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World New Class: Lancer/defender

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by IggyBoii, Jan 13, 2016.


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  1. IggyBoii

    IggyBoii I Have No Idea What Im Doing VIP

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    this class consists of HIGH damage attacks https://www.google.ca/search?q=lanc...hXMcBoKHaS2DnMQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=OtCc3l15eIiC_M: (link to picture of weapons)

    Strength: 4
    Defense: 4
    Range: 0
    Spells: 1

    Weapons: Lance, and Shield (doesnt have to be implented untill 1.9 or use the other shield thats in the texturepack for now :) )

    First Spell: Pierce
    Upgrade 1: Deals Damage Threw Armour By (1/10 for mobs and players) 7 Mana
    Upgrade 2: Deals Damage Threw Armour By (2/10 for mobs and players) And Does bleed for 3 seconds, 1 tick of damage per each second 6 mana
    Upgrade 3: Deals Damage Threw Armour By (3/10 for mobs and players) And Does bleed for 6 seconds, 1 tick of damage per each second 4/5 mana
    (the bleed is kind of like the bleed from the plugin from Mcmmo swords)

    Second Spell: Grapplin Lance
    Upgrade 1: Shoots your lance (makes you weaponless) at the block your looking at, and makes you go there (clicking shift will make get off of it and the weapon will return to you) 6 mana
    Upgrade 2: (same thing from ^) you go faster to the area 5 mana
    Upgrade 3: if any mobs or players are hit by it, they will come to you 4/5 mana

    Third Spell: Defenders Will
    Upgrade 1: Gives you Resistance 3, Slowness 2. Strength 1
    Upgrade 2: Gives you Resistance 4, Slowness 3, and Strength 2 6/5 mana
    Upgrade 3 Gives you Resistance 5, Slowness 4, and Strength 3 ( in 1.9 move only works if your protecting with the shield ) 5/5 mana

    Fourth Spell: Final Hope
    Upgrade 1: Charges Your Attack (10 seconds) to do 3x damage your next attack 8 Mana
    Upgrade 2: Charges Your Attack (15 seconds) to do 4x damage your next attack 8/5 Mana
    Upgrade 3: Charges Your Attack (20 seconds) to do 5x damage your next attack 9/5 Mana
    (using Defenders will while using this will not affect your next attack, it will only affect your attack spell Pierce

    if you guys like this, please rate good on the question, so a gm can see and hopefully add this. this is a class that focus's on its one attack, it is meant to have a team mate or a friend to play with, it wouldnt be good for soloing bosses, its meant to have a team mate like mage, to heal him when he/she needs, and use ice snake to freeze the boss in place so he/she can use final hope / pierce combo, it also takes up alot of mana for its op attacks. And both its lance, and shield will come with stats but there wont be as much shields as there is weapons Only 5 shields, (skins) but they will have different stats, this would be alot easier to put in 1.9 because of banners on shields for textures but it would also be suitable for 1.8, in the texturepack, there is a shield item, i currently forgot what the vanilla item is, but whatever, it would work for now, or if having the lance with stats, and shield with stats (one extra item this class would get using stats) then have it like the old archer, where they always had the arrow in the inv, and leave it like that.
    just realized, the shield option wouldnt work untill 1.9 with the shield slot.
    would still be nice though.
  2. didvk

    didvk The Onion VIP

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    This is just J4 with Olaf's ultimate, from league. I think it's unoriginal.
    Gogeta and CheesePrince13 like this.
  3. IggyBoii

    IggyBoii I Have No Idea What Im Doing VIP

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    i completely thought of all of this myself, i didnt take it from anything.
  4. Glitchedslayer

    Glitchedslayer Godly Horse Breeder and Memer HERO

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    I have big problem with most of the fan made classes. If I was to choose what would come from suggestion, I would deny most classes. The thing is that most classes dont WORK with wynncraft. Ima rake the last 3 class posts; Dragon, Lance, and barber. Wynncraft has several different time period and eviormental vibes. The ones that I can think of rn is viking, dwarwern, fantasy, steampunk, and medival. Barber is a modern type thing that would be a huge no from me. Dragon and lance pass that test.

    Now lets move onto the kind of class. Classes in wynn are pretty wide and broad. Lance just sound like some VIP warrior. Dragon is too exact and feels like a bad fit.

