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World Soul Dust

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by The True Comp, Jan 1, 2016.


Do you like my idea?

  1. Yes, absolutely!

    7 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but there are flaws....

    12 vote(s)
  3. No, but some ideas are pretty good....

    1 vote(s)
  4. I hate this suggestion completly!

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  1. The True Comp

    The True Comp The Silent One

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    After the Gavel update came out everyone started to run into the new province and raise their level to lvl 100.
    So did I and I noticed a certain problem.

    The Problem

    It might be only my personal opinion. Maybe people share it, but I think levelling from 1 to 75 is a bit more interesting than from 75 to 100. After first joining wynn the most interesting thing were the skills I had. Logically my goal was to raise them and make them stronger, what resulted in small hypes for those levels such as 26, 31, 36 and so on, as those made my spells stronger.
    But after reaching level 66 there is a cut. All skills are maxed, back then it was fine, but now there are 25 more levels and the only thing you gain from levelling up are 2 more skill points and new quests.


    Adding a fifth skill would be hard, as one had to make the click combinations to cast the spells longer resulting in a huge mess. Adding a fourth stage to the 4 already existing skills might be a solution, but it would probably result in a new balancing problem, as creating a fourth stage is similar to creating 4 new skills.

    My personal idea is giving the player a substitute, a way to enjoy levelling up without too much trouble: Soul Dust

    Soul Dust

    My suggestion is the following: For reaching level 75 (80,85,90,95) the player gets a piece of soul dust, which will be displayed in the player's character Stats. (This usually is the point where I add images, but I don't know, if using the wynnpack in singleplayer is legal)

    In the major cities, such as Troms, cinfras or Detlas, the player will find a Soul merchant, who can trade the Soul Dust into useful things. (Again, I would put an image here, but.. you know the reasons)

    Those things are:
    • 1 new Skill Point for 1 Soul Dust (5 additional Skill Points total)
    • 1 new permanent Soul Point for 1 Soul Dust (Giving the player up to 5 permanent additional Soul Points)
    • 1 Ring Vessel for 4 LE.
    Additionally the Soul merchant can turn your additional Skill- and Soul Points back into Soul Dust for 1 LE each.

    Ring Vessel

    You might ask yourself, what a Ring Vessel is. Those are (obviously) rings, but they have no power themselves. But they can raise the player's stats, if one has all 5 Soul Dust (selling the Soul Dust would make the ring useless again). Options are:
    • Water Ring Vessel: +5% Water Damage, if the player has all 5 Soul Dust
    • Fire Ring Vessel: +5% Fire Damage, if the player has all 5 Soul Dust
    • Thunder Ring Vessel: +5% Thunder Damage, if the player has all 5 Soul Dust
    • Earth Ring Vessel: +5% Earth Damage, if the player has all 5 Soul Dust
    • Air Ring Vessel: +5% Air Damage, if the player has all all 5 Soul Dust
    The player can wear 2 of those Ring vessels, but the second one won't have any effect, as the first one 'absorbs' the Soul Dust.

    I would add additional stats for the rings, but I have no lvl 100 class and don't know, what stats lvl 100 rings have.

    I would love to read other opinions on this, so, if you want to say anything about it, you are free to do so. If I see good ideas, I will add them and mention the source to make this suggestion as good as possible.

    Thanks for reading
    - Comp
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016
  2. Noobgalaxies

    Noobgalaxies Make sure you eat plenty of fruit!

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    I have an idea for a fifth skill tho: Skill loadouts.

    How it works: So instead of having only max 4 skills, the player could unlock more skills as they progress through the game. Heck, why only a 5th skill? Maybe a 6,7, or 8th skill could be unlocked.

    However, here's the catch: The player could only "equip" 4 skills at a time. How this would work is that the player could right click on the compass, select the "skills" icon, and then will be shown the player's existing arsenal of skills, along with 4 slots. Each slot represents the player's skill that can be cast via mouseclicks. The player can then drag whatever skill they want to use into the desired slot on the slots for usable skills.
  3. AndyReich

    AndyReich Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    It might be a little off-topic but you should make a Post about this because this would be a fantastic Idea!
  4. TheNecromancer

    TheNecromancer dead

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    I believe you meant Air Damage. <3
    Gogeta likes this.
  5. The True Comp

    The True Comp The Silent One

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    The problem is that skills unfortunately don't grow on trees. And even though designing skills wouldn't be impossible, wynncraft is made to be (kind of) simple and balanced, the more skills will be created, the higher the chance of them being unbalanced.
    Your idea seems good though, but not in the same way I want to keep my thread. You could make an own thread though.
    Black Sun and Noobgalaxies like this.
  6. Kahsol

    Kahsol Local Serial Liker CHAMPION

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    The Ring Vessel sucks hard, and this idea doesn't appeal to me.
    Gogeta likes this.
  7. Noobgalaxies

    Noobgalaxies Make sure you eat plenty of fruit!

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    Yeah, I kinda posted it here first to see people's reactions. I dont think I'm gonna make a thread about it though, the devs already have too many to think about, and adding more spells is just gonna make things glitchier.
  8. TrashcanMan

    TrashcanMan Hello I am here

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    The Ring Vessel feels really underpowered since most armor gives that much attack bonus and costs way less. The extra soul point thing feels good, but the extra skill point thing is a little underpowered, maybe make it two or three for one soul dust.
  9. yosteric5

    yosteric5 The Builder of walls VIP+

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    I gotta say i love the idea, to have something else to work for other then better weapons and armor is truly a good idea.
    Black Sun likes this.
  10. Black Sun

    Black Sun Famous Adventurer VIP

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    I love the idea but ugghhhh make the thread dark theme users friendly please
    yosteric5 likes this.
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