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Class Idea - Beastmaster

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Golurk_, May 20, 2016.


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  2. I like it, but it could use some changes.

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  3. It's okay.

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  4. I don't like it, could change.

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  5. I don't like it at all.

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  1. Golurk_

    Golurk_ In Golurk We Trust

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    READ THIS FIRST: I myself agree that some of the ideas in here may not be good, along
    with being possibly far-fetched and hard to code. I am just bored and using my imagination, so
    stay with me.

    Class Description: Beastmaster

    Masters in the art of taming, these fearsome
    people use unique taming magic to tame large
    beasts that the average being cannot tame. They
    use these beasts to defeat their enemies and
    are a forced to be reckoned with.

    Damage: OOOOO (3/5)
    Defense: OOOOO (2/5)
    Range: OOOOO (4/5)
    Spells: OOOOO (4/5)
    -This is an interesting class because it has 4/5 range, which no other class has.
    Types of Morning Stars. (Spiked metal blade ball attached to handle.)

    Elemental Weapons:
    Default Morning Star (No specific element) - A simple wooden handle with a dark gray metal spiked ball at the end of the handle.

    Fire Element Morning Stars: Metal Ball is flaming and handle is changing colors between yellow orange and red.
    Water Element Morning Stars: Metal Ball is changing colors between light blue, darker blue, gray, and yellow.
    Thunder Element Morning Stars: Metal Ball's spikes are made of little lightning bolts along with other lightning bolts moving around the side of the handle.
    Earth Element Morning Stars: Metal ball is larger and the handle is made from a darker type of wood along with a grip on the handle.
    Air Element Morning Stars: Metal ball is not attached to handle, but on a chain hanging from handle (Similar to a Minecraft fishing rod.) Has a grip on the handle and the chain changes colors between light gray, gray, dark gray, and yellow.


    Damage Color Codes: Neutral Damage | Fire Damage | Water Damage | Earth Damage |
    Thunder Damage | Air Damage |

    Spell I - Wolf Call (R-L-R) (Damage Spell)

    Grade I (Lv. 1)
    Mana Cost: 7
    Damage: 60% 10%
    Summon one wolf near you with 50HP. This wolf will attack enemies within a 6 block radius of you.
    Mobs will NOT attack the wolf, but the wolf will attack it. This is useful if a mob is attacking you, you can attack it along with your wolf attacking it, doing a decent amount of damage. They will despawn after 10 seconds. The wolf will attack the mob you are looking at or are closest to.

    Grade II (Lv. 16)

    Mana Cost: 6
    Damage: 60% 20% 17%
    Description: Summon three wolves near you, each with 125HP. These wolves will attack enemies within a 10 block radius of you. Mobs will NOT attack the wolf, but the wolf will attack it. This is useful if a mob is attacking you, you can attack it along with your wolves attacking it, doing a good amount of damage. The wolves will despawn after 16 seconds. These wolves will attack the mob you are looking at or are closest to.

    Grade III (Lv. 36)
    Mana Cost: 6
    Damage: 70% 25% 25%
    Description: Summon three wolves near you, each with 500HP. These wolves will attack enemies within a 10 block radius of you. Mobs WILL attack the wolves, dealing 20% more damage than usual to them than they would the player. So if the mob does 20 damage to a player, they would do 24 damage. If the mob does 150 damage to a player, they would do 180 damage, ect. You will be given the chance to hit the mob while it is distracted by fighting your wolves.

    Spell II - Rope (R-R-R) (Mobility Spell)

    Grade I (Lv. 11)
    Mana Cost: 5
    Damage: 0%
    Description: Throw a 'rope' forwards (Like a fishing rod, same length.) When it hits the ground, you get pulled to where the end of the rope lands.

