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1.8 Class Idea: Paladin/templar #2 (now Retired)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Untitled Doc, Mar 26, 2016.


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  1. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    This thread was created on Saturday, March 26, 2016 at 10:56 AM
    This thread was retired on Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 10:21 AM

    Please remember I'm not pushing for this to be added to the game.
    However, in order for you guys to give me unbiased feedback, pretend that I am.

    So after my first class idea with my first Paladin/Templar class idea, the most common argument was the large healing/defense that the class had, which would make it overpowered in most aspects of the game. So I decided to rework it and make it more of a bruiser/tank rather than a support/tank. This class will be more focused around defense, much less healing, and heavier attacking. The main focus around this class is using their weapon to deflect part of the incoming damage and to empower basic attacks using spells. It will also focus around less mobility than other classes, but this is countered by the deflection skill, which is discussed later in the thread.

    After the huge spell "nerf" (bug fix), mages cannot reach the extremely high spell damage as they once did, which allows room for tank classes with low mobility (even though new class ideas probably won't be added any time soon).

    The thing I liked about my previous class was the amount of AoE it had, with it's healing and portal. I would like to use that idea to a similar sense.
    Although I did like the shield and Armblade idea, I am forced to scrap that idea, since 1.9 only and dual wielding probably won't be added for a while.

    Introducing, my reworked, Templar/Paladin class idea
    Base armor: 100%
    Required levels: 100 levels and 2 different classes

    Weapon: Hammer
    *Requires all the hammers in the game (warriors) to be reskinned into something else

    This class is focused around taking the brunt of the impact and reducing "nuked" damage (damage that is done very quickly in a short of amount of time, like pre-patch meteor spam) greatly, so your allies have more time to react. What this class loses in damage is gained through tanking. By lacking damage in spells even more than assassins, this class focuses around the basic attack more than the spell damage it can produce. However, it does rely on indirect support (knockback primarily) and spell combos to be effective

    Note: How my system of damage reduction works

    Damage -> Block reduction -> Passive Damage Reduction

    Skill 1: Aura of Purification
    This is a 4 block radius aura which surrounds the player and applies spell mana drain (Mana regen/drinking potions ends the effect). All enemies caught inside take more damage from basic attacks, and later, gives minor debuffs to enemies.
    INT does affect the mana cost (not drain), and shifting ends the effect
    *If the enemy leaves the area that is affected, then the effects they have immediately ends

    Level 1:
    Mana: 4 mana to cast, drains 1 mana per second each second it is active
    Damage: Increases the amount of damage you deal with each attack by (15% spell damage * attack speed)
    Elemental Damage: The amount of elemental damage you deal each attack is increased by 5%

    Level 2:
    Mana: 4 mana to cast, drains 1 mana per second each second it is active
    Damage: Increases the amount of damage you deal with each attack by (20% spell damage * attack speed)
    Elemental Damage: The amount of elemental damage you deal each attack is increased by 10%
    +Burning Soul: Your aura cleanses the evil out of your enemies violently, causing your enemies to take 10% spell damage every second inside the aura and increasing your movement speed by 20%

    Level 3:
    Mana:4 mana to cast, drains 1 mana per second each second it is active
    Damage: Increases the amount of damage you deal with each attack by (25% spell damage * attack speed)
    Elemental Damage: The amount of elemental damage you deal each basic attack is increased by 15%
    +Burning Soul: Your aura strikes at the heart of your enemies, violently removing the evil acts from their soul. Damage all enemies in the aura by 10% spell damage every second.
    +Torment (From my first class idea): Cause the entities hit to slowly collapse in agony, causing them to receive no debuffs for 2 seconds upon impact, after that they receive Slowness I for 2 more seconds, which increases to Slowness II for the rest of the aura's duration (until you run out of mana or you cancel the effect)
    *0-2 seconds: nothing, 2-4 seconds: Slowness I, 4-End seconds: Slowness II

    Skill 2: Reflexive Block
    Prepare to deflect an incoming attack, causing you to take significantly less damage from 1 attack, however you receive slowness 1 while you are blocking. Lasts for 3 seconds and cannot stack, only works in the direction you are facing (If you face forward and take a hit from the front, damage is reduced and block is consumed. If you face forward and take a hit from behind, damage is not reduced and block is not consumed. If you face forward, are shot in the back, turn in time, then damage is reduced and block is consumed.)
    *Cannot be used while affected by debuffs
    *Detects the hit taken, If it is a skill which many hits are dealt (Multihit or Arrow Storm), it will deflect all the hits of that particular skill, it would apply deflect to all of the arrows in arrow storm.

