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Class Changes: Nerfs And Buffs

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by binarycode100011, Jul 11, 2016.


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  1. binarycode100011

    binarycode100011 THAT CODE

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    There are some classes and spells that have been too strong or too weak.

    The speed 3 bonus in the archers spell escape should be toggled like the assassin spell vanish. Such as when you attack it is disabled this could and consume mana when it is enabled

    The spell smoke bomb in the Assassin should be able to root/keep in place enemies to be able to deal good amounts of damage.

    The damage of the assassin needs to increase by a fairly large amount as its mainly surrounded by Vanish and that Vanish uses a lot of mana to maintain and making it to be able to move to a target by using the shadows if need be.

    The mobility of the assassin is lower then the others as it has no great way of traveling such as the archer's escape, the mage's teleport, and the warrior's charge. Just thinking something should be added here leave suggestions

    The Mage's meteor spell should be Nerfed to have less damage as a level 36 is capable of dealing massive amounts of damage when timed correctly

    A level 36 Mage's healing ability should be able to heal less then 70% of someone's health during a fight as it is capable of being more powerful then some healing potions

    Thanks for taking your time for reading please leave suggestions if you want
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
  2. BlahBlah161616

    BlahBlah161616 Light Theme User

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    Well that quickly escalated to an assassin buff thread.
  3. binarycode100011

    binarycode100011 THAT CODE

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    that's mainly the reason why I made this thread
    .... I forgot to add the mage's debuffs
  4. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    - The Archer needs speed because, without it, it would be torn apart by the masses of enemies. Archer's defence is incredibly low, and so it works off of dodging around enemies and picking them off from a safe distance.

    - Smoke Bomb at Grade Two applies a heavy slowness effect to mobs, keeping them in the smoke. Couple this with Grade Three spin attack, and mobs will stay still.

    - Assassin does not need a damage buff. It works off of dealing small amounts of damage incredibly quickly to groups of mobs, adding up to large damage either by total or by elemental damage.

    - Assassin's mobility is fine. While it's mobility spell may not be as powerful at first glance compared to Charge, Teleport or even Escape, it allows you to go completely invisible and not be detected by mobs. This in itself is very OP.
  5. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Just my two cents;
    Speed 3 on Escape helps with strafing, which archers are supposed to do without getting hit. They're meant to be a high damage, highly mobile class.

    The slow on smoke bomb is enough unless you miss. Throw it in front of your target.

    Vanish's speed works when you're out of mana. Besides, Assassin thrives on moving enemies and dealing with them as you please; it's hard to get in a tough situation if you use your spells well. Even then, I'd recommend vanish for getting close to ranged mobs behind others.
    Morgan83 likes this.
  6. D Strider

    D Strider Prince of Heart || God of Wubs || \^3^/

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    The Mage NEEDS Meteor to be powerful. Quote from Mage's info on the wiki:"...but does however have the weakest attack, with all three other classes doing far more basic damage. The Mage ovecompensates with its extremely high Meteor spell..." If Meteor were to be nerfed, then Mages would have no way to deal notable damage to enemies, making the class seem generally useless. The Heal Spell also doesn't heal 70% every time. I, as a Mage, use it all the time, and I have to use it 3-4 times to get to full health (Not to mention I focus on water attributes). All in all, this "thread" is another "buff assassin and nerf mage" post.
  7. DustinFHL

    DustinFHL Travelled Adventurer

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    I'm gonna come in and state something that should be fairly obvious. Nobody is gonna want nerfs to their own class, nor really admit that they may be op.

    One of the main things regarding the archer speed buff thing is, and nobody seems to be taking into account is. Having a speed 3 buff that has basically no cost is extremely OP in any form of PvP.

    If you are actually being knowledgeable about the game and honest, you would see how encounters in pvp like assassin vs archer there are big discrepancies. Try landing hits on a archer who isn't brain dead in pvp. It's not going to happen , assuming he actually hits his buttons. Almost every class has some form of mobility that puts assassin competitiveness to shame. Vaulting /teleporting onto obstacles, or high run speeds with basically no cost.

    Stealth on assassin is not an answer either. It's very costly to maintain, and its speed buff is equivalent to that of the 3 minute ridiculous archer buff who can run the same while attacking with no penalty.