    Grade II (Lv. 21)
    Mana Cost: 4
    Damage: 0%
    Description: Throw a 'rope' forwards (Like a fishing rod, same length.) When its hits the ground, you get pulled up to where the end of the rope lands. Once you are pulled to that spot, you are launched 5 blocks into the air. This is used to climb walls. For example, if you throw your rope onto a side of a wall near the top, once you get pulled up, you get launched into the air, letting you get over the wall.

    Grade III (Lv. 46)
    Mana Cost: 4
    Damage: 40% 25% 5%
    Description: Throw a 'rope' forwards (Like a fishing rod, same length.) When it hits the ground, you get pulled up to where the end of the rope lands. Once you are pulled up to that spot, you are launched 5 blocks into the air. Mobs in between you when you and the end of your rope get damaged. You can also hook onto mobs, flying at them. Once you collide with them, it does 40% 25% 5%.

    Spell III - Flaming Phoenix

    Grade I
    Mana Cost: 7
    Damage: 75% 50% 25%
    Description: You call to a phoenix, making fire particles flash around you in a 3 block radius. In three seconds, explosions happen on every direction of you dealing 75% 50% 25%. (Similar to warrior's first spell, but instead the explosions are all around you on every side (8, 1 north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, + southeast, southwest of you.)

    Grade II
    Mana Cost: 7
    Damage: 80% 100% 40% | Second Hit: 150% 25%
    Description: You call to a phoenix, making fire particles flash around you in a 3 block radius. In three seconds, explosions happen on every direction of you, dealing 80% 100% 40%. (Similar to warrior's first spell, but instead explosions are all around you on every side (8, 1 north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest of you.) Also like warrior's 2nd upgrade, it now explodes two times, even further, all around you. Also lighting the enemies on fire and giving them slowness II for 7 seconds. The 2nd hit does 150% 25%.

    Grade III
    Mana Cost: 7
    Damage: 80% 150% 40% Second Hit: 150% 25% Total: 300% 40% 25% 80%
    Description: Same as above, but hits 3 times and gives them slowness III for 10 seconds. It also blinds the enemy and launches them into the air about 4 blocks.

    Spell IV - Stvkwynaya Horn Medicine

    Grade I
    Mana Cost: 6
    Damage: 0%
    Description: The ancient mythical creature, the Stvkwynaya. It's horns were used to create highly used medicines for Shamans. This spell takes all of the negative effects off of you. (Along with fire.)

    Grade II
    Mana Cost: 6
    Damage: 0%
    Description: The ancient mythical creature, the Stvkwynaya. It's horns were used to create highly used medicines for Shamans. This spell takes all of the negative effects off of you, and heals 20% of your health. (Example: If you had 8000 health, it'd heal 1600.) (Removes Fire)

    Grade III
    Mana Cost: 6
    Damage: 0%
    Description: The ancient mythical creature, the Stvkwynaya. It's horns were used to create highly used medicines for Shamans. This spell takes all of the negative effects off of you, and heals 40% of your health. (Example: If you had 8000 health, it'd heal 3200.) (Removes Fire)


    -Use Stvkwynaya Horn Medicine when you catch on fire, are slowed by a mage, are blinded, ect.
    -Attack mobs while your wolves are attacking them too, dealing much more damage faster.
    -Use Flaming Phoenix to mobs in corners may help.
  2. Andy0132

    Andy0132 King Beneath the Mountain

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    Although I like your first three, your fourth spell seems like a Mage ripoff.

    Perhaps something related to transformations might work better. At present, we have nothing that grants Absorbtion...
  3. CoinSmasher

    CoinSmasher Well-Known Adventurer

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    Don't you mean a flail?
  4. Blueswordss

    Blueswordss Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I would love to see a class which actually summons mobs
    +1 support
  5. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I would assume a Beastmaster would be thriving in damage. I would've assumed more of this:

    Damage: [] [] [] [] []
    Defense: [] [] [] [] []
    Range: [] [] [] [] []
    Spells: [] [] [] [] []

    It would round the class to be quite a balanced class with excelling damage.

    But that's just my imagination when I hear the word 'Beastmaster'
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