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Parties/groups And World Pvp

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by CoffeeBuzz77, Nov 27, 2015.

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  1. CoffeeBuzz77

    CoffeeBuzz77 Travelled Adventurer

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    I enjoy playing with others. The way the party system is now is ok but seems like we are always stepping on each others toes accidentally "you took my kill" etc.

    Would if be possible to split exp with all nearby party members equally for every kill.. so if the kill gives 100 exp and there are 4 party members nearby each one would get 25 .. if we want to encourage parties we could say 35 % per member and increase total exp a little for the party. But the increase/incentive is not necessary in my view.

    World PVP

    The other suggestion I would like to bring up is world PVP. I have ventured to the nether about a dozen times since joining WhynnCraft a week ago and I have been the only one in there. I really enjoy PVP but completely understand its not everyone's thing.

    Could there be a compromise for this. Letting players choose to join PVP enabled server or not
    .. or alternatively allow PVP in every world in event zones dedicated to party vs party pvp

    For example - capture the tower (towers reset every x minutes. party that can remain on the tower for 5 minutes gets so much xp. tower then resets after a time encouraging parties to battle for the tower cap in the world.. could have many areas like this. Players who do not want to party and pvp just don't go to the event area.

    Im writting this at 530am before work forgive me for grammar mistakes and overall coherence :)

    Again.. love the game/server. It's a project i've often thought of and wished I had the time/talent to be a part of.. Thank you dev team!
  2. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    1) parties do have an xp share, its only 10% of the kill so people wont "leach" onto other players.
    2) world pvp wont work as a lot of players play in groups and have aoe damage, also this will only work for level 75 warrirors and assassins as only they will have the defense and damage to stay alive, all of lower levels will get one shotted and quit.
    we sont have a lot of mini games because we aren't a mini game sserver, we had a couple of minigames in the past but no one played them.
  3. CoffeeBuzz77

    CoffeeBuzz77 Travelled Adventurer

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    Well, the devs can work around a lot of that if they wanted to. For example pvp damage could have a 5 level difference limiter. pvp event areas could have level requirements. IE end game world pvp. many options could be explored. Its just a suggestion.
    If the devs like it I leave it to them to figure out the hard bits.
  4. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    even if they had a 5 level limit, a level 75 mage cant beat a level 36 warrior with 70 defense. the classes aren't balanced so it doesn't matter what you do it wont be good (unless you ignore class multipliers like in the nether).
  5. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    For the first suggestion, I do agree that party XP could be a little higher than it is now.
    But world PVP... Well, a PvP-enabled server and non-enabled would be nice, and there is already Wizard Fortress.
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