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World [ Quest ] ✤ Magic Promises

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Bear, Jun 6, 2016.

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  1. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    •Magical Promises

    •Quest Name:
    Magical Promises
    •Quest Level: 68+
    •Quest NPC: Aurora
    •Quest Difficulty: Normal

    I remember not speak English that I am using other platforms to communicate, then maybe a few sentences not be entirely clear.

    •Text that will appear if the adventurer does not have the minimum level to start your adventure:
    [1/1] Aurora: Hello adventurer think you could help me ... Wait think your mind and very fertile and its very low level to accomplish this task, come back when being level

    •Starting this part will start the real adventure:

    [1/4] Aurora: Hello adventurer, spirits tell me that you are a very voracious and courageous warrior and able to do it for more power struggle ...

    [2/4] Aurora: Well, I believe that I can grant that wish you both looking for their various adventures, I am a great witch of Gavel land, it got sufficient materials to build the great potion of strength, able to make the hero who took defeat many monsters.

    [3/4] Aurora: Every great invention to a price in this case will not be emeralds, but a favor, the death of the King of this town...Le will give a poisonous potion, it is made with the cries of suffering that this king gave to this village ... Enter your castle and defeat the guards, this potion will poison him but the weakening will not kill him, you'll have to finish it, digging with a sword in his chest.

    [4/4] Aurora: After killing him look for a secret room, the legend says that it hides a large amount of gold and relics in a room located close to his throne. bring me these treasures I will give this le grand potion.I promise.
    [Quest Book Updated]
    [+1 Potion of Suffering]


    After killing the king a trap door will open, giving entrance to a maze in its final there will be treasure.

    [Quest Book Updated]
    [+3 Greatness of the Gold Bars]

    [1/6] Aurora:I knew you would get, and then ... You brought the treasure?

    Aurora:Perfect! Unfortunately young adventurer I've never been a person of agreements, not a very reliable person ...

    Aurora:As you have been foolish, he thought I would even give you my great potion? And deliver to you all this power? If you want to see this power all right ...

    Aurora:You gave me the three ores of greatness, and also killed the king who was frequently sending troops to my cabin to capture me and be burned ... For others it was the good, not for me ...

    Aurora: With these three ores of magnitude more my great potion will be able to form my own empire of this city, enslaving all who dwell here, and who dare to contradict me will be dead!

    Aurora:But I will not just dominate the city, I will give proof of my power, killing you ... After all see that I beat the great adventurer of the known lands they're going to treat me as sovereign, leader ... Ha! Ha! haha! haha!


    After this conversation our hero will be teleported to a big room decorated with magic items.
    After our hero defeat the following things will be given:
    [Quest Book Updated]
    [+1 Witch Hat]
    [+1 Souls Ring]
    [+3 LE]
    [85.000 XP]

    Let's specify the items that our hero will gain:

    Witch Hat

    |Lv. Min: 65
    ♥ Health:+1600
    ✹Fire Defense: +40
    Type: Helmet
    Color: Purple
    [Quest Item]
    This hat is known as '' The mind of deception '' because of the witch who used it, who narrowly formed almost a horror empire in the known lands.

    Souls ring
    |Lv. Min: 67
    ♥ Bonus Health: +20
    Loot Bonus: +9%
    XP Bonus :+7%
    Emerald Stealing: +3%
    [Quest Item]
    This ring was used by the executioners of the ancient kingdom, they say that the souls of those killed in the torture are on this ring.

    Now let's see the monsters and warriors that our hero will have to face on your journey in
    this mission:

    Royal Guard
    LvL: 65
    Damage: 220-250
    ♥ Health: 1100
    ♥ Regen: 41
    Range: 14 Blocks
    Spell: None
    These warriors are known for their bravery, for them to defend his kingdom, his people, his family, means protecting his honor.


    Royal Guardians
    ♥ Health: 1500
    ♥ Regen: 41
    Range: 14 Blocks
    Spell: Defense of thousand shields (This makes the enemy receive less damage.)
    These warriors receive an order, no matter what, how, and where. These warriors to Go to fulfill this order.


    Emperor (King)
    ♥ Health: 1750
    ♥ Regen: 57
    Range: 16 Blocks
    Spell: Achilles' heel ( The enemy become invincible for five seconds.)
    Torture Currents ( The enemy paralyzes our hero, so it is always away.)
    Detail:The potion's wrath suffering to the emperor become slow, and not kill him, you have to finish the service.