    Not to mention that the lance moves feel like its a whole nother game. Its like having a class that can bd the only one with elytra or a revive mechanic.
    Gogeta likes this.
  5. IggyBoii

    IggyBoii I Have No Idea What Im Doing VIP

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    what does bd stand for and, elytra would be useful i can understand while its too op, but im perfectly cool with electrya not being added, a revive mechanic is too op, and i dont support it, this is basically a class, that lays back the entire fight, untill the last hit dealing alot of damage, and finishing it, it would be good for some certain bosses, for example Qira, her regen is op, and fighting her is hard, shes level 150 for a lvl 80 quest, imagine level 100 quests with lvl 200-300 bosses, would be really hard.
  6. Glitchedslayer

    Glitchedslayer Godly Horse Breeder and Memer HERO

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    I meant to say be. Its a finisher as you say but what about grinding and doing normal quests?
    CheesePrince13 likes this.
  7. CheesePrince13

    CheesePrince13 Eternally Inactive HERO

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    I hate to be this guy, but
    • Please Don't Type Like This (thankfully this was only when you were describing moves)
    • And I honestly don't want to correct each instance of "threw" to "through"
    Minor grammar errors aside, the concept of the class is interesting, but the implementation not so much. As mentioned in the original post, the shield feature wouldn't even function without 1.9, which is a problem in its own since 1.9 seems to be coming out around 2019 and Wynn is generally slow to update. Aside from the 1.9 aspect of it, it's an okay class suggestion, although far from perfect.

    If it stays back during teamfights and then last-hits the opponent, won't it be considered a largely useless class by the majority? The role they play is to essentially do nothing during fights and then killsteal. In addition, a majority of players play solo a large percentage of the time they are on. This is why quests like Reincarnation and Bob's Lost Soul/Bob's Tomb are so frustrating, as it forces us to wait for help from others. If this class is dependent on a support class to solo efficiently, then it would be ostracized even further by the overwhelming majority of players since every quest with a noteworthy battle would require a support.

    As a suggestion, if you make another class suggestion or another post similar to this in the future, try using bulleted lists or some kind of formatting. Especially on the moves, formatting of some kind could make it much easier to read and understand at a glance.

    As a side note, if you have never played LoL, this really is a direct copy of one of their champions, as one of the other posts stated. I'm not stating that you copied, I'm just saying that the resemblance in the moves and concept is very similar indeed, even down to some of the spells and mechanics.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Don't really like it. Armor piercing does not work anymore (except for elemental resistance)

    The last 2 abilities are just buffs

    And the 2nd ability does not feel like a lance. Feels more link a grappling hook (which I did happen to make a suggestion on. Its really early in my postings if you wana check it out)

    Lances are supposed to have long range, so range of 0 would not make sense.

    Here are some ideas:

    Throwing the lance (shooting an arrow) [but not getting pulled to it)

    swing it in a circle around you

    Be able to use the lance on a horse (lances are meant for horses)

    Jump and and slam straight down with the lance, causing an explosion

    Lunge forward
  9. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    Damage "threw" (through) armor is useless, seeing as mobs and players operate on health. If it just ignores health and one-shots players, OP as well.

    2nd spell should be a bit more unique. It feels like a weaker Mage.

    Being weapon less could glitch everything out. Say a player throws, then the server crashed. Not okay.

    What is your base damage stat? What is your defensive percent? What is the spell damage percent modified?

    If range is zero, you literally have to be touching your target to hurt them. Lances are like spears. Long and pointy
    CheesePrince13 likes this.
  10. Arreme

    Arreme Veteran, Learning Game Design VIP+

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    In my opinion, i think that 20 sec of charging an attack is just too much. Generally, wynncraft metagame happends really fast.
    What about if you are charging an attack and then I use another hability? Or the same one? Do they stack?
    Finally, being weapon less, as I have read in some others replies, will be too glitchy.
    However, the idea is quite good. But think that making a class is not easy, they have to fit perfectly on the game.
  11. Glitchedslayer

    Glitchedslayer Godly Horse Breeder and Memer HERO

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    I was restless that I didnt notice grammar. People have also said he copied leauge.
    You described what I tried to say perfectly.
  12. satbyccdoerfe

    satbyccdoerfe some random golem CHAMPION

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    WHAT? Resistance 5 and strength 3?? Do you know how OP that is?
  13. Panchamp

    Panchamp Awesome Adventurer

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    I think that the range should be higher cuz its long and its only 0...
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