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Class Idea: Priest #2 (idea Retired)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Untitled Doc, Jun 4, 2016.


Good Class Idea?

  1. Great Idea

    3 vote(s)
  2. Good Idea, needs some changes

    3 vote(s)
  3. OK Idea

    6 vote(s)
  4. Bad Idea, could be changed

    1 vote(s)
  5. Bad Idea

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    BEFORE YOU SAY tl;dr
    Consider to yourself.
    Would you rather have too little detail or too much detail?

    This thread was created on Saturday, June 4, 2016 at 5:49 PM (U.S. EST)
    This thread was retired on Monday, June 20, 2016 at 1:03 PM (U.S. EST)

    I have not been totally inactive on the forums… I have been observing what has gone in through the general suggestions forum and I have what stays and what goes. Although seeming to be inactive, I have been watching the class ideas go by and have always enjoyed reading what others have to say. However, sometimes I am unimpressed by the lack of detail that goes into some of these ideas, often times much more is needed in many class ideas that are suggested. Although I say I do not have the perfect amount of detail, since I have a lack of knowledge about command blocks and particles, since I often play without particles for the benefit of my computer. I also am not the best at weapon ideas or drawing, and the best I can do is put my thoughts into words.

    Note: I am not pushing for this to be in game. However, unlike my previous ideas, I will be bumping this idea which I have not done for my other classes (much).
    In order for you guys to give unbiased feedback, please pretend that I am pushing for this to be added.

    I have often found that out of the four classes that are available in Wynncraft, none of them really have a light kind of aspect, and all of them seems to have a shadow presence, not like the kind of happy, support type of play. For example, warrior… they are often associated with diving in and bulldozing everyone in the way while still being able to take a significant amount of damage. The assassin can be thought of the person who hides in the shadows and eliminates their enemies quickly, but relies on hiding on it’s only form of protection. Archer is more of a range assassin, which uses it’s wide arsenal of arrows to take out enemies from a distance, and they don’t know what hit them. Mage is the only support like class, but when you think mage, you think the person who has a wide array of spells and are lobbing them all over the place, obliterating their enemies under a hail of magic attacks. However, in my mind, the words like paladin seems to bring up a noble kind of warrior, which focuses on protecting their allies from damage and providing positive effects for them and their allies. Same idea for priests, who focuses on providing buffs and healing, and providing the occasional projectile here and there, often not capable to dealing the high damage as all the other classes. I have always support the support type game play, but mage does not seem satisfying enough as a support. This is why i always try to provide some kind of support in my classes. Often times it does not fit into any theme except for either a spell casting theme or a light theme, which Priests fits both.

    Introducing… The my priest idea!
    The priest is a defensive support class which specializes in buffing allies and protecting them from harm’s way. They can provide constant healing over time, and can regenerate health and mana quicker than most classes (without Identifications). However, this class lacks severely in spell damage, instead, it uses spell damage to empower their basic attacks. They can store multiple charges of their basic attack in order to release a deadly barrage of projectiles, however, they can only hit one target. This class is designed for those who wanted to play supportive archer. This class differs than all others by having a linear progression of passive traits (rather than the previous passive ultimate/negative perk in all my other classes) which can significantly boost the abilities of the priest. What this class lacks in damage, makes up in every other aspect of supportive capabilities.

    Description of Weapon and attacks:
    Weapon: A floating 6 pointed star with a hole in the center of the star. An orb is suspended in the hole, and depending on the elements, different arcs can be seen orbiting the orb. The star itself can be designed to scale with different tiers, and the color of the orb determines the main element of the weapon. There can be up to 5 arcs around the orb, one each element of the weapon. (Example: A freedom type weapon would have 5 arcs going around the orb in the center) The points of the star can be decorated differently to show the different tiers of weapons.
    Alternate variations might just be a vertical halo around an orb, instead of a vertical star.
    (Unfortunately I am no artist, so I can’t really draw one)

    The weapon can hold up to six charges (of basic attacks), the radius will decrease by â…™ of the maximum radius each time a charge is fired. Charges can be gained by holding the orb in your hand, and the orb will expand constantly based on the attack speed of your character/weapon. Everytime you switch from the orb to something else, you lose all the charge that was stored in the weapon.

    You can fire the projectiles as fast as you can click, but the recharge times may be different for each weapon attack speed. You must have a certain amount of charge to fire a projectile.

    The projectile moves twice as fast as an arrow, and can only hit 1 target at a maximum of a range of 20 blocks.

