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[optionaltexturepack] Node Textures

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Dohdo, Jun 15, 2016.


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  1. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    So I've recently gotten into 3D modelling and came across an idea for all the realism in the world. Add nodes to the texture pack.

    What are nodes you ask?
    Nodes are 3D editors that change the shape and texture of an object.

    How will this work?
    Well, firstly you need shaders and a good computer, which is why this is optional. The way it works is you recolour the block textures purple, blue, red and pink that show direction of shape (up, down, left right. This will give more realistic shadows for blocks, and blocks won't seem flat.) and then save it as your bump map. There are also 3 more maps to make that add realism, such has how the shine works, for example, iron should shine good, but cobble shouldn't. This could be a feature to make it more realistic. I won't get too deep into specifics, as those who want to help make this optional texture pack should already know these things, and I'm sure there are those here who do. Thanks for reading.
    Lovelicot likes this.
  2. Lovelicot

    Lovelicot Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Ehh... idk. We do need more 3D stuff. Good idea though. Thumbs up.
    not a fan of the mood message thingy tho
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