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World Quest Suggestion: Blazing Soul (detailed)(47 Supporters)(red Text Fixed!)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Shanaaro, Feb 20, 2016.


Would you appreciate this quest in the game?

  1. I would marry it

    15 vote(s)
  2. I would

    34 vote(s)
  3. I would not

    3 vote(s)
  4. I would murder it

    5 vote(s)
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  1. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    The bottom vote on the poll is EXTREME DISLIKE. I have a feeling people are misunderstanding that. That means you absolutely hate the quest. People who vote that without saying why are huge jerks.

    This quest is a Level 89 quest focused around the blank bit of land next to Eltom which is used as a way to get to the Molten Heights from Eltom. In particular, it has a Magma Peaks style cave near the mountains with nothing in it. There's no mobs there, either.

    Unfortunately, it's almost completely hidden from the map by Eltom and some mountains.
    Here's where the location is, though: https://map.wynncraft.com/#/1167/64/-5558/-2/0/0
    Very hard to see, isn't it? You'll have to go there yourself if you want to see it, but there's not much to see except the rubble of a few small buildings. I felt like it needed filling up and I had an idea as to what. Oh, and it's bigger than it looks from the map.

    As I am unable to go there at this time, I will not be using coordinates, but if you ever go to Eltom the locations for these things are pretty obvious.

    The starting NPC is a villager named Artos. Artos lives in a small house in the Storage Cave that currently isn't in the game, but almost nothing needed for this quest is built already. Anyway, Artos is a mage who specializes in Artefacts.

    Talking to Artos before Level 89:

    [1/2] Artos: A visitor? Have you found any artefacts for me to 'investigate'?
    [2/2] Artos: Well, I'm sorry, but I'm waiting for a Level 89 adventurer for a 'little errand'. You'll have to wait.

    When you're starting the quest:
    [1/5] Artos: Hey, you there! You look like someone who respects business. Well, I've always got some spare change for people who're willing to help.
    [2/5] Artos: I specialize in artefacts. There are many powerful objects in the world people need help to 'procure'. For perfectly legal purposes, mind.
    [3/5] Artos: This one right here is all wrapped up and waiting to be delivered. It's for some lunatics that call themselves 'The Enemies of Ru'kan', whatever a Ru'kan is. But business is business.
    [4/5] Artos: I'm a man of my word, and I promised I'd get it to them in 3 days. Well, it's been nearly that, but my busted back hasn't healed. Why it's busted is none of your business, adventurer. I need a deliveryman.
    [5/5] Artos: The people at the airship tower rent them their 3rd floor for meetings. Get up there and give it to a lazy bloke named Okal. No peeking, mind. I'll know if you try...
    [Quest Book Updated]
    Deliver the artefact to the 3rd floor of the airship tower.

    When talking to Artos again:
    [1/1] Artos: I've told you to do something, so go and do it! I have clients to meet!

    The airship tower is the highest tower in Eltom. It's not hard to find.
    The 3rd floor has been converted to a meeting room filled with water-base warriors and archers, with the odd mage or assassin, all named 'Enemy of Ru'kan'. They are friendly and have 50k health. They resist Water and Fire.
    In a large seat in the corner of the room, Okal is resting.

    Before the quest:
    [1/1] Okal: Hmm? Oh. You have nothing to contribute to our order, traveler. Carry on with your business elsewhere.

    During the quest:

    [1/8] Okal: Huh? Who're you? You have noth- What's that package?
    [2/8] Okal: The order have been doing nothing the past few days. Still waiting for that scallywag Artos to deliver what we asked of him. Could that be it there?
    [3/8] Okal: It is! We've been powerless to do much in our quest without this artefact. Finally, the last piece of our plan is at hand!
    [4/8] Okal: Well, since you've delivered it to us, I see no harm in telling you what it is. Artos wouldn't like it, but he always was a scoundrel.
    [5/8] Okal: This is an unfinished crystal infused with the power of the Freezing Heights. The ruined city was building it to defend against its destroyer, but were missing a few of the materials they needed.
    [6/8] Okal: Over the course of our quest, we have managed to obtain all of these materials, and we can finish the crystal after all these years. We'll cool down the flames of Ru'kan's Roost and send someone in.
    [7/8] Okal: However, all of our best fighters are currently smashed, the fools. We have no one to send in to the cave at the moment. Hold on a second, you look strong...
    [8/8] Okal: As strange as it seems, an outsider will have to be the one to finish Ru'kan. Meet one of our sergeants down in the Magma Plains. He knows what you'll be facing.
    [Quest Book Updated]
    Locate Sergeant Acquen in the Magma Plains at [Coords]

    The Magma Plains is the area I was referring to earlier. It is redone to be much more scorched and more like the Magma Peaks. The cave at the northern end of the Plains is now considerably wider at the entrance and more intimidating. Sergeant Acquen can be located in a campsite near the cave.

    Before Quest:
    [1/1] Acquen: Oi, you! Can't you see this is a dangerous place to be? Scram!

