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Dungeons Golem Dungeon/ancient Ironworks [lv. 70+] Repost (45 Supporters!)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Not A Nub, Sep 7, 2015.


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  1. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    Because the forums were reset over issues and this previous thread was deleted, I will have to completely rewrite the entire suggestion. So some thing may be very different from usual as I can't remember the entire thing, so I'll give it the best I've got.

    It is said by the living natives of the Dernel Jungle that there's a myth of an ancient ironworks that was maintained by adept mages, as they constructed their first Golem. Once they have died out to issues unknown, the factory was forgotten. They say even after the ancient sorcerers have died out, the factory lived on with a mind of its own, and is said to still construct golems today. If one were to make it out alive of this ancient temple, they will be rewarded with some of the greatest treasures known to Wynn.

    The dungeon will be located at the other side of a new, large cave in the Dernel jungle and it will be fairly large. It will be in a small open area similar to the rest of the temples in the dernel jungle, and is surrounded by mountains.

    You cannot use a key to enter this dungeon, you will have to use an item called a Seal Breaker(blaze rod). This item will drop from Ancient Idols, an already existing mob found throughout the Dernel Jungle. It has a 0.2 percent drop rate. It will always drop from the miniboss mob, Corrupted Idol, which spawns along with Ancient Idols. There will be a description for this item saying
    This item seems to be useful at disabling some type of seal within the jungle.
    This item is tradeable.

    There will be no Key Collector present at the temple as the dangers of the Dernel jungle are too much to handle for the average dungeon master, so you will have to right click the seal made of green and dark blue firework particles while holding the Seal Breaker, and you, and your party will be granted access once until you break it again after a cooldown of 2 hours.
    If you try to break the seal or enter while the cooldown is still active, this message will pop up.

    You will not be granted access into this temple again for [Hr:Min:Sec].

    If multiple people want to enter at once with only 1 seal breaker they must be in a party and be close to the seal to be granted access. You will not be able to enter at that particular server if a party is attempting the dungeon there. If you try to enter when a party is attempting the dungeon, this message will pop up.

    You hear the loud sounds of metal clashing, spell casting, and tremors within the temple. You decide not to continue further.

    The first segment of the dungeon consists of a large room with a shrine-like center, with a closed door in the floor. There will be obstacles like piles of dirt, vines, leaves, stone, and tree roots throughout the room. There will also be some blood throughout the floors.
    In this segment, you have to find 3 wooden pressure plates that you throw items on to activate the door, while being swarmed with these mobs:

    Temple Golem [Lv. 69] (This will be the most common mob throughout the dungeon)
    Attack(melee): 1500 neutral damage (normal attack speed)
    Health: 8784
    Regen: 2000 every 5 seconds
    Speed: Same as player walking.
    Behavior: Normal (Normal mob AI)
    Sight: 20 blocks
    Spell: none
    Model: Skeleton with a Chiseled Stone Brick head, Gray Leather Tunic, Iron Pants, and Gray leather boots, holding Stone Sword.
    XP: None
    Drops: none

    Temple Phalanx [Lv. 68]
    Attack(melee): 1250 normal damage (normal attack speed)
    Health: 8254
    Regen: 2000 every 5 seconds
    Speed: Same as player walking with speed I.
    Behavior: Charge at foe. (Charges at foe in a single direction, like a bull, only turning after hitting or running a certain amount of blocks.)
    Sight: 20 blocks.
    Spell: Charge Grade II.
    Model: Skeleton with Chiseled Stone Brick head, Gray Leather Tunic, Chain pants, and Gray Leather Boots. Holding same-skinned spear as Maltic's Old Spear.

    Living Dispenser [Lv. 69] (These will be hidden within the walls and obstables throughout the dungeon.) (Deals Thunder Damage)
    Attack(ranged): 1000 neutral damage, 1000 thunder damage.
    Health: 5732
    Regen: 1000 per 5 seconds
    Speed: Immobile.
    Sight: 30 blocks.
    Spell: Tier 3 arrow storm. (200 health per arrow)
    Model: Dispenser block.
    XP: None
    Drops: none

    Undead Artisan [Lv. 69]
    Attack(melee): 1000 neutral damage
    Health: 4783
    Regen: none
    Speed: same as player walking.
    Behavior: Normal (normal mob AI)
    Sight: 20 blocks.
    Spell: Heal Grade III (heals 20% of health back to all enemies affected.
    Model: Zombie wearing chain helmet, leather chestplate, light gray leather pants, and iron boots, Holding Iron Pickaxe.
    XP: none
    Drops: none

    Once you complete Segment 1, there's a long, timed parkour challenge that takes approximately a minute to complete without speed. There will be floating stone platforms over the void between stone walls with a few Living Dispensers in them to push you off. Once you press the button with a sign above it reading:
    "Those who are agile, alert, and daring shall proceed."
    Missing platforms made of 3x3 green clay will be in the missing areas throughout the challenge, they will be active for 1 minute and 30 seconds after the button was pressed. The challenge consists of many 3 block jumps and 1 4 block jump at the end. If you fall into the void, you will lose 1 soul point and be teleported back to the start of the parkour. There is a button at the end of the challenge that creates a pathway made of Lime clay with no holes that will last 2 minutes for the rest of the party to cross if they don't want to do the parkour.

