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Class Idea 2!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Kingofshovels, Feb 24, 2016.


What do you think!

  1. I like it!

  2. No, thanks!

  3. It's so OP! (Tell me in the comments why)

  4. Way to UP.... (Tell me in the comments why)

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  1. Kingofshovels

    Kingofshovels FOR SHOVELRY!!!

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    Hey hey heeey mighty shovels! I'm here again to create another class idea for ya'll! Be sure to vote on what you think!

    Protector/guardian: mighty protector of the team, is able to tank damage while also dishing out quite a lot!

    Y'know those guys who are a tank as warrior (me)? Well i personnaly think there COULD be a better tank class! This one would be pretty much based around warrior yet it has those extra, very needed, skills!

    Basic attack: on left click the caster swings his shield to deal a good amount of damage, with less range then the warrior and less damage then the warrior but still more then the mage.

    140% dmg
    20% FIRE dmg
    3 range
    4 mana
    wide arc/shield's swing: upon cast the caster swings his shield in a wide arc, this does damage to multiple enemies at once.

    -upgrade II:
    110% dmg
    15% FIRE dmg
    5 range
    4 mana
    +double arc: swing your shield a seconth time, doing an aditional 100% dmg.
    +bone breaker: break the bones of an enemy, this only applys on the seconth swing.

    -upgrade III:
    100% dmg
    10% FIRE dmg
    6 range
    5 mana
    +circular swing: after your seconth swing you attack in a circular motion, this is great for multiple monsters.

    50% dmg
    10% THUNDER dmg
    4 mana
    Seismic jump/shielded escape:
    Jump forward in a diagonal motion, then come down and attack the enemy for little amount of dmg.

    -upgrade II:
    70% dmg
    20% THUNDER dmg
    4 mana
    +earthquake effect: when the caster lands it does an area of effect attack and does an addition 75% EARTH damage.

    -upgrade III:
    70% dmg
    30% THUNDER dmg
    5 mana
    +shielded landing: when the caster lands he gets a regen I effect for 20 sec

    150% dmg
    5% EARTH dmg
    7 mana
    Slowness II debuf
    Deadly spikes/spikes of A.O.I: the caster summons spikes around him, doing great damage to grouped enemies, these spikes last for about 5 seconds and will reset if the skill is cast again. So you can keep them up for quite a while, granted this ablity does give you a slowness II debuff

    -upgrade II:
    125% dmg
    5% EARTH dmg
    5% FIRE dmg
    7 mana
    Slowness II debuff
    + bloody spikes!: whenever an enemy is hit, they have a significant change to start bleeding, making them take 10% damage 5 times, cooldown of 5 seconths

    -upgrade III:
    100% dmg
    10% EARTH dmg
    10% FIRE dmg
    8 mana
    +thrown spikes: while this ability is active the caster throws smaller spikes, doing an extra 25% dmg and 5% EARTH dmg
    +extra blood: the spikes that hit theh enemies (thrown spikes not included) will take 20% dmg 3 times, cooldown of 10 seconds

    4 mana
    8 range
    Attention grabber/call of self offering: you agro all monsters in an 8 block radius, making them only attack you, this also gives you a 30% resistance buff for 3 minutes

    -upgrade II:
    5 mana
    9 range
    + battle ready: whenever you activate your attention grabber you have an increased timer on your resistance and you get 10% dmg increase for 3 minutes

    -upgrade III:
    25% dmg
    25% FIRE dmg
    5 mana
    10 range
    + chained aggro: whenever the skill is used you pull the enemy to you, damaging it a little and making it easier to get monsters of the other teammates!
    + ready for damage: you gain 40% resistance for 3,5 minutes and 15% dmg increase for 3,5 minutes

    That's it guys! Hope you liked it! And again, be sure to vote!!!

    *it's offensive power is signifcantly DECREASED, due to my stupidity.

    *Also its defensive power has INCREASED, but by just a little, no more absorption and regen has been nerfed

    *cooldowns are no longer a thing!

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
  2. Axelbuff

    Axelbuff Well-Known Adventurer

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    cool i like it but it is kind op sorry for my bad spelling and I know you said that it is based on warrior/knight but it is like the spells of the warrior/knight and can you explain more of it´s weapon and sorry for my bad spelling XD
  3. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    You literally made a class that's tankier than warrior/knight and does MORE damage -.-
    Also absorption hearts won't mean anything, its an extra 10 hp when you'll have 6-7k around lvl 60-70
    TheDerpyAldrin likes this.
  4. TheDerpyAldrin

    TheDerpyAldrin A tired college student

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    Health regen II for 20-30 seconds? and cooldowns aren't really a thing as far as I remember
  5. Kingofshovels

    Kingofshovels FOR SHOVELRY!!!

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    Do you mean its to overpowered? If yes i nerfed it, also, cooldowns are no longer a thing
    I've decreased the power to be less then warrior and i also increased it's tankyness by just a little, absorption has been replaced by strength
    I'm not sure what you mean, it's not your spelling but what exactly do you want me to give more info about?
  6. Trickstini

    Trickstini Travelled Adventurer

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    You are giving it way to much resistance. 40% is op and 15% dmg on top of that... Op
  7. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    It's far easier to just go on with a Fire Warrior :/
  8. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    *sigh* this is literally just a warrior with 1 or 2 things changed, this isn't even a new class.
  9. LoganS99

    LoganS99 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Your going in the right direction, but it take away the point of the warrior because it is tanker and does more melee damage AND spell damage. it kin of takes away the point of the warrior and the assassin. Sorry man, but make it less OP.
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