    [1/9] Acquen: Ah, the adventurer. Okal told me you needed to know more of our adversary.
    [2/9] Acquen: Do you see those ruins up on the mountains?
    [Acquen points the the northeast, where a burning wreckage can be seen.]
    [3/9] Acquen: The molten city of Tirpels. One of the earlier cities of the Villager race. Look what it has become.

    [4/9] Acquen: Alas, merely describing the event does it no justice. This gemstone, containing the soul of Tirpels' King, will reveal the truth.
    Upon touching the gemstone, you are warped to a cutscene. You are on the balcony of the Castle of Tirpels.
    Fireballs are raining down. The king, the queen and their 2 children are watching it burn.

    [1/1] King: All of my work... my whole life... burning down in front of me... nowhere to run... how could this happen?
    You are warped to a watch tower. After the firestorm, all is ruined. Someone you cannot see begins to speak...
    [1/1] ???: Do you see the destruction you have caused, people of Tirpels? Do you see what happens when you mess with flame itself? Didn't you ever learn not to play with fire?
    End of cutscene.

    [5/9] Acquen: That whole city blasted to pieces. All because the town refused to send Ru'kan any gold. Because they didn't have any.
    [6/9] Acquen: While we do not know when Ru'kan came into being, we do know what she is. Ru'kan is the first ever Phoenix. A flying mountain of flame, with no purpose other than to destroy.
    [7/9] Acquen: The order was set up by the King's descendant, Okal. The King passed on this gemstone to him, and to the order. We know what we must do.
    [8/9] Acquen: A beast like Ru'kan cannot be sated. If we do not act fast, who knows what will befall Eltom?
    We needed this artefact, however, to enter her Roost.
    [9/9] Acquen: This is our chance. Enter the roost, and destroy Ru'kan. We do not wish to watch the world burn.
    [Quest Book Updated]
    Descend through Ru'kan's Roost and slay Ru'kan.
    The first section of Ru'kan's Roost is a molten parkour section. Players must jump across platforms of molten rock while Phoenix Guards shoot explosive fireballs at the player. These fireballs do large knockback, so being hit by one is death by lava. However, if you simply run through the parkour without stopping, you will not be hit by any.
    HP: 9350
    Regen: 950 HP every 10 seconds.
    Weaknesses: Water -600
    Damage: Fire
    Resistances: Earth, Fire, Air +400
    Fireballs do 1100-1350 Fire damage.
    Appearance: Just like the Phoenixes at Ozoth's Spire.

    At the end of this section, you drop down into a long, horizontal cave. It is very large, with magma dripping from the ceiling. Simply battle/run your way through this chamber. There are 3 different mobs in this chamber:
    HP: 3000
    Regen: -1500 every 10 seconds. Wait, that ain't regen...
    Weaknesses: Water -700
    Damage: Fire
    Resistances: Fire, Thunder.
    Attacks with rapid fire fireballs. When it first spawns, massive amounts of fire particles fly off the elemental and the fireballs do a whopping 3000-3450 damage per hit, but after 3 seconds they cool down and only deal
    1200-1425 Fire damage per fireball. Stays completely still.
    Appearance: Blaze
    HP: 7000
    Regen: 800 HP every 10 seconds.
    Weaknesses: Thunder -550
    Damage: Water, Fire
    Resistances: Air
    Attacks by running at the player. Pretty quick, about 110% base movement speed. Melee attacks deal 1500-1760 Damage per hit. They have a spell which, after charging it up, leaves a cloud of steam with a 5 block height and 7 block radius, dealing 1000-1300 damage every second the player stands in it.
    Appearance: Skeleton in grey leather armor with a Steaming Elemental head.
    HP: 13000
    Regen: 1.1k HP every 10 seconds.
    Weaknesses: Water -600
    Damage: Fire, Air
    Resistances: None
    A miniboss, these are encountered much rarer than the other enemies. Their main attack is the same as the Phoenixes outside Ozoth's Spire, but deals 1500-1900 damage. However, they also have a spell where they are launched up into the air, and then they slowly float down while sending homing blasts of fire at the player, dealing 800-1400 damage. These can be dodged at the last second, though.
    Appearance: Phoenix with a black crown on studded with rubies.
    I might add a 3rd chamber with a puzzle in it but I need suggestions! Please help.
    Anyway, after that, you enter the Ru'kan fight itself. The arena is a much more natural looking version of the arena you fight the Ancient Dragons of Destruction in Borderlands 2: http://imgur.com/L7CD8Ri
    It doesn't have relics in it either :P

    The fight is accompanied by Ru'kan's 2 children, Ka'lit and Brai'zo.


    Health: 130k
    Regen: 10k HP every 10 seconds.
    Weaknesses: None!
    Damage: Fire, Air
    Resistances: Fire +1500
    Her main attack is to summon a rain of fireball in an 8 radius circle every 5 seconds. These firestorms last for 8 seconds and each fireball does 700-1100 damage. This can quickly kill you if you stand in it. There is a 2 second delay before the storm appears in which fire particles coat the target area.
    Her spell is to summon a Blazing Soul. It appears as a ghast coated in fire particles and flies around within melee reach of the arena. While it is alive, her attacks deal 200 more damage per fireball and Ru'kan cannot be damaged. It has 12k health. It automatically dies after 15 seconds, but if it does so it heals Ru'kan for 5k HP. It also shoots 1000-1350 damage fireballs at the player with low firerate.
    Appearance: A giant Phoenix Lord with a golden crown.

