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[quests] Necromancy 101 [part 1/?] [lv. 21] (15 Supporters!)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Not A Nub, Sep 18, 2015.


Would you like to see this quest in Wynn?

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    18 vote(s)
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  3. Maybe after a few changes (say why)

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  1. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    This quest is meant to expose new players to quests that have multiple objectives and a story to them, like wynnexcavation questline, not like potion making. This will be somewhat difficult for the player at their level, but it will be beatable.

    To start the quest, talk to a new NPC in Elkurn named Roniam, she is a female priest villager that will be found in the middle of the town. There will be Guard Golems placed here when this quest is implemented.

    If too low level:

    [Roniam]: Ah, an adventurer! I need your help with something urgent.
    [2/3]: Actually, never mind, I don't think you're ready for this task yet. Come back to me when you're level 21. You should learn a new spell by then.

    If high enough level:

    [Roniam]: Ah, an adventurer! I need your help with something urgent.
    [2/5]: The King of Ragni in person has appointed me here to address a growing issue concerning Undead, but the townspeople say it's not from the Corruption.
    [3/5]: They say attacks seem more coordinated than those of the corruption, and all of the undead attacking at least know how to use a spell.
    [4/5]: I've set up a small platoon of Guard Golems here to defend the village as I study the behavior of these new undead, but I've only recently been appointed here so I don't know all of the details.
    [5/5]: A talented wizard named Rudageist lives here, he spends most of his time in the Bovine Church ever since this village had started being attacked.

    New Objective: Gather info from Rudageist, a male librarian villager

    If quest not started yet:
    [Rudageist]: O Holy Bovines, why must you forsake us at terrible times like these?

    [Rudageist]: O Holy Bovines, why must you forsake us at these terrible times?
    [2/10]: My apologies, may I help you?
    [3/10]: Roniam sent you? I will tell you the information I've gathered.
    [4/10]: Apparently, these attacks are not natural. We've been fending off the corruption for as long as I can remember, and the corruption is uncoordinated and fragmented, but the corrupted always seem to be in a state of undying rage.
    [5/10]: These new attacks we have been dealing with recently are far more coordinated than those of the corruption, and these mobs don't express emotion at all. It's as if they're being controlled by someone...
    [6/10]: They're also much stronger than the corruption, and they also seem to get stronger every attack, so the townspeople are starting to be killed in these more recent attacks.
    [7/10]: Anyway, I have a plan! I was exploring Time Valley a few days ago, and I located a dark shrine near the other side of the animal bridge guarded by powerful zombies, I could barely fight any of them.
    [8/10]: The entrance is guarded by a riddle that I didn't have time to read as the shrine was heavily guarded by powerful undead. However, I managed to break the seal concealing it.
    [9/10]: This is where you come in. I want you to investigate that shrine at (X -470 Z -1050) and solve that riddle to open whatever is inside, and hopefully we can stop the source of these attacks!
    [10/10]: Make haste! We must find the cause before another attack!

    New Objective: Open the dark shrine guarded by Rotting Corpses, an already-existing mob found at that already-existing location.

    If you try entering it without starting the quest, this message will pop up:
    A malevolent force prevents you from stepping within the shrine

    The riddle inside the shrine is: The swine men of the mountain maze shall satisfy my appetite."

    The inscription refers to pigmen, you must drop 1 pigman meat into a hopper present in the shrine to open a hole in the middle of it via piston. Once you fall in the hole, you will be teleported to an underground stronghold similar to, but bigger than the Den of Evil where you will come across a few new undead mobs:

    Ressurected Soldier [Lv. 21] (This mob will be the most common within this segment)
    Health: 207
    Regen: 10 health after 10 seconds
    Attack (melee): 50 health. normal attack speed.
    Speed: Same as player walking..
    Sight: 50 blocks.
    Spell: None.
    Model: Zombie wearing chain helm, yellow leather chestplate, red leather pants, and iron boots, holding a gold sword.
    Drops/XP: No XP, no drops.

    Ressurected Archer [Lv. 21]
    Health: 194
    regen: 50 health after 10 seconds.
    Attack(ranged): 63 health. slow attack speed
    Speed: Same as player walking with slowness I
    Sight: 50 blocks
    Spell: Tier 1 Arrow storm.
    Model: Skeleton wearing gold helmet, green leather chestplate, leather pants, and chain boots. Holding a bow.
    Drops/XP: No XP, no drops.

