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Shield-wielding Class (new Class Suggestion)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Discharge, Mar 10, 2016.



  1. Great idea, would totally play this class! #support

  2. Woah, that is op af, but support (suggestions)

  3. Nah, it's too weak so no support (suggestions)

  4. I hate this idea #zerosupport

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  1. Discharge

    Discharge The non-active forum-er(?)

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    Note: I have heard of some other people using the inspiration of Shields from Minecraft's 1.9: Combat Update and I am just making sure that we are not in any way copying them. This is just something that me and a couple of my friends thought of when the first news of 1.9 came out.


    Other names include: (Paladin, Shield, Wall)

    Guardians protects others with it's high defense and uses Shields as it's weapons. Having a base armor rating of 120%, Guardians are known for it's survivability in the field. Guardians also deal low but a slightly higher basic damage than Mages, making it have the second lowest attack in the game. They have the same armor rating as the Warrior but are well-known for their Barrier spell, vastly reducing the amount of damage taken from an enemy, Guardians are an almost full-support class with high defense. Although having Barrier as it's defensive support spell, one can make this class as a fighter as well.


    Shield Slam Spell
    The Guardians starts with this spell, Shield Slam. This is an attack that hits an area of enemies in front of the player and prevents movements for a short period of time.

    Grade 1:
    Damages enemies in front of the player with 100% damage
    Grade 2:
    Damages enemies in front of the player with 100% damage
    +Punch, knocks back an enemy by a short distance
    Grade 3:
    Damages enemies in front of the player with 120% damage
    +Damages a larger area of enemies
    +Stun, prevents enemy movements for 2 seconds

    Withdraw Spell
    The second spell learnt is the Withdraw spell, making the player quickly move back from a horde of enemies.

    Grade 1:
    Jumps back by 5 blocks
    Grade 2:
    Jumps back by 5 blocks
    +Stomp, damages the enemies by 50% around the area where the spell had been cast.
    Grade 3:
    Jumps back by 8 blocks
    +Double Jump, jumps back again by an additional 3 blocks

    Barrier Spell
    The third and iconic spell of the Guardian. Barrier creates a wall in front of the user for 4 seconds that enemies in front of the Guardian will not be able to go through.

    Grade 1:
    Creates a wall of 3 blocks in front of the player that reduces damage
    +10% Resistance is added to anyone nearby
    Grade 2:
    Creates a wall of 3 blocks in front of the player that reduces damage
    +20% Resistance is added to anyone nearby
    Grade 3:
    Creates a wall of 5 blocks in front of the player that reduces damage
    +Expand, makes the area of the wall larger

    Shield Throw Spell
    Fourth and last spell of Guardians. Tosses a projectile to enemies and deals a damage of 100% and rapidly deals damage at a higher tier spell

    Grade 1:
    Throws shield at an enemy that deals damage
    Grade 2:
    Throws shield at an enemy that deals damage
    +Spinning, enemies in that area are struck rapidly by the thrown shield that deals additional damage
    Grade 3:
    Throws shield at an enemy that deals damage
    (Under construction and may be open for suggestions)

    • Mana costs and Elemental damage will be given sooner or later, but you can bet some of the elements for each spell cast is what you would imagine it to give.
    • This class is a full-support class with almost no overpowered attacks that can possibly make it like a Warrior.
    • A Warrior and Guardian can establish a team so one can deal damage and the other take damage. So both classes can be considered as Tanky.
    • The Barrier Spell creates a STATIONARY (not mobile) wall that enemies can go around.
    • Refresh Upgrade will be recreated into something else.
    • They use shields as their weapon (as it is stated above).
    That is all that I have for you, leave suggestions and tell me what you think about it, like is it good or too op or too weak and why; basically anything (yes, anything)
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
  2. Literally Cancer

    Literally Cancer dead

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    Although this class's abilities are different, warrior is already kinda a meat shield for players, as there are already tank builds and warrior has resistance and is tanky in general
    And I thought this was about the mythic spear guardian when I saw it pop up ;-;
  3. Discharge

    Discharge The non-active forum-er(?)

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    Thanks for suggesting that, I should change a few things so as to not make this class exactly like Warrior :)

    Sorry, I need to change the name to Paladin or just Shield or something
  4. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    The reskin would be Captain America. Or Captain whateverprovinceyoulivein
  5. Wikonimo

    Wikonimo Assassinating Explorer VIP

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    Shields would need you to right click (if it's in your offhand,) which is also used by spells.

    Also, what weapon do they use.

    Apart from that, this class is quite good.
  6. Theepicsquash

    Theepicsquash Error: Originality not detected. VIP+

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    So.... Honestly stomp makes 0 sense, it would make more sense for it to be when you land.
  7. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Captain Wynnerica?
  8. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    There are no values for the amount of mana needed to cast each spell. Also there are no sort of reference points or specific values for any of the spells, nor does it include anything about elemental damage. This class has a lot of mobility for a tank class (unless it is meant to be sort of a bruiser type class like warrior). Are spells like teleport able to go through the wall? Do projectiles go through the barrier spell, and are players allowed to create multiple barriers around them to create an impassible box that no melee enemy can go through? How would barrier work in the nether, If warriors and assassins can't get to you? How high is this wall?