    Example of how this system might work:
    Maximum Charge: 60
    Charge needed per shot: 10
    If you had:
    Normal Weapon Speed -> Charge time: 10/second
    Super Slow Weapon Speed -> Charge time: 5/second
    Super fast Weapon Speed -> Charge time: 15/second

    Attack: Smite (Passive Basic Attack Effect)

    The projectile only deals 80% of the original damage (melee), however, it gives a fire effect to the enemy, which damages them for 5% spell damage + 5% melee damage every second for a maximum of 4 seconds (Total 20% additional spell damage and 20% additional melee damage)
    The burning effect can stack on top of one another infinitely.

    Now for the Skills...

    Skill 1: Wave of Light
    Send forth a wave of light particles that expands to a v-shaped wave that is 5 blocks wide and 2 blocks tall. Moves 4 blocks per second and has a total range of 12 blocks.

    Level 1:
    Mana cost: 6 Mana
    Damage: 50% Spell Damage
    Elemental Damage: +10% Lightning, +10% Air
    Knock back: Knocks enemies back (â…“) blocks for every block they are from you (they are 12 blocks away, they are pushed back 4 blocks)

    Level 2:
    Mana cost: 6 Mana
    Damage: 75% Spell Damage
    Elemental Damage: +20% Lightning, +15% Air, +5% Fire
    Knock back: Knocks enemies back (â…“) blocks for every block they are from you (they are 12 blocks away, they are pushed back 4 blocks)
    + Blinding Nova: All enemies who are hit receive Blindness for 4 seconds

    Level 3:
    Mana cost: 6 Mana
    Damage: 100% Spell Damage
    Elemental Damage: +40% Lightning, +20% Air, +10% Fire
    Knock back: Knocks enemies back (â…“) blocks for every block they are from you (they are 12 blocks away, they are pushed back 4 blocks)
    + Blinding Nova: All enemies who are hit receive Blindness for 4 seconds
    + Light Imprisonment: All enemies hit are slowed by 100% for 2 seconds

    Skill 2: Inspire
    You and your allies gain temporary buffs which allow you and your allies to charge at your enemies extremely quickly, surprising them and allowing for your allies to gain the upper hand. Lasts for 4 seconds, inspiring all allies within 4 blocks.

    Level 1:
    Mana cost: 4 Mana
    Damage: None
    Speed Boost: Speed 2

    Level 2:
    Mana cost: 4 Mana
    Damage: None
    Speed Boost: Speed 3
    + Leap: You and your allies gain Jump boost 1

    Level 3:
    Mana cost: 4 Mana
    Damage: None
    Speed Boost: Speed 4
    + Leap: You and your allies gain Jump boost 1
    + Fearless: Your allies (Allies only) take 75% less damage for 1 second and removes all slowness effects

    Skill 3: Judgement

    Shoot a short ranged projectile which latches onto the first target hit. Can hit any target, excluding yourself. Provides a permanent effect to the target hit. Effect is lost if the target dies, logs out, or teleports (not using the mage spell teleport, but using scrolls or teleporters), or becomes 100 blocks away from the caster, or is simply casted on someone else. Only 1 projectile (of each type) can be in effect at one time. You can have one orb on an ally and one orb on an enemy at max.

    Level 1:
    Mana cost: 8 Mana
    Damage: None
    If it hits an Ally: Heal them equivalent to 2% of the caster’s maximum health
    If it hits an enemy: Takes an extra 2% damage from all sources

    Level 2:
    Mana cost: 8 Mana
    Damage: None
    If it hits an Ally: Heal them equivalent to 4% of the caster’s maximum health
    If it hits an enemy: Takes an extra 4% damage from all sources
    + Empowerment: Allies who are affected deal 20% more damage, Enemies who are affected deal 20% less damage

    Level 3:
    Mana cost: 8 Mana
    Damage: None
    If it hits an Ally: Heal them equivalent to 6% of the caster’s maximum health
    If it hits an enemy: Takes an extra 6% damage from all sources
    + Empowerment: Allies who are affected deal 20% more damage, Enemies who are affected deal 20% less damage
    + Spirit Link: If you hit an ally, you are healed for 50% (3% of the caster’s maximum health) of what your ally is healed. If it hits an enemy, deal 3% more damage to the target affected

    Skill 4: Divine Shield
    Give yourself a shield which reduces the amount of damage you and nearby allies take from all sources. Lasts for 3 seconds. Attacking anything will cancel the effect, however taking damage will not.

