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My Wynncraft Ideas

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by 18Diamonds, Sep 18, 2016.


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  1. 18Diamonds

    18Diamonds Travelled Adventurer

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    Hey I've had some Ideas for Quest/Powder/Relics.


    For some new quest, I've been thinking of this:
    Level: 31
    Difficulty: Normal
    At: In-between Christmas Chaos and Green Gloop
    Name: Missing Tree
    Location: -393 46 -2033
    Lore in quest book: Talk to Ryan near Maltic at -393 46 -2033
    When talking to Ryan:

    If talked to him before quest starts:
    "I'm afraid I need someone whos Level 31 or higher"

    "Oh Hey... I-I didn't see you there-e"
    "I A-actually need you-u help,,,"
    "You see... I was given a gift-t by my grandfather before he died-d"
    "He gave me-e his very final sapling-g from the Deltas S-hrubs"
    "I was growing it an-d someone stole it... Do you think y-ou can hel-p me find it?"
    "Really! Th-at's Great! I th-ink someone at D-eltas might now wh-ere you can find the man who stol-e it"

    When Quest Book Updated:
    Talk to Irani at Deltas In 513 68 -1546

    "Hmm? you need my help? What do you want?"
    "Track down someone... I'm afraid I cant do that, but... I can help you find his location... Tell you what. bring me back 6 pigmen meat and i'll listen to who you need me to help you find"

    If talk to him before Quest Starts:
    "Who are you?! Go away!"

    When Quest Book updated:
    Bring Irani 6 pigmen meat

    If Talk to him before he is given 6 pigmen meat:
    "I'm guessing you don't want my help then?"

    When given the pigmen meat:
    "Ah! Thank you. Now, whats wrong?"
    "You need me to help you find a thief? What did he do?"
    "Hmm... Sounds like Caleb... The Plant experimenter... Listen, I know where he lives..."
    "He lives in the Corrupted Village... That's not to far away from the Nether portal"
    "I bet he's there... Now, please leave, I'm starving!"

    Quest book updated:
    Find Caleb in the Corrupted Village

    When Talked to Caleb before quest:
    " Shh! My plants are sleeping!"

    When talked to him during quest:
    " AH! You scared me there! What do you want?"
    " Stole a plant? Whhaatt?? Nooo?!"
    " Okay fine! You caught me! here's you plant back... Be lucky I didn't experiment on it... yet"

    Give Ryan's Plant back:
    " Thank you so much! I cant explain how happy I am!"
    "Here! Take this as a reward! You need it!"

    1 Emerald Block
    50 Emeralds:
    1000 XP

    I had an idea for this Powder called Blood Powder. It's A useful powder that moslty gives a small
    amount of extra life and take a little extra health away from anyone when attacking.
    Level I:
    Extra Life: +5
    Extra Damage: +2
    Level II:
    Extra Life: +7
    Extra Damage: +3
    Level III:
    Extra Life: +8
    Extra Damage: +5
    Level IV:
    Extra Life: +10
    Extra Damage: +8
    Level V:
    Extra Life: +15
    Extra Damage: +10
    The Relic will be a hidden Relic inside a cave near Maltic inside the wheat farm.
    Level 30 Guards

    Thanks For Looking

    Seriously why are you still reading this! Go Away!
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    ok bye no opinions for you
  3. Tomilixak

    Tomilixak I like games :3

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    same xD. bye
  4. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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