    Ressurected Cleric [Lv. 21]
    Health: 189
    Regen: 25 health after 10 seconds.
    Attack(ranged): 30 health.
    Speed: Same as player walking.
    Sight: 50 blocks
    Spell: Tier 2 Heal (restores 100 health to all mobs affected)
    Model: Zombie wearing white leather hat, light blue leather tunic, cyan leather pants, and leather boots, holding a gold hoe.

    The next segment will be a relatively average parkour course with floating platforms that consist of mostly 2 block jumps and a few 3 block jumps. There will be a new mob called Wind Crystal. If you fall off you will be teleported back to the start of the parkour. Wind Crystal stats are below.

    Wind Crystal [Lv.20] (will be found on isolated platforms) (Weak to Fire)
    Health: 724
    Regen: none.
    Attack(ranged): 12 health, deals knockback
    Speed: Immobile.
    Sight: 20 blocks
    Spell: none.
    Model: Invisible baby zombie with a white crystal player head.

    After completing the parkour, there will be a path going into darkness and you will be teleported to the middle of an arena-like part of the stronghold. You will then meet an NPC named The Necromancer

    [The Necromancer]: Well, well, well. Good job for making it this far. But you needed that buffoon of a wizard to help you get inside.
    [2/12]: Because you even have the strength to converse with me, I shall tell you a little bit about myself, and my power.
    [3/12]: I was a mage trained on mage island, as I had magical potential inside me; I despise their ways of living.
    [4/12]: They told me to never touch this staff, as it harbors an immensely powerful ability, but they didn't know much about it. They called that particular ability, Necromancy.
    [5/12]: When I first layed eyes on it, I was immediately drawn to it, you see. It was as if it was communicating with me telepathically.
    [6/12]: What did I do? I did what my mind told me. I had broken the seal and unleashed it's power on my peers. I was then banished from Mage Island and I ended up here after countless months of nowhere to go.
    [7/12]: I don't even know how much power the staff itself holds. I believe that my armies are only a very small percentage of its actual power.
    [8/12]: I had to test it on those puny villagers, and I was holding back quite a lot until that tyrant cooped up in his castle in Ragni thought it would be a good idea to send soldiers here, but it backfired.
    [9/12]: Because he sent soldiers here, I could test its power much more extensively, thus giving me a reason to live.
    [10/12]: You shall be the very first to hear my plans of total chaos! I shall be the one to ruin the Province of Wynn and turn it back to what it was decades ago! I shall start getting serious as of today.
    [11/12]: My first target is that village Elkurn! I suggest you hurry if you wish to save their useless lives.
    [12/12]: We shall meet again next time, oh never mind. There won't be a next time!

    [New Objective]: Stop the incoming attack at Elkurn.

    You will then be teleported back outside Elkurn, but the sky is black. There will be a larger amount of the mobs found in the stronghold present there, along with 2 "elite" undead.
    You don't have to talk to Roniam during the invasion, but if you do, she will tell you explicitly the next objective.

    [Roniam]: No time for conversations! kill those 2 big guys, we're having the most trouble with them. We can handle the rest!

    You have to kill the 2 of them to proceed to the next objective. They are relatively strong against a level 21. Stats are below.

    Ressurected Berserker [Lv. 25]
    Health: 1829
    Regen: 100 health after 10 seconds
    Attack(melee): deals 6 hearts with flawed gold set.
    Speed: Same as player walking with speed I/ or same as player sprinting.
    Sight: 60 blocks
    Spell: Grade II Bash, Charge
    Model: Wither Skeleton wearing Diamond Helmet, Red leather chestplate, chain pants, and red leather boots. Holding enchanted Gold Axe.
    Drops: Berserker's Hammer (gold axe) (This item is required for the quest)

    Ressurected Arcanist [Lv. 25]
    Health: 1623
    Regen: 100 health after 10 seconds
    Attack(ranged): shoots snowballs deal 4 hearts with flawed gold set.
    Speed: Same as player walking.
    Sight: 60 blocks
    Spell: Meteor, and Slowness.
    Model: Wither Skeleton with an iron helmet, enchanted Blue Leather chestplate, cyan pants, and diamond boots. Holding enchanted Book and Quill.
    Drops: Arcanists' Tome. (Enchanted Book) (This item is required for the quest)

    If you try to leave Elkurn when in this battle, the following message will pop up:
    You need to defend the village!

    You can only exit Elkurn by handing the Arcanists' Tome and the Berserker's Hammer to Roniam in the village during the battle. You then proceed to the next objective.

    [Roniam]: You managed to defeat those 2 elite undeads? Impressive! It seems new recruits like you certainly have potential!. I can bring these weapons back to Ragni for the legend keepers to study.
    [2/2]: You should get some rest quickly. Rudageist will provide you with a unique reward once we finish them off. It should be like our normal routine now!

