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Class Ideas.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Jaycee, Mar 27, 2016.



Poll closed Mar 30, 2016.
  1. Uhm, okay.

    3 vote(s)
  2. Err...

    1 vote(s)
  3. These need to be reworked.

    2 vote(s)
  4. Why Jaycee, just keep your mouth shut for half a minute, m'kay?

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Jaycee

    Jaycee Still waiting for MHW VIP+

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    There is something definitely wrong with me.
    I like to dream.

    Class: Glavier name subject to change?)
    - Damage: ***oo (3/5)
    - Defense: **ooo (2/5)
    - Range: ****o (4/5)
    - Spells: *oooo (1/5)

    While strengthened and swift, Glaviers lack in magical ability. They are nimble on their feet, slashing their foes and knocking them back often. Advancements in technology has allowed Glaives to use a vaulting feature, useful in maneuvering over and about their foes. Prior training is needed to wield these effectively, increasing overall movement speed. (Pretty much, Glaviers get a +20% or so Walk Speed buff without armor right off the bat.)

    What stemmed this was the textures of the Spears, what with the blades at the end of them. They would be held differently though, with the handle/shaft being behind the user, and the blade closer to the hand. Most attacks would involve jabbing or sweeping, and a spell (maneuver) could be based around the vault for a powerful downslash. (If you've played MH4U, you'd know what I mean. :D)


    - Charging Slash [Lv. 1]

    The user sprints toward their enemy and upon halting, uses the momentum to drive their glaive into a horizontal arc in front of them.
    Damage: Moderate
    - Vault [Lv. 11]
    Maneuvering spell. This throws the user into the air a few blocks, which is very useful if timed well, as to evade a charge or multihit, etc.
    Damage: None
    - Air Strike [Lv. 21]
    Utilizing the vaulting mechanism at the butt (heh) of the glaive, the user is now able to throw themselves into the air and bring the weapon down onto their enemy with great force.
    Damage: High
    - Forward Strike [Lv. 31]
    The user charges a short distance and bashes the enemy with the sturdy shaft of the glaive, stunning them for a moment, leaving them open to attack.
    Damage: Low

    ?/10 would glaive again
    Class: Sword and Shield (1.9 functionality required maybe, because two handed?)
    - Damage: ***oo (3/5)
    - Defense: ****o (4/5)
    - Range: *oooo (1/5)
    - Spells: **ooo (2/5)

    This class is simple, versatile, rounded in all but range. A free hand in combat allows for staunching wounds or throwing knives at an approaching enemy. What prowess they may lack with a simple sword is made up in mobility around the battlefield.

    - Shield Bash [Lv. 1]
    Temporarily stuns the enemy, leaving them open for attack. However, damage output is low.
    Damage: Low
    - Sprint [Lv. 11]
    Lowering your guard, you channel what spell knowledge you have into abnormally swift movement. (Like Assassin, if the weapon is changed during the spell vanish, the effects will end.)
    Damage: None
    - Sword Combo [Lv. 21]
    You've become more aware of the way of the short sword, and can effectively chain multiple slashes together.
    Damage: Moderate
    - Hilt Bash [Lv. 31]
    Utilizing your upper body strength, you drive the handle of your blade against the enemy with great force, dealing more damage than a simple cut. However, you will exhaust yourself if you repeatedly do this action alone.
    Damage: High

    The Sword and the shield, the two were created for eachother, they are meant to be together.~
    Class: Necron
    Damage: **ooo (2/5)
    Defense: *oooo (1/5)
    Range: ***oo (3/5)
    Spells: ***** (5/5)

    In tune with the ways of nature and the mana around them, Necronians are able to summon beasts to fight, or attain the physical capabilities of an animal. However, their guard may often be elsewhere, thus lowering defense.