    Agressive Bat
    ♥ Health: 1560
    ♥ Regen: 51
    Range: 20 Blocks
    Spell: None

    This bat is so strong that it can eat an enemy in a few minutes, he and quite territorial, so not dare to go into his cave.


    Bat Bloodthirsty
    ♥ Health: 1600
    ♥ Regen: 54
    Range: 17 Blocks
    Spell:The sound of suffering: ( The enemy gets nausea and blindness, followed by ghasts sounds for ten seconds. )
    A bloodthirsty bat, terror of excavators, her first apparition was during the excavation of the temple of Silver Fish, the construction was abandoned because of these incidents.


    Damage: 280-330
    ♥ Health: 1900
    ♥ Regen: 60
    Spell: Torture of prisoners (This will be the enemy paralyzed and take three blows of his opponent.)
    Teleportation of Saint's Row (The enemy to teleport randomly.)
    The master of deception, has an ability to be able to put all that were opposed to his ideas to his side, narrowly this terrible creature not formed his empire of torture and terror.


    These items are then not obtained when you finish the mission, these items are granted to adventurous through the death of monsters, see about them:

    Lvl min: 68
    ✤Neutral Damage: 45-60
    Intel Min: 55
    Type: Bow
    [Legendary Item]
    This weapon became the chief among the ancient kingdom artillery warriors, the legend says that one day the artillery managed to exterminate an entire army without let them approach.


    Lvl min:70
    Strgh. Min: 62
    ♥ Health:+1800
    ✹Fire Defense: -30
    Type: Chestplate
    Color: Red
    [Rare Item]
    This clothing was used by Dracula, the master vampire. He was defeated by an adventurer who killed him with a sword with a silver blade, even not being an item that legendary and sought and appreciated by all traders of Wynn and Gavel.

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  2. Parzizal

    Parzizal .

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    I know this item is suppose to go with your quest, but having a specific class item as a the quest rewards seems like a bad idea.
  3. K_kki

    K_kki The one and only Cookie Goddess VIP+

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    Not everyone is a Mage...
  4. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    Interesting, but you underestimate the difficulty of a late 60's quest. Mobs usually have over 1k health.
  5. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hi Parzizal! I'm glad you put your opinion, thanks. I changed an item to magic for a ring for all classes. Leave your opinion about now.
    2-Hi Kukki Kun! Sorry for my mistake, I had text deleted because of an error on the site then redid the early, or had noticed Haha! I changed to a ring for all classes, now you like it?
    3-One Hi! I'm glad I found it interesting, already changed the life enemies.
    The One-eyed Guy and K_kki like this.
  6. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    I like it, but grammar and spelling, can you make it better? (I read your note btw)
  7. Andy0132

    Andy0132 King Beneath the Mountain

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    Doubtful, given how they're using translation software. In this case, the issue would be the software used to translate.

    On a side note, @Bear, what's your first language?
  8. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    Then he should check the "word" translation website. (But you're right)
    Andy0132 likes this.
  9. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hi! Then , I am Brazilian and I speak Portuguese , this language turns to speak that has many Rules for the formation of the sentence . So It Is Difficult que the translation is perfect . :D

    I tried to use several applications paragraph translate BUT no end , Google won the question of meaning.

    Sorry if some phrases were strange when translated. And these rules limit I interpret my ideas for all languages.
    Andy0132 and kojirobin like this.
  10. Andy0132

    Andy0132 King Beneath the Mountain

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    Ah, thanks for the information! As for the translation, it does come out rather odd on the other end, but it's still quite understandable. Either way, thanks for the idea, and the explanation!
  11. Jpsh

    Jpsh ok VIP+

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    id like to see this
  12. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    • The idea of the quest is quite interesting and I believe it could make a good quest.
    • The personality that you've given Aurora is very bleak and portrays small amounts of personality, such small amounts that I cannot exactly describe Aurora with any words other than 'backstab' as she has obviously backstabbed the players, though, this has little to nothing to do with her general personality. I'd say make her dialogue a bit more suspicious at the beginning and much more angry and maniacal when she speaks the truth.
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