    In a similar gear and skill scenario there are definitely a lot of skills that need looked at in terms of balance in the game. Assassin is suppose to be advertised as the get in close super HIGH damage class.
    In relation to other classes, that's not accurate.

    To briefly quote what Nepeta said earlier
    "- Assassin's mobility is fine. While it's mobility spell may not be as powerful at first glance compared to Charge, Teleport or even Escape, it allows you to go completely invisible and not be detected by mobs. This in itself is very OP."

    You are working under the assumption of PvE only. I am pretty sure the OP was referring to more competitive side of the game like PvP. Places like the nether and dueling are a joke in terms of balance.


    "- Assassin does not need a damage buff. It works off of dealing small amounts of damage incredibly quickly to groups of mobs, adding up to large damage either by total or by elemental damage."

    It would be nice if we had some equally geared classes and numbers to compare here, because I am pretty sure the "dps" of an assassin is not something great to be proud of in relation to what its advertised as.

    Some classes were suppose to be less damage, more utility, (mage)
    more tankiness, less damage(warrior)
    good damage, but from range and medium utility/tankiness(archer)
    superior damage, medium tankiness , but awful mobility (assassin)

    That just does not seem to be the case. As an example and should be common knowledge to honest people is that since the gavel update, mage is king. Great damage, actually ridiculous meteor damage with proper builds (like 20k minimum meteors).
    A heal that literally does 70% of your health bar at the 3rd tier
    And teleport, one of the strongest mobility spells in the game, that is not limited to horizontal axis only.

    Stealth is over rated btw. Great tool in PvE, but its very costly, maybe rightly so. But in relation to the utility of other classes in PvP and even against a lot of bosses in PvE who ignore invisibility for special moves it's over rated.

    Balance is definitely questionable.
  8. Kriotus

    Kriotus Professional Lurker CHAMPION

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    mage heals 70% of its hp so a lvl 36 mage with 1k hp could only heal a lvl 90 with 8k hp for 700hp at a time.
  9. Emeraldruler

    Emeraldruler God of Emeralds | Fire Mage VIP

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    Honestly, as people above have stated: archer needs its speed or it will get obliterated by mobs. Mage heal could use a slight rebalance but it's fine, you heal others for more than you heal yourself and the fact that it heals less at lower health. Assassin is fine in my opinion, I recently started to play as it and it's an amazing class if you know how to play it.
    This isn't entirely true, Mage is meant to be good with spells, warrior is meant to be a tank/brute, archer is meant to have high damage and mobility but trash defense, assassin is meant to have good damage and defense yet not so good mobility.
  10. DirtyDoge

    DirtyDoge Master Procastinator HERO

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    - No, Archer is a mobility class, they'd be too squishy if speed was nerfed in any way.
    - Idk, I don't play assassin enough to see smoke bomb's power, but from what I've seen from a friend who mains assassin, smoke bomb is perfectly balanced.
    - No, learn how to correctly play assassin, assassin is not built on raw damage output, if you want that, go play warrior.
    - Only part of this I agree on, I believe that assassin's lack of mobility is the only reason why it's worse than other classes.
    - No, mage is perfect, if meteor was nerfed, it couldn't defend itself at all, if heal was nerfed, it wouldn't truly be a mage anymore, as mage is meant to be a support class.

    You may say, that my last points about mage conflict, but they do not. A class both needs to defend itself and fit whatever purpose it is given, hence why assassin (a melee class) has smoke bomb, and why archer (ranged) has arrow shield.
  11. DustinFHL

    DustinFHL Travelled Adventurer

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    Not true? Did you know if you go to the classes screen, and go to create a class. It depicts exactly what I said?
  12. Frostemort

    Frostemort Lord

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    Basically buff assassin and nerf mage. Cause you have an assassin it should be the most powerful class thread.
    Diabound likes this.
  13. satbyccdoerfe

    satbyccdoerfe some random golem CHAMPION

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    pls no buff/nerf threads....
  14. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    then you have speed assassin builds which goes as fast as white horses....

    I'm telling you assassin is pretty good

    and Wynn is focused on PvE
  15. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    TBH assassin needs a massive nerf, you can easily do thousands of damage a second with smokebomb+spin attack to massive groups of mobs, you have multi hit to push things away from you, and in PvP you can use it to disorient others
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