    Level 1:
    Mana: 6
    Damage Reduction: Reduce the damage you take from the next source by 50%

    Level 2:
    Mana: 6
    Damage Reduction: Reduce the damage you take from the next source by 60%
    +Press the Advantage: After successfully blocking a hit, gain speed 4 for 3 seconds

    Level 3:
    Mana: 6
    Damage Reduction: Reduce the damage you take from the next source by 70%
    +Press the Advantage: After successfully blocking a hit, gain speed 4 for 3 seconds
    +Twin block: After you block successfully, the next hit you take is reduced by 30%

    *Some skills indirectly hit you, so I made a table of what skills can and cannot be blocked (All basic attacks can be blocked):
    Spin Attack: No
    Multihit: Yes
    Smoke Bomb: No
    Teleport: No
    Meteor: Yes
    Ice snake: Yes
    Arrow Storm: Yes
    Escape: No
    Bomb Arrow: Yes
    Arrow Shield: No
    Bash: Yes
    Charge: Yes
    Uppercut: No
    War Scream: No

    Skill 3: Holy Nova
    Channel energy from your surroundings, becoming immobile for 2 seconds. After you channel, pull all enemies to you within a small radius to you position. You cannot cast spells while channeling, however, while channeling, every 0.1 you channel, increase your damage resistance by 3%, up to a total of an extra 60% damage resistance at 2 seconds.

    Level 1:
    Mana: 10
    Damage: 100% spell damage
    Elemental Damage: +10% Fire, +10% Thunder, +10% Air
    Pulls players/enemies in from a 5 block radius

    Level 2:
    Mana: 10
    Damage: 100% spell damage
    Elemental Damage: +15% Fire, +15% Thunder, +15% Air, +10% Earth
    Pulls players/enemies in from a 6 block radius
    +Earth Shatter: Your Nova pulls more than just your enemies, fracturing the ground around you. All enemies pulled in by the nova cannot jump for 3 seconds

    Level 3:
    Mana: 10
    Damage: 100% spell damage
    Elemental Damage: +20% Fire, +20% Thunder, +20% Air, +10% Earth
    Pulls players/enemies in from a 7 block radius
    +Earth Shatter: Your Nova pulls more than just your enemies, fracturing the ground around you. All enemies pulled in by the nova cannot jump for 3 seconds
    + Unleash Energy: Release all of the pent-up energy stored into a massive explosion dealing 200% spell damage and knocking enemies back 7 blocks. Can activate 3 seconds after you pull enemies towards you, Shift to activate.

    Passive ultimate/Negative perks (See my first Templar/Paladin class idea for more information).
    These will be much similar to my first Templar/Paladin class idea.

    Skill 4: Templar's (Or Paladin for reskin) Resolve
    Level 1:
    Hunger: None
    Damage: None
    +Endurance: You become hone your skills at long-term survival, permanently allowing you to regenerate 1% of you maximum health every 3 seconds
    -Pain's Grasp: After experiencing so much suffering, your steps start to become weaker. For each 4% of health you are missing, reduce your movement speed by 1% (Example: If you are missing 80% of your health, you have an extra -20% movement speed caused by this debuff)

    Level 2:
    Hunger: None
    Damage: None
    +Endurance: You become hone your skills at long-term survival, permanently allowing you to regenerate 1% of you maximum health every 3 seconds
    -Pain's Grasp: After experiencing so much suffering, your steps start to become weaker. For each 4% of health you are missing, reduce your movement speed by 1% (Example: If you are missing 80% of your health, you have an extra -20% movement speed caused by this debuff)

    +Tempered Armor: Advanced metalworking has improved your armor, making the armor stronger and lighter, giving you +20% damage resistance and reduces movement penalties on armor by 25%
    -Exhaustion: Your armor weighs you down when you are tired, causing you to slow down your movement speed by an extra 20% every time you mana falls below 4 points. This is lost as soon as you have 4 or more mana.

    Level 3:
    Hunger: None
    Damage: None
    +Endurance: You become hone your skills at long-term survival, permanently allowing you to regenerate 1% of you maximum health every 3 seconds
    -Pain's Grasp: After experiencing so much suffering, your steps start to become weaker. For each 4% of health you are missing, reduce your movement speed by 1% (Example: If you are missing 80% of your health, you have an extra -20% movement speed caused by this debuff)

    +Tempered Armor: Advanced metalworking has improved your armor, making the armor stronger and lighter, giving you +20% damage resistance and reduces movement penalties on armor by 25%
    -Exhaustion: Your armor weighs you down when you are tired, causing you to slow down your movement speed by an extra 20% every time you mana falls below 4 points. This is lost as soon as you have 4 or more mana.

    +Fortitude: Your experiences have increased your toughness, giving you +15% maximum health (This health is the amount of health you get from just armor and shields alone, this excludes all of your IDs. For example, if your equipment gave you 20k health, and your IDs gave you -5k health so you had a total health of 15k, you would receive 3k health because it ignores IDs, and vice versa if you have positive health bonus IDs.)
    -Execute: Having expended your will to continue, you give up the will to continue. When you fall below 10% health, take double the damage from all sources (players, mobs, lava, falling).
    *If you are able to recover your health to 10% or above, you lose this effect

    If you are surrounded by a horde of mobs:
    Use Holy Nova to pull in all of the mobs around you, then activate Aura of Purification to increase the strength of your basic attacks (and extra AoE) to clear the mobs quickly
    If you have a team mate:
    Use holy nova to draw in the enemies around so that they can use an AoE skill to quickly burst damage down the enemies quickly.
    If you are fighting a close combat person in the Nether:
    Use block often to reduce the amount of damage you take, and rush up quickly in order to use some of your other skills and panic your opponent
    Losing Health quickly:
    Use Holy Nova to get extra damage resist and to pull all player towards you. Then run away, and save your secondary explosion for when they try and come close.
    Long Range Mobility:
    Not designed for it
    You are out of mana:
    Good Luck
    About to die:
    Good Luck

    If you are wondering if this class seems a little unbalanced,
    I purposely made this class a little unbalanced to encourage more people to comment what to change.