    Health: 35k
    Regen: 4k every 10 seconds.
    Weaknesses: Thunder, Water -600
    Damage: Air
    Resistances: Fire, Air. +450
    Ka'lit attacks by sending whirlwinds at the player. They travel in a straight line slowly, last 8 seconds and do 600-900 damage a second to players within 5 blocks radius of them.
    His spell is to shoot a blast of healing energy at Ru'kan, healing her for 3k HP.
    Appearance is a grey version of a Pheonix Lord.

    Health: 20k
    Regen: 3k every 10 seconds.
    Weaknesses: Water, Earth -765
    Damage: Fire
    Resistances: Fire, Thunder +350
    Brai'zo attacks with quick bursts of 3 fireballs, each dealing 600-850 damage. Don't get hit by all of them or you're gonna take a lot of damage.
    His spell is to send a blast of coal into Ru'kan, buffing her fireballs' damage by 250 for 8 seconds.
    Appearance is a coal phoenix with some burning glow.

    Upon killing Ru'kan, Ka'lit and Brai'zo self destruct. Ru'kan drops a Simmering Soul on defeat.
    [Quest Book Updated]
    Bring the Simmering Soul to Okal at the Enemies of Ru'kan Headquarters.

    [1/3] Okal: So it is done! We have finally avenged my ancestors once and for all. While we may never get Tirpels back, we may die in peace, knowing Eltom is safe from her flame.
    [2/3] Okal: You may have the pay Artos promised you. Take this ring, too. It was made from the bone and eye of Ru'kan's first daughter, who we went through great trouble to slay.
    [3/3] Okal: May our paths cross again one day, traveller. Feel free to explore Tirpels' ruins. If anyone has earned the right, it's you.
    [+625,000 Experience] (Half the amount Qira Hive gives you AFAIK)
    [+16,392 Emeralds (4 LE)]
    [Access to the Ruins of Tirpels]
    [+ Everburn Ember]

    Everburn Ember
    Health: +500
    Fire Defense: +40

    Level Min: 89
    Quest Req: Blazing Soul

    +8% Exploding
    +5% Fire Damage
    +2/2 Mana Regen

    This Phoenixbone ring contains the eye of Ezith, Ru'kan's 1st daughter. It looks like a small fire, but it never goes out.

    Legendary Item
    Untradable Item

    The Ruins of Tirpels will be a grinding spot, but what enemies are there? I will not suggest unless the quest gets quite a lot of support.

    Well that only took me 3 hours to write....
    Feedback or I'll die.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2016
  2. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    One day people will notice me. One day.
    Bebinson, Killoli and stop like this.
  3. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    @The One-eyed Guy has noticed you.

    All right. One, damage values? Sure, you gave health and regen and all, but no damage. I like to use this to help me. (Don't worry, it's Gavel-compatible)
    Two, 4 LE is 16,392 emeralds.
    Three, items. Is there a specific reason why you didn't color the text? (I also changed resistance to defense because, uh... there's no Fire Resistance ID)
    Everburn Ember
    Health: +500
    ✹ Fire Defense: +40

    Level Min: 89
    Quest Req: Blazing Soul

    +8% Exploding
    +5% Fire Damage
    +2/2 Mana Regen

    This Phoenixbone ring contains the eye of Ezith, Ru'kan's 3rd daughter. It looks like a small fire, but it never goes out.
    Legendary Item
    Untradable Item

    Fourth, and finally, the None color does work- I just used it myself- Just not in the way you think. Highlight the text after you've typed it, then it'll work.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  4. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    1. Damage values are there already, i dunno how you missed em.
    2. Thanks!
    3. Didn't think, sorry, well edit later.
    4. Not for me.
  5. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    For a second I thought this said "420 Blazing Shit"
    On a more related note, I like this quest a ton.
  6. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    Whoops, mistake. :p
  7. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    I think we all know it's technically the 420 Blazing Shit quest.
  8. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    Dare you to edit the title ;)

    This is what happens with no sleep tho
  9. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    2 AM here, feeling great.
  10. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    ...for 3 nights in a row...
  11. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    good plan m8
  12. Kikui

    Kikui Mana Thief

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    This actually sounds like a very interesting quest. +1 Supporter
    Shanaaro likes this.
  13. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    your soul support is very tasty sir
  14. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    The british spelling of artifact bothers me so much........... Must..... Somehow.... Make... It.... American...
    Untitled Doc and TheDesk like this.
  15. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    deal with it pls ;-;
  16. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    But actually this is a really good idea :P
    Shanaaro likes this.
  17. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    thanks :P
  18. killerzonedz

    killerzonedz Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    that would be great!
    Shanaaro likes this.
  19. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    yey <3
  20. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    Any suggestions for possible puzzles?
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