    The next segment is a large maze with large corridors that will have pillars, tree roots, vines, leaves, and piles of dirt, gravel, and stone as obstacles. Some dead ends of corridors will have rooms that look similar to a large medieval or colonial factory. It will be filled with the previous mobs while introducing 2 new ones below.

    Iron Sentinel [Lv. 73] (One of these will be found each 20 or so Temple golems) (Weak to Wind (400%), deals Fire and Earth damage, 90% resistant to Thunder.
    Attack(melee): 1000 neutral damage, 1000 fire damage, 1000 earth damage
    Health: 18794
    Regen: 3000 per 5 seconds
    Speed: same as player sprinting.
    Behavior: Normal (Normal mob AI)
    Sight: 30 blocks
    Spell: Seismic Wave (Forms the ground in front of user into a gradually expanding wave that continues for 10 blocks. expands 1 block per 2 blocks travelled.) 1500 neutral, 1500 earth, 1500 fire. deals high knockback.
    Model: Iron Golem
    XP: None
    Drops: None

    Moving Magnet [Lv. 68] (There will be 2 of these every Iron Sentinel)
    Attack(ranged): 500 health per hit. (shot every 1.5 seconds.
    Health: 4251
    Regen: none
    Speed: Same as player walking with slowness I
    Behavior: Strafe, circle around target player, backs away when player is within 5 blocks of it.
    Sight: 30 blocks.
    Spell: Magnetic Pull (pulls all players within 10 blocks of the mob towards it until they are on the same blocks as it.
    Model: Piston.
    XP: None
    Drops: None.

    After completing the maze, there will be a much smaller room that looks like a prison, with a medium door on the other side of the entry, and a large, but easy puzzle. The riddle to the puzzle is: The recipe of the inhabitants of the ironworks shall grant entry.

    Throughout the prison, hidden in the cells are buttons with dispensers nearby that will drop 4 different iron blocks, and 1 pumpkin. You must complete the recipe of a golem to open the door. At the floor near the door is a Hopper contraption in this format:


    Each dispenser will drop an Iron block I, and Iron Block II, an Iron Block III, an Iron Block IV, and a pumpkin. You can put the iron blocks into the hoppers in any order or hopper you want, as long as they're in the right place for constructing a Golem. You put the pumpkin head at the top. As you complete the puzzle, a command block contraption will release blocks at a certain pedestal depending on what block you drop in. Once the puzzle is complete, the door will open for 10 seconds (It will close gradually during those 10 seconds)

    The final challenge will be a massive room with a similar size to Charon's, but it will be slightly smaller. There will be stone statues placed throughout the room that will not have a face, so they can represent Golems, and in the middle-end of the room, there will be an Iron Golem statue with a pedestal in front of it, where the Boss is located. You will be swarmed with hundreds of the mobs previously found in the dungeon and the boss is guarded by 2 miniboss mobs. The mob stats are below.

    Factory Core [Lv. 120] (Weak to Earth and Thunder (800%), deals water and thunder damage, Immune to Fire and Wind.
    Attack(ranged): 2000 neutral damage, 1000 water damage, 1000 thunder damage.
    Health: 198743
    Regen: 2000 per 5 seconds.
    Speed: Immobile.
    Sight: Can see anyone within the boss room.
    Spell: Heavy Slowness (Slowness II for 3 minutes), Meteor grade III, Discharge (Mob charges up for 2 seconds to release a large electrical blast in a 9 block radius, dealing 9000 thunder damage. Mob will have a "recharge" effect after it where it cannot move or deal damage after cast)
    Model: End Portal Frame with eye of ender inside it.
    XP: none
    Drops: none.

    Mechanical Ancient [Lv.91] (these will spawn next to the Factory Core.) (Deals all forms of elemental damage.)
    Attack(melee): 1000 earth, 1000, fire, 1000 water, 1000 air, and 1000 thunder damage per hit.
    Health: 31275
    Regen: 3000 per 5 seconds
    Behavior: Normal (normal mob AI)
    Speed: Same as player sprinting with speed 1
    Sight: 15 blocks.
    Spell: Multihit.
    Model: An enderman minecraft skin with skinny arms, with cyborg-like features, (torn skin exposing metal and blood, one Red eye representing a robot, etc) Holding wand with same skin as Bob's Mythic spear.

    Once you kill the Factory Core, you will be teleported outside the temple and each player will be rewarded up to 8 falling emerald blocks and a large portion of diamond armor spread out across the party. (the reward will be smaller the less people you have.)

    Remember, this was a repost of the exact same suggestion, but after the forums reset, I remembered every detail I possibly could to repost this for you to criticize it. I came up with some sort of extremely hard endgame dungeon and I thought Golems would fit in to it well.
    This is intent on being a challenge, and it isn't very easy to solo, until Gavel comes out and people become level 100.