    After that, you will teleport back to normal Elkurn, where you must talk to Rudageist to finish the quest.

    [Rudageist]: O Holy Bovines, thank you for leading us through the bloodshed of yesterday's battle
    [2/6]: Why hello again! thank you for helping us through that invasion! I don't know how I will ever be able to repay you for now.
    [3/6]: You met the source behind these attacks? tell me every last detail!
    [4/6]: I never realized this would become a province-wide threat. At least there probably won't be any more invasions here.
    [5/6]: I will send this info to the Mage Council and the King of Ragni and maybe the villagers as well. This relieves a huge amount of stress.
    [6/6]: Oh! I almost forgot your reward! I don't really have any money for you, so please take this hat. I wore it a lot when I was young!

    If you talk to Rudageist again after the quest is finished:
    [Rudageist]: Welcome back to Elkurn! We've had no invasions at all since you've helped us. you're always welcome here!

    If you talk to Roniam again after finishing the quest:
    [Roniam]: Thanks for helping us out! The King of Ragni is both delighted and worried of the news.

    4200 experience points
    Rudageist's old youth hat (Dirty green leather helmet.)
    4 emerald blocks.

    Rudageist's old youth hat stats:
    Armor skin: A small, wizard-like hat that is dyed green and has a leaf at the tip of the top.
    Health: +137
    Thunder Defense: +5
    Air Defense: +5
    +8-12 spell damage.
    +8-12 melee damage
    +16-24% XP Bonus.
    + 8-12% loot bonus.
    + 5% walk speed
    Quest Req.: Necromancy 101.
    Lv. 21 required.
    Quest Item.
    This item will be used for part 2 which will come out in the future

    Part 2 will come out a few weeks after Gavel comes out. I wish to base part 2 in Gavel.

    Please vote on the poll as well so I can see your thoughts without counting a lot of posts. Constructive Criticism is appreciated!

    1. Made major changes to the dialogue to make it sound more immersive and added more detail to the reward.
    2. Changed the riddle, making it more obvious so it could be solved more often.
    3. Updated the mob stats
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
    Masterkendrick, Coolfood and NickMC96 like this.
  2. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    Bump! Made major changes to the dialogue and added more detail to Rudageist's old youth hat.
  3. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    Bump? I'd like some feedback or at least some votes in the poll so I can see how I did in the making of this quest. I'd appreciate anything that isn't a shitpost.
    blankman likes this.
  4. NickMC96

    NickMC96 \o/ VIP+

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    Been a while since I've seen a good Quest Suggestion. You definitely need to make more ^-^
    blankman likes this.
  5. Enderman1234

    Enderman1234 Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Great suggestion, very immersive and belongs in Wynn... But why didn't you kill the necromancer?
    blankman likes this.
  6. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    I wanted the player to think that the Necromancer would be much more powerful than the player at their current level, and if I decide to continue the questline, you'll probably fight the necromancer himself at some point.
  7. Enderman1234

    Enderman1234 Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Yeah i get that, try to make a reason WHY you wouldnt, like he was floating above or something, what i would do, i would make the necromancer send minions at you then he would walk away, teleporting you back to elkurn <3 Sounds interesting though!
    blankman likes this.
  8. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    Make more please! ;)
  9. Aradia Megido

    Aradia Megido Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I like this idea.
  10. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    I decided I would wait a little while until a few weeks after Gavel comes out because I want to base the 2nd quest around Gavel. I will put this into the thread, but I did decide I'm gonna make more!
    NickMC96 likes this.
  11. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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  12. hworple

    hworple Travelled Adventurer

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    sounds great :)
    I would love to see this in wynn
  13. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    Bump! I'd love to see some more feedback. I've also started lightly brainstorming the overall ideas of the sequel to this quest, Necromancy 102, which will be fully written a while after Gavel itself comes out.
  14. Seberichsen

    Seberichsen That one Phoenix that isn't like the others VIP+

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    Cool quest i would 100% complete that one in the same sec i gets to lv 21. I thinks its a great quest
  15. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    1. The introduction is only 2 lines, yet your [textorder] says that there are 3.
    2. The damage values for the mobs aren't done that way; Use http://www.simplay.ca/wynncraft/mob/ to help.
    3. Where are the mob's regen values?
    Other than that, not a bad quest.
  16. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    Pretty cool, but this quest would take more server resources than usual.
  17. Aradia Megido

    Aradia Megido Famous Adventurer HERO

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    BUMP. Seems kewl enough.
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