    Level 1:
    Mana Cost: 12
    Damage: None
    Damage Reduction: -30% damage taken from all sources

    Level 2:
    Mana Cost: 11
    Damage: None
    Damage Reduction: -40% damage taken from all sources
    + Retribution: Reflect 50% damage reduced back at the original caster (reflect 20% of the original damage)

    Level 3:
    Mana Cost: 10
    Damage: None
    Damage Reduction: -50% damage taken from all sources
    + Retribution: Reflect the damage reduced back at the original caster (reflect 25% of the original damage)
    + Relentless Light: Reduce the duration of all debuffs on allies by 50%

    Passive Talents:
    These are slight buffs that are supposed to buff up the character which do not require active alteration (Equipment, Skill points... etc)

    From the Beginning: (Level 1)
    Gain 2 unallocated skill points at level 1. You continue to gain skill points at the same rate as the other classes

    Mercy (Level 11):
    You have a maximum of 10 soul points, but death only costs 1 soul point.

    Ancestral Blessing: (Level 21)
    Permanently gain +1 level of speed (+ 20% movement speed)

    Infused armor: (Level 31)
    Reduce the movement penalty of armor and accessories by 10%. Will not affect you if you have a positive value for movement bonuses caused by armor and accessories. Weapon identifications do not influence that value

    Sacred Life: (Level 41)
    Permanently heal yourself 1% of your maximum health every 1 second

    Sacred Energy: (Level 51)
    Permanently gain 1 mana point every 5 seconds (Mana Regeneration: 1/5s)

    Divine Intervention: (Level 61)
    For every soul point, explode for 1% of your maximum health upon your death (If you die with 10 soul points, explode dealing 10% of your maximum health to all nearby enemies). Also, for every soul point, increase the chance that using a teleport scroll will not cost soul points, by 1% (If you had 10 soul points, you have a 10% chance not to lose any soul points).

    Rebirth: (Level 71)
    If your health is above 1 and you take lethal (you would have died) damage, instead change your health to 1 and block rest of the damage in that particular shot. (Example, you have 2k health and you take 3k damage. Instead of death, your health would go down to 1, but you can now be killed since your health is not above 1. If you took off all of your armor and had 10 health, and was attacked by a level 101 with endgame dealing thousands of damage a hit, you would always survive the first shot.)

    Redemption: (Level 81)
    For every charge you have stored, increase the damage, speed, range, and hitbox size of your projectile by 1%. Also increase your charge time of your projectiles by 1% for each charge stored. (Example, if you had 5 shots left, the attributes of your next shot would increase by 5%, and the charge time for the next shot will be 5% faster. If you shot, the attributes and charge time would go with that shot, and you would have 4 shots remaining, so all the buffs would now be changed to 4%. Same goes for 1 projectile left or 6 projectiles left, except with 6, the charge regeneration would not affect you.)

    Infinite Universe: (Level 91)
    For every soul point you have, increase the elemental damage you deal by 1% and reduce the amount of elemental damage you take by 1%. (Maximum 10% elemental damage increase and 10% elemental damage reduction). This is determined by the amount of soul points you have, and not the maximum soul points you can get.

    In the End: (Level 101)
    Gain 1 skill point in each category that cannot be reallocated. (One for strength, dexterity, intelligence, defense, and agility). Total 5 extra skill points.

    List of Edits:

    EDIT 1:
    Removed Purification from passives:
    Purification: (Level 11)
    Your attacks now deals bonus damage based on the mob’s level. (Level 150 mob, your attacks deal 1 weapon damage + 150 mob level + (Melee bonuses) = 151 damage per hit.)
    Changed it to


    You have a maximum of 10 soul points, but death only costs 1 soul point.

    This also nerfs Infinite Universe and Divine intervention to 10%

    Removed the chance for you not to lose soul points from death in Divine Intervention
    Divine Intervention: (Level 61)
    For every soul point, explode for 1% of your maximum health upon your death (If you die with 10 soul points, explode dealing 10% of your maximum health to all nearby enemies). Also, for every soul point, increase the chance that death or using a teleport scroll will not cost soul points, by 1% (If you had 15 soul points, you have a 10% chance not to lose any soul points).

    EDIT 2:
    Divine Shield has been buffed to 50% damage reduction (Scaling has also been increased)
    Mana cost increased to 12 mana (which scales back down to 10), and the duration in now only 3 seconds, not 3 minutes.
    Retribution has been changed from 100% of the damage reduced is reflected back at enemies, to 50% of the damage reduced in reflected back at enemies.
    Attacking will cancel the divine shield effect for yourself (If an ally attacks something, they lose the shield, same goes for you)

    Fixed the mistake I made with wave of light.
    Buffed Judgement a bit from 2/3/5 to 2/4/6, only slight buffs to see how things play out
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016
  2. Endertricity

    Endertricity Assorted Mini Quiche VIP

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    I see a lot of effort was put into this. Without saying the obvious statement that new classes aren't going to be added soon, here's my criticism.

    I actually like this class a lot more than other suggestions, but I feel as though the passive abilities are way too OP. No other class has them.

