_King Travelled Adventurer

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    There should be more rating options in these forums. The reason for this is that right now, if you agree with someone or find something funny you only have one choice in rating: like. There should be more options like agree, funny, creative, dislike, and disagree.
    In order to deal with dislike spamming, you could only give acertain amount of negative ratings each day. Along with that, you could only give an even lower amount to a certain player each day.
    If this were to happen, something new would have to be added to player profiles: A small table saying what ratings the player has received, and possibly how many they've given.
    What do you think? Vote in the poll or tell me in the comments!
  2. Theeef

    Theeef Self Proclaimed Idiot CHAMPION

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    Hmm... I have seen this in other forums before and it normally never amounts to anything other than hurt feelings (in my experience). Regardless, it has never really contributed much to anything. Often times threads have polls, much like this one which will allow you to express your thoughts towards it.

    Again, doesn't really make a difference, usually just ends up with tons of negative ratings (again, based on my experience) which no one is a fan of.
    SpadenadeZ1 and coolname2034 like this.
  3. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    I think it's fine. It's a simple, binary question. Is this comment positive and a good contribution/do you find it funny, or you don't like it, so don't like it.
    I prefer positive rewards to negative punishments.
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