    Constructive Criticism is appreciated!

    1. Updated the mobs to the new Gavel system
    2. Changed the puzzle before the boss room entirely.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2016
  2. TheRecklessBoss

    TheRecklessBoss Travelled Adventurer

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    Uhm... In the Iron Heart, it say's Golems are made from villagers..... So the lore behind this dungeon wouldn't work....
  3. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    I've never stated that the ancients were the first to create golems at all, but I intend it to be the 1st time the Ancients find out how to construct a Golem as they did not know about the villagers at all during their era. I'll change the segment "the first golem" to "their first golem" due to the lore of gavel.
  4. Drew1011

    Drew1011 Former Viceroy of the Foxes / Reviver of Kingdoms HERO

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    This is a good idea. +1
  5. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    It's time for a bump. I'd like some feedback!
  6. Deletedperson

    Deletedperson Well-Known Adventurer

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    Seems a bit op for the mobs, then again I'm just a level 42, still it seems a bit hard
  7. Kuroi

    Kuroi Professional Memesmith

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    100% drop rate for Corrupted Idol seems a bit overpowered, they are not rare mobs at all.
    But otherwise
    kategajda likes this.
  8. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    It's supposed to be hard, as the dungeon mobs itself are considerably tougher than the normal level 70 mob. It's beatable but it's going to require teamwork and is very hard to solo which is why I call it an endgame dungeon.
  9. TheNecromancer

    TheNecromancer dead

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    Welp there's always a Golem backfire...
  10. HANCOCKone

    HANCOCKone Travelled Adventurer

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    Seems like na awesome idea! i'd love to se it implemented.
  11. ultirekt

    ultirekt Insane and is somehow addicted to Wynncraft VIP+

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    only two problems .

    1 is that only your party or your self can enter the dungeon at once?

    2 is that the cool down is unnecessary!
  12. Fizzin_Pop

    Fizzin_Pop gaming CHAMPION

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    uhmm i will take a side of yes yes with anothr yes with that also get me a yes soda with that!
  13. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    1. Only 1 party can enter at a time in a specific server. For example, you may get the 'dungeon being attempted by others' on server 3, but perhaps on server 7, noone is actively attempting the dungeon at the time. Everyone who wants to enter must be a member of the party and the leader needs to use the Seal Breaker on it. This is also meant to encourage people to join parties, making this dungeon kind of like a raid, compared to the currently existing ones.

    2. The cooldown is meant to prevent the dungeon to be easily farmed, as without it, people could potentially get legendary diamond armor and weapons within half an hour or so, and that would be unbalanced especially if it's an endgame dungeon.
  14. ultirekt

    ultirekt Insane and is somehow addicted to Wynncraft VIP+

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    well if it is so hard then how would you farm it so easily? also it would be 1 hours to make it so you do not grind so much when in dernel jungle to earn more exp
  15. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Well actually... the golems were made by villagers stuffed in suits. Anyway other than that it;s a good idea!
  16. TheRelicHunter

    TheRelicHunter Member of the wynncast VIP+

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    It's all about YayahYahyaYahyaYahyaYahya
  17. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    Bump! I'd like to hear your thoughts as more than a month has passed since I made this thread, and I'd love to hear more constructive criticism.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    you did 2 (1 1/2) things wrong...

    1) as already stated, golems come from villagers getting turned into golems in Gavel

    2) Last mob mentioned, you said ender-cybrog head. You can not really have anything enderman-ish in Wynn. Through my obsessive studies of Dern, I have found that the only time endermen are used is in relation to Dern. Except for in the Tower of Assenction and one mob not on the official mob list. That mob happens to be an Enderman called "Ancient". I have some theories about Dern (You can probably find them on my profile page). Your enderman headed skeleton completely disregards everything involving Dern. Except in Theory 2. If your dungeon made it into the game, it would completely support theory 2. So you really cant make anything having to do with endermen unless they are directly related to Dern...

    So thats 1 thing you did wrong and one thing that could be wrong or right

    sorry for making this so long...
  19. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    Thanks for the feedback. I hypothesized that there would be complaints about the lore since it does involve Golems, so I tried to make the mobs more resemble stone Golems rather than the Iron Golems made by villagers. I included endermen as a mob because there are traces of these Ancients inside the Wynn Excavation Site D quest, where the starting location happens to be in a jungle, so it's safe to assume those ancient strongholds with them are located in or near the jungle. In terms of my lore for this dungeon, beings lived in the far past that were these endermen, and that they could construct ancient golems similar to those ones created by the villagers, but after their "departure" the arts were lost within the temple. I want to make it a mystery as how they could create these Golems, but I want to save that for the full details in Gavel.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Thank you very much! Not only to made a substantial argument, but you also accidentally added information i was looking for. I was aware of the existence of the enderman mob you have mentioned, but I was looking for the quest that it shows up in. You have given me that info. I was wrong about you not having good info, you clearly thought this out.

    +1 from me
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