    Edit 1: Decreased the mana cost of Holy Nova from 12 to 10. Increased the initial explosion from 100% spell damage to 200% spell damage. Increased damage from Aura of Purification by 5%. Added Speed boost while Aura of purification ifs active. Increased the amount of health regen from 1% every 4 seconds to 1% every 3 seconds. Buffed Fortitude by 5%. Deflection was changed to deflect all hits in 1 skill (only affects arrow storm and multihit) and increased the amount of deflection on the Level 3 talent from 25% to 30%. Increased Press the Advantage trait from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.

    Edit 2: Changed Tempered Armor to include indirect walk speed bonus, changed channeling resistance from 2% every 0.1 seconds to 3% every 0.1 seconds. Decreased damage of Holy Nova's initial implosion (opposite of explosion) from 200% to 100% and increased range at each level by 1 block. Increased the knockback of Unleash Energy from 6 blocks to 7 blocks. Added +10% Earth for Level 2 and 3 of Holy Nova caused by the talent Earth Shatter.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2016
    Arkade likes this.
  2. Stupidadi

    Stupidadi Travelled Adventurer

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    amazing xdddd
  3. Defunct Fighter

    Defunct Fighter Famous Adventurer

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    We could Danse if we want to, we could leave our friends behind. 'Cause friends who don't Danse, are no friends of mine.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
  4. TrashcanMan

    TrashcanMan Hello I am here

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    After a quick skim, this seems far too heavily based on passive effects rather than attacks. All the classes' spells are attacks that have passive effects, not just an effect on its own (with the exception of Heal). This class essentially has no way to deal large amounts of damage, and also no movement spell of any sort.
    Skill 1: Fairly low damage increase, and constant mana drain makes it way too hard to use.
    Skill 2: Practically useless unless you use it right before a big attack.
    Skill 3: Ridiculous mana cost, and not sure what the point of making you immobile is.
    Skill 4: Costs no mana? It would make more sense for it to cost mana but have no debuffs. Also, 1% per four seconds regen is almost nothing.
  5. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    I would like to make this clear, that this class was made in mind to be able to deal a lot of damage with their attacks, more of enhancing damage rather than dealing direct spell damage.

    I made this class in mind with people who would have high mana regen and INT, so my initial values might be off a bit.

    The block ability was designed for the overpowered meteor that mages used to be able to do (16k was max?). With that out of the way, the only other really use is to block the high damage spells that certain mobs can do.
    (I'm pretty sure some mobs in TOA can one-shot people pretty easily)

    Changed the passive ultimate to encourage people to use high defensive armors with slow walk speed more.
  6. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I think it's just the chained beast.
    And I'll go through this thread tomorrow
  7. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    You know, Ive been pondering the meaning behind why you would post this
    I still haven't come to a solid conclusion
  8. Defunct Fighter

    Defunct Fighter Famous Adventurer

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    The person's name is Danse, and he's a Paladin for the BoS (Neo military). Good class!
  9. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    So I have tried changing up a few things, but there aren't many comments about how I can improve this class.
    I'm not going to retire it yet, but I'm considering taking two actions:

    1: Go ahead and post my Necromancer class idea
    I've been thinking about how to make a necromancer with the minimum amount of trolling and how it would based against the other classes. The idea is quite far along, still have to think of some more talent ideas, then type up a thread.

    2: Work on my endgame quest idea
    Same as with my classes, I am not pushing for it to be in-game, but I would like to do something different this time.
    Title: A Safe Haven(might change the name)
  10. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Because warriors aren't bruiser or tanks. Tl;dr btw

    Instead of having hammers, we could use lances or swords. This doesn't require anything to be reskinned.

    If it were to be a bruiser, with 1.9, the sweep attack is a balancer. Like mage weapons, small damage, aoe. Balanced
  11. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    Meh, I don't like this idea much anymore

    I'm working on my necromancer idea and I'm currently balancing it more before I post
    Also trying to reduce the amount of summoning as much as possible (to reduce lag)

    Probably going to retire this thread soon...
    This wasn't one of my better ideas
  12. Sonanuctail

    Sonanuctail Newbie Adventurer

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    this isnt bad by any means, but the only difference from assassin is the spells and looks of the weapons, it has high defense and damage, which is same with assassin and no range apart from the spells, but i would like this idea to be continued.
  13. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    I have decided to retire this thread
    I kinda got bored with it,
    and also no one offered anymore suggestions.

    I will edit this to the extent I have edited over the past week or so.
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