    Too many questions I have about this class, please include a bit (Edit: TONS) more detail.
    Its a good idea (Edit: different warrior), but desperately needs a ton more detail

    Also, I don't think it is refreshing to have a shield thrown at you and all your positive effects are removed. Perhaps call it something else?
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
  9. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Well, you DO have to jump backwards, meaning you could stomp, then jump, but yeah I agree, it would make more sense to stomp where you land
    1. Elemental damage
    2. Spell cost
    3. Refresh makes no sense, why would something refreshing REMOVE effects, even negative ones?
    4. Warrior is already meant to be the tank/utility class
    5. Barrier is very similar to war scream
    6. Withdraw needs vertical travel listed as well
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
  10. IggyBoii

    IggyBoii I Have No Idea What Im Doing VIP

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    this is a good idea but the spells are kinda bad and this would only work if warrior was redigsned a bit to deal more damage, then having more defense
  11. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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  12. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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  13. Discharge

    Discharge The non-active forum-er(?)

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    I understand some problems that pops up on this thread, like the Refresh Upgrade that makes completely no sense whatsoever, the mana costs, elemental damage, etc.
    Please note that this is not a wiki page, this is a suggestion so most features about this class' are missing and will be placed in after this class has a bunch of supporters.
    Read on...
    That would only apply to the normal shield item since Wynncraft uses different blocks and changes their skin to a weapon skin,e.g: The legendary Dagger: Olux Prized Dagger, is a brown carpet without the Wynncraft resource pack. And Wynncraft uses Bukkit, by disabling player.isBlocking in EntityDamageEntityEvent, you can disable blocking, or at least make it revert back to the non-blocking event after you right click. :)

    They don't use weapons. As we stated above they use Shields only or in other words, Shields are their weapons.

    Thank you xD

    Stomp is when you stamp your foot or feet to the ground, what you are thinking could've been smash, which could apply to when something is landing and/or starting to jump.

    1. This thread is still not finished and it would be a little too hasty for us if we were to just give the values of such things when it still has only a few supporters.
    2. Teleport wouldn't be possible, so if a Mage were to try to teleport, the chat of the Mage would say what it would normally say when it can't teleport, which is:"Sorry, you can't teleport,..Try moving away from blocks."
    3. No, projectiles are not able to go through the barrier spell. There is a command that prevents entities such as arrows, to perform various things which in this case, the arrow will either disappear or ricochet from the barrier as it enters the blocks that makes up the barrier.
    4. Yes, players are allowed to create multiple barriers around them, but we have considered to make this Spell consume a hefty amount of mana. And no it is not an impassable box, they and players can just go around the wall.
    5. I personally am sorry to say that I didn't specify that this Spell just summons a wall that gets created in front of you not a mobile wall that can be moved around. It is quite similar to the Smoke Bomb Spell: Where the smoke bomb is thrown; it creates an area that deals damage.
    6. It is probably going to be a Square, so the height would be the same as the number of blocks is created stated above, e.g: 3 Blocks high

    Yes we need to change that Refresh Upgrade, it has attracted a lot of haters.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

    1. We are currently testing out the the damages dealt and the spell cost of each spell on our private servers, this is thread is unfinished and will be updated soon.
    2. ^^^^^^^^^^
    3. There has been a lot of negativity on that part, we are currently coming up of an alternative upgrade.
    4. This class is a full-support class, while Warrior can be both bruiser and support.(Yeah, you can have both warrior and this class as your support)
    5. War Scream pushes away enemies, Barrier prevents enemies from coming closer. War Scream deals damage to the enemies, Barrier doesn't. War Scream can be used as a ranged attack, Barrier just stays where it is cast. War Scream give resistance, yes, similar to Barrier.
    6. Maybe like Charge Spell, it only rises 2-3 blocks high, but not too many blocks vertically, because then it would be similar to Escape Spell.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

    1. Thanks for your thoughts about this class
    2. We will work on the spells a bit, this thread is unfinished and will be updated soon.
    3. You can have a Warrior and Guardian as a combo team and let the Warrior be the AD (Attack Damage) while having Guardian take on the damage of the enemies.

    Yeah, Gavel came out in a year and a half after it was announced. They figured some things out that they thought to be impossible to be put in the game. I understand that this is just a suggestion so you can have any opinions about it.
    And also, there's plenty of problems that the GMs can and cannot fix. But maybe...just maybe they'll do something about Shields. :)

  14. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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    Did you look at the reason I didn't want shields into the class?
  15. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    First of all, they can just retexture something (like a block or something) instead of an actually shield.
    Second of all, shields don't have to be added to the 4 existing classes, if any classes are added in the future, shields might be able to be utilized in those specific classes.
    Third, if shields were added to a new class, then it might not be used for blocking, it might act like a piece of armor, giving health bonus but have some drawbacks, like negative movement speed.

    As a matter of fact, yes I did read your forum post a while back
  16. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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    fair enough.
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