    - Lupine Call [Lv. 1]
    You call upon a wolf to fight by your side. The wolf will disappear (???) seconds after summoning.
    Damage: Moderate
    - Gallop [Lv. 11]
    Channeling the mana around you into raw energy, you gain the agility of a horse for a short amount of time. (Once again, similar to Assassins' Vanish.)
    Damage: None
    - Fleris Breath [Lv. 21]
    The heat of a Fleris makes for a dangerous weapon, as you can send a column of fire toward your enemy.
    Damage: Low/Moderate

    - Mutation [Lv. 31]
    During your studies, there was word of a virus that plagued a distant province. Some sought to replicate the feats of strength it displayed, thus allowing the caster to send shock waves out from all around you as the infections' volatile ways try to eat away at your sanity.
    Damage: High
    Class: Swordsman
    Damage: ***** (5/5)
    Defense: ***oo (3/5)
    Range: ***oo (3/5)
    Spells: **ooo (2/5)

    Adept in the use of a Long Sword, Swordsmen can wield these in a storm of blood. Spell knowledge and defenses are questionable, but that never stopped many a warrior from mastering this deadly dance.

    - Sword Thrust [Lv. 1]
    You slam the sword through your opponent(s), dealing damage not to be taken lightly.
    Damage: Moderate
    - Dodge [Lv. 11]
    At the cost of some energy, you roll yourself forward with unnatural speed, weapon still unsheathed. Time this correctly, and it could greatly confuse an opponent, or leave them vulnerable in their confusion.
    Damage: None
    - Quick Draw [Lv. 21]
    You have become more adept in wielding the weapon, and can snap it out of its sheath and use that momentum for a sudden, painful strike.
    Damage: Moderate
    - Soul Slash [Lv. 31]
    A deadly combination of strikes, where the sword seemingly takes over, all the anger and hate your katana previously reaped taken out upon the victim of this attack. However, to suffice for what the sword lost, your mana is depleted to 0 (temporarily, of course) after use of the spell. (A total of 6 slashes in the combo. I can get a video if you'd like.)
    Damage: High
    Class: Dual Blades
    now we're getting into fetishes things
    Damage: ****o (4/5)
    Defense: **ooo (2/5)
    Range: *oooo (1/5)
    Spells: ***oo (3/5)

    Those taught in wielding of two daggers did not realize the magic potential they also brought. Some shunned the weapons, claiming the magic that was also taught with it brought upon insanity, able to channel hatred and suffering from the soul into raw power. A warrior of a distant province knew the art well; them and their trusted blue-and-green daggers have not been heard of in years.


    - ??? [Lv. 1]
    Damage: Possibly Low
    - Slide [Lv. 11]
    A simple evade forward of a short distance; you do not plan to run from a fight, do you?
    Damage: None
    - ??? [Lv. 21]
    Damage: Likely Medium
    - Phial Burst [Lv. 31]
    What so many feared to teach, this spell imbues your daggers with the hatred and pain from your journey, and upon slamming the swords into the victim, all that pent up suffering explodes upon the enemy. (again, there's videos for this if you want a visual. However the weapon shown would be different, just took the idea from said different weapon.)
    Damage: High/V. High
    Class: Feral/Savage?
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
  2. stormblade282

    stormblade282 Well-Known Adventurer

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    10chars is annoying.
  3. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    The Glaive is already an in-game spear texture though.
  4. Jaycee

    Jaycee Still waiting for MHW VIP+

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    The One-eyed Guy likes this.
  5. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    Most of these won't work, why? Because of the spell click combo's. The sheild/dual blades will interupt the spell system in many ways.

    Also you didn't say the upgrades for the spells or the amount of damage the spell does.

    Also please avoid sticking 4 ideas into 1 thread, have 4 seperate threads making it able for you to put more detail and thought into your suggestions.
  6. LazerSnipe

    LazerSnipe The No Life

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    Duel Blade??? It can be possible for the 1.9 duel wielding.
  7. Jaycee

    Jaycee Still waiting for MHW VIP+

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    (I now see what'cha mean by the spell click interruptions. Thanks, I would'a overlooked that. Also, I'm not quite sure how the spell upgrades, the literal buffs, 'work', per-say. If you could give me an example or two, I'd greatly appreciate it.)
    I veered away from multiple threads, since it would seem rather spam-ish; I'd rather not cover up the more important threads on here. I'll add more detail to each one, though, if you'd like -- was on the fence of taking this seriously and not, since the chances of these happening is, erm, a little lower than low, but not pushing for anything to happen. I just like to share ideas, dream a little of having a giant scabbard upon your waist, snapping the glistening rapier from its slumber, and dancing to the tune of the blood spattering from your foes. :D

    Thank you, though I'm still skeptical on how duel wielding would function. Couldn't for the life of me figure it out on single player...
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
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