    For the stats in the class menu:
    Damage: [][][][]
    Defense: [][][][][]
    Range: [][][]
    Spells: []

    And I don't think charges for the weapon would work. However, without them, the attack would be very similar to archer. You decide.

    Divine Shield is SUPER OP. This should only last for about 10 seconds, maximum. The damage and defense boosts are too high for it to be like arrow shield at all.
    And for Judgement, it should do more buffs/debuffs when you hit an ally or enemy. Maybe instead of 2/3/5, it could be 5/10/15?
    Wave of Light lvl 2: 25 thunder, 15 air, 10 fire
    Wave of light lvl 3: 30 thunder, 20 air, 15 fire

    That's all I have for now
    Ghalt and Ascended Kitten like this.
  3. Glitch496

    Glitch496 Game Master HERO GM

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  4. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    Aside from Divine Shield being OP, this suggestion is actually pretty interesting. I'd probably play it.
  5. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    Changed Divine shield to be more of a "super attack coming panic button" that is more costly in the beginning.
    Changed up Judgement to be slightly buffed and wave of light has been slightly changed
    Passives have been nerfed slightly

    Also please note, that your skill points are in effect first, then that damage is reduced
    so if you have 70% defense, you would reduce that by 50%, so you take 15% of the original damage for 3 seconds.

    Not: you can be completely invulnerable with 70% defense and 50% divine shield
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
  6. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    If you guys didn't like the idea, please comment why
  7. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    Still here guys
  8. Dandium

    Dandium Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hey, nice copy and pasting skills. WoW sure is a fun game, huh?
  9. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    I don't spend money on games
    Also wow has a different system of how dmg\mana works.
    I actually get inspiration from another game not by blizzard

    I also despise subscription games, like wow

    The non donor struggle
    Also world of Warcraft was inspired by another game that they made, Warcraft.
    Which was a rts game (like starcraft)
    Might be wrong but that's what I have heard
    Copy and pasting is beneath my dignity
    Unlike some people
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
  10. Turtlebomb

    Turtlebomb idk VIP+

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    You should find a different weapon for the priest. I dont see how you could make many different models for a 6 pointed floating star with a floating orb in the middle.
  11. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    Some could be a simple ring around an orb. Some could have little points around the ring. Some could have huge oranate decorated points and gilded stuff and things outlined and...
    I'm not an artist but you can come up with creative things
    Think of a cross and how many ways you can decorate it
    Or an ornament
  12. Arn

    Arn Tea Drinking Barbarian

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    Inspire is literally a worse escape. How about haste - that would allow a faster attacking speed.
  13. Dandium

    Dandium Well-Known Adventurer

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    1) what was the purpose of all that rxtra stuff?
    2) "dignity"

  14. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    My point, which obviously was not clear to you, was that accusing me of simply "copy pasting" something is quite amusing.
    Copying something directly is due to be followed by legal action and whatever stuff huge companies do.

    I take careful action that everything is NOT exactly the same as how they are in other games.
    Besides, Blizzard did not copyright ANY of the names of their skills, so accusing someone of "copy and pasting something" based simply on the name is quite ridiculous.
    I have seen the class ideas WAY before Blizzard made them popular.

    I make it my business not to accuse someone of "stealing" and idea from others

    Since you make fun of dignity, I assume you take ideas from other games, since you apparently seem to have none

    I have to apologize, I didn't know you were new to the forums.
    New people tend be quick to accuse everyone of stealing things directly from other games.

    Besides, it is "extra" for you
  15. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    It's not supposed to be about mobility. It's about super fast seize the opportunity moments.
    Think about a people behind a wall of shields, and you try to attack it. When you get closer, the wall suddenly breaks apart and ranks of soldiers are rushing at you
  16. Golurk_

    Golurk_ In Golurk We Trust

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    Actually, thats exactly what warrior has, besides one point from spells being moved to range.
  17. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    I don't really make the whatever point system.
    The only general loosely based point system I envision is

    Damage: []
    Defense: [][][]
    Range: [][][][]
    Spells: [][][][][]

    The whole point is relying on your spells to basically do anything.
    The basic attacks I would estimate about 5%-10% weaker than mage (in terms of damage)
    What sort of makes up for it is that you can store charges, but the overall DPS is still less than mage
    Also guys, if you don't like anything, please comment below WHY.
    Things won't improve if no one tells me why

    Also i believe warrior has a passive, which is 120% base armor (according to the wiki)
  18. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    Do i need to make my class idea tragically bad to have people suggest what to change?
    Please, If you voted against this idea, provide the reason why, or things won't get much better
  19. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    I have decided to close this thread.
    End of story.
  20. Glitch496

    Glitch496 Game Master HERO GM

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    Ghalt and _@ like this.
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